The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, April 10, 1902, Image 4

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BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE The Twentieth Century Country Weekly. Published Every Thursday hy The News Publishing Company, BAHNKSVIIjIjK, ga. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. Rntfrwl at tho Post Offlco at BarnetnriUe, Ga ~ hh necond clbhh mail matter. APRIL 10, 1902. RULES OF PRIMARY FIXED BY COMMITTEE APRIL 8, 1902. It. is hereby ordered by ( lie Dem ocratic Executive Committee of of Pike county: 1. That a general primary elec tion be held on the sth of June next at which all qualified white Democratic voters who have regis tered within ten days before the primary in 1902, shall lie given an opportunity to cast their votes for the following officers to-wit: Governor, secretary of stale, attor ney-general, competroller general, treasurer, commissioner of agri culture, state school commissioner, two justices of the supreme court, one prison commissioner, superior court judge, state senator, ( . S. senator and congressman, repre sentative and all other county of ficers, and the Democratic Execu tive Committe is directed to pre pare and furnish to the managers of such primary a list, of such qualified registered voters. 2. It is ordered that all I he of ficers above named shall be voted for directly by tin* people, and and that the said executive committee shall, when they com pile and declare tie* result of said vote, select from among the active supporters of the candidates re ceiving the highest vote, delegates to the state convention, who will pledge themselves to vote as in structed by the committee. 8. That the members of the ex ecutive committee, aided by what ever clerks they may appoint, shall be managers of this primary and shall be judges as to who is enti tled to vote. 4. That the executive committee shall meet in the court house in Zebulon at 11 o’clock a. m. Fri day June 6th to consolidate the returns, declare the result and name delegates to the state, con gressional and senatorial conven tions. 0. That Haiti primary shall be held under provisions of the gen eral primary election law of this state. 0. That all white voters with out. regard to past political affilia tions, who desire to align them selves with the Democratic party, and who by voting in this primary pledge themselves to support the nominees o f the Democratic party, are hereby declared entitled to vote therein and are cdrdially invited to do so. 7. That for the purpose of pay ing managers and for printing tickets, the candidates shall be assessed as follows: U. S. Senator $ r>,oo Congressman 10.00 State Senator 5.00 Representative 5.00 Clerk ■ *>.oo Sheriff 5.00 Treasurer ■, 5.00 Tax Collector 5.00 Tax Receiver ' HX> Coroner 1.00 Surveyor l.iX> 8. That after paying expenses of printing, postage, express, etc., the secretary shall prorate the funds remaining in his hands among the managers, each dis trict to receive the same amount. 9. Each candidate shall pay his assessment to either the chairman or secretary by May 20th, and shall be reqeired to sign the fol lowing affirmation: “I affirm that 1 am a Democrat in county, state and national politics, that 1 enter the primary as such, that 1 agree to abide by the nomination and to vote for all the nominees at the regular election.” 10. That the charman ami Sect, shall prepare an official l>llot to contain the name of every can^i- date who has complied with the requirements of articles 7 and 9 and shall furnish same to the dif ferent voting precincts. Only those votes cast in conformity to said ballot shall he counted. F. M. Stafford, S. R. Green, Chairman. Secretary. MR. J C. COLLIER, President of the J. C. Collier Cos. and the Oxford Knitting Mills. Above we present a likeness of one of Georgia’s most enterpris ing and prosperous businessmen. Mr. Collier is ever on the alert, ; he never sleeps, in a business way, I and his success has been plienom inal. He began his career in Barnes villi* as a clerk in the store of \V. R. Murphey & Cos. In 1890 he opened business for himself with comparatively no capital. But he knew how to hustle and his success was immediate and his business has made progress every day since Hint time. On Febuary I, 1895 the firm merged into the J. 0. Collier Cos. and has since continued under this name with Mr. Collier as president, and the controlling spirit of the Imsiness. In 189s Mr. Collier built the Oxford Knitting Mills and has been equally as successful in the managament of this manufactur ing enterprise. This mill makes a high grade of knit underwear and lias more orders than it can possibly fill. Employment, is giv ing a large number of people and the mill is not only profitable to tho stockholders but it is worth much to the community. There is nearly SIOO,OOO invest-j ed in the Collier Cos. and the Ox- j ford Knitting Mills and the busi ness is conducted on such a sys tematic basis that the capital is j turned over about five times a year, j Mr. Collier has large farming interests at Piedmont, in this | county, and also considerable real j (■state in and around Bartlesville. Ho is vet a young man, being? only about thirty-four years old and In 1 has some important addi tional plans for the future. For the immediate future, however, Mr. Collier says his company is ready to meet all the demands that may be made upon them by the trading public of Middle Geor gia. He visits New York and other large cities of the East two or three times a year and keeps thoroughly posted on styles, prices and goods of every kind and his stores are therefore up-to-date in every particular. ■ ■ < v MR. F. M. STEPHENS. Mr. F. Marvin Stephens, the credit man and the head of the office department, of the .1. C. Collier Cos. is one the sterling vonng men of Baruesville. lie is an exe< llent book-keeper and being thoroughly familiar with the af fairs of his company, he is a po tent influence in the management of the large business that is done every year. The office and book keeping department is now in the new building recently erected for the clothing and shoe department on East Main street. Mr. Steph THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1902. ens is well known throughout this community and section and is a young man who has many warm personal friends among the peo ple. gMpMppMf"’" - " I MR. A. J. STEPHENS, Mr. Albert J. Stephens is the manager of the new clothing and shoe store, recently erected on East. Main street. He is also for these two departments and takes great pride in them. Mr. Stephens is a yonng man who has had large experience with these iutes and visits the New York markets to make purchases and to keep up with the latest styles and goods. He has been in the cloth ing and shoe department of the Collier Cos. for years and knows the demands of the trade well. He selects and buys carefully and then tries to please the customer in giving him a perfect fit, the best goods and the lowest price. Mr. Stephens is one of Barnes vilie’s most highlj T esteemed young men and he deserves the good name which he bears. He invites the public to call to see him in the new store. The Barnesville News-Gazette this week is on our desk. W e have just time to say before going to press that it is the j cent weekly that comes to our j Sanctum Sanctorum. It has en- j tered anew life. Three' hew hanks and such a newspaper is a bonne which few towns can hope to attain. —Knoxville Correspon dent. Senator James K. Jones, of Arkansas, has been defeated for the United State Senate by James I\ Clark. Senator Jones managed Bryan’s campaign and hence de served no better fate. But then probably nobody could have elect ed Bryan. On a recent issue raised by tax collectors, Comptroller General Wright holds that farmers will not have to return their fertilizers for taxation, nor their lands at a higher value because of their use. Methodist Market. The Methodist Market will be ready to serve the public again next Saturday in the new clothing store of the J. C. Collier Cos. They will have on hand all kind of eat ables and special menu will be served at dinner. Call to see them. SUCH A OHAHGE. Not only in feelings but in looks. The skin is clear, the eyes are bright, the cheeks are plump. No more pain and miserv, no more sick headache, no more jaundice. What worked the change ? Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, which cured the disease of the stomach that prevented proper nutrition, and also cleansed the clogged and sluggish liver. I)r. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures diseases of lungs, heart, liver, and other organs which seem remote from the stomach because many of these dis eases have their cause iu a diseased con dition of the stomach involving the allied organs of digestion and nutrition. " I sent you a letter ■about a year writes Mrs. I Kttis Hamilton, of Kartniuglon. Marion Cos.. West Va "l stated my case as plainly as I could, and received a letter from you in * few dava, telling me to use I)r. Fierce's Golden Med ical Discovery and Favorite Prescription ’—a bottle of each. I used three of each, and feel like anew woman. Don't suffer any pain or misery any more. Before using your medicines I suffered alt the time —had jaundice, caused from food not dieeating properly. I would have sick headache three and four times iu a week Could not do the work myself. I commenced using roor medicines as recommended for liver complaint, and think lam cured now. 1 asked l our doctor if he couldn't cure me. and he said he could give me medicine to help me but the trouble might return any time. I doctored three years without any relief. Haven’t had tick headache since 1 took the first bottle of your medicine " Dr. Pierce’• Pellets cure constipation. East Side Main Street. First Always with the newest. That’s the Col lier way. LADIES