Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, June 23, 2022, Image 8

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Restaurant Reports from the Ga. Department of Public Health
Inspected June 9
973 East Church Street
Current Score: 99
Previous Score: 96
All pre-cooked Speedburg-
ers and other items being hot-
held in warming drawers are
being kept on time. All con
tainers are marked accordingly
to show the maximum 4-hour
time limit.
Management advised to re
place the ceiling tile above the
reach-in cooler in the back of
the kitchen with a non-ab
sorbent, easily cleanable ceil
ing tile (like the other ones in
the kitchen).
Inspected June 1
Bigun’s Barbecue
362 Carnes Mill Road
Talking Rock
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 100
Inspected May 31
Marco’s Pizza
706 West Church Street
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 97
Inspected May 31
LC Taco Bar
61 Main Street
Current Score: 91
Previous Score: 100
Observed the walk-in
cooler temping at a minimum
of 45 degrees Fahrenheit. All
potentially hazardous foods
need to be kept at a maximum
of 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Owner was already aware of
this and has been in contact
with the a maintenance person
to have the cooler fan fixed.
New Violation.
Management needs to re
mind employees that the
downstairs door needs to be
kept shut at all times. Label
the vegetable and meat prep
sinks. Increase cleaning of can
opener blade. Add asterisks
mark next to all menu items
that the consumer advisory ap
plies to.
If this establishment is
going to be using the food
truck for the transportation and
selling of food, then you will
need to apply for a Mobile
Unit Food Service permit.
If you are only going to be
transporting the food for cater
ing purposes, then a temp log
will need to be kept. This in
cludes the temperatures of all
cold and hot holding foods.
Temperatures must be taken
before transportation, once
you have reached your desti
nation, and throughout the
serving process if you will be
serving for longer than four
hours. These temp logs will be
asked for at time of next in
Inspected May 27
The Carriage House
34 North Main Street
Current Score: 96
Previous Score: 91
Consumer advisory is pro
vided on the menu but there is
no asterisk mark next to the
disclaimer and the menu item
so the customer knows which
items can cause risk. Person in
charge will have this changed
by next inspection. New Vio
Kitchen staff was in the
process of swapping from
breakfast to lunch during in
There are insect and rodent
traps located sporadically
throughout the restaurant due
to the facilities contract with
their pest control operator.
Current Certified Food
Safety Manager (CFSM) is re
cently incapacitated and their
ServSafe certification has ex
pired; new person in charge is
working on getting their certi
fication. Will be emailed to in
spector when it has been
Inspector will talk to
Denise Cox about the ceiling
tiles and lights to see if any
changes need to be made.
Observed proper employee
health and cleaning practices.
Inspected May 26
Davis BBQ
3958 Refuge Road
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 100
Inspected May 13
Affairs of the Heart
61 Marble Mansion Lane
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 100
Inspected May 12
Blessings from Above
1485 Hwy 136 W
Talking Rock
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 99
Inspected May 11
Jeff Dobson and Associates
796 Canton Road
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 100
Inspected May 10
Piedmont Mountainside
1266 Hwy 515 South
Current Score: 96
Previous Score: 90
Observed buildup of slime
on soda nozzles. Corrected on
site. Nozzles removed to be
cleaned before being put back
on machine. Increase rate of
cleaning of soda nozzles.
Clean them more thoroughly
before putting them through
the dish machine. New Vio
No food being served or
stored in the cold and hot bars
at time of inspection.
CFSM recommended to
keep copies of each em
ployee's health reporting form
in a separate folder to make it
easier to check at the next in
Worked with CFSM to cre
ate a better cooling procedure.
All cooling foods must get
below 41 degrees Fahrenheit
within 6 hours of cooking/re
heating. Food must reach 70
degrees Fahrenheit within 2
hours, and then 41 degrees
Fahrenheit within 4 hours.
Cool large amounts of food
in smaller quantities and shal
lower containers. Stir food fre
quently to cool food faster and
more evenly.
Loosely cover foods to
allow them to cool: Can be
stored uncovered if stored in a
way that prevents contami
nants from getting into it.
