The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, May 08, 1902, Image 5

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A Cordiar Invitation We extend a cordial invitation to to call and inspect our immense stock Dry Goods.. consisting of the latest novelties in wool dress goods, silks, wash silks, wash goods in all the latest weaves, white goods, laces, embroideries, all-over laces, <S:c. "We carry a strong line of Shoes and Slippers-- something to fit the eye, foot and purse of the majority of foot-wear lookers. You will find here a beautiful line of Neckwear-the latest shapes. Hats-in all the late blacks. Shirts—of the famous Joseph Fowler make. Clothing That Fits and Pleases. Collars and Cuffs —the latest shapes. Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear for Spring. An Attractive Line of Hosiery, in Fancy, Lace Stripe and Solid Colors. Many other things not mentioned. Call and we are always glad to see you. In our GROCERY department, you will find everything that is usually kept in a first-class grocery stort —fancy and heavy groceries, farm supplies, etc. Solicit ing your patronage, we are, Yours to serve, The Pitts=Gray Cos. tt.We Give Green Trading Stamps. Barnesvllle Mercantile Company. Since moving into our new store our trade, though highly satisfactory before, has almost doubled in volume. The pebpfc appreciate oifr efforts provide them with everything they need, and have learned to regard our place as their headquarters. The wants of the trade is our constant study, and, without presumption, we claim that our years of experience and unlimited cash reserve puts us well in the lead of all professing competitors. Having reaped the rewards of a mammoth spring business, we will devote the next two months to Warming Up Things in Warm Weather. So, without regard to any certain day in the week, or any certain hour in the day, the process of price-cutting will be continually going on. EVERY DAY WILL BE BARGAIN DAY, and the same prices will prevail for Ba.m. as for Gp. m. Our line of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and LACES has caught the trade. This stock is still unbroken, and no customer can afford to overlook it. As to SHOES, remember we have the exclusive control of L. M. Reynolds men’s fine shoes, and show Golding & Co’s, ladies and children’s fine shoes and slippers. No use to say we keep everything. No use to say we discount the other man in price. No use to promise more courteous attention. But suffice it to say our pleased customer is our best adver tisement. Always come to see us. BARNESVILLE MERCANTILE CO. PEOPLES BANK OF BARNESVILLE, Successor to Barnesville Savings Bank. OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: C. O. Summers. President. C. O. Summers, Dr. J. P. Thurman, Vice-President. J. C. Collier, A. M. Lambdin. Cashier. W. C. Stafford, J. P. Thurman, J. L. Fogg. Does a general banking business on a sound and conser vative basis. \\ e respectfully solicit the accounts and busi ness of merchants, farmers and others. We are ready to make loans on good collaterals. Careful attention given to the interests of our customers. R. P. Becht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V-Pres. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos., Manufacturers and Dealers In High-Grade Pianos and Organs. STEINWAY & SONS., HOBART M. CABLE, SOHMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. us for Catalogues and Prices, f l Special prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE 1505 ENGLISH-AMERICAN BUILDING ATLANTA, - GEORGIA. THE BAENESVILLE NE w£gS,Z3£TTE , THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1802. Good enough for anybody! Havana Filler "FLORODORA BANDS are of same value as tags from 'STAR. 'DRUMMOND'NaturaI Leaf. GOOD L UCK " ~OLD PEACH & RONEY' ■ RAZOR and I. RICE GREENVILLE' Tobacco. Presbyterian Phnroli. There will he the usual services next Sunday morning conducted by the pastor, Rev.F. It. Graves. On account of the revival meeting in progress at the Baptist church the evening service will be omit ted. Mr. Graves expects to leave about next Tuesdav for Jackson, Miss. The Presbytery of Atlanta, at its recent session, elected him one of the two ministetial com missioners to the General Assem bly of the Presbyterian church which meets in Jackson, Miss., May loth. CASTOnXA. Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought Before being taught bow to shoot, it might be well for the young idea to learn to know when it is loaded. OASTOZIXA. Bears the /) The Kind You Have Always Bought PERJONAL MENTION. Mr. Ashford Milner spent Sunday in Griffin. Cadet E. M. Smith spent Saturday in Atlanta. Paris Green at Bi. w kburn’S. Mr. G. A. Simmons, of Zebtilim, was here Friday. Mr. L. W. Sullivan, of Home, was here Sat urday. Air. A. P. Kade, was in the city Fri day from Strouds. New lot Tooth Brushes at Bi.ack- BUKX’s Mr. F. M. Means, of Strouds, was in tin; city Saturday. Mr. 1.. C. Milner, of Horne, was a visitor here Saturday. inn,. Mr. .1. M. Berry was in tin 1 city Stm- Sunday from Griffin. Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Overalls at Wilkinson’s. Low prices. Mr. Josh Martin, of Milner, was in the city next Saturday. Mr. ,1. W. Pounds, of Atlanta, visited his parents here Sunday. Try Golf — new drink at Bi.ackhi hn’s Mr. Josie Dunn, of Zebuion, was vis iting relatives here Sunday. Mr. Merritt M. Thurman visited friends at FoVsyth Monday. Mr. Henry -Dickey, of near Aleans vill‘, was in tin* last Friday. Mr. J. M. Fleming was in the city Saturday from Johnstonviile. Cadet John Morrow spent Saturday with li is parents at Jonesboro. Mr. R. IV Osborn, of Macon, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Mr. Hope Tigner, of Odessadale, was j the guest of friends here Thursday. Messrs. F. M. and A. J. Stephens ] 1 i spent Sunday in Newnan with friends. Try (loir—new drink at Bi.ackuuhn’s Airs. J. IV .Teredeau, of Thomaston, was in the city a short while Saturday. iK ids granulated sugar or 12 lbs good coffee for $1.0) at Wii.kinkon’h Air. T. J. Simmons, of Atlanta, pass ed through the city enroute to Forsyth. Air. Jl. 11. Hammond, of Thomaston, was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Mr. W. B. Ingram, a well-to-do farmer, of Brent,'was in tin.* city Satur day. Mr. John Taylor, a popular farmer of Monroe comity, was in the city Fri day. Dr. G. I*. Mugiiley, was a visitor from here to the Gate City Thursday last. Air. and Airs. \V. D. Howell, of Zeb- Gilon, visited Airs. Fmnia Varner here Sunday. • Mr. F. M. Murphey spent Sunday most pleasantly with relatives at Hampton. Mr. Howard Parham left last Friday for Jackson where he has accepted a a position. Mr. Field Matthews, of near Vates ville, was in the city Monday, the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Willis, of Milner were the guest of Mrs. Willis parents here Sunday. Mrs. (i. H. McMahon, of Griffin, was the gueet of relatives here several days last week. Miss. Eva Warde, of Milner, was the charming guest of Mrs. W. H. Cham bers last week. Miss Sarah Cooper, one of Griffin's charming young ladys, visited friends, here Sunday last. Educate lour Bereli With Can caret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. If C. C. C. fail, druggist* rtf uni money. Fount Drinks., • ''jpHERR is nothing so very refreshing these AjV long, hot summer days as an ice cold drink of something from a fountain where everything is clean and nice, and the ser vice is pleasant and agreeable. Such a place is found at Our Fount. Soda Water, Phosphates, Coco Cola, Gingerale, Gems, Sherberts, Creams, <Scc., at Wright’s Drug Store. Mr. Freeman Lifsey went up to At lanta Monday. Mr. Steve Moye was in the city | Tuesday from Lamont. Mr. W. 11. Edmonson,of Pome, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Velicia LeSuer was the guest of, Milner friends Sunday. Simpson’s Calicoes ami heavy Sea Island in 5c at Wilkinson’s. Mr. W. 11. Chambers went tip to Nownan Tuesday on business. Airs. J. C. Porch was the guest of At lanta friends several days last week. Miss Berta Cook spent Sunday most pleasantly with relatives at Pomona. Sandals. Oxford ties and Slippers at real bargain prices, at’s Miss Pearl Lifsey was the guest of relatives in Atlanta several days this week. f Mr C. C. Hightower is spending several days in Houston county on a : lishing trip. Try Golf —now drink at Brack m iin’s Mrs. C. 11. Humphrey arrived in the i city from Milieu and will make Barnes ! ville her future home. Miss Carrie (look, left Thursday for New York city, where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs. S. D. Massey. Mr. 0. J. Harrell returned Saturday from Dallas, where lie has been enjoy ing himself with old comrades. Mr. A. AL Lambdin, returned Thurs day from Macon, where he spent sev eral days last week on business. Cadet Frank Mai,son returned Mon day from Jonesboro, where he has been visiting relatives for several days. Messrs. Boy Blount and George Mitchell went down to Forsyth Sunday to .visit friends, “had luck,” hoys. Aliss Leone Perdue, student of Gor don Institute, returned Sunday from i Jonesboro, where she lias been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Clements, of Strouds, were in the city Thursday shoppinh with the enterprising mur : chants iiere. Hon. Joe Terrell passed through | the city Saturday enroute to Forsyth, where he addressed the citizens of : Monroe county. . Air. S. JV Spencer, of Columbus, was a prominent visitor here last week. Air. Spencer is interested in the Citi zen’s Hank iiere and made many friends while In our city. Mr. Thad Adams, of Montgomery. Ala., spent several days last week with his family here. Air. Adams has an ex cellent position in Montgomery, which is very gratifying to Ids many friends here. Air. W. 