The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 14, 1902, Image 5

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LOOK HERE! We have bought very heavily for the fall and winter trade, and to make room for this immense stock, we are obliged to close out All Summer Goods, Whatever you need in strictly warm=weather goods, you can buy from u 5.... At Greatly Reduced Prices. Visit our store and convince yourself that we are in the lead on low prices. The Pitts=Gray Cos. P. S. After August the first we will discontinue giving Green Trading Stamps. Barnesvllle Mercantile Company. Since moving into our new store our trade, though highly satisfactory before, lias almost , doubled in volume. The people appreciate our efforts to provide them with everything they need, and have learned to regard our place as their headquarters. The wants of the trade is our constant , study, and, without presumption, we claim that our years of experience and unlimited cash reserve puts "us well in the lead of all professing competitors. Having reaped the rewards of a mammoth spring-business, we will devote the next two months to Warming Up Things in Warm Weather, So, without regard to any certain day in the week, or any certain hour in the day, the process ' of price-cutting will be continually going on. EVERYDAY WILL BE BARGAIN DAY, and the ■ same prices will prevail for Ba.m. as for 6p. m. Our line of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES , and LACES has caught the trade. This stock is stiU unbroken, and no customer can alford to overlook it. As to SHOES, remember we have the exclusive control of L. M. Reynolds men’s fine 1 shoes, and show Golding &, Co’s, ladies and children’s fine shoes and slippers. ■ No use to say we keep everything. No use to say we discount the other man in price. No use , to promise more courteous attention. But suffice it to say our pleased customer is our best adver . tisement. Always come to see us. BARNESVILLE MERCANTILE CO. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners ot Registration will open their books for the pur pose of registering the qualified voters of the City of Barnesville on Wednesday, August2oth, 1902, and keej> the "same open for three days, to-wit: August 20, 21 and 22—as provided by law and the ordinances of said City. Only the qualified voters of the City of Barnesville thus registered, shali be entitled to vote at the annual Municipal election to be held on Tuesday, August 2(sth, 1902, at whicl time 8 Aldermen of said City and one Member of the Dis pensary Commission of Barnes ville, Ga.,”will be voted for and elected. All persons wishing to vote at said election will take no tice hereof, and govern themselves accordingly. Bv order of the Mayor and Council, this August Oth, 1902. J. A. Blalock, Clerk and Treas. Teething Then the baby is most like ly nervous, and fretful, and doesn’t gain in weight. Scott’s Emulsion is the best food and medicine for teething babies. They gain from the start. Send for a free sample. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, , N f w York -5 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. OASTORIA. Bw * the lhß Kind You Haw Always Bought Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE. I must sell Rouss Racket stock this week. Will sell at 50 per cent, of the cost, and on easy terms. Rare chance. Apply at once to W. W. Lambdin, Attorney. Aliss Nell Alarchman, of the Rock, spent several days of last week with relatives here. Miss Kittie Collier, of Griffin, spent Sunday most pleasantly here with rel atives. * Air. Yate Hudson, of Atlanta, was the guest of friends and relatives here Sunday. Air. S. H. Thornton, of Jackson,, was m the city last Thursday. Air. B. T. McDaniel, of Thomaston, was a visitor here yesterday. Air. J. L. Watson, of Ft. Valley, was a visitor here Monday. Air. H. B. Jones was a visitor here t yesterday from Woodbury. FELLOW CITIZENS It re quires good, broad, busi nessmento help run a city. Look at J. C. Collier, Otis A. Murphey and W. A. Prout and see if you don’t think they will make the best Aldermen for a prosperous town like Barnesville. WANTED— K y young cou ple without children, two rooms for light housekeeping. Address, Box 193, stating terms and loca tion. THE BARNESVTLLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1902. Mrs. S. H. Gray returned home Thursday from Forsyth, where has been the guest of relatives for several days. Boarders Wanted— f school pupils can secure board at