SHOES, Oxfords and Slippers. They’re new, they’re catchy—haven’t seen ’em yet? Come today or tomor row, they’re here whether you are wanting a dressy patent vici san dal with half French heel, four straps, at three dollars or a good low cut walking shoe at $2.00 to % $2.50. Then, too, there’s a way we’ve got of dressing your foot up when you buy a shoe of us. They fit your feet, they’ll fit your head your instep, your ankle, —your pocket book. Our Shoes Have a reputation for exquisite beauty; perfect style and absolute fit—a reputation we’re proud of, too. Here’s one of .’em — Ladies’ oxford and sandals in any style toe, fine kid, solid in every part, extra quality and style at $1.75. CROSS TOWN. Dry Goods, Notions, and SHOES! A. L. Mills. Our trade is much better than we once could reasonaby expect, and we can only account for it in this way, and that is: We keep our stock fresh and nice—always add ing the nicest styles in every thing as fast as they come out, selling the best goods we can buy, for the least money. You can compare prices as much as you wish, but when you take quality and style Into consideration, you will readily see that we fear no competition. We are showing some exceptionally good values in Skirt and Waist© Fabrics, also P ercals > Madras, white Lawns, Dimities, Piques, Cotton Fulards, Embroideries, Laces, and Silks at very low prices. Shoes and Slippers. It’s our business to know about 6HOES and SLI PPERS and to see that you get rare quality when you get shoes here. • <kWE WATCH THE LEATHERS* and the way it is put together. A\ e aim to have Shoes we can recommend —Shoes you will like to wear. Nothing better than the REGINA Shoes for Ladies and Children Our FOOT GLOVE Shoes for men is the best $3.50 Shoe on the market . In order to prove what we say, we in vite yon to call around and see for your self. I give green trading stamps. A. L. Mills. J. C. Collier Cos. Silks and Money=Saving This Week. The silk and dress goods department will he thronged with careful buyers. Here’s good news for prospective buyers, and just at the nick of time when you are preparing to buy some things in this kind of merchandise. Silk manufacturers must always be getting up new patterns. They don’t improve on some of them much, but its wonderful what a variety brains and money can produce. We’ve got these patterns right here in stock —here’s just a few: Colored Silks. West Side Main Street. 1000 yards colored taffeta, in all the latest shades, r including black and whites, best silk value offered, / An extraordinary selection of stripes, fancies, laces, weaves; in fact, anything in fancies for £" ( I fZ A waists, in great varieties, O w TO V I iD U Black Silks. West Side Main Street. 27-inch guaranteed black taffeta—the rustling kind—with guarantee on every yard, twilled and ■ A A 86-inch guaranteed black taffeta, swiss finish, beautiful gloss—the best silk we ever offered for I AE| the price, iPlikU Hosiery Department. West Side Main Street. Our hosiery department has never been in finer attire. Hosiery from the best makers in America and Europe. Ladies’ lace lisle hose, real lisle thread and gauze, 25C Misses’ lace stripes, and gauze, bestquality, lisle finish, perfect dye, 25C say we keep the best line of KID GLOVES in the town, is expressing it mildly. The shades and styles are the season’s latest. This one, at SI.OO, is better than some people’s glove at $1.25. Laces and Embroideries. Elaborate will be the application of these trimmings in all sorts of summer dresses, from the inexpensive wash frock to the most exquisite costume. New thing in Point Applique, \ T enetian Applique, Renaissance, Fillet, including many of the Medallion patterns so much in demand, 2c tO $2.00 Millinery, Laces, and Embroideries. Millinery! This season promises to be one of the biggest season with us in AIILI NERY that we have ever had. Our work room is already crowded a week ahead with orders. AVe are showing exclusive styles that you will not find anywhere else. AVe are the largest dealers in Millinery Goods in Barnesville. Miss Cook, our Alilliner. is an art ist in the Millinery business and no doubt she can please you. Come to headquarters for your Millinery. SON BROS? WORLD’S Progressive Shows Museum, Menagrie and Trained Animal Exhibition LARGEST, RICHEST, BEST SHOW ON EARTH Now touring their Tenth Con secutive Season of continuous suc cess. and present to their million patrons an aggregation that is in all essential features absolutely new from beginning to end. Is as superb in quality as immeasurable in quanity. The only big show to reduce the price of admission. FRIDAY APRIL II I) I and SMOKE TT * mi—i ■— Your Life away I Yon can be cared of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking NO-TO-BAB, that makes weak men strong. Many jgaia ten pounds in ten days, pver 800,000 cured. All druggists. Cure, guaranteed. Book et and advice FREE. Actress STERLING REMEDY CO„ Chicago or New York. 437 __