The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, May 08, 1902, Image 8

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Facts Are Hard to Down! \Ye sell nearly everything —come here first for your wants, and if we ; can’t lit you up, we will put you on the right t rack t o gi t it. We don't sell pipe organs, but we sell HARMO NICAS that are built like an organ. Conic and see it. We have more vaces and Fancy Class Articles than We know what to do with. Daisy Pans, Pudding Pans, 11,1 thing to cook in them —in fact. Remember \\ c Keep Nearly Everything Ask for What You Don’t See—flost Likely We Have It. Yours to please, B. F. REEVES. \\ e keep Bottled Cogo Cola and Soda Water on ice. Try Red Seal Lye for hugs on your beans. It will kill the bugs and make your beans get a “hump •svji them.” JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS Only the Best. THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR THINGS YOU HAVE To SEEL. I want your Chickens. Butter, Hams, Potatoes and will giv.e you the very best prices possible. THE LOWEST PRICES ON THINGS YOU HAVE TO BUY. I always carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and have tliom marked down to the very lowest notch and can make it to your interest to try me. I have recently added to my stock of Groceries a line of' FARMERS’ SUPPLI ES. such as are necessary for every farmer to have. 1 also have a eomplete line of Crockery and Tinware. I don’t give trading stamps, hut give you the amout oil' on the prices. Don’t forget tli*' place, I am not on the corner any longer, but am still ‘‘in the ring” when it comes to competition, and can knock most of the rest of them out. Yours truly, John T. Middlebrooks. J.D. HIGHTOWER, St-CCKSS.>R TO j. \\. HIGHTOWER DEALER N Agricultural, Mechanical and Binders' Hardware, Farm Equipments, Water Supplies, Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares, Lisk's non-rustible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockery and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Holloware, Paints, Oils, Brushes etc*, etc. Agt for Peering's Binder, Mower & Rake Asthma Cure Free! Astlimalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLTTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. CHAINED FOR TEN Jm* YEARS Muir state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or either. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. • Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Cos. Avon Springs, N. Y., Feb. 1. 1901. p Gentlemen: 1 write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the wonderful effect of your Asthmalene. for the cure of Asthma. My wife has 'been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skiil as well as many others, I chanced to see your sign upon your win dows on 180th street. New York. 1 at once obtained a l>ottlo of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. 1 feel that 1 can consistently recom mend the medicine to all who arc afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. P. Dr. Taft Bros. Mcdidine Cos. * Feb. 5. 1901. Gentlemen : 1 was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numer ous Remedies, but they have all failt'd. 1 ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. 1 have since purchased your full-size bottle, and am ever grateful. I have family of four children, and for six years was unable t> work. lam now in the best of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as you see tit. Home address, 235 Rivington street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th st., New.York City. TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. k Do not delay. Write at once, addressing PR. TAFT BROS.’ MEDICINE I CO., 79 East 130th St.. N. Y. City. ' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS- There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief in the worst eases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge 111., says : “Your trial bottle of Asthma lene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting dis ease, Asthma, and thought you had over spoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size bottle.” REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York. Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Taft Bros’. Medicine Cos., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can THE BARNESVILLE XEWS-GAZECTO, THURSDAY. MAY 8, 1902. THE RICE TABLE. A and tleauirkable Meal Served In .lavn. “At 1 o’clock.’’ says :i correspondent of the Kansas City Star, "every bold In Java serves a most distinctive amt remarkable meal called the rice table (rijst-uifei). A large, iiat. bowl shaped dish is placed in front of you, which you fill with beautiful, white, flaky rice, borne about itidisliis balding fully a quarter of a bushel. Thin eomes a seemingly never ending .-.:ream of na lives, each hearing a dish containing sonic different meat, vegetable or can diluent, front which you take a small portion and place it on top of the rice. "Alter you have had a little of every thing you mince It up with a knife and fork and mix it well wi'li the rice and then fail to with a large spoon. A lisi of the side dishes, with an ordinary rice tnlile. would read something like tills: Fried eggs, omelet, fried chicken, broiled chicken, stewed chicken, beef steak, sausage, flsb, fritters, a mixture . of vegetables stewed with a mustard dressing, raw cucumbers, liver and ten or twelve different spices and relishes, besides pickles. Many a stout Dutchman have we seen take a liberal helping from each dish In addition to almost a quart of rice for a background of -table.’ Natu rally every one must go to sleep fiuine i dlately after such a meal, and all busi ness is suspended for several hours. The dinner in the evening at 8 o’clock is a very simple meal.” The Wron* Room. “While spending a vacation at Bed- j ford Springs. Pa., some years ago,” said a Baltimore lawyer the other day. “I went late one night to my room, as I supposed, unlocked the door and was startled by a woman’s screams. I re alized at once that 1 bad fcot Into the' wrong room. You may be sure I did not waste any time getting out Into the corridor, locking the door again and entering my room, which happen ed to be the next one. “While I was doing this the woman continued screaming, alarming the whole hotel. A crowd soon gathered, and when the woman could be per suaded to open the door she declared there was a man in her room. Of course no Intruder was found, and. as the door was locked when the crowd gathered, the lady was told that she must have had a nightmare and imag ined she saw a man In her room. I kept quiet, and every one else in the hotel was convinced that the lady’s im agination bud worked upon her fears.” —Baltimore #un. Popular Weather Notions. How often do we bear the remark, "We shall have rain, the atmosphere Is so heavy.” The reverse Is true; When one sees mnoke banging from ft chimney, with a tendency to sink to the ground, it indicates that the at mosphere is light—in fact too light to float the smoke. When the stnobe rises from the chimney, It indicates 8 heavy atmosphere. A column of smokfe is not a bad barometer, for a barometer simply records the pressure of the at mosphere. When the atmosphere is light and the smoke settles, the pres sure on the mercury is light, and the column falls, indicating storm. When the atmosphere is heavy and the smoke rises, the pressure is greater and the column rises, indicating fair weather. Pleasure seekers and others before starting out should therefore watch the smoke. * The Three D’*. “Down In Greensboro,” said a citizen of that North Carolina town, “I knew three •drummers.’ They seemed to be boon companions. The first one travel ed for a large brewing company in Bal timore, and the second represented a wholesale drughouse In the west. These two men, while going through the south, fell In with a man who was selling coffins to undertakers In the country towns. When the trio reached Greensboro to spend Sunday—you know all the ‘drummers’ come into Greensboro to spend Sunday—they had already been christened the three D’s— Drinks. Drugs and Death.—New York Press. -i A Royal Traaedy. Frederick 1. of Prussia was killed by fear. His wife was insane, and one day she esenped from her keepers and, dabbling her clothes in blood, rushed upon her husband while he wns dozing In his chair. King Frederick imagined her to be the white lady whose ghost was believed to appear whenever tbe death of a member of the royal family wns to occur, and he was throwu into a fever and died In six weeks. The Attraction. Gladstone told Lord Ronald Gower that once when he visited Rome lie ac cidentally met Macaulay, who intro duced himself to the statesman. On Macaulay’s telling him that he took a duily walk in St. Peter’s, Gladstone asked him what most attracted him in that place. “The temperature,” was the answer. Very Likely. Sister Sue—ln my new play, Mr. Dan iels, the hero and the villain are to fight a duel. Daniels—And who will get the worst of It? Brother Tom—The audience.—New York Times. Hntirely Different. “It’s all very well before a girl’s married for her to get a flower in her hair.” remarked the observer of events and things, "but it’s an entirely differ ent matter If. after she’s married, she gets her hair in the flour.” If a man asks you a question you can’t answer, make your answer so long aud shadowy that he will be glad to forget bis question.—Atchison Globe. Rain and sweat \\ , JS I have no effect on VTMtIL B I lyntKA R Mf DftW, tut Lf ify . \ ~ i I I; V - Company THE COUNCIL’S PROCEEDINGS. COlwcil Chamber. j Barnesville, Ga, May 5. \ —Regular meeting of council call ed to order by the mayor. Present Aldermen Bennett, Jordan, An derson and Murpliey; absent Coch ran and Gray. Finance committee recommend ed the payment of the following named hills, and same approved | and ordered paid : [Gordon Institute appropriations S4BO 00 Appropriations to cadets’ trip to Atlanta 10 00 i Appropriation to B’ville Blues 110 00 G. I Companies 210 00 720 00 STREET AST) PUBLIC PROPERTY. 