The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, April 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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8 LAST CALL! much regret that I Jaw am making the ment; in fact, the rapid ap= proach of the time for leaving brings over me nothing but feelings of the greatest sorrow. Still, business is business, and it must be done. Before going, however, I have decided to give the people one more chance to supply themselves with goods in my line at prices that are not to be equall= ed in many years to come. I prefer doing this to moving the goods. Here is what the “PRUNING KNIFE” has done: MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. Suits that were $5.00, now 83.25 Suits that were $7. 50, n0w.... 4.20 Suits that,were SH.SO, now 5.35 Suits that were SIO.OO, now . 7.10 Suits that were $ 12.50 to $ 15, now 8.85 Mens’Pants. Bants that were 75<*, now 36c I’ants that were SI.OO, now 65c Pants that were $1.50, now... 98c Pants that were $2.00, now $1.15 Pants that were $3.00, now. 1.95 Pants that were $3.50, now . . 2.24 I’ants that we.e $5.00, now 3.46 Overalls that were 05 to 75t* at 40c Yours truly and for your own interest, MORRIS JACOBS. Forsyth Guano Factory. The Virgiuia-Carolina Chemical Comjmny are manufacturing High Grade Fertilizers at their Guano Factory and Oii Mill at Forsyth this season. The factory is under the management of Messrs. Pres ton Maynard and Robert Reid of Forsyth. They give the mixing of these goods their personal at tention. They use nothing but high grade chemicals in the man ufacture of the goods. The am monia in these goods is derived from cotton seed meal and sul phate of ammonia. The hotash is derived from imported Muriate of Potash. The available Phospho ric Acid is derived from none Phosphate. They do not use Ger man Kainit or a tiller of any kind. They are making the best manipu lated goods I ever sold, perfectly dry and free from lumps. 1 am sloping car loads of these goods to many towns in Middle Georgia every day. The farmers appreciate these goods from the fact that they can be distributed through Gantt distributors, which are now used extensively all over Georgia, much more easily and evenly than any blood or tankage goods can be. I feel that every business man in Forsyth ns well as ('very farmer in Monroe county ought to appreciate the etforts of the Chemical Company in making as high a grade fertilizer at their J.D. HIGHTOWER, srccKssok TO j. w . HIGHTOWER DEALER IN Agricultural, Mechanical and Buiders' Hardware, Farm Equipments, Water Supplies, Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares, Lisk’s non-rustible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockery and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Holloware, Paints, Oils, Brushes Agt for Derring's Binder, Mower Si Rake Dry Goods and Notions Not Many Left— At Your Own Price HATS! SAME AS ABOVE. Don’t Forget About the SHOES. About $2,000.00 left of them. All at less than manufactur ers’ cost. factory in Forsyth ns they make at any other factory owned by them. The work at this factory gives em ployment to a large number of people. J hope at an early date that the Chemical Company will enlarge their plant at Forsyth by adding an acid chamber and mak ing acid phosphate* as well as all other grades of fertilizers. This would give employment to hun dreds of people and help the town and county. Call at Preston Maynard’s hnnk and Watts & Alexander’s ware house, see samples and get prices of these goods before buying else where. Wo sell in addition to the goods made at our factory at Forsyth, Animal Bone Fertilizer, Blood Guano, Blood and Bone Guano, and Blood and Tankage Guano manufactured at Macon, Atlanta, and Newnan Georgia. We also sell Nitrate of Soda for top dress ing on wheat and oats. The farmers of Pike will find these goods at the warehouse of J. L. Hunt, Barnesville and those of Spalding will find them with Grif fin it Mitchell, Griffin, and with M. F. Swint, Orchard Hill, J. H. Reeves, The Rock, Reeves it Louis at Delrey, Ga. D. J. Pkoctkr, Agent. Yirginia-Carolina Chemical Cos. Forsyth, Ga., March 20th, 1902. THE BARNESVILLE NEWSj-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, APRIL 3,1902. p °R THE LITTLE ONES. How Little Bel Got the Spool of Silk and the Banana. One morning little Bel was sent by her mamma to the “button store” to match a spool of silk. She had often been trusted