The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 28, 1902, Image 7

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BEST FOR THE BOWELS If rail haven’t a regular, healthy movement or the bowels every day, you’re ill or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, in the shape of vio lent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smooth est easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean is to tako EAT J EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10, 25. and 60 cents ter box. Write for free sample, and booklet on ealth. Address 433 STERLING REMEDY' COMPANY, CHICAGO or NEW YORK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. PIERCE KEMP, M. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER, BARNESVILLE, GA. Office over Jordan’s Drug Store. Residence: Thomaston street: ’Phone 9. DR. J. M. ANDERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BARNESYILLE, GA. Residence: Thomaston street. ’Phone No. 25. J. A. CORRY, M. D., BARNESVILLE, GA. Office: Mitchell building. Residence: Greenwood street. Office hours: 7toß a. m., 11 to 12 a. m, sto6p m J. P. THURMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BARNESVILLE, GA. Office over Jordan Bros’ drug store. Residence, Thomaston street; 'Phone, No. 1. Calls promptly attended. DR. K. L. REID, . BARNESVILLE, GA. Offiice over First National Bank. Residence, Magnolia Inn. J. R. SIMS, DENTIST, BARNESYILLE, GA. F®“Office over B. F. Reeves’ store. C. H. PERDUE, DENTIST, BARNESVILLE GA. over Jordan’s Drug Store. . ! EDWARD A. STEPHENS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BARNESVILLE, - GEORGIA. General practice in all courts—State and Federal. (y Loans Negotiated. W. W. LAMBDIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BARNESVILLE, - GEORGIA. Will do a general practice in all the courts —State and Federal—especially in the counties composing the Flint circuit. Loans negotiated. C. J. LESTER, Attorney at Law BARNESVILLE, - - - - GA. Farm and city loans negotiated at low rates and on easy terms. In of fice formerly occupied by S. N. Woodward. R T. Daniel. A. B. Pope DANIEL & POPE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices at Zebulon and Griffin. GEO. W. GRICE, PHOTOGRAPHER. Work done promptly and neatly. Office over Middlebrooks Building. W. B. SMITH, F. D f.nkst funeral car in georgi> EXPERIENCED EMBALMERS. ODORI ESS EMBALMING FLUID V, B. SMITH, Leading Undertaker BARNESVILLE. GA. Jordan, Gray & Cos., Funeral Directors, Day Phone 44. Night Phone 58. CITY BARBER /HOP. Hair cutting a specialty, by best of artists. My QUININE HAIR TONIC is guaranteed to stop hair from falling out. 0- M. JONES- Prop.. Main street, next to P. O. OASTORXA.I B ** r ** e _ '■The bnd You Haw Always Bought THE COUNCIL’S PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, \ Barnesville, Ga., Aug 211902 \ Adjourned meeting of city coun cil called to order by the mayor— Present full board. The tax committee reported pro gress. Motion was made that Clerk it Treas. be required to furnish amount of indebtedness of city falling due the coming year. Motion was made that citation of Col A. A. Murphey be referred to city attorney. Minutes read and council ad journed to meet Aug. 22. W. B. Smith, J. A. Blalock, Mayor. Clerk & Treas. COKNOIL CHAMRER \ Aug. 22, 1902. ] Adjourned meeting of council called to order by the mayor— Present full board. Clerk & Treas. reported that Dispensary commis sion had not supplemented report asked for. Tax committee submitted the following report, fixing tax rate for present year, and upon motion same was adopted. The Tax Committee beg leave to make the following report: We find the taxable property returned $984,- 999.00 or nearly $1,000,000. We offer the following ordinance which we gave notice would introduce at this meet ing. Ist. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Barnesville, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that as authorized by the city charter and the laws of the state a tax of one per cent (\%) is hereby assessed and levied for the year 1902 upon all the real estate in the city of Barnesville as assessed according to the city charter and ordinance, and on all merchandise, machinery, cash, solvent debts, and all other property of every kind within the limits of said city, as owned and held on the Ist. day of April 1902. Said levy being as follows: A tax of 2 mills on every dollar of the value of said real and personal proper ty for educational purposes 3 7-10 mills on every dollar for paying the princi pal and the interest of the public debt; 4 3-10 mills on every dollar for pay ing the ordinary current expenses of said city, making a total levy of one per centum, for all purposes as afore said. 2. Be it ordained further that this levy shall be in addition to the capita tion and license and other special taxes otherwise levied as to be levied for the current year in said city. 3rd. Be it further ordained that all the ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here within, are hereby re pealed. Respectfully submitted, H. H. Gray, char’m. W. C. Jordan. We the tax committee hereby report the following as an estimate of the sums which are lawfully chargeable to the city and which should be paid within the fiscal year from Sept. 8, 1902 to Sept. 8, 1903, to-wit: 1 For principal and interest of the public debt $3000.00 2. For educational purposes 2000.00 3. For paying the ordinary current ex penses of the city including salaries, electric light and water works, work ing streets etc 4400,00 Total SIO,OOO And we recommend that the tax levy be fixed at one percent, as follows: 3 6-10 mills for the first purpose above named, 2 mills, for the second, and 4 4-10 mills for the third—making a total of 1 % for all purposes. This Aug. 21, 1902. H. H. Gray, char’m. W. C. Jordan. Tax committee. The following tax ordinance was read and adopted. The annual tax ordinance providing for the assessment, levy, and collection of taxes on all property, real and personal in the city of Barnesville for the year 1902, and for other purposes : Section 1. Be it ordained bv the mayor and councilof thecity of Barnes ville, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that as author ized by the City Charter and laws of the State, a tax of one per cent is hereby assessed and levied for the year 1902, upon all the real estate in the city of Barnesville as assessed according to the city charter and ordinances, and upon all merchandise, machinery,cash, sol vent debts and all other property of every kind within the limits of said city as owned and held on April Ist. 1902, said levy being as follows, to-wit; A tax of two mills on every dollar of the value of said real and personal property for educational purposes; 3 6-10 mills on every dollar of the value uf said real and personal property lor paying the principal and interest of the public debt of said city : 4 4-10 mills on every dollar of the value of said real and personal property for paying the ordinary current expenses of said city, —making a total levy of one per cent, for all purposes as aforesaid. Section 2. Be it further ordained, that this levy shall be in addition to the capitation, and license and other special taxes otherwise levied and to be levied for the current year in said city. Section 3. Beit further ordained, that all ordinances and parts of ordi nances in confiict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Report <>f Atlanta Audit Cos., regarding the two last reports of The Dispensary Commission was read and motion made that said report he accepte and made a part of the minutes. REPORT or AUDIT COMPANY. Aug. 22, 1902. Mr. W. B. Smith, Mayor, City. Dear srß ßegarding reports of “Dispensary Commission,” addressed to the mayor and council and dated March Ist. and June 2, 1902. First as to report dated March Ist. 1902. Assuming that the statement of cash and stock on hand is correct and THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THUI SDAY, AUGUST 28, 1902. that the amount entered as due on stock ($632.30) covers all liability for ['stock, salaries, license, rents and other expenses incurred to that date it would appear that the total profits to March 2nd amounted to $1,448.55. To arrive at profits for quarter covered by this report it would be necessary to deduct from above amount the inventory of stock on hand at beginning of the quarter less liabilities that have since been settled. In other words deduct “net worth” of the dispensary on Dec. Ist. 1901 from $1,448.55 and it will give profit for the quarter. As I have no data before me will have to refer you to report of Dec. Ist. for this information. The report dated June 2nd. 1902, is silent as regards the $632.30 reported as due on stock March 2nd. and is also silent as to existing indebtedness on stock. Assuming that this $632.30 has been fully paid and is included in