The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 28, 1902, Image 5

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LOOK HERE! We have bought very heavily for the fall and winter trade, and to make room for this immense stock, we are obliged to close out All Summer Goods. Whatever you need in strictly warm=weather goods, you can buy from u 5.... At Greatly Reduced Prices. Visit our store and convince yourself that we are in the lead on low prices. The Pitts=Gray Cos. P. S. After August the first we will discontinue giving Green Trading Stamps. MADDUX & SON, Successors to Barnesville Mercantile Cos. In fact, not in fancy, we beg to announce to our customers and to the people generally, that we are now ready for the fall business, and are ready in better shape than ever before. We have exercised an extra amount of diligence and shrewdness in the buying of our stock for this season. We have looked carefully after every department and are ready to show styles and quote prices that will astound our competitors and greatly gratify our customers. Miss Fatie Elliott is at the head of our Dress Goods department, and she extends an invitation to all her friends and the ladies generally to call to see her. CLOTHING AND SHOES. We handle the famous Rochester line of clothing, and L. M. Reynolds fine shoes, and are show ing everything in this department. Come to see us, and let us talk prices to you. MADDUX & SON, , Successors to Barnesville Mercantilo Cos. Milner’s Ginnery, Barnesville, Ga. Most complete and thoroughly equipped ginnery in Georgia. Can gin and pack a bale in 13 minutes, and produce very best sample. Satisfaction given in every case. Prices the lowest. Highest prices paid for cotton seed, and every convenience in handling the seed. Cotton seed meal and hulls for sale at bottom prices. The patronage of the public is invited. J. B. P. MILNER, Prop. Wagons, Buggies and Surreys I earrv and keep always in stock the best wagons, buggies, sur reys, harness, saddles and'robes, which I will sell as cheap as any body. Just received a solid Car Load of the Famous Tennessee Wagons, which lam anxious to sell out at once. Prices are right. Come and get one. Mules and Horses always on hand for sale and trade. Teams for rent. ROBERT MITCHELL. Barnesville, Ga. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1902 Grffln Beats ISariiMville at. Tennis. The Grffin News Tuesday gives the following account of a game of tennis played there Monday: “Griffin defeated Barnesville in a game of tennis yesterday. Grif fin was represented by Messers. Taylor and Deane, and Barnesville by Messers. Blackburn and Elder. Although the visitors played, still they “weren’t in it.” Features of the game were Deane’s steady and Taylor’s four ball game. Score, first set, Griffin 0, Barnesville 1; second set, Griffin 6, Barnesville 0; third set, Griffin 6, Barnesville 1: referee, Wright, attendence forty-five. CABTORIA. a,*,., th# Tha Kind You Hate Always Bought **Ti Corretted weekly by Baird & Hum. Therf will fee ami m• .>f a -> ■! >a! 1 Barnesville and Zebulon Friday 29th at 8:80 p. m. This is t he last game of the series and promises to be very interest ing as each team has won two games and is anxious for the rubber. Zebulon will bring her strongest crowd and Barnesville will put forth its best. Howard and Curry will do the box work for the home team and Hale or Ballard for Zebulon. Seats will be provided for the big crowd that is expected. Let every one go out and yell for the Barnesville boys. CASTOniA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Mr. John Taylor, of Horne, was in the city Saturday. Mr. J. P. Williams, of Milner, was in lie city Friday. Mr. Ed Horne was a visitor here Sat urday from Horne. Mrs. S. H. Cook was a visitor to the Gate City Saturday. Mr. Ed Maddux was in the city Sat urday from Horne. Mr. E. C. Elder spent Sunday at Strouds with relatives. Messrs. John Holmes and Ed Howard visited Strouds Thursday. ki'ii Mr. Leon Porch, of Forsyth, visited relatives here last week. Mr. James Nelson was a visitor here Saturday from Thomaston. Mr. Hubert Worsham, of Strouds, spent Saturday in the city. Mr. Ashford Milner, was a visitor here Saturday from Zebulon. Mrs. J. F. Redding and Mrs. E. L. j Cook spent Saturday in Atlanta. Miss Velicia LeKeuer was the guest of Johnstonville relatives Sunday. Mr. Fletcher Knox, of Atlanta, was visiting friends in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Abercrombie, of Strouds, were, visitors here Saturday. I ' Mr. T. Z. Abercrombie, Jr. of Strouds, was in the city a short while Thursday. Mrs. C. H. Humphrey is the guest of the Wigwam at Indian Spring this | week. Miss Carrie Elder returned home Saturday from Thomaston, to the de light of her many friends. Mr. J. C. Brown returned home Sat urday from Macon, where he has been spending sometime with relatives. Shoes, pants, overalls, shirts and sus penders at special bargain prices at Wilkinson's. Miss Wilburn Walker, of Collins, is the charming guest of Miss Leila Col lier at her home on Greenwood street. Mr. Warren Woodard returned home Monday from Indian Spring, where he has been spending several Jdays enjoy ing a reßt. Miss Fannie McLane left Friday for Austin, Tex., where she goes to visit her brother. She will likely remain there until xmas. Mr. Henry Miller returned to the city Friday from Thomaston, where he lias been spending several days enjoy ing a vacation. Mrs. J. Douglas Lewis returned to the city Saturday from Thomaston, where she has been the guest of friends and relatives for several days. Mrs. F. W. Lake and children, who have been the guests of Mrs. J. F. Red ding for several weeks, left Saturday for their home in Waco, Texas. Miss Lucile Shearouse spent Sunday ; very pleasantly in Macon, as the guest [of her brother, lfeidt. who holds a position with the Central railroad at that point. Mr. Frank Stafford arrived in the eity Friday from Denver, Colorado, where he has been spending several weeks for health. Mr. Stafford is much improved, which is joyful news to his many friends here. NOTICE —This is to notify my friends that I now with J. W. Stafford A Sons, and will be pleased to serve you in any department of their large store. If you are need of any thing in their way of drygoods,groceries, furniture, etc. call to see me. W. H. Eu.inotox. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Mr. J. W. Gresham, of Gridin was in the city Saturday. Mr. Will Delaney, of Key West, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. Frank A. Stafford spent a short while in the city Sunday. Mr. James Warthen, of Piedmont, spent Saturday in the city. Mr. W. T. Reid spent Sunday in Eatonton with relatives. Mr. Ed Maddux, of Forsyth, spent Sunday in tin* eity with relatives. For Sale or Rent— My store on Main street. W. K. Wu.kinson. Mr. Asbury Lambdin, of Macon spent Sunday in the city with his parents. Mr. and Mrs J. T. Willis, of Milner spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Mr. Charlie Tyler spent several days of last week at his home in Milledge ville. Miss Lucy Worsham, of Strouds, was in the city Saturday, enroute to Orchard Hill. For Rent —My new house on Thom asuon street. Apply at once to Miss Pattie Moyer. Miss Dove Marchman passed through the city Saturday, enroute to her home at The Rock. Mr and Mrs. A. L. Mills returned home Friday evening, after a pleasant visit to Newnan relatives. Sheriff John 11. Milner of Zebulon was in the city Monday shaking hands with his many friends here. Shoes, pants, overalls, shirts and sus penders at special bargain prices at Wilkinson's. Mrs. Matthew Grace returned Monday from Indian Spring where she has been spending several days pleasantly. Master Murphey Pound who has been visiting relatives here for several weeks left for his home in Macon. Shoes, pants, overalls, shirts and suspenders at special bargain prices fit Wilkinson’s. Mrs. M. W. Smith returned home Sunday from Griffin where she* has been visiting relatives for several days. Mrs. M. M. Elliott and Mrs. Z. 'l'. Maxwell left Monday afternoon to visit relatives at Forsyth for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams spent Sunday in Fayetteville, the guest of the latter’s sister, Mrs. J. J. Arnold. Mr. Walter Marslfburn returned home Saturday from Perry where he has Is-en visiting relatives for several days. FOR SALE—My house and 50 acres of land on Zelniion street, containing 2000 peach trees and other fruit. I mean business. See me if you want a good place. W. K. Wii.kixhon. Miss Ida Thurman returned home Monday from Zebulon where she has been the guest of relatives for several weeks, Mrs. J. Curry and little children, of Key West, arrived in the city Saturday and will spend several months here as the guests of the Veal house. Mr (ins Kudisil who has been oper ator in the Western Union Telegraph office in the absence of Miss Laura Spence, left Saturday for his home in Forsyth. Mr. Leslie It. Curry, of Key West, arrived in the city Saturday and will enter Gordon Institute Monday. Mr. Curry is a brotherof Mr. Clifford Curry who is now a student of Gordon Insti tute. ..New Crop.. Landreth’s TURNIP SEED Wright’s Drug Store. Mr. J. C. Adams, of Jackson, was in the eity this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennett attended the camp-meeting atMt. Zion, Sunday. Prof. N.W. Hurst will preach at the Methodist church Sunday, 11 o’clock A. M. Miss Maggie Charping, of Cedartown, is spending several days with friends and relatives. Miss Pearl Stephens, of Macon, spent several days recently in the city with Mis Lily Turner. Dr. and Mrs. 11. S. Bradley, of Atlanta, are in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. J. I’. McNiece, of Yatesville, spent one day of last week in the city. For Sale—Cheap for cash, or easy term, my piano, call at Mrs. W. W. Arnold’h, city. Miss Roberta Mitchell returned from Jackson a few days ago, where she spent about a month. Mr. M. A. Bush returned Saturday from an enjoyable visit to his sister, near Pine Mountain Springs. Miss May Ella Coppedge, who has been conducting a flourishing school at New Market, arrived in the city Monday afternoon, and will remain here some time before opening again. Little Miss Marie Little, daughter of Rev. M. It. Little, of Wadley, is the charming guest of her cousin, Miss Gerldine Carswell, at the home of the popular night officer, E. R. Carswell, on Forsyth street. For Rent— New four room cottage on Greenwood street. Apply to to Nbws-G.izettk. Mr. Pete L. Gordy went down to Macon yesterday to lay in a supply of groceries. Restates that he will have his grocery business opened up by next Monday, and will then be pre prepared to serve the public. When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, go at once to Jno. H. Blackburn’s drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. They also core bilious ness, sick headache and constipation. Farm For Rent-— 2'j miles from Milner miles from Barnesville 0 acres, good 7 room house, barn etc, Apply to Mrs. L. P. Campbell San dersville, (la. Mr. Ed Hoffman, of OcalJa, Fla., arrived in the eity Monday to accept a situation with the jewelry firm of J. H. Hate A Cos. Mr. Hoffman is an ex perienced watch-maker and will no doubt make this progressive firm a val uable man. Notice— M e arc prepared to make you prices on meal and hulls, and any one wishing to exchange seed, it will he to your interest to see us before trailing. We have 400 tons of meal and 50 ears .of hulls bought, and got them at low prices. Mr. E. T. Crowder and Mr. M. L, Darden represents us. Sir. Crowder will be at our scales at Mr. J. 15. P. Milner’s warehouse, and Air Darden on the streets. Wc pro pose to make this a lively seed mar ket this season. . Baird, Hi nt A Mu. nek. TO~^> WOODWARD & BETHUNE and get the Best Bargainsin Bug gies, Surreys, Phaetons. Also all kinds of Repairing and new work done. Come to see us and save money. WOODAKD A BeTHCNK.