on such er rands, though only four years old, and very proud she used to feel as flic trudged along, “helping mam ma.” “Be sure and get just that shade of blue and come right back, little daughter,” said mamma as she kiss ed her goodby. “Yes, ma'am,” was the sturdy an swer. Now, on the wav to the button store there was a fruit stand, and Bel often used to look at it with longing eyes. This morning she saw something she had not seen for a long time —great, beautiful red bananas. If Bel liked anything in the world, it was a banana. She wondered how much they would cost. Then she thought she would ask. “Five cents.” Why, she had just 5 cents in her fat fingers that very minute! Before you could think she hadn’t 5 cents at all, hut had the banana instead. l)o you think she went right home? Not she. She marched straight to the button store and, standing on tiptoe, readied her sample above the counter, saying: “My mother wants a spool of silk like this.” The lady smiled down at the mite, matched the silk carefully and handed it to her. “Bank you,” said Bel. She never forgets her manners. “But, little girl,” called the lady, “didn’t your mamma send any mon ey for the silk?” “Yes’m, hut I buyed a banana.” And before the lady could stop laughing she was on the street, hur rying home.—Doll’s Dressmaker. Story of the Letter “1.” The small letter “i” was former ly written without the dot over it. The dot was introduced in the four teenth century to distinguish “i” from “e” in hasty and indistinct writing. The letter “i” was also originally used where the “j” is now employed, the distinction between the two having been introduced by the Dutch writers in" comparative modern times. The “j” was orig inally dotted because the “i,” from which it is derived, was written with a dot over it.—New York World. A Set of Pigs. Little Howard, being asked if he did not want to accompany his, fa ther to a neighboring farm, seemed to bo doubtful about it. “You’d better come along,” said his father. “They have a lot of lit tle pigs.” “Ulj, that’s nothing,” said How ard. “Cogswell’s folks has a set of ’em.” Lions For Playmates. One would hardly think that a lit tle child would venture to play with young lions, yet there is a child in Turin, Italy, who plays with them as fearlessly as another child does with a favorite clog. This child is Ettorc Cesa, and he is the youngest son of a prominent business man. It happened that two lions were born last December in Turin, and ETTOKK AND HIS PETS. when they were about ten days old Signor Cesa, who is a skill ed photographer, obtained permis sion to take a picture of them. Little Ettore went with him and seemed so much interested in the animals that his father decided to take the photograph which accom panies this story. The child showed no fear, and since that day he has frequently had fun with his two pets, and not a scratch have they given him. That’s the War. Just a little every day. That’s the way! Seedq In darkness swell and grow; Tiny blades push through the'snot*. Never any flower of May Leaps to blossom :n a burst Slowly—slowly at the first; That’s the wav! Just a little every day. Just a little every day. That’s the way! Children learitto read and writs, Bit by bit and mite by mite. Never any one. I 'say. . ’- 1 Leaps to knowledge and Its power. Slowly—slowly hour by hou% V That’s the-way! u Just a little every day. INVENTED SHORTHAND. For some there has been a contro versy in Europe as to who was the inventor of shorthand, but, thanks to a discovery which wa.-; mad- a ■'•■x days ago by M. 11-:.- Ilav-tte. a French scholar, a definite answer j can now'bt* given to this question. A certain verbose grammarian named Ramsay, says M. llavette, about the year 1720 invented a method of writing by means of con ventional signs which was soon found to be impracticable. But after him came a literary man, M. de la' Ya lade, and it is he who must be re garded as the inventor of shorthand, since he was the first to clearly ex plain the art in his treatise, entitled “French Tachygraphy,” which was written about 1774. With the aid of 400 characters, most ingeniously arranged, lie con structed, says M. llavette, the first really practical method of short hand. lie was much criticised, as all inventors are; still it remains true that he was the first to adopt the approved phonographic system and to construct for every sound of the alphabet as simple a character as possible. llis