The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, May 22, 1902, Image 6

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Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Potash. Vegetables arc especially fond of Potash, Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN RAM WORKS, 93 Nasftau St., New York. GEORGIA, RY.CO y PERFECT PASSENGER AND SUPERB SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Southeast Connecting at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYING BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company. THEO. D. KLINE, W. A. WINBUHN, General Sup't, Traffic Manager, J. 0, HAILE, General Pate’r Agent, S. J. ROBINSON, Aee't General Paea’r Agent, SAVANNAH, GA. wanted inventors to writ* for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent; it may be worth money. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS anl TRADE MARKS or return EN TIRE attorney’a fee. Bend model, sketch orjilioto and we send an IMMEDIATE pH EE report on patentability. We give the beiil legal service and advice, and our charges are moderate. Try us. SWIFT & CO., Patont Lawyers, ®pp. U S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C. 50 YEARS’ OH^^H^EXPERIENCE JB - Bhmhmhh| Trade Marks Designs r .> Copyrights Ac. Anyon# t>n<lln* a nketrh *nd dPßcrletlnn may qnlrkly aiH>rtm our opinion froo whothor *n Invnnuon < probably pntetiUtble. fomiuunlr*. Ilona strictly oontlilontlal. Handbook on ITUeuta sent free. Oldest aeenoy foraectirin* patents. Patents taken tnroukb Munn A Cos. receive itpr. Kil uotuy, without chante. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ijirtreat cir culation of any sotentlßo Journal. Terms. a year: four months. sl. Sold by all newsdealer*. MUNN & Cos. 361Broadwav. YQf|( Branch Offlee. tSS K St, Washmaton, D. C, WON’T FOLLOW ADVICE AFTER PAYING FOR IT. In a recent article a prominent phy sician says. It is next to impossible for the physician to get his patients to carry out any prescribed course of hygiene or diet to the smallest extent; he has but one resort left, namely, the drug treatment.’ When medicines are used for chronic constipation, the most mild and gentle obtainable, such as Chamberlain’s Stomach A Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by constipation as they leave the bowels in a natural and healthy condition. Forsale by Jno. H. Blackburn. OAMTOnXJL. Be*rth to Kind Vm Haw Wwa/s Beqtt Picnic at Goggans. A happy party of young people, under the chaperonage of Mrs. N. L. Bush, picnicked at Goggans lastoThursday. ]t was indeed a flay of pleasure to every member !of the party. Every circumstance seemed to conspire to make it pleasant and in nature seemed tojjjoin in the effort to make it enjoyable to the young people. The day was cool I and pleasant and everyone in a | joyous fram of mind and the crowd congenial. They left the city, early Thursday morning in the i band wagon ami reached the ground about 9 o’clock, where they dispersed to amuse themselves |in various ways, some fishing, some hunting and others to their ! own diversions. The dinner was one of the most enjoyable events of the flay. It was an unusually good one, so peculiar to picnics. Mrs. Bush makes a charming and j congenial chaperon and the enjoy ment of the day was due in a great part to her. Those composing the party were: Misses Annie Lambdin, Hattie Jordan, Edith Selzer, Mary Ella Coppedge, Dora Warde, Priscilla Stroud, Olive Williams and Lu cile Blackburn, and Messrs. Jack son Bush, George Mitchell, John Holmes, Gus Bush, Pearce Ham mond, Broughton Hardy and Leon Porch. Healthy Kidneys Means Long Lite. If you want to restore your kidneys to their former health state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —50 cents at J. H. Blackburns. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a bottle and be convinced. Your druggist sells it for 60c —at J, 11. Blackburns. Laxative Chocoi.atkr cures Chronic Constipation and Liver Troubles. Pleas ant to take. Purely Vegetable. Guar anteed by J. H. Blackburn. If You Suffer From Kidney Troubles; Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 50 cts at J. 11. Blackburn's. What ('refill In llasnl on. Many young men, beginning a j business career for themselves, make the mistake of suupposing that financial credit is based upon property or capital. They do not understand that character and re liability, combined with aptitude for one’s business, and a disposi tion to work hard art* far more important assets to have than mil lions of dollars. The young fel low who begins by sweeping out the store and finally becomes a clerk, manager or superintendent j by his energy and reliability of character, does not usually find it difficult to secure credit to start in business for himself. On the other hand, jobbing houses are not inclined to advance credit to the man who, though he may have inherited a fortune, lias shown no capacity for business, and is of doubtful character. The young men who start for themselves, on a small scale, are more energetic, work harder, are more alert, quicker to appreciate the chances of the market, more polite and willing than those with large capital. The credit men in the jobbing houses, as a rule, are quick to see the success-qualities in prospect ive buyers, and seldom make a mis take in their estimate of what is safe to extend.