The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, July 10, 1902, Image 5

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You’l Have to Burry if you would keep up with the crowds that visit our store daily, purchasing the many novelties we are offering to the trading public. We haven't time to mention the many articles we carry in stock, neither do we quote prices in print. We make the price over our counters when the goods are shown. Here you have an opportunity of comparing price with quality, and we state right here that if after comparison you don’t find that we sell as cheap, or a little cheaper, than the other fellow, we will not insist on selling you, for we want every customer who visits our store to feel satisfied that they are getting full value for every penny they spend with us —we had rather miss a sale than to have a customer dissatisfied with a purchase. Upon this theory we are building up a trade that we feel proud of, and one which we flatter ourselves will stay with us. We carry in stock almost everything that is usually found in a General Store, but f we would call attention especially to our stock of SHOES and SLIPPERS. We have a line of custom work that cannot be excelled in quality, style and finish, and the prices which we are offering them will be of interest to you. Wash goods is another special feature with us for the summer trade. It is worth your time to call and see the many new and novel things we have in this department. Give Green Trading Stamps. Yours to serve, Barnesville Mercantile Company. Since moving into our new store our trade, though highly satisfactory before, has almost doubled in volume. The people appreciate our efforts to provide them with everything they need, and have learned to regard/ our place as their headquarters. The wants ot' the trade is our constant study, and, without presumption, we claim that our years of experience and unlimited cash reserve puts us well in the lead of all-professing competitors. Having reaped the rewards of a mammoth spring business, we will demote the next two months to Warming Up Things in Warm Weather. So, without regard to any certain day in the week, or any certain hour in the day, the process of price-cutting will be continually going on. EVERY DAY WILL BE BARGAIN DAY, and the same prices w T ill prevail for Ba.m. as for Gp. m. Our line of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and LACES has caught the trade. This stock is still unbroken, and no customer can afford to overlook it. As to SHOES, remember we have the exclusive control of L. M. Reynolds men’s fine shoes, and show Golding & Co’s, ladies and children's fine shoes and slippers. No use to say we keep everything. No use to say we discount the other man in price.' No use to promise more courteous attention. But suffice it to say our pleased customer is our best adver tisement. Always come to see us. BARNESVSLLE MERCANTILE CO. PEOPLES BANK OF BARNESYILLE, Successor to Barnesville Savings Bank. OFFICERS: > DIRECTORS: C. O. Summers, President. C. O. Summers, Dr. J. P. Thurman, Vice-President. J. C. Collier, A. M. Lambdin, Cashier. W. C. Stafford, J. P. Thurman, J. L. Fogg. Does a general banking business on a sound and conser vative basis. We respectfully solicit the accounts and busi ness of merchants, farmers and others. We are ready to make loans on good collaterals. Careful attention given to the interests of our customers. Ice Cream or Berry Sets, 35c. Their cheapness consists in priee only, and wo are selling lots of ’em, too. You better come and let us swap you a set of them for three dimes and a nickle before they an al 1 gone. Beautiful Plain Blown Glass Tumblers, only 50c set, and they are regular beauties, too. Your neighbor says so, and you will too, if you ever be come the happy possessor o# a set of them. Blackberry Pie and Dumpling Pan, and every sort of other pan. bucket, dipper, basin, etc., can be had here and at a small price, too. We have lots and cords of tinware and more coming. See our stock ot crockery before you part with your hard earned dollars —our prices are cheapness itself. Another Puncheon Cuba Molasses, just received fresh from the fertile valleys of Cuba. Iry it once and it will leave a lingering taste in your mouth for more. B. F. REEVES. The Pitts=Gray Cos. Miss Leila Collier left several days ago for Cartersville, where size goes to visit relatives. Miss Fatie Elliott left Saturday for a two-weeks vacation at her parent’s home at Culloden. Miss Nannie Smith, of Griffin, is the attractive guest of Miss Ida Bennett, on Forsyth street. Miss Maggie Charping, of Cedartown, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Chaf fin, for several days past. The many friends of Miss Georgia Chaffin, who has been quite sick for several days past, will be pleased to learn that she is improving. Mrs. \V. 71. Chapman, of Griffin, visit id her brother, Col. J. M. Smith, here Sunday. Mr. J. L. Smith and wife, of Zebulon, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Robert Murphey left yesterday for Atlanta where he will visit friends for several days. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Spruce are visit ing relatives and friends in Liberty Hill this week. Mrs. G. W. Langford left Saturday for Troy, Ala., to visit friendsand rela tives for several days. Rev. and Mrs. August Meyers, of Cordeie, spent several days in the city last week visiting friends. Miss Mae Kendrick, of Zera, Ga., is visiting Miss Nellie Langford and other relatives near town this week. Gospel Voices No. 3. Now on hand for sate for 35? per copy, or ft.oo per dozen. E. T. Poiwo. Mrs. E. J. Nottingham spent several days in the city last week with friends. Mrs. Nottingham is spending the sum mer in Macon. Mr. Chester Dumas, of Valdosta,: returned home Sunday after having spent several days here attending the i Chautauqua. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1902. Goes lo Colorado. Mr. Frank M. Stafford will leave today for Colorado, where he will remain until the cotton season opens. He has several times visit ed this state and enjoys it very much. He has been greatly bene | fitted by his visits there before and his friends wish for him a delightful trip again. WANTED —Ten boys between 15 and 20 years old in every town to act !as our agents, (total money for your spare time. Send stamp for partic ulars. Send us names of ten ladies in your town and will give you free beautiful gold-filled scarf pin. Stamp collectors send name and re ceive valuable stamp free. 56 page Catalogue for four cents. Gate City Novelty Cos., P. 0. Box 208 Atlanta Ga. TOBACCO SPIT IJI I and SMOKE 1 Your Lifeawayl You can lie cured of any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by talcing MO-TO-BAG, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 600,000 cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed, book let and advice I'KKIJ. Address STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Mr. G. L. Summers spent Thursday in Atlanta. Editor Sid Green, of Zebulon was in the city Friday. Mr. Bud LeSeuer, of Johnsronville, was in the city Friday. Mr. Jas. B. Fleming, Johnstonville, was a visitor here on the 4th. Mr. W. H. Parker, of Strouds, spent Friday in the city with relatives. Mr. R. G. Matthews is in the city spending sometime with his family. Mr. J. W. Gardner spent several days last week in Griffin the guest of rela tives. Miss Martha Terry, of Griffin, was the guest of Miss Arley Murphey last week. Mr. Merritt Murphey, of Griffin, was the guest of friends here during Chau tauqua. Miss Maude Aycock, ( of Senoia, was the guest of Miss Laura Summers dur ing last week. Prof. James Warthen, of Piedmont, attended the Chautauqua exercises here Thursday and Friday. Mrs. C. 11. Humphrey left last week for Millen, where she goes to visit rela tives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gresham, of Grif fin, spent several days in the city last week, the guest of relatives. Mr. Ward Alberston, State Bank Ex aminer, of Atlanta, was tin; guest of friends here several days last week. Dr. Robert Franklin and Mr. Robert Carmichael, of Jaekson, spent several days of last week here attending the hautauqua. Miss Alice Hall, an attractive young lady of Atlanta, after a pleasant visit to hercousin, Miss Ida Hamil, returned home Sunday. Mr. Coley Stocks, of Valdosta, spent several days in the city the past week, visiting the family of his father, Mr Geo. W. Stocks. Capt. Shi Gray and 2nd Lieut. Jack Bush, of the Barnesville Blues, left Tuesday to spend several days at the State Shoot in Macon. Miss Annelu Howard left Tuesday afternoon for her home in Zebulon af ter being the charming guest of Mrs. W. B. Smith for several days. Miss Essie Harris who has been the attactivc guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Gray, for several weeks, returned to her home in Flippen last Saturday. Misses Ina Jordan, of Molena, and Edna Baker, of Zebulon, two attract ive Chautauqua visitors of Miss Hattie Jordan’s returned home this week. Mr. H. C. Lowden and family, of Savannah, arrived in the city Monday and will spend several weeks here. They are- at the home of Mr. E. C. El der. Mrs. Gordon Hilesand Master Geo. Speigle Hiles, left Friday for their home in Atlanta after spending sever al days here as the guest of Mrs. G. VV. Speigle. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Burns, of East Lake, Ala., spent several days recently in the city with the family of Mr. I).C. Burns. They enjoyed their visit very much. Miss Nettie Matthews and brother Mr Ike Matthews returned Monday from Savannah and other points in southeast Georgia, where they have bcn visiting for several weeks. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Mr. W. D. Howell, of Zebulon, spent the 4th here. Mr. Walter Reviere spent Friday in the Gate City. Mr. Janies Tyus, of Milner was a vis itor here Friday. Mr. E. Rumble, of Goggansville, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. I. C. Collier, of Piedmont, was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. Louis Bolton, of Milner, was a visitor here on the 4th. Mr. Frank A. Stafford, of The Rock, was in the city last week. Mr. Charlie Hale, of Zebulon spent Friday and Saturday in the city. Editor C. L. Lifsey, of the Thomas ton Times was in the city Tuesday. Miss Kittie Collier, of Griffin, spent Sunday in the city the guest of rela tives. Mr. W. I). Carden, of Milner, was circulating among friends in the city Friday. Mr. J. P. Clements, of Strouds, was in the city Friday enjoying the Chau tauqua. Mr. Will Slaton, of Griffin, was the guest of Mr. B. M. Turner several days last week. Cobb Miller, of Atlanta, spent Saturday night and Sunday in the city with friends. Mr. Seymore Evans left Monday for Macon after visiting relatives here for several weeks. Mr. W. I). IJpshaw, better know’ll as “Ernest Willie”, was in the city a short while Monday. Mr. Eugene Whittaker, of Atlanta, spent several days in the city last week, returning home Monday. Miss Ida Thurman left last week for Atlanta where she goes to visit her brother, Mr. J. W. Thurman. Mr. Clarence Harris and sister Miss Ella May, of Flippen, spent Friday in the city, the guests of friends. Msss Mattie Tea Turner, left Monday for her home in Macon, after a visit of several days to Mrs. B. M. Turner. Miss Christine and Mattie Evatt, of Atlanta, are the charming guests of Miss Lavada Lavender near the city. Mr. A. Peacock and family left Holi day for Cochran, where they will spend several weeks before returning to the city. Mr. C. L. Burns, of Wood lawn, Ala., returned to his home this week after a pleasant visit to the family of Mr. I). C. Burtis. Miss Ethel Redding left Saturday for her home in Macon after being the guest of Col. and Mrs. J. I Redding for several days. Mr. Carlton Mills and sister, Miss Ada, who were visiting in the city chautauqua week, left for their home at Handersville, Saturday. Miss Velicia LeSeuer, the obliging saleslady of the firm of A. L. Mills, left Sunday morning for a two-weeks vacation at Johnstonville, her home, and other places before returning here. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Howard went down to Macon Monday to remain a day or so, ghests of relatives. Mr. Howard was a delagate from Pike county to thd congressioijal Conven tion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you sat> “'..New Crop.. Landreth’s TURNIP SEED Wright’s Drugstore. Hon. C. A. Turner, of Macon, was a visitor here Thursday, Mr. Ben Zellner, of Strouds, was a visitor here on the 4th. Mr. A. A. Rose, cf The Rock, was a visitor here duringchautauqua. Miss Vannie Hunt, of Milner, was the guest of Miss Priscilla Stroud last week. First Lieut, and Adj. Edwin Minhin nette is in Macon this week attending the state shoot. Mr. Thomas Fisher, of Newnan,spent several days here last week attending thechautauqua. Misses Lillian and Dixie Middlemas, of Athens, were the guests of Miss Mary Minhinette last week. Miss Fannie Mae Hanks, of Atlanta, was the guest of relatives here during the chautauqua. Gen, Clement A. Evans and daugh ter, of Atlanta, attended the Chautau qua exercises here on the 4th. Mrs. Eugene Whittaker left Tuesday for her home in Atlanta after visiting friends here for several days. Mr. Ed Calloway, of Atlanta, spent Sunday and Monday in the city, the guest of his cousin, Miss Music Hudson. Prof. Carl Anderson left last week for Cuthbert and other points in South Georgia where he will spend the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Sullivan and son Fred, of Culloden, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hardy last week. Miss Guida Beauchamp, of Jackson, was the charming guest of Miss Olive Williams on Zebulon street, last Fri day. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Lewis, of John stonville, spent Sunday in the city with the family of Mr W. J.Gordy, on Brown avenue. HARDWARE STOCK FOR SALE We have just pur chased the hard ware stock and building of Messrs. W. H. Chambers Cos. The building will be used for our cloth" ing and shoe store. The stock is for sale all in a lump, part cash and balance easy payments. Our new clothing and shoe building corner east Main St. for rent. This is a rare op portunity to step in to a good paying business. Apply at once. J. C. Collier Cos. Barnesville, Ga.