item “paid for merchandise $4,088.82” and that there is no existing indebtedness on stock in hand or stock disposed of (luring the quarter, it would seem that the total profits for the last two quar ters amount to $1,746.96 represented by items on statement as follows: Cash on hand $ 642 Stock on hand 1141 54 Paid on old accounts 600 00 Totai sl,"-6 9! Deduct profirs to March 2 1,448 55 Leaves net Profit for last quarter 208.41 On the other hand if the $632.30 men tioned in report of March 2, and on which the June report is silent is still unpaid, the business for the last quar ter shows a loss $333.89 to which should be added any debts incurred since March 2nd and which are still unpaid. It will he necessary to get more definite information on these points before a reliable statement of profits or losses can he made. It is impossible even to determine t he results accomplished in any business from a statement of assets only. If your commission will give a statement of both assets and liabilities at the end of each quarter and when there are no debts give you a statement to that ef fect, you can then easily determine the profit for each quarter and there will be less to take for granted or at which to guess. You will see from above it is impos sible for us to state definitely from the meagre information given in reports referred to, just what amount has been earned by the d'spensary during the last quarter. Respectfully, The Audit Cos. Nothing further, minutes read and adopted and council adjourn ed. W. B. Smith, J. A. Blalock Mayor. Clerk & Treas. Report of Sec. & Treas. of Gordon Institute. CASH RECEIVED. I.ITKIIARY DEPARTMENT. 1901. July 15 Cash on hand as per report $ 150.08 N v. 22 Robt. Holmes C. & T. Ist quar ter city appropriation 480.00 Dec. 25275 certificates 1,574.50 “ 27 R. D. Adams C. 8. C. balancecf March 99.48 Dec. 27 K. D. Adams 90 per cent for June and July 280.80 1902 Jan. 14 J A. Blalock C &T. 2nd quar ter city appropriation 480.00 Feb. 3rd R. D. Adums C. 8 C. balance he says says of 1901 school funds 770.20 March 18 R. D Adams C. 8. C. Jan and 60 per cent. Feb school funds 302.72 April 26. J. A. Blalock, C. & T. 3 quarter city appropriation 480.00 May 28. R. D. Adams, C. 8. C. bal of Feb. 101.68 .. I, ii ii ii 20percent of March 48.88 July 7. R. D. Adams, C. 8. C. part of March 185.00 June 19. Gordon Institute entertainment 156.21 258 school certificates 2,169.00 Totai. $7,218.00 CASH PAID OUT. 1901 July 20. J. M. Pound, Voucher $ 50 “ 29. Barnesville Gazette, “ 1.00 Aug. 3 F. A. Guttenberger & Cos. voucher 7.25 Aug. 5. G. F. Oliphant, voucher 6.00 “ 22. Atlanta News, “ 10.00 Sept. 19. Barnesvill Gazette “ 4 25 14 ~ 2 00 Sett 27 9 teachers certificates for Sept. 657 40 Oct.' 4. W. A. Wright, “ 1700 9 Teachers certificates for Oct. 670 60 9 “ “ “ Nov 650 00 Nov. 23. Prof. Oliphant, voucher 150 Dec. 13. Foote & Davies Cos., “ 115 00 “ 14. Crimson & White, “ 4 80 “ “ Prof. Nash, . 'lO 40 9 Teachers certificates for Dec 644 50 Dec. 81. W. A. Wright, voucher ... 10 40 1902 Jan. 11. D. 8. Butner, voucher 15 75 “ 27. frieght hill, “ 578 Feb. 10. J. F. Riggs, “ .... 4 50 “ “ Freight bill, “ 823 “ ” Barnesville News - Gazette voucher 8 25 Feb. 10 W. H. Chambers & Cos. voucher 40 “ “ W. C. Jordan Bros. “ 1 40 8 teacher Jan. certificates 041 40 8 “ Feb. “ 689 50 March 5 Mrs. Pixley, voucher 87 40 “ “ Barnesville Planing mills voucher 16 45 March 5. 8 teachers certificates 639 40 March 28. Mrs. Nottingham for music taught outside of regular hour 6 00 March 28. 8 teachers April certificates 641 20 “ “ Gordon Institute cadets voucher 25 00 Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if It stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. andsl. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of thi and a book that tellsgflFTgggTg more about it, both absolutely free by mail, --JH3 1 address Dr. Kilmer Sc Home of Swamp-Root. Cos., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. wwttt / • K *. 3 14 July 1 balance on hand 138 74 Totai. $7,213 00 CASH RECEIVED MUSIC DEPARTMENT. 1901 July 15. On hand ns per report $168.00 Dec . 