'J'. Sane, who has been with J. II Hate Ac Cos. iiere for several months, left Tuesday for Atlanta where lie has accepted a position with a large jewelry iiouse. Mr. Sane lias made many friends iiere who regret very much to learn of bis departure. Hon. W. A. Worsham, of Strouds, was a prominent visitor iiere Thurs day last. Air. Worsham is a candidate for state senator to represent this dis trict and has no opposition. He is an excellent gentleman and is fully worthy of the honor that is bestowed upon him. Hr. and Mrs. (j. P. Huguiey left yes terday for Atlanta, where they will re , side in the future. Hr. and Mrs. Hugu iey have host of friends here who regret to see them leave our city. I)r. Hugu- J ley will practice with Dr. Nickolsin, one 1 of Atlanta’s most prominent physicians and no doubt he will make a great suc , cess in the (Fate City. One Dozen boxes of Alatohes, Gets, at Blackbukn’s. Mr. Phineas Murphey was in the city from Yatesville this week. Air. Robt. Mills, of Macon, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Capt. J. I>. Horne, of Macon, was in here yesterday on business. •> Mr. Judson P. Williams spent Sun day with relatives at Milner. Air. W. K. Abercrombie, of Strouds, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Miss Sharp, of Shreveport, La., has been visiting Airs. Corry and Mrs. Hol lis Gray for sometime. Beets Suspenders, Ties, Hosiery and Corsets, Drummers’ Samples. Bargain prices at Wilkinson’s Mr. R. G. Matthews, after spending several days hero with his family, left Tuesday for Charleston. Air. J. W. Farley, of Goggansville, was a visitor to our city last Tuesday. Judge Howard Van Epps, of Atlanta, was a prominent visitor here one day this week. Air. R. Y. Beckham, Jr., of the Dub lin Courier-Dispatch was a visitor at this office yesterday. Mr. J. W. Cabaniss, of Macon, presi dent of the Citizens Bank of Barnes ville, was a visitor to the City Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Charles Matthews, of Ypsilanti, aro the guest of Air. It. L. Hwatts at Jus home on Thomaston j street. ! Embroidery, Laces, Finishing braids, ■ Fans, Ribbons, Buttons, etc., at money saving prices—Wii.kinson. Airs. E. A. Gray returned Monday from Dalton where she has been the guest of friends for several days. Miss May 1011a Coppedge arrived in i the city Saturday from New Market where she lias been conducting a flour- I isliing school for several months. Aliss Flossie Sandwich, of Thomaston, was the charming guest of Miss Carrie Bloodworth several days last week at her home on Thomaston street. Rev. J. J. Jones, of Cartcrsville, ar rived in the city Monday and is the guest of Rev. C. W. Durden. Mr. Jones is conducting the revival at the Baptist church this week. Hon. Dupont Guerr.v, candidate for governor, was in the city Monday. Mr. Guerry has many friends here and no doubt tie will receive a large vote in Barnesville and Pike county. Air. W. C. Jenkins, ofTifton, arrived | in the city Monday and is the guest of relatives here-. Mr..Tenkins is ex-county j commissioner of this county and is well known throughout the county. Miss Johnnie May Culver, an attract ive young lady of Auburn, Ala., arrived jin the city Tuesday afternoon, and is I the guest of tier brother, W. lv Culver, ! City Electrician, on Brown Avenue. Aliss Carrie Henri Davis left Tues day morning for Miiledgeville, where she goes to attend the W. C. T. U. Convention which is in session at that place this week. Aliases Annie Middlebrooks, Estelle Dozier and Emma Williams, and Mr. j L'leve Crawford, of Yatesville, were in | the city Tuesday, the guest of Miss Annie Lambdin. Uncle Morgan Howard, of Forsyth, I arrived in the city yesterday from Forsyth, and is visiting his son, Mr. 8, M. Howard. We are always glad to welcome Uncle Morgan in our midst. Aliss Kittie Collier, a most charming and accomplished young lady of Barnes ville. has accepted a position as stenog rapher in tiie office of the Spalding mills, and is receiving a warm welcome to the city.—Griffin News. House ami Lot For sale. .My house and lot in Barnesville ig for sale. Apply to E. E. Kennedy.