The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 07, 1902, Image 8

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BARGAINS!! ' ■ h % m Will commence to rabve ttfe Chambers Hardware stock next Monday. August 4. If-you want bargains for the next 3 days come to see me and I will sell you, if you are in any notion to buy anything in my line. Stoves are heavy to move and Crockery is easy broken. Some things I will sell below cost, some at cost and everything at a very close price. . . Cash Must Accompany These SHAVED PRICES. I have one Cane Mill which I would hate to move. I don’t know hardly yet what I have got, but you come to see me and we will find what you are looking for and will find a price also to suit you. lam selling more Fruit Jars than any other house in Town. I sold 144 dozen Jar Rubbers in 6 days, and am selling my share of other goods also. Come to See Me. =J. B. BANKSTON, - Manager of The Bankston Hardware Store. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF GEORGIA. Do you want an income for life, and the best and easiest Company to get business for? What the Southern is to fire, the Mutual Life of Georgia is to life. You can write three men out of five, as other agents are doing that. Why not you? We want an agent in this community. He must be an hon orable gentleman. None other need apply. Where we establish an agent the Company introduces itself. If you want the agency for this territory apply with reference to the Company, Athens, Ga. Personal Overflow. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hightower *e, turned home Tuesday from Griffin where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Willi? fur sometime. Mrs. Robert Mitchell and Miss Lucile Mitchell returned home Tuesday from Indian Spring, where they have been spending several days at this popular summer resort. "My hair was falling out very fast and 1 was greatly alarmed. 1 then pur ehased a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once. The Vigor also made it most beautiful, glossy and bright.”—Mrs. U. A. McVay Alexandria, O. Misses Grace Woodward and Nettie Lee Grace returned home Tuesday from The Rock where they have been entertained by Miss Mary Kllen Staf ford for several days. WANtED- By young cou ple without children, two rooms for light housekeeping. Address Box 198, stating terms and loca tion, l>r. F. H. Graves left Tuesday for Courtlaud. Ala., where he goes to ac cept the pastorate of the Presbyterian church there. Dr. Graves has numer ous friends who regret to see him leave our city but trust he will l>e well pleas ed in his new field of tabor IF A MAN LIE TO YOU. And say some other salve ointment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as liucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him t hirty years of marvelous cures of piles, burns,boils, corns, felons, ulcers, cuts, scalds, bruises and skin eruptions prove it’s the best and cheapest. 25c at W. A, Wright's drug store. MltncVoar Bevel* With Caaeereta. Cathartic, cure constipation forever “•Sic. lIC. C C iitl, driigKisis is tun*l mouei STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. I wish to sell at once the Ronss stock of goods, formerly owned by J. R. Dea vonrs. Price low and terms easy. A big chance for the right man. W. W. Lambdin, Attorney. TciiniN ('lilt). Barnesville is just now in the midst of tennis craze. Several courts in the city are used every afternoon and early every morn ing. A club was organized Tues day afternoon at the Institute court, consisting of the following members: Hundley Blackburn, Walter Marsh burn, George Elder and Claud Anderson. This club has accepted a challenge from the [club in Griffin and will go there sometime next week. € OASTOniA. B*r th a l* l * Kind You Haw Always Boaghi TO^V WOODWARD & BETHUNE Bargains in Bug gies, Phaetons. Also all kinds of Repairing and new work done. Couu? to see iwLnnd save money. Wood a Hi) ,t Bethink. THE BAEJfESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST TANARUS, 1902. NEWJY NOTE/. Mr. C. Gainer Turner has ac cepted a position with the Sum mers Buggy Cos. as traveling sales man and liis territory will be the states of Mississippi, Louisana and Texas. Mr. Turner is an expe rienced salesman, having traveled last summer for J. G. Smith & Sons of this city. His many friends here wish him much success in his business. * * * Chief of Police Willis is enjoy ing a weeks vacation given him by the city council. On motionof Mr. T. W. Cochran, chairman of the street committee a weeks vaca tion was granted each policeman their pay to continue as if on duty. After working every day the year round faithfully, they no doubt enjoy their vacation. * * * Mr. J. B. Bankston, the new hardware merchant, is moving his stock of goods from the Collier building to the Rogers store next to the jewelry store of J. H. Bate & Cos. Mr. Bankston will remain in the Rogers building until Mr. Collier vacates his clothing store and will then move his stock intd this pretty building where he will remain in the future. A severe electrical storm visited this city and community Monday night and it was thought that the city was in danger several times. Lightning struck close by and the report was out Tuesday morning that a negro was struck during the storm but it was learned after wards that the report was untrue. The electric 'ights went out during the storm and left the city in total darkness. No damage to any great extent has been report ed. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. H. White left Saturday for Savannah, where they will spend several weeks with relatives. Mrs. White’s health is not very good and she will also spend sometime in the hospital there before returning home. Her many friends here hope that her visit will -greatly benefit her health. * * * Mr. R. G. Matthews is building a beautiful residence on his lot on Thomaston street. The location is a very desirable one, and the house will be a real adornment for that portion of the street. Mr. Matthews is not sparing expense to make his home one of the most conveniently equipped and most attractive in Birnesville. Work on the place is being pushed rap idly. * * * Mr. E. R. Carswell returned home last week from Wadley, where this popular officer has been visiting relatives for several days. Mr. Carswell was born and raised near Wadley and no doubt his visit was a source of much pleas ure to him. * * * Work is progressing rapidly on the new residence of Mr. Edward Elder on Thomaston street. The house will contain eight rooms and will be completed by the first .of September which time Mr. Elder will move in from the Stafford dwelling on Holmes street. The First National Bank’s fur niture and fixtures arrived Tuesday and are now being put up in their new headquarters, which is ackowledged to be the finest of any town in Georgia with a population of 10,000 inhabitants. The furniture is solid mohogany and the walls and borders which are 48 inches high, are white mar ble. The furniture is being rapidly placed in position and the officials of the bank hope to move in by next Monday. The First National Bauk’s headquarters are now at Edward Elder's insurance office. • * * Mr. Harry Reynolds has accept i* (Him Sup Assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT, the Great Skin Cure, for preserving, puri fying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itching?, and chafings, and for all the ptir- Sof the toilet, bath, and nursery. ons of Women use CUTICURA SOAP in the form of baths for annoying inf laminations and irritations, or too free or offensive perspirations, in die form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers. No amount Of persuasion can induce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beautifiers to use any others. Complete Treatment ter every Humour, sl. Consisting of CuticLHA 80AF(25e.),t0 cleanse the skin of crusts ami scales, ami soften the thickened cuticle, CuTictißA Ointment (60c.), to Instantly allay itching. Inflamma tion, and Irritation, and soothe and heal, and CUTICt'RA He SOLVENT I’ILLS ('J5c.), to cool and cleanse the blood. CtmrritA Resolvent Pills (Chocolate Coated) are anew, tasteless, odorless, eco nomical substitute for the celebrated liquid Cctioßra Resolvent, as well as for all other blood puritlers and humour cures. In scre w cap vials, containing 60 doses, price 25c. soli throughout lh< World. British Dspot: SMS, rhnrlerhouss Sq., London French Depot, o Kue dc Is Pen. Caro. Pottir Deco and Cues. Coxr., Sole Trope., Boston, U. S. A. "Ail about the Skin,” tree. ed a position as traveling salesman for J. G. Smith & Sons and left Monday for points in South Geor gia. Mr. Reynolds is an excellent young man and will no doubt give his firm good service. * * * Mr. George W. Lowden’s can nery is one of the busiest places in Barnesville now and will be for several days to come. Mr. Low den stated to a reporter of the News-Gazette that the peaches are fine and that his cannery is consuming 10,000 cans everyday. A solid car of new' cans arrived Monday and are now being unload ed at the cannery. Mr Low r den has also begun to ship the fruit canned this year and will continue about two weeks. 150 people are employed at the cannery this week. Mr. Clarence Willis, the popu lar and efficient book-keeper for the firm of J. G. Smith & Sons, re ceived a letter last week from Governor Candler appointing him a student to the Medical Depart ment of the University of Georgia which is situated in Augusta. There are two students appointed by the Governor each year from each congressional district and Mr. Willis is one of the two ap pointed from the 6th district. He has not yet decided whether he will attend the college or not. Healthy Kidneys Means Long I.ife. If you want to restore your kidneys to their former health state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —50 cents at J. H. Blackburns. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sur,> Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a bottle and be convinced. Your druggist sells it for 50c —at J, H. Blackburns. Laxative Chocolates cures Chronic Constipation and Liver Troubles. Pleas ant to take. Purely Vegetable. Guar anteed by J. 11. Blackburn. If You Sutler From Kidney Troubles. Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 50 cts at J. H. Blackburn’s. Cures Eczema. Itching Humors. Especially for old. chronic cases take Botanic Blood Balm. It gives a healthy blood - supply to the affect ed parts, heals all the sores, erup tions, scabs, scales: stop the awful itching and burning of eczema, swellings, suppurating, watery sores, etc. Druggists, sl. Sample free and prepaid by writing to, Blood Balm Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent itksealed letter. CASTOHIA. Bmu* th*- /) Kind Yob Haw Always Bought % 7" How’s Your Turnip Patch? If you haven’t this necessary adjunct to your premises, you should hasten to plant you a patch now. You oan obtain the seed here, as we have a full supply of RUTA BEGA SEVEN TOP, RED or PURPLE TOP, YELLOW GLOBE and FLAT DUTCH TURNIP SEED—they are BUIST’S and are fresh, too. We have a full supply of all kinds of BEAN SEED, and more on the way. Tie a String on Your Finger after you have perused our advertisement", so you will not forget where you can find BARGAINS in such things as GROCE IES Tinwaree, Glassware, Crockeryware, Woodenware, Hardware, Jugware, and every other kind of ware your necessities may call for. We keep nearly every thing; ask for what you don’t see—most likely we have it. Come to see us whether you buy or not, as we will smile at your out-going as well as at your incoming. If you don’t know where we are, just follow the crowd. B. F. REEVES. Try us on FRUIT JARS, fruit jar caps and rubbers for same. JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS Only the Best. THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR THINGS YOU HAVE TO SELL. I want your Chickens. Eggs, Butter, Hams, Potatoes and will give you the very best prices possible. THE LOWEST PRICES ON THINGS YOU HAVE TO BUY. I always carry a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and have them marked down to the very lowest notch and can make it to your interest to try me. I have recently added to my stock of Groceries a line of FARMERS’ SUPPLIES, such as are necessary for every farmer to have. I also have a complete line of Crockery and Tinware. I don’t give trading stamps, but give you the amout off on the prices. Don’t forget the place, I am not on the corner any longer, but am still ‘•in the ring” when it cotnes to competition, and can knock most of the rest of them out. Yours truly, John T. Middlebrooks. J. W. Cabaniss, President. C. H. Humphrey, cashier. CITIZENS BANK OF BARNESVILLE, GA. Capital, $25,000. StocKholders’ Liability, $25,000. DIRECTORS: J W. Cabaniss, president Exahange Bank of Maeon; E Bumble, Merchant, Goggans, Ga ,J. L Pitts, of Pitts-Gray Cos. ; J C. Collier, of J. C. Collier Cos. ; J M. Means, Cotton Buyer, Meansville; V. O Marsliburn, Merchant; T. W. Cochran, Livery; B. p Spencer, of Columbus; Thos. J Peeples, Cashier Maddux-Bucker Banking Cos , Atlanta; C H Humphrey, Cashier. This bank solicits accounts of merchants, individuals and corporations, and extends every facility consistent with sound banking principles. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. , J. D. HIGHTOWER, SUCCESSOR TO J; w . HIGHTOWER DEALER IN Agricultural, Mechanical and Buiders* Hardware, Farm Ea moments, Water Supi>lies. Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares Disk's non-rustible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockery and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Holloware, Paints. Oils, Brushes etc., etc. R. P. Becht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V. Pres. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos., Manufacturers and Dealers In High Grade Pianos and Organs STEIXWAY & SONS., HOBART M. CABLE, SOHMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. jfJV"Write us for Catalogues and Prices. §prW Special prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE 1665 ENGLISH-AMERIOAN BUILDING ATLANTA. - GEORGIA,