2 189 music certificates 584 00 1902. Juno 18 243 music certificates SBB2 15 Totai, $1634 75 Paid Mrs Nottingham & Smith each S6O 00 per month for 10 months as per voucher SI2OO 00 On hand 434.75 $1634 75 July 21,1902. J W STArfonn, 8 & T Gentlemen Herewith I hand you my re port of receipts and disbursments of the Liter ary department of Gordon Institute from last report up to date which shows a balance of $l3B 74 cents on hand You will also observe the Music department shows a balance on hand of $434 75 making total on hand $673 49 We yet owe the Barnesville Savings Bank note of slO4l 85 due last October which has not been presented We owe Mrs Pixley between 2 and 3 hundred dollars About the same amount to Mrs Mary Stafford, makin ; in all about SISOO 00 With amount on hand and the Juno appropriation yet to collect, we would be nearly out Of debt, Respectfully submitted, Yours truly, Aug 21st 1902. J.W Staffords &T. The within report checked and found cor rect I) I, Anderson, Aug 4th, 1902. Chr’m Finance com. IIIS SIGHT THREATENED. “While picnicing last month my 11- year-old hoy was poisoned by some weed or plant,” says VV. H. Dibble, of Sioux City la. "He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for awhile we were afraid he would lose his sight. Finally a neighbor recommended De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The first application help him and in a few days he was as well as ever.” For skin disease cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, insect bites, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Beware of counterfeits. Jno. H. Blackburn. Barnesville, Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. Central’s Dividends. At meeting of the board of di rectors of the Central railroad held in Savannah Saturday a divi dend of 8 per cent was declared and the following statement made: The bonds amount to $4,000,- 000. The following statement of the income account for the fiscal year was given out by Chairman of the board Hanson : Gross earnings, 1902, $7,750,991 - 47; 1901, $0,920,714, .91; increase, $829,970.5(3. Operating expenses, 1902, $5,- 581,088.91 ; Net earning, 1902, $2,219,562.50; 1901, $2,148,567.10; increase, $77- ,085.40. Other income, 1902,5201,674.17 ; 1901, $187,869.15; increase, $14,- 815.00. Total income, 1902, $2,421,826.78 1901 $2,826,926.25; increase, $91,- 400.48. Deductions interest on funded debt, 1902, $1,608,900,000; 1901 $1,558,587.50; increase, $105,812.- 50. Rentals, 1902, $850,104; 1901, $847,902; increase, $2,202. Taxes, 1902, $269,471.57; 1901,- $218,410.60; increase, 50,060.97. Miscellaneous, 1902, $14,910.60; 1901, $8,674.40; increase, $6,286.- 20. Totals, 1902, $2,298,886.28; 1901, $2,128,674.50; increase, $169,811.78. Net income, 1902, $122,940.60; 1901, $21,851.75; increase, $78,- 411.25. The credit balance at June 80 1901, was $800,471.88. The next income for this fiscal year was sl -of which there have been expended for dividends, Oct. 1, 1901, on first preferred income bonds $200,000; for liquidation of receivers’ and purchases’ account $520.51, leaving a credit balance carried to the next year of $122- 891.87. _ ' ALL WE RE SAVED. “For forty years I suffered un told misery from Bronchitis,” writes J. 11. Johnston, of Brough ton, Ga., “thatoften 1 was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, 1 was wholly cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world.” A trial will convice you it’s unrivaled for throat and lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free at W. A. Wright. Faith — Milord, I . You're Right! I f Uneeda I f Biscuit A Talk to Business Boys. A boy’s first position in a com mercial house is usually at the foot of the ladder; his duties are plain, his place is insignificant, and his salary small. He is ex pected to familiarize himself with the business, and as lie becomes more intelligent in regard to it, bo is advanced to a more responsi ble place. His first duty, then, is work. He must cultivate day by day habits of fidelity, accuracy, neatness and dispatch, and these qualities will tell in his favor as surely as the world revolves. Though he may work unnoticed and uncomniended for months, such conduct always meets its reward. i once knew a boy who was a clerk in a large mercantile house which employed as entry clerks, shippingclcrks, buyers, beek-keep ers and salesman eighty young men, besides a small army of por ters, packers and truckmen; and this boy of seventeen felt that amid such a crowd he was lost to notice and that any eifort he might make would he quite unregarded. Nevertheless he did his duty; every morning at eight o’clock he was promptly at his place, and every power that he possesed was brought to bear upon his work. After he had been there a year he had oc casion to ask a