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Community Bank of Pickens County has offered the
Refer-A-Friend program for several years with different
prizes to be won. Our 3rd quarter prize for 2023 was two
$100 gas cards.
It is simple to enter, if you are a current account holder
and you refer a friend, and they open an account you are
both entered to win. It is that easy.
Congratulations to our 2023 3rd quarter prize winners,
Jennifer Sanchez who was referred by Shaun Noe.
Community Bank of Pickens County is locally owned
and operated. We are committed to making a difference in
our community daily. Community Bank of Pickens County
was founded in 2000, we have 2 full-service locations in
Jasper at 15 Sammy McGhee Blvd. and 65 Cove Road. (706) 253-9600 MEMBER FDIC, an
Equal Housing Lender.
Learn Practical Beekeeping
Want to learn to keep hon
eybees alive? Want to learn
how to evaluate information
and the beehive? Want to get
good and complete informa
tion for our area?
The Cherokee Beekeepers
Club and local beekeepers
(Jason Segers, and BJ Weeks)
are hosting a 5-week course
on beekeeping for beginning
beekeepers. The course will
cover getting started, build
ing equipment, understand
ing bee pests, medications,
strategies for keeping bees,
producing, and extracting
honey. A strong emphasis
will be on understanding the
bees and processes involved.
The class will finish with a
daytime hands-on workshop
in the bees. This is a class for
beginners who wish to under
stand and start keeping hon
eybees. The class is an
annual event started in 1997.
Understanding the motiva
tions of the bees enables us to
continue learning and effec
tively work with the bees.
Package bees and nucleus
hives can be ordered during
class for spring 2024.
Place: Pickens
County UGA Extension, 68
D. B. Carroll St., Jasper, GA
Date: January 9-
February 6, 2024
Time: Tuesdays,
6:30-9 p.m.
Cost: Fee for virtual and
in-person is the same. $80. -
Add $25 for spouse or child
(non-beekeeper & same
$50. - 2022 CBC member
keeping bees in 2022 (2023
renewal required)
$20. - Student registered
as a group (call for require
Instructors: BJ Weeks
and Jason Segers
Send name, address,
phone number, email, and
whether you will attend in
person or virtually to: BJ
Weeks, 325 Roy Haynes
Drive, Ball Ground, Ga.
30107. Make check payable
to Weeks Works.
Ruth s
I remember when I was
about six or seven my
Mama would go to visit a
couple of her friends who
lived less than a mile past
our house and she would
take me with her. These
friends were Mattie and her
daughter Edgel. Mattie was
a widow and Edgel was
about Mama’s age and had
never married. I always as
sumed she was the one I
was named after because
her middle name was Ruth.
Everyone also expected her
to marry my Mama’s
brother who was a bachelor
but neither ended up mar
In those days when you
went visiting, you were ex
pected to behave and just,
more or less, sit. To pass the
time, I would look around
at all the trinkets that were
sitting on the tables and
shelves on the wall. I would
sit and ponder, “If I was
given the choice to pick out
any of these pretty things,
which would I choose?”
Thus I spent many hours
over several visits ponder
ing this difficulty. I don’t
remember deciding on any
thing particular but, of
course, the thrill was in the
I guess that is why my
husband has to suffer all my
treasures (trinkets) decorat
ing my house or cluttering,
according to some. But, to
me, treasures, nevertheless.
Ruth Parker
Young Harris
College Fall 2023
Dean's List
Young Harris College
President Dr. Drew L. Van
Horn is pleased to an
nounce that the following
students have been named
to the College's Dean's
List for the Fall 2023 se
mester. Students who
achieve a 3.5 grade point
average or better are eligi
ble to be named to the
Dean's List.
Hope Buchanan of
Jasper, Samantha Martin
of Ball Ground, Sarah
Morris of Jasper, David
Satterfield of Ball
Founded in 1886 and
historically affiliated with
The United Methodist
Church, Young Harris
College has approxi
mately 1,400 students are
enrolled in its residential
and Early College pro
Stories and recipes
from the "kitchen
Cherie Martin
ETC’s Heart of the Home host
Collard Greens & Fried Cornbread for the New Year
Collard greens for New Years and of
course Grandma Dobbs Fried Cornbread to
make it that much better. My favorite meal
might be black-eyed peas, creamed com,
collard greens and a big old slice of onion!
Folks as much as I love Grandma Dobbs
cooking you might know as I often do I
change a recipe. I cook my greens much
longer and I add a couple of teaspoons of
Wishing each of you an amazing 2024
filled with hope, happy moments and re
membering those who are no longer with us.
Take the time to sit down with your
beloved Mother, Grandmother, Aunt or
dear friend and create a forever treasure in
a cookbook filled with food and fellowship.