—O. S. Marden, in May Success. School at Rollon villi- to Close. The school at Hollonville will come to a close on May 80th. It has been in charge of Miss Minnie Reese, of Turin, Ga., and has had a very successful year. The commencement sermon will be preached by Sev.H. S. Reese, of Turin, who is a good speaker and will give his hearers a sermon well worth listening to. An en tertaining program has been pre pared for that night and promises to be an occasion of interest and pleasure to all who attend. The public is cordially invited to be present. Educate Tour Bowels With C*• caret*. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Oc.SSc. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, MAY 22, IW2. FALLING Save Your Hair with Shampoos of AtiGUft rSOAP And light dressings of Cuticura Ointment, purest of emollient skin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff', soothes irritated, itching surfaces,"stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else fails. Complete Treatment For Every humour, sl, consisting of CIJT ICUKA SOAi*('2sc.), to cleanse the skin oferusts ami scales, ami soften tlie thickened cuticle; Cutiuijra Ointmkkt(soc.), to instantly allay itching, inflammation and irritation, and soothe and heal; and Cuticura Resolvent Pills (25c.), to cool and cleanse the blood. Cuticura Resolvent Pills (Chocolate Coated) are anew, tasteless, odorless, eco nomical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cuticura Resolvent, as well as for all other blood purifiers anti humour cures. In screw cap vials, containing 60 doses, price 25c. Sold throughout the world. Britiih Depot: 27-28, Charterhouse Sq., Loudon. French Depot: 5 Hue tie U* Pais. Paris. PutTaH Dkuo aku Chiu.Coal’.. Prope. The Success That Attends Advertising In the light of the success that has attended advertising and the immensity of that business, it would seem altogether unnecessary to advance a single argument in favor of publicity. The man who says that advertising does not pay, slaps in the face the most success ful men of business in the country. His talks is contrary to the ex perience of thousands of the most energetic, enterprising and brainy business men of the country. One can find a practically limit less number of men who have become successful through its agency, while one would have to look far and near to discover one who lias amassed a fortune with out the aid of printer’s ink. The universality of the use of printed letters and billheads and envelopes demonstrates the unanimity of sentiment in favor of advertising. Every man who places goods be fore his his door, or his shop win dows to attract passers-by shows his faith in it. The progressive and successful man invariably seeks the medium which offers the greatest possible publicity.—Grif fin News. OLD AGE. Old age as it comes in the order ly process of nature is a beautitul and majestic thing. The very shadow of eclipse which threatens it, makes it the more prized. It stands for experience, knowledge, wisdom and counsel. That is old age as it should be. But old age as it so often is means nothing but a second childhood of mind and body. What makes the differ ence? Very largely the care of the stomach. In youth and the full strength of manhood it doesn’t seem to matter how we treat the stomach. We abuse it, overwork it, injure it. We don’t suffer from it much, But when age comes the stmach is worn out. It can’t prepare and distribute the needed nourishment to the body, and the body, unnourished, falls into senile decay. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is a wonderful medicine for old peo ple whose stomachs an* “weak” and whose digestion is “poor.” Its invigorating effects are felt by mind as well as body. It takes the sting from old age, and makes old people strong. BdawuTnr Wtili Vlih Cueartta , Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. <q b.ic. If C. C C foil, dnwsts refund money. BLUES TO 60 TO 6BIFFIN. i 'YkCfy •• '£& iv"'., -1 ’■ '•” 1 ' v " -' They Expect to Bring Back Two of i the Prize*—The Best Drilled Cos. j and the Best Orillctl Man The Barnesville Blm - . ;i • ■ bri •lay morning at 9:20 Griffin to take part b ' 1 ■ > ?njr - titive drill lield th- • . ■ . Thev will carry the minimum strength of the Company, lb men in line."’ They will only compete for two of the prizes, the best drilled company and the best drilled man, which they confident- Ily expect to capture. There are two other prizes, one for largest | company in attendance and tlie i other for the second best drilled. : The former prizes amount to SSO. S4O, goes to the best drilled com pany and $lO to the best drilled : man. The Blues is one of the best ! drilled companies of the Georgia State Troops. On their recent | trip to Albany they elicited the highest praise of any State Troops present and they have improved greatly since. They have drilled l several times this week and are going in with that determination :to win. There will be fourteen other military companies from j different parts of the state. Six are ito take part in the competitive ! drill. A large number of people will go up with them Friday morning to witness the exercises of the day and enjoy the Carnival which is in progress there, as well as to cheer the boys on to victory. The Blues will carry the following men: First Lieutenant J. Lawrence Hunt, commanding; H. Shi Gray, Becond lieutenant; Ist. sergeant Pearce Hammond; 2nd. sergeant J. E. Bush; Brd. sergeant B. M. Turner; quarter master sergeant, W. S. Reviere; corporals M. A. Bush and C. H. Willis; privates, Reed, Smith Gus., Middlebrooks Ike., Stephens A., Collier C., I Gardner, Stroud, Stocks J. 0., ' Dickey J. J., Reynolds H., Crowd er, Carswell 0., Howard Jno. LITTLE JEWELS. Every mother that has a child has a jewel more precious to her and worth more than the King of England’s en tire collection of diamonds, etc. Pity the little one that is rapidly losing its health because its mother does not know- it has worms, and that a 25 cent bottle of Mother’s Worm Syrup will expell them quickly. The Meeting Closed. The meeting which had been in progress at the Baptist church closed last Friday evening. All the preaching was done by Rev. Joe J. Jones, and while there were no accession to the church, there was much good accomplished. Many men and women expressed the determination to live a better life. v Mr. Jones is one of the strong est preachers in the state. His sermons went home to the hearts of the people. His chief study has been given to the Bible and to humanity and he applies them to each other. His wide experience as an evangelist lias given him hundred of illustrations from the lives of the people and he uses them with splendid effect. Mr. Jones made many strong friends while in the city. He went from here to Moultrie to con duct a meeting. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /T? . Signature of LjuzfTi. l&cc&AS Mrs R. A. Sappinjfton lkeiul The death of Mrs R. A. Sapping tou occurred on Monday, May 12th, at 4 p.m., after a short illness The funeral services were held at Fredonia church, Tuesday morn ing, being conducted by Rev. Gray. The interment took place at the family burying grouud. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you get theqj. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware! All druggists, toe. THE COUNCIL’S PROCEEDINGS. Council, Chamber, ) Barnesville, Ga, May 15. ) CALL MEETING. Call meeting of council called to order by the Mayor. Present full board. The meeting was call ed at the instance of the Electric Light and Water Board, to discuss the water supply of the city, and this matter was discussed at length by the council. Upon motion, the Electric Light and Water Board was requested to formulate some plan by which the waste of w’ater on the part of some con ' sumers could be checked, and to : make such recommendation at 1 next regular meeting of council as would, in their judgment, stop such waste, and tend to equalize the consumption of water in the city. Nothing further, council ad journed to next regular meeting. W. B. Smith, J. A. Blalock, Mayor. Clerk & Treas. Council Chamaer / Barnesville, May, 19. \ —Regular meeting of council call ed to order by the mayor. Present Aldermen Bennett, Cochran and Jordan. Absent Murphey, Gray and Anderson. Finance committee recommend ed the payment of the following bills and same were proved and ordered paid. Gordon Institute Coupons f TO 00 Street and public property 17 90 ! Electric Light and Water Works 181 97 j Appropriation to colored school 20 00 Dr. E. C. Ripley 6 00 Total 1295 87 The petition of L. L. H. Black well, which had been referred to the petition committee was reject ed and same concurred in by the council. The unfinished business regard ing w’ater meters and also the ex travegant use of water by some consumers was carried over until next meeting on account of chair man of this committee not being present. Alderman Bennett suggested that a place be provided for engine hose and same was referred to street committee and upon motion this committee was given power to act. Nothing further, minutes read and approved and council adjourn ed. W. B. Smith, J. A. Blalock, Mayor. Clerk and Treas. * TOBACCO SPIT UU|M I and SMOKE Your Lifeaway! You can be cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, fuli of new life and vigor by taking NG-TO-BAC, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 5 00,000 cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice FREE. Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Greatest Resource of the South. Walter H. Page, editor of the World’s Work and a native of North Carolina, says the potential wealth of the South is in the hands and minds of the people. The neglected white children of our Southern States—particularly in rural communities—are of the best English and Scotch stock, and they are as capable as the children of our race in any part of the world, he says. They will not contribute their share to the in dustrial and intellectual and social wealth of the nation, unless they are trained. We hear much about Southern natural resources and Southern industrial develop ment, which is taking long strides; but there is more potential wealth in the untrained hands aud minds of the forgotten masses than in all the forests and mines and wells and rivers in every Southern State. Residence Completed. Miss Pattie Move’s residence on Thomaston street, which lias been under construction for several months, has been completed and will soon be ready for occupants. The residence is two storied, contains eight rooms and has all modern conveniences. The house is a pretty one aud adds much to the appearance of the locality in which it is situated. The house will be occupied by Mr. R. G. Mathews and family. ; Him Are Your KMaeyi I Dr. Hobbs' Sparwjus Pills core all kidney 111*. s&n> , pteXree. Add sterling KemedyCo..Chicago o N.Y ! (Harness! ft You can make your bar -11 ness ns soft as a glove H Dl and ns rough as wire by B using ELK ERA Bar- IV / |l ness Oil. You can \W l/KL H lengthen its life-make it Vjß jtmR E 1 EUREKA W ij Harness Oil 1 I makes a poor looking har / ness like new. Made of iK I pure, heavy bodied oil, eg- uSI pecialiy prepared to with in cans—ail sizes. \vH& Made bj STAHDARO OH CO. H p | R QJ* | [iflPfoUTEj Is the best line to TEXAS. Has two trains daily from Memphis. Reaches Oklahoma and Indian Territory. Is the “True South ern Route” to CALIFORNIA. Will sell tickets at greatly re duced rates to Texas, Oklahoma, and Indian Territory on February 4th and 10th. Write for books and other literature of the west, northwest and southwest. I. E. Rehlander, T. P. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. H. C. Townsend, G. P. A., St. Louis, Mo. JUNE SHERIFF SALES Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Zebulon, Pike coun ty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in June 1902, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. m. and 4 o’clock p. m., to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: — All that tract of land being parts of lot num ber ninety and so much of lot numlwr one hundred and three (103) as lies east of Elkin's Creek and the line through said lot dividing the same between John W. and James Flemister and also ranch of lots nnmber one hundred and three (103) one hundred and twenty-one (121), one hundred and twenty three (123), as Res between said dividing line and Elkin's Creek, containing one hundred, and eighty (180) acres more or less, the same being the lands whereon J. M. Philips resides, here tofore held by said Philips under a bond for titles from John W. Flemister and said land being described in his said bond as follows: Parts of lots numbers one hundred and three (103) one hundred and twenty one [l2l], one hundred and twenty two [l22] and one hundred twenty three [l23]. The same is levied on as the property of J. M. Phillips to satisfj- a fl. fa. in favor E. J. Flemister, Administrator of J. W. Flemister, deceased, against said J. M Philips, now proceeding in name of R. H. Drake, Administrator of John W. Flemister, he having succeded E. J. Flemister as such administrator. Tenants in possesion notified in writing of this levy as required by law. Levied to collect balance of purchase monrv conveying this land to J. m. Philips. Deed lias been filed and recorded in the Clerk’s office as required by law. This the first day of May 1902. J. H. Milnfr Sheriff LIKE A DROWNING MAN. “Five years ago a disease the doctors called dyspepsia took such hold on re that I could scarcely go,” writes Geo. S. Marsh, well-known attorney of Nocona, Tex. “I took quanities of pepsin and other medicines but nothing helped me. Asa drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an improvement at once and after a few- bottles am sound and well.” Kodol is the only preparation which exactly reproduces the natural digest ive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stomach trouble. Jxo H Blackburn. L. Holmes. Barnesville, Ga. Milner, Ga. A husband unlike other flesh, the more you roast him the tough j er he gets. It is said that the good die young. This accounts for so many adults being still with us. The man who borrws trouble is usually compelled to pay a heavy interest on the loan. The favorite glass with the girls is the mirror, but most all men are partial towards the beer glass. If talking politics sometimes makes men fight, what would be the result if the women were allow ed to vote? Women are such timid creatures that they are several years shy when it comes to giving their age. DANGEROUS IF NEGLECTED. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and become troublesome sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Salve prevents such consequences. Even where delay has aggravated the injury DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve effects a cure. “I had a running sore on my leg thirty years,” says H. C, Hartly, Yankeetown. Ind. “After useing many remedies, I tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes healed the *sores.” Cures all diseases. Piles yield to it at once. Beware of counterfeits. Jno. H. Blackburn, L, Holmes, BamesviHe, Ga. Milner, Ga.