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fotfa Editor
To The Editor:
Thanks for Support for
Ladies Oil Changes
We would like to say a
huge “Thank You” to Moun
tain City NAPA Auto Parts
for their support in providing
oil and filters for almost 40
ladies who received free oil
changes for the cars on
Mother’s Day weekend.
Without great businesses
like them things like this
could not happen. They are a
great asset to the citizens of
Jasper and Pickens County.
Please support them and
businesses like them.
Living Word
Church Jasper
To The Editor:
America, they have a pen
cil for you to help erase the
USA from the earth, to erase
the monument in the Dako
tas, Mount Rushmore.
They want you to help
them erase the good laws that
protect the lives of you and
your children. In their place,
they want to use the lead end
of the pencils to write new
laws that kill you and your
children and addict you and
them so the lowest of mer
chants can kill you and your
children to make money.
They want you to make
the nation into a thing with
out good laws with all ad
dicted to some vice and
willing to kill each other for
their own evil reasons.
America, they hold tin
cups with pencils for you.
Take one and put your life,
your laws, your nation's sov
ereignty, and your immortal
souls into their tin cups.
It is part of a centuries-
long effort to pull the United
States back into a pagan and
tyrannical world to remove
her forever from the earth.
The American people's
money was taken from the
congress where the founding
fathers placed it and it was
given into the hands of world
bankers-The Federal Re
serve. The American chil
dren's defense of their lives
was deserted with the repeal
of Prohibition in AD 1933
and the children were sacri
ficed to alcohol addicts and
alcohol merchants for money
and perverted orgies.
Then in AD 1963 the chil
dren were deserted and the
Bible was removed so as to
comipt the children so they
do not know the difference in
good and evil. Then in AD
1973 the children were
handed over to be killed in
abortion clinics and doctors
betraying their vow. Soon the
children began to kill and
shoot up schools and
The Supreme Court took
the erasers on their pencils
and erased the Constitution
and their vows to it and to the
posterity, children.
They then used the lead end
of their pencils to write the
death decree that permitted
all children to be killed. If all
were killed, the nation would
perish for lack of children.
So, Americans, the great
erasers have a pencil for you
to help them erase freedom
and lives and the nation her
self. Take a pencil and put
God, Christ, all the children
and the nation in their tin
cups and in the trade you will
have death, disease, inflation,
terrorism, and loss of God
given rights and freedoms.
What you have not guarded
with love and wisdom,
wolves you have trusted as
sheep have come and spirited
it away. Murder and theft
under trust.
Billy Joe Parker
Letters welcomed
•No more than 450 words
Include first and last name
• E-mail to news@
The Progress has
added a new
Pickens Poll
feature to our
Instagram page.
Follow us there to participate
in polls on a variety of topics
relevant to our community.
Results will be published
in the following edition.
Monthly Cruise In
4th weekend in June will
be located at
The Lodge at Stephens Lake
200 Mountain Blvd. South
Jasper Ga 30143
This is off of 515
just north of Hwy 108.
This is an assisted living home, and
the residents would love to see all the
old cars and people.
There will be food also.
Questions Tracy 770-596-3504
In addition to the activity
from the Uniform Patrol Di
vision, Court Service
Deputies reported the fol
lowing statistics for the past
Persons Scanned at
Front Door: 1283
Weapons Found: 7
Courts Held: 8
Arrests Made in
the Courthouse: 1
Civil Papers Received: 47
Civil Papers Served: 34
In the Adult Detention
Total Jail population: 86
Total male inmates: 69
Total female inmates: 17
Sex Offenders:
There are currently 73 sex of
fenders registered with the
Pickens Sheriff’s Office.
The Pickens Sheriff’s
Office responds to many
calls for service every day.
The following incidents
are a few deputies respond
to each day.
Driver under the influence
A deputy was on patrol
when he saw a truck run off
the road and into a ditch. The
deputy tried to talk to the
driver asking if he was ok
and if he could get out of the
truck. The driver ignored the
deputy and refused to answer
questions. Finally, the deputy
told the driver to get out of
the car, but the driver refused.
The deputy could smell a
strong odor of alcohol com
ing from the driver. The
deputy had to remove the
driver from the car and he
was arrested for DUI.
Assisting Jasper Police
A deputy responded as
backup for Jasper Police De
partment. The JPD officer
had chased a car and the
driver got out of the car and
crawled up under a home.
The police officer and
deputies tried multiple times
to convince the driver to
come out from under the
home. Finally, a K9 officer
had to be called in and re
leased under the home to get
the driver out. The driver
scooted out and wedged him
self between the inside and
outside of the home. The
deputy kept talking to the
driver and eventually, the
driver gave up and was ar
Destroyed property
A man and woman met
with a deputy to report the in
side of a home they owned
being destroyed. The woman
said it happened a month ear
lier but she was unsure when
it happened. The woman said
she thinks her uncle came
into the home and left doors
and windows open, turned
over furniture, put holes in
the walls, and busted some
windows. The woman said
she did not want to prosecute
because she planned to de
molish the house and put a
new trailer in that spot. The
couple did ask for extra pa
trols in the area.
Woman enters apartment
and steals a bicycle
Deputies were called to an
apartment complex for a do
mestic dispute. The caller
claimed a resident was possi
bly drunk and yelling at a
moving crew. When deputies
arrived they spoke to the
male resident and he had not
been drinking, he was mad
and yelling at a woman that
also lived in the apartment
complex. The male resident
said a moving crew was
moving his things and the
woman came into the apart
ment and then stole his bicy
cle from his porch. Deputies
The Sheriff’s Beat
From the Pickens Sheriff’s Office
told the woman she could not
go into someone’s apartment
without permission. The
woman said the moving crew
gave her permission and be
sides that, she always goes
into other people’s apart
ments with maintenance
crews. Deputies explained
the resident has to give per
mission for her to enter an
apartment. The male resident
was yelling and cussing at the
woman for coming into his
apartment and taking his
bike. The woman said her
son took the bicycle and she
knew it was behind her apart
ment. The woman got the bi
cycle and returned it to the
male resident. The male resi
dent wished to press charges
against the woman and she
was arrested.
Truck damaged a gate
A property owner called
for a deputy to report damage
done to a gate. The property
owner told the deputy it was
a white truck and he had pho
tos of the truck. The truck
pushed the gate open by driv
ing through it while it was
closed. The white truck has
significant damage to the
passenger rear quarter panel
and primer marks on the tail
gate. The damage done to the
gate was about $3,000. The
gate has been repaired.
Battery charge
A property owner called
for deputies about an assault
that had occurred. The prop
erty owner said a man
walked onto his property and
the two got into an argument.
Then the man started hitting
the property owner in the
forehead with a closed fist.
Then the man ran off.
Deputies searched the area
and did not find the man,
they applied for arrest war
rants for the man. The next
day the man was arrested for
Pullover leads to an arrest
A deputy was on patrol
when he watched a car run a
stop sign. The deputy at
tempted to pull the car over
but the car kept driving. The
deputy turned on his siren to
get the driver’s attention and
the driver pulled over. The
deputy spoke to the driver
and took the driver’s license
with him to his patrol car so
he could check the driver’s
information. The deputy
could hear the driver blowing
his horn and yelling out the
window. Dispatch called the
deputy and told him that the
driver had called Cherokee
County 911 and told the
Cherokee dispatch that he
was going to drive away
from the scene. Then the
driver took off, the deputy
followed and the driver
stopped about 100 feet from
where he had originally been
pulled over. The deputy was
able to get the driver into cus
Burglary call
Deputies were called to a
home for a possible burglary.
When the deputies arrived
the homeowner told them he
believed his ex-roommate
had broken into his house by
prying the front door open
with a knife. The marks on
the front door were old and
discolored. The homeowner
told the deputies he had
kicked out his ex-roommate
and now he lived out behind
his house in the woods in a
tent. Deputies went into the
woods and spoke to the ex
roommate. The ex-roommate
told the deputies he had been
in the tent and had not been
back into the house. The ex
roommate packed up his be
longings and left the
property. He told the deputies
he did not want any issues
with the homeowner.
Stolen car
A man and woman called
to report their car being
stolen. The man said he got
something out of the car
around 3 a.m. and then he
went back into the house to
go to sleep. When they got up
the car was missing. The
deputy checked with the title
pawn company to see if the
car had been repossessed and
the title pawn company said
it was all up to date and they
did not repossess the car. The
deputy checked the FLOCK
camera system but has not
seen the car. The man and
woman did not know who
would have stolen the car.
During this past week, the Pickens Sheriff’s Office
responded to or initiated 1,821 calls for service.
These numbers are taken from the report provided di
rectly from the 911 Center where all calls are logged
as they are performed. Below is a breakdown of all
dispatched calls by the call type for each incident.
Accidents 9
Suicide Threats / Attempts 1
Domestics 20
Theft / Burglary Related 13
Forgery / Fraud 3
Traffic Stops 209
Citations Issued 30
Animal Investigations 4
Suspicious Persons/Activities 30
Alarm Calls 3
Stranded Motorists 11
Street Hazards 8
Vandalism 4
Abandoned Vehicles 6
Extra Patrol - neighborhoods, businesses, resi
dences 1258. In addition to these, other calls include
search warrants, civil service, 911 hang-up calls, as
saults, disorderly persons, missing persons, assistance
with medical calls, natural death investigations, de
mented persons, funeral escorts, harassment, trespass
ing, and many more.
36 individuals were booked into the Adult Deten
tion Center on charges from the Pickens Sheriff’s
Office. Out of these, the following charges were
taken by PSO deputies (note: some individuals have
multiple charges):
Bond Violation - 6
Probation Violation - 4
Court Order - 2
Failure to Appear - 2
Battery - 3
Aggravated Assault (Family Violence) -1
Simple Assault (Family Violence) -1
Possession of a Controlled Substance - 5
Distribution of Methamphetamine -1
Traffick Illegal drugs -2
Manufacturing/Distributing/Selling with Intent
to distribute -1
Driving While License is Suspended/Revoked - 7
Driving Under the Influence -1
Obstruction of a Law Enforcement Officer - 2
Fleeing and Attempting to Elude -1
Driving Without a Valid License -1
Theft by Taking - 2
Theft by Conversion -1
Criminal Trespass -1
Hold for Another County - 2
Criminal Defense | Family Law
"You can't go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change
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Experienced. Established. Effective.