Collard Greens
• 1 bag fresh, washed, chopped collard
greens (usually sold by the bunch in stores)
•1-2 slices bacon or a small ham hock
• 1 tsp. salt
Boil 6 cups water in a large pot. Add salt.
Add collards and cover pot. Pot will be
overly full but collards will reduce in size
as they cook down. Reduce heat to medium
and cook 20-30 minutes. Serve with fried
chicken, cornbread, or whatever you
choose. Serves 4-6.
Tune in to The Cherie Show Monday through Thursday 11 a.m., 5 p.m. and mid
night on ETC TV 3 from Ball Ground to Turtletown.
Check out our programs for more recipes and fun on You Tube Cherie Martin or Cherie
Martin Heart of the Home.
Fried Cornbread or Hoe Cakes
• 2 cups white com meal
• 2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
• V2 tsp. salt
• Small amount very hot water
• V2 cup oil or vegetable shortening
If batter is too thin, add small amount of
meal. Heat 'A cup of oil or shortening over
medium-high heat in well-seasoned iron
skillet or non-stick pan. Drop 1/4 cup fulls
of batter into the oil. Adjust amount to make
the size you want. Brown on each side.
Drain on paper towels or brown paper
sacks. Adding 1/2 cup chopped green
onions will improve the taste. Serves 4-6.
These are often prepared when you want
cornbread but do not want to heat up the
oven. In times past, they were cooked over
an open fire on a clean, hot, greased hoe
blade, hence the name.
RS. Pot likker - collard juice is good
poured over cornbread as a light evening
meal. Enjoy.
Beekeepers of Gilmer
The Beekeepers of
Gilmer County will hold
their monthly business meet
ing on Jan 8th at the Gilmer
County Civic Center unless it
is used as a warming center
then we will meet at the vis
itors center across from the
courthouse. Our own Robert
L. Gifford will present what
beekeepers need to do in Jan
uary to prepare for February
in the Piedmont Region.
Also discuss/vote on the
budget, changes to the By
Laws etc.
Meeting starts at 6:30
p.m. - 8 p.m.
Weight Loss Group
Choose to Lose - Weight
loss group meets at the Pick
ens County Community Cen
ter Room #1 every Friday
morning. Weigh in time is
between 9 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
Meeting runs from 9:30 a.m.
to 10:30 a.m. No charge. Call
Pat Groves for more infor
mation at 1-417-413-8025.
Affordable Health
Screenings Coming to
Residents living in and
around the Jasper can learn
about their risk for cardio
vascular disease, osteoporo
sis, diabetes, and other
chronic, serious conditions
with affordable screenings
by Life Line Screening.
Jasper United Methodist
Church will host this com
munity event on 1/12/2024.
The site is located at 85 West
Church Street in Jasper.
Screenings can check for:
•The level of plaque
buildup in your arteries, re
lated to risk for cardiovascu
lar disease, stroke and overall
vascular health.
•HDL and LDL Choles
terol levels
•Diabetes risk
•Kidney and thyroid func
tion, and more
Screenings are affordable
and convenient. Free park
ing is also available.
Special package pricing
starts at $159, but consultants
will work with you to create
a package that is right for
you based on your age and
risk factors. Call 1-877-237-
1287 or visit our website at
Pre-registration is required.
On Friday, December 8th Pat Groves, leader of Choose
to Lose weight loss support group, presented a love offering
of $160 collected by her group to ACES Youth Home. Call
Pat at 417-413-8025 for more information about our
Help CASA change
a child’s story
If you are still looking
for that perfect New Year’s
Resolution, help us Change
a Child’s Story. Become a
CASA volunteer.
Many local children in
foster care are waiting for a
Court Appointed Special
Advocate (CASA) volun
teer to be by their side.
CASA volunteers are regu
lar people — stay-at-home
moms, retirees, teachers, or
business people. All it
takes is a heart and a will
ingness to speak up for a
child’s best interest. We re
cruit, screen, train and sup
port people just like you.
The gift of time as a vol
unteer is one of the most
valuable things you can
give to impact the lives of
our children. So many vol
unteers speak of how re
warding their time as a
CASA has been. We hope
you will consider making a
resolution to be a light in
the life of a child experienc
ing foster care.
You must at least be 21
years of age, able to pass a
background check and suc
cessfully complete 30 hours
of training and 10 hours of
courtroom observation.
The next child advo
cate training session for
Gilmer, Fannin and Pick
ens counties begins Tues
day, January 9.
If you are interested in
learning more about the
CASA program and the re
wards that come along with
serving as the voice of a
child, visit our website, ap- For ad
ditional information contact
Jason Turner, Recruitment
and Engagement Specialist
at (706)276-2272 or email
advocacy @appalachian-
South Cherokee/Jasper
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