The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, July 31, 1902, Image 5

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Mexican Mustang Liniment for horse ailments, for cattle ailments, for sheep ailments. The most sensible thing to do when suffering from Bruises or Cuts is to treat the wound with Mexican Mustang liniment, because it is noted for its ability to drive out sore ness and inflammation, after which it heals the damaged flesh in a remarkably short space of time. For open pounds soak a cloth with the liniment > and bind on the same an you would a fioultlce. For other hurts apply freely and rub It well in. For MAN, BEAST or POULTRY. Mexican Mustang Liniment is a sure remedy for curing Scaly Legs among poultry. To Those who Desire to be Always Well Dressed Yet may be perplexed regarding the means for gratifying that desire at the least possible cost, we suggest our Mail Order De partment. We fill out-of-town orders the day they are receiv ed. Money sent with order is promptly and cheerfully re funded if goods sent do not please, or we send C. O. D., sub ject to examination; or when satisfactory references are sent we send goods on approval. Write for handsome illustrated booklets — sent free; ask for numbers desired. MEN’S GOODS. I—Eveningl—Evening Dress. —Tuxedo Dinner Jacket, 3 rinca Albert Frock Coat 4—Rid ing Clothes. s—Single Breasted Business Suit. 6—Double Breasted aek uit. 7 Norfolk Suit. B—Flannel uit. 9 —TopCoats. 10—Liveries and Uniforms. 11—Fur nishings. I—Shoes. 13— uit Cases, Bags and Hat Boxes. BOYS’ CLOTHING. 14 — -Piece Outing Suit. 15—3-Piece Suit. 15—Norfolk Suit. 10 —Boys’ Sailor Suit. 16—Peter Thompson Sailor Suit. 17—New Columbia Double Breasted. 17—Double- Breasted Jacket and Pants Suit. 18—Boys* Coatee Suits. 18—Full Dress Tuxedo. 19--- Irvington Suits. IC—Russian Suits, o—Wash Suits. EISEMAN BROS., Department L. Atlanta, Georgia. Washington, D. C. • Baltimore, Md. Seasons and Styles. Come and go but the appetite remains the same. Fine Steaks and Roasts Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply these wants. Me will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. fIATTHEWS & SON P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Wright & Garfield Bankers and Brokers. 52 Brodway, New York. Branch Offices: 30 West 23d St. 219 West 125th St. Orders solicited for the purchase or sale of STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN. COTTON. in any amounts for cash or on moderate margin How To Make More Than 50 per cent. A Year on Your money EXAMPLE: Buy 100 Shares United State Steel Common (say 43) on 3 percent, margin. CREDIT. Margin deposited Interest on deposit <Tt 6%, 4 % Dividend on 100 Shares Steel Common VM). A) $718.00 DEBIT. Less 6% interest on 100 shares Steel Common, *460.00 This is over 50 per cent, a year on your investment without considering ANY advance in the stock at ail. and we have no hesitancy in saying that we fully believe this stock will sell a CREAT DEAL higher. A Big Bull Market The indications are, that we are on the verge of one of the biggest bull markets the country has ever known. It is rumored that John W. ( ', is backed by a pool of *250,000.000 composed of J. Piernont Morgan, Marshal Field. John Ji Mitchell. President Illinois Trust Cos.. Moore Bros and severa. other capitalists, for the purpose of putting prices verr much higher. We would advise the immediate purchase of all good dividend paying stocks, such as Manhattan, St. Paul. P.ock Island. Atchison common .Steel and I copies Oas. Write for Special Letter Giving Full Details. THE BARNESYILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1902. J'tewartville Notes. We had a nice rain at Stewart ville Monday. Messers. Horace Johnson and Columbus Love are painting Ebe nezer church. It looks like anew one now. Mr. Glenn Shehee of Meansville attended prayer meeting Sunday night. Miss Mattie Williams returned home from Senoia Sunday last. Mr. Frank Johnson of near Weaver, attended prayer meeting Sunday night. Mr. J. B. Trice and Nora Shock ley attended singing Sunday at Weaver. Miss Fannie Crane spent Friday night last with Miss Nora Shock ley. Misses Mattie Williams’ and Nora Shockley will spend Satur day night and Sunday with Miss Willie McCulloch. Mrs. Emma Brannanwill spend Saturday night and Sunday at Mrs. W. J. Lynch’s. “Birdie.” VACATION DAYS. Vacation time is here and the child ren are fairly living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them. You need not only to guard against the accident incidental to most open air spyrts. No remedy equals DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious con sequences. For cuts’scalds and wounds ‘‘l used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve for sores cuts and bruises,” says L.B. Johnson, Swift, Tex. ‘‘lt is the best remedy on the market.” Sure cure for piles and skin disease. Beware of coun terfeits. Jno. H. Blackburn, Baruesvile, Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. Hoi lon-Yarbrough. Griffin, Ga., July 28. —Mr. D. B. Hollon, formerly of this sec tion, but now of Pittsburg, Tex., arrived in the city today and to his intimate friends announced his marriage to Miss Rose Yar brough of Williamson, Ga., the ceremony to occur on the evening of August sth at the residence of the bride’s father, I)r. J. D. Yar brough. The marriage will he one of un usual interest as Mr. Hollon is a Georgia boy and conies back after years to wed one of the loveliest ladies of this section. The healthy old man wears his gray hairs like a silver crown. What if he be three score and ten if there is still fire in his eye firm ness in his step, command in his voice and wisdom in his counsel? He commands Jove and reverence. Yet how few wear the mantle of age with dignity. Dim eyed, querulous of speech, halting in step, childish in mind, they “lag superfluous on the stage,’’ drag ging out the fag end of life in a simple existence. The secret of a healthy old age is a healthy mid dle age. The man who takes care of his stomach, who keeps liis body properly nourished, will find that the body does not fail him in old age. The great value of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis covery lies in the preservation of the working powers of the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition. From this center is distributed the nourishment of the whole body, the salt for the blood, the lime for the bones, phosphates for the brain and nerves. A sound stomach means a sound man. The man who keeps his stomach sound by the use of “Golden Medical Discovery’’ will wear the crown of gray hairs as befits a monarch, with dignity and ease. The Freehold, N. J., girl who sold kisses at a dollar each (not even drawing the line at the butcher) in order to raise money to buy anew carpet for the church of which she is a member, has de veloped a form of piety that can be appreciated by the most urire generate of the opposite sex. —Ex. CABTOHXA. Bean the jO The Kind You Ha 9 Always Bough! Coffee has been in use among civilized nation for 219 years. John Sobieski first found the ber ry in the camps of the defeated Turks in 1688. Xodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you oat. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. A Family of Chicks That Wer Hatched In a Tree. About May 1 one of our hens, which was known to be laying, to tally •disappeared. For some ten days she baffled all our efforts to discover any trace of her. At last she was found sitting on the eggs she had laid in a squirrel’s nest in a Scotch tir tree at a height of six teen feet from the ground. For the remaining eleven days of her incubation the hen was watched descending and ascending from bough to bough to her high perch, at first every day once, hut latterly once every other day, as far as could be observed. On Thursday, May 22, the hen was found with six live chickens and two dead ones at tho foot of the tree. Unluckily no one wit nessed the actual descent. She could not, however, be persuaded to enter an ordinary hen coop. With some trouble the hen and her six chickenß were got eventual ly on to some straw in an old rail way carriage, which I had erected some years ago on the edge of the hen run, which is sheltered from the north wind by a fir plantation, where many squirrels build their nests. In order to convey her chickens from the railway carriage to the ground the hen was seen to spread out her tail and descend with all six young chickens at once on her back. Doubtless she had conveyed them down the sixteen feet from the fir tree in the same fashion,, but probably only one or two at a time. —Letter in Nature. “A Sunflower Concert." Fasten a sheet to two tall posts placed at some distance from the wall, or it can be fastened in a wide doorway. Paint on the sheet as many green stalks with leaves on them as you desire flowers. At the top of each stalk either paint, the yellow petals of a sunflower or cut them from yellow paper and paste to the sheet with mucilage. After the flower is completed cut a ring from the center, leaving an open middle in each flower. Behind the sheet are as many little girls as flow ers, standing so that the faces peep forth from the hearts of the blos soms. In front of the sheet some real grass is scattered; there are also a rake, water sprinkler and a few pots of flowers to give a gardenlike effect. Two young girls in broad, flower trimmed hats stand in this garden and lead the little living sunflowers in song. This is n very “taking’' and pretty entertainment, and the painting is so coarsely done that no one need hesitate to try it. Effect only is aimed at. and two hours will be quite sufficient to accomplish it.— New York World. Cool In Summer, Warm In Winter. Whereas the earth gets thorough ly heated with a week of sun, the temperature of the sea takes many weeks to rise and is at its highest point at a time when the soil is al ready cooling off. During the win ter the sea slowly gives up its sum mer heat and so warms the air above it and the land near it. In summer the process is reversed. Cutting Capers. Stand with the toes together and hands on hips; spring upward and as you rise in the air cross your feet ami return them to the same posi tion. The toes must be kept point ed, or they will strike against each other as they attempt to cross. Do not heed the curious sensation as if the feet were held by bonds, but persevere. Home Gymnastics. Place both feet together, the toes on a line, and the hands on the hips; now kneel slowly until both knees rest on the ground. Itise again, without removing the hands from the hips, on the toes from the line. Do it twenty times at least without stopping. Dolly’s Mishap. The doctor came, and he said 'twos plain That dolly’s trouble was chronic. And he thought a ride on a railroad train Would suit her best for a tonic. Bo 1 wrapped her up with the greatest care And put on her Sunday bonnet. And the engine—that was the rocking chair— "With Engineer Harry upon it. ||||?||^ I gave my dolly all she would need And propped her up with a pillow; She was flying along at lightning speed In her palace car of willow. But all at once she fell on the track; Oh. 'twas a dreadful ending! The engine rocker went over her back. And I m ’frald she’s past all mending. —Eudora 8. Bumstepd In St. Nicholas. CASTOR IA Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of yf and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. /•ccccJuM Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CKNTAUH COMPANY. TT MURRAY tTRCIT, NKW VORR CITY. Made it Plain. A gentleman whose liberality in no way corresponds to his means, found out one day that there was some remainder ale in his cellar almost spoiling and decided to get rid of it without delay. The next morning when he was rambling over his estate, became across a party of workmen. Addressing the man in charge, he ostentatiously presented the ale to the men and said they could go and fetch it as they liked. A few days afterwards he hap pened to meet, ( lie foreman again and immediately proceeded to extract from him in some way a suitable acknowledgement of the bounty recently bestowed. “Well, Williams,” said the donor, with the air of a man who had granted an unspeakable favor, “did you and your men have that ale?” “Oh, yes sir, thank you, we had it,” was the reply. “That’s right, and how did you like it?” said the gentleman, de siring a warmer expression of gratitude. “Oh, yes, it was just the thing for us,” was the rather vague re sponse. “Ila, that’ll do then; but what do you mean by ’just the thing?” “Well, sir,” said Williams, “if it ’ad been a little better we shouldn’t a ’ad it, and if it ’ad been a little worse we coold’t a drinked it.” SAVES A WOMAN’S LIFE. To have given up wou[d liavr meat death for Mrs. LouisCragg, of Dorches ter, Mass. For years she had endured untold misory from a severe lung trou ble and obstinate cough. “Often,"she writes, “I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. Alldoctors and remedies failed till I used j>r. King’s New Discovery for consumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from cough, colds, throat and lung trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints, cure is guaranteed by VV. A. Wright. Price rsic and SI.OO. j Trial bottle free. 1111 <>ver 1 lie Heart. Reas —“Wasn’t that awful about Stella?” Nell —“I haven’t heard any thing.” Less—“ You haven’t! Why she eloped with a prize fighter.” Nell —“Poor girl! She certainly must have been hard hit.’, —Phil- adelphia Record. ACTS IMMEDIATELY. Colds are sometimes more trouble some in summer than in winter, it’s so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling off after exercise. One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, throat and lung troubles. Jno H. Bi.ackbubn. L. Hoj.mks. BameavlJJe, Ga. Milner, Oa. flow Are Your Kidney, f Dr Hobbs’ Bpar<rn*Plllenreall IWnPT ill*. Ham- ; pie free Add sterling lteuKHly Cw-.Cbieagu or N. V University of Georgia. 102nd Jession. September 1 ath, 1902 Academic Department, Law Department, Agricultural Dept. No tuition to residents of state except in Eavy School. In Agri culture, Short Winter Course, One Year Course, and Full Course Dormitory room free. Excellent board in Denmark Hull SB.OO per month. Write for handbook and catalogue to Walter B. Hill, Athens, Ga. Chancelor. ALL WOMEN Wine of Ourdui is the guardian of a woman’s health and happi ness from youth to old age. It helps her safely into womanhood. It sustains her during the trials of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, making labor easy I and preventing flooding and mis carriage. It gently leads her through the dangerous period known as the change of life. WINE" CARDUI cures leucorrhoea, falling of the womb, and menstrual irregularity in every form. It is valuable in every trying period of a woman’s life. It reinforces the nervous system, acts directly on the geni tal organs and is the finest tonic for women known. Ask your druggist for a SI.OO bottle of Wine of Cardui. Ilatesvllle, Ala., July lL 1300. I am naing Wine of Cardui and Thed ford h Work-Draught and I feel like a different woman already. Several la dies here keep the medicines In their home* all the time. I have three girlg and they are using it with me. Mr*. KATE HKOWDEB. For advice and literature, addres*. giving symptoms, “The ladles' Advisory Depart ment ", The Chattanodka Medicine Company, Chattanooga. Term. Iron mountain " ..... i ifROUTE EXCLUSION TO CALIFORNIA VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD. Tickets on sale to either San- Francieco or Los Angeles and re turn at very low rates, August Ist. to August 7th. Final limit to return Sept. 80th. For further information write I. E. Rektandeb, T. P. A. Chattanooga, Term. gg n ’