The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 07, 1902, Image 6

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fttrTifr qualify influences' Tsjgjjjfißl ' Profitable fruit jKgjSR growing insured only vPotash is in the fertilizer. jMt Neither ijuantilv nor fIV gtwJ qu>ih:v possible Kfffg without Potash. Write for our free book* giving detail*.. GERMAN KALI WORK'S, 93 Nassau St., New York City. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* This preparation contains all of thi dltfestants and digests all klnd9 of food. ItKives Instant rclit f and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the foo** you want. The most sensitive stomacl scan take it. Ity its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good PK*pnn'd only by E.fl libWittAlOo., OhlragQ Tin- |j. buttle cumulus 2J4 turn s the 00c. al^e. W6EOR6IA, rn.RY.GO. y PERFECT i'ASSENQER AND SUPERB SLTTPING-CAR SERVICE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE Southeast Connecting at SAVANNAH with STEAMSHIP LINES PLYINQ BETWEEN Savannah and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Complete information, rates, schedules of trains and sailing dates of steamers cheerfully furnished by any agent of the company, THEO. O. KUNE. W. A. WINUURN, U.norat Bup't, Traffic Manager, J. 0. HAILE, Gonaral Pa'r Agent, F. J. ROBINSON, Am t Q*naral PaM'r Agent SAVANNAH, QA. tkAAAfj. BO V cARS’ OaHKaM^EXPERiEiMCE OH A 9S f l J JUj J QM " /i 1 ■ ii 9 •oP ji I| 4 l Bam 1 Trade Marks frjiraNT Designs r Copyrights Ac. Anronoa *k*t<*h And demotion may quickly *<Mrtntn our opinion frae whether an invention i* probably latwiUbla C immaulea lions *t riot ly confidential. llMinllw>ok on I'at cm* aeut t nx>. indent mrency for wourtiiK patents. Phi cm s taken through Mutm A Cos. IwoatTf tfvrui l nolle*, without charge, iu the Scientific American. A handsomely lUntniHl weekly. Umrt cln dilution of hut .riontiU.' Journal. Tarni.. fit a i, .rt four month*.|L Sold bjall newsdealer*. MUNN&Co. 36,b ™ , "> New York Htmh Onto*. S K St, Washington, D. C. wanted inventors to write for our confidential letter before ap plying for patent; it may be worth money. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS ami TRADE MARKS or return EM TIRE attorney’* fee. Send model, sketch or photo and we aend an IMMEDIATE FREE report on patentability, we give the beat legal service and advice, and our charge* are moderate. Try ua. SWIFT & CO., Pmtont Lmwymv, •pp. U.S. Patent Office. Washington, D.C. Wanted help. We want to build a school house it tfv<- arc now t-wh ■lifllffiiri'.y pupils in an old burn like concern ifmn* I* ■ of the ruins left by the eye! >n< of a few v*-ars ago. • Wl>.ftre:iii tile natural center or a territory containing a hun dred student* who are deprived of attAfidnQg during the most of the y4jkt tttpfedount. of inadequate ae commnE.ffnns. Our community is peer, composed principally of tenants. Believing that the future of our section depends on this work, we appeal to those who have landed interests here, to those in sur rounding towns who are benefitted by our patronage, to those to whom offices of county or state are intrusted and are interested in their welfare, to all lovers of chil dren, education and noble endeav or —to these we appeal for assist ance in this much needed work. Through the kindness of the News-Gazette wh will give the subscription list in full each week. Send your subscriptions to the building committee. J. C. CoM.IER, I. C. CoI, I.IKK, T. M., Z. B. Head, 11. J. Cato, W. B. Whittle, James T. Warthen. SITUS* 1 111 PTIONH TO DATE I I J. C. Collier 1100.00 I. C. <'oilier 150.00 If J Cato 10.00 <i. 11. Collier 5.00 i C. K. Casey 5.(X) A. A. Sutton 5.00 J. T. Warthen 10.00 James C. Collier 5.00 / 11. Elliott 5.00 W. T. Waller 8.00 J. G. Spear 5.00 W. I!. Whittle 8.00 W. J. Adams 1.0.00 H H. Nelson..' 5.00 N. W. Hurst 3.00 /. B. Head 5.00 J. It. Torhert 2.00 (i. 'l'. Harp 5.00 T. L. Bussey 2.00 W r . T. and J. W. Elliott 4.00 M. (t. Harrisson 1.00 Pike County 100.00 T. S. Yates 5.00 if 358.00 Jamkh T. WArthen, Secretary. Botanic Blood Itulni For The Blood. If you nilITi i r from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, blood poison, cancer, eating sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any other blood or skin disease, w e advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Especially recom mended for old obstinate, deep-seated cases, cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin a rich glow of health. Druggist, $1 per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm To., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. An exchange tells of a school hoy who was compelled by his teacher to write an essay on the mouth, and this is what he wrote: “The mouth is the front door of the face; it is the aperture of the cold storage of our anatomy. The mouth is the hot bed of tooth ache. The mouth is the crimson aisle to the liver; it is the foun tain of patriotism and the tool chest for the pie. Without the mouth the politician would be a wanderer on the face of the earth and go down to a dishonored grave. It is the grocer’s friend, the ora tor's pride, the dentist’s hope. It is temptation’s lunch counter when attached to a maiden, and a tobacco's friend when attached to a man. It puts some men on the rostrum and others in jail. It is the home of that unruly member, the tongue Without it married life would be a summer dream and the dude would lose half his attractions.” IT NEEDS A TONIC. There are times when your liver i needs a tonic. Don’t Rive purgatives that gripe ami weaken. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers expel all poison from the system ami act as tonic to the liver. \V. Scott. 431 Highland aye., Milton, Pa., says: “1 have carried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers with me for several years aud would not he without them." Small ami easy to take. Purely vegetable. They never gripe or distress ,l\o. H. Biackbcrn, L. Hoi.mks, Barnesville, Ga. Milner, Ua. i imr „ IT - “Mornin,' John.” “Howdy, Bill." ‘‘How's the crap?” “Sold out.” “What fur?” , “Gwitie to town, jine the ring land be a politieioner.” i, * In Urn,* Sold br <lrurt*t. PI gjpT"t-iri- j ". , -‘- i, -"TTy THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE THURSDAY, 4J7GUSI* 7, 1902. Coughing “ I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health.” —Chas. E. Hart man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It’s too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. Three lie : 25c., 50c., sl. All dnilts. Commit your doctor. If he ay take It, then do as he *ys. J* he ,. tel] S *£" to take It, then don’t take it. He know*. Leave It with him. We are willing. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Ma*. Wanted Plenty of Plugs. “I hopes as how you will excuse me, gents,” said the guide, as he proceeded to make an inventory of the supplies provided for the hunt ing trip, “but I like to make sure that everything’s O. K. ’Taint proper to take no chances in these here matters, an’ I ’specially wants to know that the liquor is all here. Y’ see, 1 knowed a man once who’d a passed in his checks good and plenty if it hadn’t been fer a couple o’ bottles of the old stuff.” “Snake bite?” asked one of the party. The guide shook his head. “Ac cident,” he said. “Accident!” exclaimed the other in surprise. “Oh, 1 suppose the whiskey acted as a stimulant and kept his strength up until you could get medical assistance.” “No-o; ’tain’t just that,” an swered the guide, “but the thing give us all a bad scare, an’ I ain’t never took chances of bein’ with out a few bottles since then.” “Tell us about it.” “Well,” said the guide, as soon us he had convinced himself that the whisky was there, “It was this here way: Me an’ Bill, my partner, has a big party out, an’ one of the fellers is a measly little fool chap with a .518 gun that he is forever shootin’ off. Now a .38 riile ain’t the biggest thing in the way of a shootin’ iron there is in these parts., but it can bore a hole plenty big enough to suit most folks, an’ this feller seems jest achin’ to plug somebody. He acts like he really wants to do it, an’ we has to talk to him frequent and strong about blazin’ away prom iskus-like. But it don’t do no good. He goes away from camp every night to blaze at everything he sees in the woods, an’ on one night he catches Bill. “Me an’ Bill is sittin’s by the camp-fire when the stunt comes off, an’ we has two bottles in front of us. That’s the only thing that saves Bill’s life. If we’d forgot them bottles he’d’ a been goner fersure; he’d ’a’ tramped the golden stairs ’thout havin’ time to take his boots off, which would ’a’ been mighty bad manners, an’ Bill’s a stickler fer doin’ things right and proper. But the bottles is there and he’s saved.” “But, how t]id you save him?” demanded an impatient member of the party. “Huh?” “But, how did they save him? you havent told us yet.” Oh, fer sure?” exclaimed the ami -et \ \ \ \ 'M I have no etli-ct on B, w rrryt Kf A |B ■ humrs. trr.urd Wjß&f #1 ■ ■ wiill Eureka Hat-# VIH-11/I ■ ■ ness Oil. It re- \ eg ■ sist* the damp, w w \ M ■ krrpsthrlduh. Mm DA/ITCC P I I ■ do not break. \ ' \ hi; ■No rough sur- \\\\ M§lW\ \ M ■ tace to .hate \ \JtLr k \ I ■ i n wear* twice Standard Oil jj ' \ guide, apologetically. “Clean for got to tell you how ’twas done, did’ntl? Y’see, it happens like this: Me an’ Bill issittin' by the fire with the bottles in front of us feelin’ its a shame to turn in leavin’ any to be split by some careless galoot, when a bullet from this here .38 come singin’ along an hits Bill Bill in the right side breast, goin’ right through his body. Well, in course, it’s dollars to dry twigs that he’ll bleed to death if that there wound ain’t fixed up mighty sudden. There ain’t no time for foolin’ when a bullet goes clean through a man, an’ that’s where we was lucky in not forgettin’ the whisky.” “But what good did that do you?” asked the* impatient one. “Huh?” “I say, what good did that do you?” “Oh, what good did that do? Why, Bill he’s a man what ain’t ever flabbergasted. He knows what to do every time, he does, an’ he jest reaches over fer the corks, an he takes one an’ I takes the other an’ he plugs up the hole behind an’ 1 plugs up the hole in front, an’ there he is as good as ever.” The various members of the party looked hard at the guide, but he was as solemn as an owl. “No, sir,” he said, “it ain’t safe to take no chances, and if you’ll excuse me, gents, I'll jest say a how the supply is a little short. “Short!” they exclaimed. “Why, there are eight bottles here. “Fer sure,” replied the guide, calmly, “but there’s six in the party, an’ Bill’s accident has taught me that it ain’t safe to start t thout having two plugs fer each man.” Invalid’s Are Crowding. The Offices of I lie Brinish Medical Institute at 354 second St. Macon, Ga. A staff of eminent physicians and surgeons from the British Medical In stitute have at the urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care in this county, established a permanent branch of the Institute in Macon at No. 254 Second street. These eminent gentlenmen have by request, consented to continue giving their services entirely free for three months (medicine excepted) to all invalids who call upon them for treatment between now and Aug. 15th. These services consist not only of consultation and examination and ad vice, but also of all minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and alllicted, and under no condition will any charge whatever be made for any services ren dered for three months to all who call before Aug. 15th. The doctors treat all forms of diseases and deformities and guarantee a cure in every case they undertake. At the first inter view a thorough examination is made, and, if curable, you are frankly and kindly told so; also advised against spending your money for useless treat ment. Male and female weakness, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also varicocele, goitre, rupture, cancer, the opium habit and all diseases of the rectum, are positively cured by their treatment. The chief associate surgeon of the institute is in personal charge. Hours, 9to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1. Special Notice ;—lf you cannot call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. Her Tribute to I<ove. They were three little maids from school riding out on a sub urban car, and as they swung their school bags they discussed the relative accomplishments of their respective parents, says the Baltimore Sun. “My mamma has been abroad three times and can speak French just the same as American,” boasted one, Hipping back hex curls. My mother can play everything on the piano—Sausa's marches and all,” said the second. The third looked dreamily across the fields. “I don’t know that my mother can do anything,” she said slowly, “but, oh, she is such an awfuliy good mother to me.” SAVES A WOMAN’S LIFE. To have given up would havr ment death for Mrs. LouisCragg. of Dorches ter, Mass. For years she had endured untold misory from a severe lung trou ble and obstinate cough. “Often,"she writes. “I could scarcely breathe and sometimes could not speak. All doctors aud remedies failed till I used Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption and was completely cured." Sufferers from cough, colds, throat and lung trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints, cure is guaranteed by W. A. Wright. Price 30c aud SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Education Should Broaden. Is it not a fact that a great many bright boys and girl actually learn to quit w r ork, to refuse to help about the house or farm, at some of the schols to which they have been sent? What does it profit a boy or girl to be thus taught to shoot at the sky and go in the hole? asks the Galveston News. It is all right for parents to strive to make their sons and daughters leaders of men and wo men, and to push them in their education just as far as they will go. It is all right for boys and girls to be ambitious and hopeful, and to look aloft in the yearn ings to be of special use to the world. It is not right to fancy that the opportunity to accom plish such things lies along only a few old lines within the narrow scope of a few worn-out and over crowded professions. The world is wide. The old fal lacy as to differences and distinc tions in callings has been explod ed. It is the age of progress and of practical education. It is no longer in order to adhere to the old-time course which tends to the bright boy or girl that there is no useful service that is to be despised. Such, at all events, should be the kind of teaching