'Hands • 50 i Insurance 25 00 iW. H. Chambers • 350 I O. A. Murphey 7 82 36 82 b . , EI.ECTRIC LIGHT AXI) WATER WORKS. ! llamis 3 80 ; W. E. Culver, (expenses to At lanta 4 75 W. H. Chambers 165 Freight 4 12 Ky. Electrical Cos 40 50 Beck dt Gregg Hwd. Cos 18 00 Pratt'Coal Cos 3510 Cling-Surface Mfg. Cos 8 75 R. D. Cole Mfg. Cos 6 15 The Procter Coal Cos 100 00 CSftpn and Gilleshie Elec. Cos 75 00 Wood 4813 ,T. 1!. Chapman 1 00 Salaries v 318 33 $1,428.10 Finance committee reported that, in accordance with instruc tions from council, theyliad ne gotiated a loan of SIOOO.OO, bear ing interest at rate of 8% per an num. in order to meet a casual de ficiency in the revenues of the city. The following resolution was introduced by the Finance Com mittee, and same passed: Whereas, City Bonds Nos. 21 to 30 inclusive for slooeach, bearing interest at 7'\t per annum, now held by Dr. E. A. Flewellen, fell due May Ist, and said holder is willing to extend pay ment of same until December Ist of Drummer’s ...Samples! A Full Line of Spring and Summer Samples Boughtat a Big Discount Marked Down to the Right Figures FOR BUYERS WANTING NICE, SEASONABLE GOODS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. Hosiery, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Vests, Shirts, Overalls and Suspenders. Come before tbe best have been sold. W. K. Wilkinson, * this year) provided the city pays inter est therieon at 0% per annum: and whereas, further, it is expedient and advisable to -postpone payment of said bond until December Ist, when the city taxe* are collected in. Therefore, be it resolved that the proposition of Flewellen be accepted, that the city pay interest on said bands from the time they matured up to De cember Ist, 1902, and until they are paid at the rate of 6!'„ per annum, and that the mayor be authorized to notify Dr. Flewellen accordingly, sending him a copy of this resolution. The Street committee reported that they had changed the side walk in front of the Presbyterian church in conformity with the line agreed upon by the church of ficials with Mr. J. (’. Collier. The Electric Light and Water Committee reported that they were having a list of water takers of the city prepared, with the i number of spigots in use by each consumer, and that steps were be ing taken to reduce tin* waste of water. The mayor reported that the fire hose ordered by the city had ar rived, and the Chief of police was instructed to place same in the engine house, for use. Mr. J. H. Blackburn appeared before council with reference to the hours for sprinkling as fixed by the Electric Light and Water Committee, and matter mention by him was referred to that com mittee. Petition of L. L. H. Blackwell, principal of Union Colored School, was referred to Petition Commit tee. Report of chief of Police for month of April read and ordered filed. Nothing further, council adjourned. W. B. Smith, J. A. Blalock, Mayor. Clerk & Treas. The only Guaranteed Kidney Cure is Smith’s Sure Kidney Cute. Your druggist will refund your money if after taking oue bottle you are not sat isfied with results. 50 cents at .T no. H. Blackbvkxs. If You can’t sleep at Night use Smith’s Nerve Restorer. It is a true Nerve Tonic. Will cure any case of Nervous Prostration ; does not con tain opium in any form. Sold by Jxo. H. Bi.ackbikn, "Western Union Moves Office. The Western Union Telegraph Company moved their office yes terday from the Smith building to the Mitchell building. The company will occupy rooms on the second story in the Mitch ell building and the rooms are well fixed up for the business. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell “something just as good.*' Educate Tour Bowel* With Cascarets. Candy Catliarttc, cure constipation forever. ,oc. 35c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Kodof Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* This preparation contains all of tbfc digestants and digests all kinds of food. Itgives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the foe: 1 you want. The most sensitive stomacf: s can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach. relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E.C. DeWitt & Cos., Cliieaira The *l. bottle contains 2Y, times the 50c. size. Another Candidate For Receiver. In this issue Mr. ,J. T. Vaughn of Meansville announces for Tax Receiver of Pike county, subject to the democratic primary. Mr. Vaughn is known to many citizens of the county and is one of best citizens and most indus trious farmers. About a year ago lie was taken with rheumat ism'and since then he has been almost an invalid. He is unable to do any work on his farm and- his friends say he is fully competent for and really deserves the office. Mr. Vaughn has been circulating among the people and has receive ed much encouragement in his race. Stores Will Close. Below will be found a list of those merchants and business men generally who will close their places of business at 6 o’clock in the afternoon. This is a step that is to be applauded and the employees will certainly appreci ate this short rest each day. Barnesville, Ga., May 0, 1002. —We, the undersigned merchants, agree to close our places of busi ness from Mar 6th to Sept. Ist, inclusive, at 6 o’clock p. ni., Sat urdays excepted: J. M. Reeves. W. C. Stocks. The Pitts-Grav Cos. Mrs. T. T. Smiley, J. W. Reeves. R. L. Bush. A. L. Mills. Barnesville Mercantile Cos. J. F. Stallings. Hanson and Kennedy. John T. Middlebrooks. W. H. Chambers Cos. M. M. Elliott & Cos. J. D. Hightower. B. F. Reeves. W. K. Wilkinson. J. H. Bate & Cos. Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight. You’ll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc.