Jasper news. (Jasper, Ga.) 1885-????, February 07, 1885, Image 1

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U THE » JASPER ! | NEWS iityil ,M d H ■* •■ j * ittf, .<? . * •* VOL 1L Fib>stibo4 ererv Saturday '-tf— ■ RHYNE BROS. ; H)? ----- :?-■ -- +7* ' •red tn ik t • Feet ejiei td Jn***r «. a» stxxmd f/aat maii muffler . > t a -T--.-? T*" * r • r ■ y : t y .* Pch i*h Terms ef swbeeriptiou eash in ad ranee * « ^aUUlit * i ’. 1 * W 75c 7*r $ ■' f 3ieta t me 20* te Address The Meantaia Beys j-,1'Vhl . .... ' /r.G deeper . . OP Tewa Ooaaeil E. Lening Mayor N. 0. AfeClain P. Hood l i 1 J. R. Howell. Council mea. C. Pickett. ) j. *. Wefferd Clerk. ffT •1 1 Fraternal Beeerd •a eneral Director/. COUNTY OFFICERS. 9 Hood Ordinary. S. K. Mcdutcbeoa Clerk ef Superior Heart. ft S. Hendema, Sheriff. H B. Si Tax Reeeirer. \ exes, #. Little, Tax Celleetor. F. lionea Sareyer. i. H. P>rs'f Corsasr. 4 . R. Allen, School eetamissioaer. m Religioua, sryieee. laptiet Chureh every second a tar day a*d Saaday. by Rey Wm, Stoae Methodist ehareh. Every third Saturday and mi j hg Rev. F. O. Fare Pickens Star Lodge 220 r .H Meets second Saturday in each Month W. H. Simmoua, W. M. If. Stoner 0. W. *. 0. Tate. J. w. %. L. Moeley. Treasurer. If C McClain Socre* ary. W A. Bearea. Tyler. JASPER GA. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 7, , 18*6. v g =, , :• >ij n / , y ■ v ■ **•• . ■ *■ 1 > .* * / . • ■•, & Spin ! i’>:> ly’a >1 rt’ie % 4 Tht w >raan was ; old and ragged and r* r > in I And beat with the ohill of the winter’s day: k 9 '■ « The street was wet with a recent anew, And the woman’s feet were aged and •low. I She stood at the crceaiag and waited | lo *^» • I Alone, unc; rad for amid the theng Of human beings who passed her bf, Nor heeded the glance of her anxious a «je. l, Dawn the street with langhtlr aad , ehout, f Olad ia the 'i freedom ef “sebpe/ let out” Came the boys like a iosk of aheep. Hailing the anew, piled white dud i" P . ** , I; f - ., ) . the . t , Past womaa so old and gray, a iteay ' 1 *i > -Iff i 4 -n ia vi a • r ’ ' 4MP ’ Nome offering a hel ping hand te her, S • -1 ■« timid, afraid to stir l Lest carriage J wheels the horses’ tie or fret, Should erewd her dowu oe the #1 ppery •treet. At last came one ef the merry tr »op— The gayest laddie sf all the groop; ; H 1 ' ; ’ f«ii| tv 'v . v* He pHas»«d beside her and whispered low, “I’ll aelp you across if you wish to go.’ Her aged hand on his strong young arm t She placed, and so. without hurt cr barm, He guided the trembling feet along. Proud! that hie own were firm aad strong. Iheu back again te hie friends hs went Hi* young heart happy aid well con¬ tent. 4 . IH • Shes some body’s mother, boys yo* know. m ■ For all she is egej, at, poor and slow; *<And I hope some fellow Will lead a hand, a To help,lay mother—yon understands If **#* •Hft’i poof aad old and gray. When here own dear boy is fkr away .’ And somebody’* mother bowed low her bead, In her home that night, and the prayer she eaid, Was, ^Gbd, be kfnd td the ndble boy,, Wh* i« somebody’s * son and pride and joy! *> % ir^r m » f ... * I H ■ .CWITE/W. ■ TO HOI^j A ORaa . ^bUjCINi. IN PARIS (•« ► - London, Jlh. BO. ;[Oonstitutionl— Ths Paris eorrsspondf|t of the Lon deu Tiaoss tefiigriph* an fdijwrtfsnt comi cii-j patch ooucsrnitig the bhjeCt of the iiig meeting of the Irish rcrolutionistk ia Par /s. He alludes to the mtetiag artt a#ng<*ess of dynamite deligstes, aad lays th it the uiiud purpose of their assembling in Paris is to enderss the arrangsmsntM for an effective fusion with the regular fenian organization,, which has it# precent headquarters in the Freneh capital, where it t* still led by ex-Head-center Stephens. About ths beginning of the dvnamite era. Stephens haa not nearly so many fol¬ lowers as now, but the terrible horrot* and injustices perpetrated by ths dyn¬ amiters bars so diminished their fol¬ lowing that the regular fenian party is overwhelming strong in comparison. It is estimsted that, to aave their organ¬ isation from utter collapse the dynami¬ ters ‘feel compelled to seek the propos¬ ed consolidation with the Stephens faction. They will, it is alleged, make any concession* to obtain this. The main proposition to be mad* to the fe- NO. C iraus, Mthe prtee ef the union, the Time# eerr*spoid«jnt MR, is tliaf ^tk* dynamiter* will abandon the pobef**f attacks upMi ^priwuie property an public hniltliogs, if tb« fsniaus will join iHffcm in a dYnemite war to be carried bn fo* the deitrnetfon if the British j navy. Stephens will be envifed to at tend the congress and discuss with the delegateVthe )>r«pose<f sdhem* of ecu toliJatidn. Another ui after which the congress will take up is the conduct > of the Frdnch detective ngeney known as the Bendier Monteqaet Beaure, Tie dynaniiters aver hat this agency is ui— 4*r psy of the British p and deyotos most ef its agenta te the shadowing and persecution of Irishmen with a yiew to making their residence in Pari# intolerable It is proposed agency to put in motion against this tie French law aftned at the' suppressicn of this kind of persecution fl|l l^duet tke part of detectite ageneies. Tke ef James MeDermbtt oorr*iffoi»d*it is ^ subjoin which the Times says WU1 take up much attention in two eong »is. The dynamiters declare that M< 1 < tractt remains *n the eervloe ef the British foterameatas a a t that they hare him we idowed nd are well iuformtd ef Ins wherabouta'. Ti e correspondent of the Times gives it as a fact within his knowledge that the eongrtss will etfer a reward for MciNfr inott ( s remoral. ^ Cunningham, the mat charged with cansing the expleeibn at the tower of London last Saturday* has been pko tographd by the police snd copies ef his photograph hare been sent to New York and Paris for' the purp< so ef i deatilicatien, there etill being sene doubf as to his identity. Numerous threats hare been made to blew up llolbrbead railway termi¬ nus, end tb# hotsf and the Britania Tubular bridge, and the Afenia susjea aien bridge whieh cross Blsa a strafl. Amerieaft tourists will be somtwhat eoussrncd by these reports, as this is one of their fayorife rotes. EitensiT* prseautionary mcasurts are being isi - en by deiectifeM to proteof the th e.t •nod prepwrty. f