The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, April 03, 1902, Page 16, Image 16

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• I r jjf I A CORDIAL INVITATION- We extend a cordial invitation to everybody to call and inspect our immense stock 0f.... Dry Goods consisting: of the latest novelties in wool dress goods, silks, wash silks, wash goods in all the latest weaves, white goods, laces, embroideries, all over laces, etc. We carry a strong line 0f.... Shoes and Slippers, something to fit the eye, foot and purse of the majority of foot-wear lookers. You will find here a beautiful line 0f... Neckwear— the latest shapes. Hats in all the late blacks. SHIRTS of the famous Joseph Fowler make. Clothing that fits and pleases. Collars and Cuffs—the latest shapes. Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear for spring. An attractive line of Hosiery, in fancy, lace stripe and solid colors. Many other things not mentioned. Call and we are always glad to see you. In our GROCERY depart= ment, you will find every thing that is usually kept in a first class grocery store—fancy and heavy groceries, farm supplies, etc. Soliciting your patronage, we are* Your to serve, The Pitts=Gray Cos. We Give Green Trading Stamps. CYRO^ For Clerk of the sW. Mon roe CoSO? 1 am a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Monroe county, -uhj.vt to the Democratic primary 1 will greatly appreciate the support of ail my fellow Cy iirs 11. Shako. SSoSC Superior Court. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election for Clerk of the j Superior Court of Pike county, subject to the Democratic primary. Respectfully, J. B. Mathews. For the legislature. J. Dan Woodall, candidate for the ' Legislature from Pike county, election October. 1902, subject to white Demo- ; cratie primary. Motto: Purity in 26th century poli tics. Platform : Same as expressed in our political almanac in 1900, with an addi tional plank or so. Look out for anew pamphlet or cir cular. Special Notice. The ladies of the Barnesville Baptist church ask that all own ing lots or in any way interested in the cemetery on Zebulon street meet at that place next Monday afternoon. It is necessary that much work be done to put the lots and ground in order, and each one coming should bring a hand to help and tools with which to work. If the weather should be inclem ent let all meet the following Monday afternoon and do what is necessary toward making improve ments. Healthy Kidneys Means hong Life. If you want to restore your kidneys to their former health state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —60 cents at J. H. Blackburns. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a bottle and bo convinced. Your clruggist sells it for 50c—at J, H. Blackburns. Laxative Chocolates cures Chronic Constipationand Liver Troubles. Pleas ant t > take. Purely Vegetable. Guar anteed by .T. 11. Blackburn. If You Sultfcr From Kidney Troubles^ Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 60 cts at J. H. Blackburn’s. Hunt for Tax Collector. With the assurances of the sup port which has been accorded him in the past, Major Jno. T. Hunt announces this week for re election to the office of Tax Col lector of Pike county. He has been making friends and winning votes ever since he has been in office and will continue to do so. A popular gentleman and a good democrat, he will make a race worthy of his past and if re-elected will fill the office agreeably and creditably to all concerned. HICK’S CAPUDINE Curos all Headaches, Colds, LaGrippe, Neuralgia, etc. Your money back if it fails. 15 and 25? at all Drugstores. For sale by Jordan Bros. & W. A. Wright J. \Y. Stafford At Sons, Merchants. The above named firm of gen tlemen sells everything, as will be seen by reference to their half page “ad” elsewhere in this issue of the News-Gazette. The firm is composed of thorough and up to-date gentlemen and does a large business throughout this section of the state*. They carry a complete line of most every thing the ordinary mortal will need and their prices are of the right kind to please the people. They have a corps of clever and affable salespeople to whom you can make known your wants and you may be sure they will be tilled if possible. Call and see them before you buy. NEGLECT MEANS DAMGER. Don’t neglect billiousness and con stipation. Your health will suffer per manently if you do. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers cures such cases. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says “De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea.” Jno H Blackbprk. L. Hoi.mbb. Bartlesville, Ga. Milner, Ga. All parties indebt ed to the Barnes ville Savings Bank, will please call at the bank at once and make settlement. A M. Lambdin, Cashier. ii&ggsrlsfr S ; - MR. J. A. McCRARY. Cashier of Bank of Barnesville. He is an ex perienced banker and a pleasant gentleman, who will make friends wherever he goes. Call to see him at the bank. CADETS T 0 00 TO ALBANY. THE GORDON’ INSTITUTE CADETS WILL ATTEND THE GEORGIA CHAUTAUQUA AT ALBANY. The Gordon Institute Cadets have accepted an invitation to be the guest of the Georgia Chau tauqua, at Albany, April 22, The Cadets are in excellent con dition, and are drilling hard every afternoon. The number of the cadets in the batallion are about one hundred, and it is assured that they will make a fine showing in Albany. Special cars have been arranged to carry them, and the trip will, no doubt, be a nice one for the boys. The cadets will leave on the evening of the 21st. Try Chamberlain’s Stomach & Liver Tablets, the best physic. For sale by Jno. H. Blackburn. Mr. Luther Davis, of Thomaston. was a prominent visitor here Saturday. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of C/&&&/& Heady For Itiff Business. Through the News-Gazette today, Mr. Y. 0. Marshburn man ager, makes an announcement of great interest, not only to the people of this community, but to the people of Middle Georgia as well. He is known far and wide as one of the best drygoods mer chants in the state. His store has an immense stock of the newest and latest in dry goods, notions, clothing, gents furnishings, shoes, hats, in fact everything usually carried by a general drygoods store. This im mense stock has been carefully se lected and purchasers may rely upon any article purchased in this store. There you will find two big store rooms, filled with goods from which to make your selection. Besides Mr. Marshburn himself, there are Messrs. Ed Middlebrooks and C. L. Butler and Miss Mattie Elliott to wait on you. Call to see them. TOBACCO SPIT UCJIiNI I and SMOKE Your Life away I You can be cured of any form of tobacco using: easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking NO-TO-BAG, that makes weak tiieu strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 5 00,000 cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book <~t and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 457 Meansville Dots. M iss Willie Brawner returned home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. Van Harvey, of Fort Valley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr9. J. L. Aldredge. Messrs. Charles and Bob Banks, two of Hollonville’s progressive farmers spent “Easter,” with us. Miss Norn Smith, of Piedmont, spent Sunday with Miss Nannie Mae Collier. Mr. .J. C. Slade spent Monday in Barnesville. Mr. G. H. Collier, of Piedmont, was a welcome visitor here Sun day last. Mr. V. Lester Collier spent Sat urday evening in Zebulon. “Cogik.” WANTED--At once, one car load of cotton seed. Will pay cash or exchange meal and hulls. 4t E. T. Crowder. Barnesville, Ga. A Pine Officer. Mr. Cjjtis H. Sharp is a fine official and the people of Monroe county will doubtless re-elect him. He is a good man, a faithful offi cer, and is asking the people to stand bv hill, promising to show full appreciation for same. , i i DID YOU KNOW THIS ? Do you know that a neglected cough |or cold leads to consumption? More | peeple die from the effects of catching j cold than from any other known cause, i There is one remedy, and remember it only cost 5 cents, that has proven a | safe, unfailing cure for coughs and j colds. It is called Gooch’s Mexican j Syrup. Your druggists has it or will ! get it for you. It heals and strengthens 1 the lungs and breathing passages when i nothing else you take seems to do you ! good ; you had better get a bottle to day and read the testimonials on the : wrapper. A Popular Place. The big store of Mr. B. F. Reeves is a popular place with the entire trading public, because he has nearly every article ordinarily needed, and he sells everything as if he were exceedingly anxious to have you trade with him again and become one of his regular cus tomers. Special attention is di rected to his handsome half page advertisement in this issue. We can not enumerate here the vari ous articles he always keeps on hand, but we can guarantee that everything purchased from him will be just as represented and at correct prices. Mr. Reeves is cer tainly one of the most popular merchants cf Barnesville, and it is because the people are satisfied when they deal with him. Mr. Reeves’ right hand man in this business is Mr. S. C. Charp ing, who seems to be as much in terested in the business as Mr. Reeves himself. Mr. Charping is always anxious to have people trade with him. He is ever courte ous and obliging, and would scorn to misrepresent or deceive in any way to secure trade. Miss Arra belle Collier is also with Mr. Reeves and will be glad to have her friends call to see her and give this firm their trade. All in all, this is one of the most satisfactory stores in Middle Georgia at which to trade, and we recommend it strongly to the trad ing public. Read Mr. Reeves’ in teresting announcement in this paper. Twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Capdy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. AV. C. .Jordan & Bro., Druggists. In another portion of the News-Gazette will be found the advertisement of W. C. Jordan & Bro. These gentlemen have a nice place on the public square. They carry a full 'line of drugs, toilet articles, etc., also they dis pense fount drinks and other refreshments. Prescription work is given special attention and in fact they carry everything that is to be found in a first-class, up-to date drug establishment. Read their advertisement'and go around to see them and you will find them to be pleasant gentlemen and will give you good service and sell you good stuff. CASTOniA. Bear* the Kind You Have Always- Bought Jno. T. Middlebrooks, Grocer. Mr. Middlebrooks carries a full and complete line of fancy and family groceries and has added a*, line of farm supplies to his stock. He has on hand a large stock of eatables and some drinkables and will take pleasure in showing and pricing them to you. Read hrs “ad” in another part of the paper. He will make the prices to suit you and solicits his share of your trade. Be sure to visit him and see his stock. Board Wanted— Young man desires board in desirable locality, elose in, prefers to room alone. Address Box 193. C. B. Rouss wants a good man to take an interest in the Deavours stock of goods and run the business here. A fine chance for the right man. Apply to W. W. Lambdin, Barnesville, Ga. 16