treatise is a mas terpiece of its kind. Sold His Seat For Eight Dollars. Seats on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange are worth about .SB,OOO each nowadays. But a seat was ac tually sold in that body the other day for $8 cash. This is how it hap pened : It was one of those stormy days a week or two ago when business was unusually dull on the floor of the exchange. As it was noontime, comparatively few brokers were on the floor. Only three or four were offering stocks. Quickly rising from a chair, one of the brokers cried out in a voice that attracted the atten tion of every one that heard it: “I’ll sell my seat for $8!” “I’ll take it!” immediately shout ed another. “I mean the seat of my trousers,” replied the man who had made the offer. “I’ll take it anyway,” unhesitat ingly cried the broker who had ac cepted it. Several seized and held the rash offerer, while another carefully cut out the seat of his trousers with a penknife. It was handed to the buyer, who solemnly paid the $8. — New York Commercial. A Title For Some Woman. The young woman of means who wishes to buy a title can do so now for a moderate outlay. At least that is the tenor of a letter received by a prominent firm of solicitors and published in one of the London newspapers. Avery old tithe is offered to any lady prepared to marry the present incumbent and to pay him £25,000 ($125,000) for the privilege of keep ing up her rank at her own expense after marriage. “Age and looks are immaterial,” says the printer, “but character must be irreproachable. No divorcees need apply.” One paper says the offer seems to come from a marquis and remarks that a sharp lookout might be kept during coronation week for anew marchioness, whose age and looks are immaterial. Rush For Public Office. The people of New York do not, as a rule, have to be dragged into public office. The municipal civil service records prove this. There are at present on the various eligi ble lists for positions in the com petitive schedules about 4,500 names and on the registration lists for po sitions in the labor schedule 3,542 names. In addition to the above, the commission has on hand the ap plications of 13,194 persons who have applied for positions in the competitive class and 26,879 of the labor class. Over 10,000 of these latter applications are for jobs in the street cleani g: department. A Relic of the Maine. A curious find has just been made at Samrishamn, in Sweden. At low water a sailor discovered among the stones on the beach of Massakas bay there a teaspoon of brass. After cleaning it he found engraved on the inside the picture of a man-of war, with the words “Maine” and “6,600 tons.” The spoon would therefore appear to have belonged to the ill fated Maine, sunk in Ha vana harbor in die spring of IS9B, and it needed four years for the ocean currents to wash this tiny ob ject ashore on the coast of southern Sweden. His Great Experience. The craze for young men is got to such a stage that advertisements for help read as follows: “Wanted. —Young man, not over twenty-five, of great experience; permanent em ployment, to right party.” Such a youth must have got his “great ex perience” through metempsychosis. He must be the remcarnaticm of some departed captain of industry. —New York Press. The Most Delightful and Refreshing Fountain Drink ..BEFORE THE PUBLIC.. Hundreds of Thousands of peoole from Maine to California, from the Lake to the Gulf, claim COCA COLA as their favorite fountain drink. TRY IT C TRY IT. I Blackburn’s, Jordan’s > and Wright’s FOUNTS IN BARNESVILLE. Do Your Eyes Ache fiTft Pain j or Burn If so, you had better consult an eye specialist at once. You will only have one pair of eyes to a life-time, and it pays to take care of them. If you need glasses, we can fit you—no matter how complicated the case, and if you do not need them, we will? tell you so. Consultation free. J. H. Bate & Cos., Jewelers and Opticians. Our Greeting;. The Old is gone —the New Year is here. \\ e wish you well as the years change. We greet all our friends with good wishes and are ready to make them happy through substantial savings and increased benefits both to them and to us, and at the same time thank them for their'patronage during the year that has just gone. Beginning with the new year, turn over a new r leaf in vour flour department and buy the best—Brand Milled AZ-I-LE. Guaranteed absolutely pure. M. M. ELLIOTT & CO. Barnesville, Ga.