week’s leave of absence during the busy season “That,” was the response, “is an unusual request, and one which is somewhat inconvenient for us to grant; but for the purpose of showing you that we appreciate the efforts you have made since you have been with us, we take pleasure in giving you the leave of absence for which you ask.” “i didn’t think,” said the boy, when be came home that night and related his success, “tliat they knew a thing about me, but it seems they have watched me ever since 1 have been with them.” They had, indeed, watched him, and had selected him him for ad vancement, for shortly after, he was promoted to a position of trust with appropriate increase of salary. It must be so, sooner <>r a *■£ T T TTX Will sour the sweetest disposition and /\ l\ I fll || transform the most even tempered, lov /"X I j\ j \ J able nature into a cross-grained and irritable individual. 9 fy | * If impatience or fault-finding are | | | J L_| ever excusable it is when the Ixxly is J J tortured by an eating and painful sore. It is truly discouraging to find after months of diligent and faithful use of external remedies that the place remains as defiant, angry and offensive as ever. Every chronic sore, no matter on what part of the body it comes, is an evidence of some previous constitutional or organic trouble, and that the dregs of these diseases remain in the system; or, it may be that some long hidden poison—perhaps Cancer —has come to the surface and begun its destructive work. The blood must be purified before the sore will fill up with healthy flesh and the skin regains its natural color. It is through tiie circulation that the acrid, corroding f^ fluids are carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it irritated and inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and invigorate the stagnant blood when all sediment or 1 1 ■' other hurtful materials are washed out, fresh rich blood is carried to the diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh begins to have a healthy and natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sore heals. w , , t , S. S. S. is the only blood purifier ▼era eore leg and was treated by the that ls guarantee entirely ye,,e beat physicians but received no benefit. tabic. It builds Up the uloou aild Our druKßiet advised her to try 8. 8. 8., tones up the general system as no which She did. Fourteen bottle, cured t bcr medicine does. If you have her and she has beer, well ever since. , , . , J . J. R. MAEOLD, 22 Canal st., a sore of any kind, write us and get Cohoes, N. Y. the advice of experienced and skilled physicians for which no charge is made. Book on Blood and Skis Diseases free. THE JWirr SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. later, for there is always a demand for excellent work.—Selected. SHATTERS ALL RECORDS Twice in hospital, F. A. Gul ludge, Nerbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inilanlmaation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salve in the world. 25c at W. A. Wright’s drug store. No Cure For Baldness. I The reports tliat John D. Rock efeller is succeeding ingrowing a new suit of fine young hair on his perfectly bald head are being watched with interest by all tins baldheaded men in the country. But it is very doubtful whether he will be able to bring the van ished locks back to their original strength. As the New York World says, many are the theories conceived to comfort the bald—most of them fallacious. It has been said by those who care not what they say that there are no bald men in lunatic asylums; the fact being of course that a man may he as “crazy as a loon” and as bald as the egg she lays. Baldness is ascribed to im proper breathing, to lack of ven tilation of the scalp, to early in sedatenessof conduct. The modern tendency is to attribute it, like most other ills, to digestive troubles. Figuratively speaking, men pull out their hair with their own teeth, corkscrews sometime# aiding the process. It would be interesting to know how many millions of dollars are paid out every year by men for hair restorers. Not much hair re sults, but money is kept in circu lation. But if there were a sure cure for baldness the magic bottle would contain, as Dr. Johnson said of Mrs. Thrale’s beer vats, “the po tentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice.” Its in ventor could buy out the Steel Trust. OABTOHIA. Bars the /) The Kind You Have Always Bought B tr