Mrs. B. F. Porch’s, at home stead of P. F. Mat thews. Miss Violet Menkee who has been the attractive guest of Miss Leila Collier left Saturday for her home in G'arters ville. VOTERS—If you want har mony, peace and prosper- Ity, vote the liberal progres sive citizen’s ticket. Otis A. Murphey, J. C. Collier and W. A. Prout. Mr. Chas. Hunt is in the city visiting relatives. Mr. Hunt is traveling rep resentative for the Inger Jluggy Cos., of Cincinnatti, ()., for the states of Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Misses Laura Summers and Lucile Shearouse spent last Saturday at Pine Mountain Springs. While there they attended an educational rally, and re port a most profitable, as well as en enjoyable day. Mr. Oliver Hamilton left Monday for his home in Lebannon, Tenn., Mr. Hamilton has been employed by the Chambers Hardware Cos., for tin- past several months and has made many friends during his stay in our city. VOTERS-A town to be successful must be run ou busi ness rules- like any money-making busi ness. If you want a good town run right, vote for J. C. Collier, Otis A.Mur phey and W. A. Prout. Voters, it requires meih that are broad minded, liberal, hon est land progressive to build up and mess. A town like run successfully will need such men. Tax payers, do you want that kind ? If so, vote for J C Col lier, Otis A Mur phey and W A Prout ro^> WOODWARD & BETHUNE and get the Best Bargains in Bug gies, Surreys, Phaetons. Also all kinds of Repairing and new work done. Come to set* us and save money. Woodard a Bktiut.nk. Mrs. W. W. Lambdin visited the Gate City Saturday. Mr. John M. Holmes spent Friday in Yatesville. Col. W. TV. Lambdin visited the Gate city Saturday. Mr. E. Rumble was a visitor here Thursday from Goggans. Mr. R. P. Spencer, of Columbus, spent Thursday in the city. Captain J. A. Stafford, of The Rock, was a visitor here Saturday. Air. George Warthen. of Piedmont, was in the city Thursday last. Mr. James Tyus, of Milner, was in tin* city a short while Thursday. Alias T. V, Taylor is spending some time with relatives in Meansville Air. F. M. Stephens was a visitor from here to Yatesville Friday. Air. and Airs. J. AI. McFarlin, of Yatesville, are visiting in the city. Alessrs. AI. G. Howard and Jack Sin ger spent Sunday at Lifsey Springs. Hon. Chas. R. Gwyu, of Zelmlon, was a prominent visitor here Thursday. Air. Phineas Alurphcy was a visitor here Tuesday from near Yatesville. Air. Gordon Persons, of Strouds, was the guest of friends here Thureday. Air. W. V. Lifsey arrived in the city Thursday and is the guest of relatives. Misses Bessie and Julia Word, of Thomaston, were visitors here Thurs day. If you want a progressive town, elect proge ssi v e Aldermen. If you want pro gressive aldermen vote for J. C. Collier, W. A. Prout and OtiS A. Murphey. Hon. O. H. B. Bloodworth, of For syth, was in the city a short while Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Mnrphey spent Sunday most pleasantly with relatives in Atlanta' Aliss Alary Ellen Stafford, of The Rock, is the guest of friends and rela tives here this week. .Airs W. I). Graham returned home Saturday from a pleasant visit of sever al days to Culloden. Air. and Airs. J. A. McCrary left Sat day for Indian Spring, where they j will spend several days. Miss Carrie Elder left Saturday for Thomaston, where she goes to visit rel atives for several days. Aliss Ever Sheram, of Dalton who has been visiting Airs. W, S. Ingram, • returned home yesterday. Air, W. I’. Person, a well known and prominent farmer of near Strouds, was in the city last Thursday. Air. Robert Carmichael, a prominent ! citizen of Jackson, Ga., was the guest of friends here Friday. Miss Adele Masters, of Tampa, Fla., was the charming guest of Miss Florrie Elder several days last week. We regret to chronicle the illness of Miss I>aura Spence, who is sick at her home on Zebulon street. H’e hope to note her recovery at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Gregg will leave Barnesville in a short while for South Georgia, where the former will engage in the buggy business. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg have been residing here for about seven years and during that time have made many warm friends, all of whom regret to see them leave. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Mr. J. H. Blackburn went up to Grif fin Monday. Mr. W. C. Jordan spent Tuesday in A tlanta. Mr. ,T. L. Hunt made a business trip to Concord Monday. Mr. \V. P. Howard, of Willard, was a visitor here Monday. Air. Alerritt Thurman spent yester day in the Gate City. Air. Field Matthews, of near Yates ville, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. P. AI. Sullivan,of Zebulon, spent Thursday in the city. Miss Annie Johnson spent Monday most pleasantly in Atlanta. VOTERS—Don’t forget the Citizens Ticket for Aldermen—J- C. COLLIER, OTIS A. nURPHEY, W. A. PROUT. They were nominated by ail classes of citizens at a public meeting he Id at the City Hall last Monday night. Miss Nettie Summers left Friday to visit friends and relatives at Wad ley, Ga. Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Bradley, of Atlanta, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stafford. Airs. J. F. Neely and little daughter, Grace, of Valdosta, are visiting friends and relatives in the city. Col. E. A. Stephens returned Thurs day last from Indian Springs where he spent several days most pleasantly. Misses Virgin and Kallie Marshlmrn , left yesterday for Macon where they will spend several days with relatives. TAX-PAYERS AND VOTERS— Pont fear to vote for J. C. COLLIER, OTIS A. MURPHY add W. A. PROUT for Aldermen. They will run your town on a business basis, help make you a happy home, encourage and fos ter new factories which will keep the entire citizenship employed. Miss Irene Williamson left several days ago for Atlanta, where she will he several days visiting friends and rela tives. Mr. Lawrence Hunt returned Friday from Culloden, where he has been the guest of friends and relatives for sever al days. Messrs. Benjamin and George Harri son, of Newcastle, Ala..arrived in the | city Monday and are the guests of rela tives near the city. | Airs. J. G. Harris, who has been the guest of her daughter, Airs, Will Rogers, for several weeks, left Tlmrs ! day for her home in Moultrie. Air. It, AI. Wimpec,of the Cedartown Courier, arrived in the city several | days ago, and will spend sometime here las the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. G. Suggs, on Elm street. Fellow-Citizens: You live in Barnes’s your home. So let’s make it a busy business town by electing J. C. Col lier, Otis A. Mur phey and W. A. Prout for Aldermen for next year-elec tion, Saturday Aug. 23rd. ..New Crop.; Landreth’s TURNIP SEED Wright’s Drugstore. Mr. Henry Farr, of Milner, was in the city Saturday, Air. J. W. Gresham, of Gridin, was in the city Tuesday on business. Mr. N. L. Bush, of Atlanta, is spend ing several days here with his family. Hr. G. Pope Huguley, of Atlanta, spent yesterday in the city with rela tives. Alessrs. Ike Middlebrooks, and Young Stroud spent Sunday with friends at Zelmlon. Mrs. Lizzie Ship, of Cordele, is in the city the guest of Mrs. J. L. Hunt at her home on Thomaston street. Heinz’s white vinegar for pickling purposes at Bkn F. Rkkvks. Miss Nell Hightower returned home Monday from Atlanta where she lias been the guest of relatives for some time. Mrs. E. A. Stephens returned home yesterday from McDonough, where she has been spending sometime with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Butts and chil dren returned home Monday from a pleasant visit of several days to Odessa - dale, Ga. Judge E. T. Pound has returned from a visit to South Georgia, where he has conducted several singing classes suc cessfully. Miss lone Murphey returned home Tuesday from Gainesville where she has been spending several weeks with friends. Heinz’s pure pickling vinegar and and all kinds of spices for making pickles can he had of Bkn F. Rkkvks. Mrs. J. H. Blackburn and little son, Frank, left last week for Thomson, where they go to visit relatives for several days. M'ssMae Collins and Misses Allen and Horne, of Forsyth, came up Tues day to witness the tennis game between Barnesville and Forsyth. Mrs. J. T. ffoward left Tuesday for her home in Willard, Ga., after spend ing several days here with her brother, Mr. I). L. Anderson. Do you make a failure with your pickles? If so, you should use Heinz’s pure pickling vinegar. For sale by Bkn F. Rkkvks. V O T E k S--D o y o_u want a busy town-New factories-New enter prises? If so, vote for J. C. Collier, W. A. Prout and Otis A. Murphey for Aldermen. These men are in touch and well acquainted with foreign capitalists that are hungry to in vest their money in busy towns run on a business basis by bus iness men. But capi talistsneverturn loose their money in towns that are run by close fisted, selfish, tear -up people. OABTOZIIA. Bem th, /j Th Kind You Haw Always Bought *rr