which he State offers free to its future citizens. BOY CURED OF COLIC AFTER PHYSICIAN’S TREATMENT PI AD FAILED. My boy when four years old was taken with colic and cramps in his stomach. I sent for the doctor and he injected morphine, but the child kept getting worse. I then gave him half a teaspoon ful of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in half an hour he was sleeping and soon recover ed—F. L. Wilkins, Snell Lake, Wis. Mr. Willis is book-keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber Cos. For sale by Jno. H. Blackburn. Friend—“ Hard up and been married only two month? Well, take cheer and remember love makes the world go around.” Benedict (sadly)—Yes, but it doesn’t make the milkman and butcher boy go round.” —Chicago Daily News. Found Out. Calpurina Bristol drew back with an expression of horror her fair young face. Her bosom rose and fell like a table-cloth on a clothes-line when the wind blows, and her delicate, sensitive nostrils dilated to the last notch. Reginald Briggs saw at once that something was the matter. Instinctively his hand went up to his necktie. It seemed to be in place, and his collar had not be come unbuttoned. “Fair one,” he cried at last, when could bear the strain no longer, “what is it? Nay, do not seek to conceal it from me. My reason tells me you are agitated. lam strong. I can stand it.” “No, no, no!” she cried, bury ing her face in her hands and try ing in vain to keep back her emo tion. “Go away. Do not put me to the test. Oh, heavens! this is terrible!” Overcome by her emotion, she sat down upon a rustic bench and sobbed. The young man bent over her and said in pleading tones: “Tell me —tell me, Calpurina — I mean ” “Cease!” she cried dashing her tears away and indignantly facing him. “Never address me again! I supposed that you were wearing a panama hat, but I see it is only a $4 imitation. And I have walk ed all around the club-house in your company before everybody! He slipped out through a side gate a moment later and ran through the woods, wondering whether it would be better to try live it down or keep on toward the setting sun. —Chicago Record- Herald. Keep Your Bowels Strong. Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order. Cas carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Women ar Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor Sand cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be bom afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment ot these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are marie mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy! The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp>Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a ■ample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home ot Sw&mp-Root. ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Cos., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. A loving word is always a safe word, It may or may not be a helpful word to the one who hears it, but it is sure to be a pleasant memory to the one who speaks it. Many a word spoken by us is af terwards regretted, but no word of affectionate appreciation to which we have given utterance finds a place among our sadly remember ed expressions. Looking back over our intercouse with a dead friend, or a fellow-worker, we may, indeed, regret that we were ever betrayed into saying a hasty or a harsh or unloving word of censure or criticism in that inter course, and we may wish vainly that we had now the. privilege of saying all the loving words that w r e might have honestly spoken while they were yet with ns. But there will never come into your heart at such moments a single pang of regret over any word of impulsive or deliberate affection which passed your lips at any time. ALL WERE SAVED. “For forty years I suffered un told misery from Bronchitis,” writes J. H. Johnston, of Brough ton, Ga., “that often I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world.” A trial will convice you it’s unrivaled for throat and lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at W. A. Wright. HICK’S. CAPUDINE Cures all Headaches, Colds, LaGrippe, Neuralgia, etc. Your monev back if it fails, 15 and at all Drugstores. For sale by Jordan Bros. & W. A. Wright. Perfect and Peerless Rheumatism and all Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by cleansing and vitalizing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient while using the remedy. * URICSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. ' This great and thoroughly tested , and endorsed California Remedy < never disappoints. It cures in ■J fallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. Price SI.OO per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address: URICSOL CHEMICAL CO., U Aagdca. Cal. or tk* ' LAMAR * RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, da. DistrtMiag AfaaU.