Inspected May 10
Young Life International
76 Camp Hope Road
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 96
Temp Rite turned orange;
internal machine thermometer
reach a maximum rinse tem
perature of 191 degrees
Employee Health Report
ing forms misplaced due to
change in management. Per
son in charge was given a
blank form to copy and use in
case they cannot find the orig
inal ones.
Reminder to label all food
product that is put in a differ
ent container for storage or
Snack bar reach-in cooler
with the soft serve was reach
ing temperature, but as it was
on the high end of the accept
able temperature range. Person
in charge is advised to lower
the cooler temperature to
maintain a maximum of 41 de
grees Fahrenheit when the
cooler is in use/when the snack
bar is open.
Note for next inspection:
EcoLab representative placed
sticky and mouse traps in dry
storage area of the main
kitchen. This was not at the re
quest of the kitchen staff, but
per their own prerogative.
Inspected May 10
Market 96 Concessions
24 Flea Market Road
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 100
Inspected May 5
Mary’s Bread Basket
171 Foothills Parkway
Marble Hill
Current Score: 94
Previous Score: 96
Observed drain next to
hand sink flooding after use of
the hand sink. Get plumber to
check pipes to make sure there
is no blockage occurring. Start
getting grease trap pumped
regularly as a precaution.
New Violation.
Observed mess along edges
of walls that indicate low fre
quency of cleaning. Increase
rate of floor cleanings. New
Observed thin layer of
smoke throughout entire
kitchen and first floor. Fire
marshall working with owners
to come up with a solution to
the ventilation problem. New
Observed congregation of
ants on windowsill where hot-
holding unit was held. Seek in-
Three Georgia power plants on list of nation’s dirtiest
Top 10 dirtiest power plants
in Georgia,
Carbon dioxide
equivalent emissions*
Wansley (55965) Heard
Smith Energy
Energy F acility Heard
Wansley (7946)
Energy Facility
*million metric tons
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Plant Bowen
near Cartersville
ranked 23rd in
the country.
By Dave Williams
Bureau Chief
Capitol Beat News Service
ATLANTA - Georgia is
home to three of the nation’s
100 dirtiest power plants, the
Atlanta-based Environment
Georgia Research & Policy
Center reported Monday.
Georgia Power’s Plant
Bowen near Cartersville
topped the Georgia list for
carbon emissions and is
ranked 23rd in the country.
Two of Plant Bowen’s
four coal-burning units were
due to be retired by 2028
under a proposal the Atlanta-
based utility filed with the
Georgia Public Service Com
mission (PSC) last January.
But a 14-page agreement
Georgia Power and the PSC’s
Public Interest Advocacy
Staff reached last week
would leave that decision up
to the commission, contin
gent upon the “completion of
necessary transmission sys
tem improvements.”
Environment Georgia’s
new report ranks power
plants across the U.S. by their
contribution to climate
change based on the U.S. En
vironmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA) latest
eGRID data.
The dirtiest power plants
have an outsized impact: In
2020, the 10 most climate-
polluting plants in Georgia
were responsible for 91.5%
of global warming emissions
from the power sector despite
only generating 56.5% of
total electricity, according to
the report.
“Our changing climate af
fects every aspect of our
lives, from the air we breathe
in our neighborhoods to the
food we grow in Georgia,”
said Jennette Gayer, Environ
ment Georgia’s state director.
“Dirty power plants
threaten our health and the
climate, yet these super-pol
luters have filled the skies
with pollution for decades
without consequence. We
need to hold the worst power
plants accountable for dam
aging our climate."
While Plant Bowen bums
coal, eight of Georgia’s 10
dirtiest power plants are fired
by methane gas. New re
search on methane leaks
finds that the emissions asso
ciated with extracting and
transporting methane are a
serious climate problem.
Although burning
methane gas releases less car
bon dioxide than burning
coal, the report ranked Plant
McDonough, a gas-fired
plant near Smryna, as the
state’s second dirtiest.
Coal-burning Plant
Scherer, near Macon, was
third on Georgia’s dirtiest-
plants list.
To get power plant pollu
tion under control, the report
recommends limiting emis
sions from power plants and
accelerating Georgia’s transi
tion from fossil fuels to re
newable energy sources.
Georgia Power is proposing
to expand its renewable en
ergy portfolio by 2,300
megawatts by 2029.
Environmental advocates
are worried a U.S. Supreme
Court ruling expected this
month in a West Virginia case
could hamstring the EPA’s
ability to set limits on carbon
emissions from power plants.
“We can repower our state
more cleanly and safely with
renewable energy,” Gayer
said. “We hope the Public
Service Commission will
take steps to shut down Plant
Bowen, our state's dirtiest
power plant.”
Georgia Power
spokesman John Kraft re
sponded to the Environment
Georgia report by noting the
utility has reduced its carbon
emissions by 60% since 2007
and now relies on coal for
only 15% of its energy gen-
sect/pest control help and keep
all outside adjacent areas clear
of food scraps/clean. New Vi
Make sure to keep ther
mometers in all cold-holding
Remind employees to keep
dumpster closed (Restaurant is
in building with other busi
nesses who have access to the
same dumpster, so we take
into consideration that they are
not the only ones using the
Inspected May 5
Sourwood Cafe
60 Northgate Station Drive
Ste. 200
Marble Hill
Current Score: 89
Previous Score: 90
Observed cleaning sub
stance unlabeled in spray bot
tle. Containers of poisonous or
toxic materials shall be clearly
and individually identified
with the common name of the
material. New Violation.
This facility cooks chicken
sous vide without a HACCP
plan....All bags of chicken
were discarded. New Viola
Observed vacuum sealed
bags of chicken held longer
than two days. Must date and
discard/use chicken within
two days of sealing. Before
engaging in Reduced Oxygen
Packaging without a variance
as specified in DPH Rule 511-
6-1 -.04(6)(k), a permit appli
cant or permit holder shall
submit a properly prepared
HACCP plan to the Health Au
thority. New Violation.
Observed cleaning sub
stance unlabeled in spray bot
tle. Containers of poisonous or
toxic materials shall be clearly
and individually identified
with the common name of the
material. New Violation.
Inspected May 3
115 Bill Wigington Pkwy
Current Score: 100
Previous Score: 100
Inspected May 5
C’est La Vie
218 Foothill Pkwy
Marble Hill
Current Score: 71
Previous Score:
Observed improper vertical
storage of raw animals food in
many coolers. Review the
proper vertical storage hand
out. Proper vertical storage
must be achieved by storing
foods with the highest final
cook temperature (Chicken @
165°F) at the bottom of the
cooler and ready-to-eat foods
(like raw vegetables, salad,
fruit) at the top of the cooler so
that cross contamination may
not occur. Person in charge
/Certified Food Safety Man
ager (CFSM) instructed em
ployee to rearrange residential
cooler. New Violation.
Automatic dish machine
not properly sanitizing. Use
the 3 compartment sink until it
gets fixed. New Violation.
Observed time/temperature
control for safety (TCS) foods
in prep top unit and walk-in
cooler being cold held at tem
peratures ranging from 43-
46°F. All TCS foods must be
maintained at a temperature of
41°F or below. Corrected on
site. Person in charge must be
checking temperatures daily.
Repair tech has been called out
to repair this unit. New Viola
Observed facility doing
Sous Vide and vacuum sealing
longer than 48 hours. These
actions require a HACAPP
Observed area near dish
machine leaking water and
coming across the wall to the
bathroom hallway. All plumb
ing must be maintained and
kept in good repair. New Vio
Observed broken flooring
tiles in walk-in cooler. The
grout in the kitchen needs to
be re-grouted, fix any areas in
disrepair. This must be cor
rected. All physical facilities
shall be maintained in good re
pair. New Violation.
erating capacity.
“We are committed to
making smart investments
today so that our customers
can continue to have clean,
safe, reliable and affordable
energy for decades to come,”
he said.
“Our long-term planning
process, the Integrated Re
source Plan (IRP), has al
lowed us to work with the
Georgia Public Service Com
mission to make significant,
cost-effective and reliable re
source planning decisions
that have resulted in a mix of
lower-carbon energy re
sources that benefit all cus
This story is available
through a news partnership
with Capitol Beat News Serv
a project of the Georgia
Press Educational Founda
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