The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 04, 1902, Image 3

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Mexican Mustang Liniment for horse ailments, for cattle ailments, for sheep ailments. The most sensible thing to do when suffering from Bruises or Cuts is to treat the wound with Mexican Mmstamg Liniment, because it is noted for its ability to drive out sore ness and inflammation, after which it heals the damaged flesh in a remarkably short space of time. For open wounds soak a cloth with the liniment and bind on the same as you would a poultice. For other hurts apply freely and rub It well In. For 3IAN, BEAST or POULTRY. Mexican Mustang Liniment is a sure remedy for curing Scaly Legs among poultry. Seasons and Styles. Come and go but the appetite remains the same. Fine Steaks and Roasts^ Are as necessary and as much wanted this season as last and we are still in the market to supply these wants. We will take your orders by phone, or otherwise, and deliver promptly. Our meats, fish and oysters are always fresh and first-class. P. F. HATTHEWS & SON P. S. J. W. Stocks is with us and solicits the patronage of his friends. Insurance, Fire § Accident- ON Otis A. Murphey, And protect yoursef against Fire and Accidents. R. P. Becht, Pres. E. G. Becht, Sec. & Treas. Chas. Becht, V. Pres. Honest Pianos at Honest Prices. Becht Piano Cos., Manufacturers and Dealers In High Grade Pianos and Organs STEINWAY & SONS., HOBART M. CABLE, SOHMER & CO., STEGER & SONS, SINGER, Pianos. BURDETTE & MILLER, Organs. us for Catalogues and Prices. JftM Special prices for the holidays. BELL PHONE 15P>5 ENGLISH-AMERICAN BUILDING ATLANTA. - GEORGIA. a.N TER.yO V i? I ATI AST A CL’ I •1 ' * ATIWIA. UA. I .tT.A., ST.UHIIS.W. j THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1002. ' ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Air Your Bedding, but Do Not Place Pillows In the Sun. In airing beds the most thorough, careful housekeeper often errs through her very thoroughness. She will shake the sheets, blankets, etc., and hang them out of the window and over having them jail ex posed as much as possible to the direct rays of the sun and in the strongest breeze, and this is just what should be done. Then the pil lows will be taken up and thumped until they are soft and fluffy and placed in the very sunniest spot, and this is all wrong. The sun will draw the oil from the feathers, and the pillows will have a rancid, dis agreeable odor. Expose them to the air daily, be as thorough as you please in this, and place the pillow slips in the sun if you wish, but do not make the mistake of giving pil lows, bolsters, cushions or anything containing feathers a long sun bath or you will do them more harm than good. —Exchange. Rolled Jelly Cake. Three eggs, one cupful of sugar, three tablespoonfuls of cream or one tablespoonful of melted butter and one cupful of pastry flour and one level teaspoonful of baking powder sifted together. Beat the yolks of the eggs until they arc thick and light, add the sugar and beat again. Beat the whites of the eggs until they are stiff, mix them with the yolks and sugar and beat all to gether until very light. Stir in the cream or melted butter and then sift in the flour, adding it a little at a time. Butter long, shallow pans and spread the dough on them very thin. Bake in a moderate oven; when it is done turn it out, spread the bottom with jelly and roll it up while it is warm. Trim off the edges and put it away so it will not unroll until ready to serve. Novel Pincushion. Children’s toy scales can be made into most novel pincushions at a very small cost. Procure some very thin pasteboard and cut it into the form of weights, the size varying according to the size of the scales. The pieces of card must be neatly covered with dark iron colored silk and joined together. Next make a 6ilk pad to be tilled with wadding or sawdust and insert it on the top of the weights, gluing it firmly in. A tiny ring sewed in the middle gives the weight a realistic appearance, and the number of pounds it repre sents can be painted on the side. The pins are placed in the pad and the whole weight glued into the scales. The scales can be prevented from moving up and down by means of a little gilt wire fixing them in place. A Bodroom “Settle.” An ingenious and convenient sub stitute for a “settle” in a sleeping apartment where space is limited is made in this way: Have a broad, stout shelf with eidedike arms at tached by a carpenter to the foot board of the bedstead at the same height as the regulation settle or corner seat. If the board be of the same variety of wood as the bed stead, so much the better; otherwise it may be stained to match. Make a cushion for this seat or pile it with cushions and it will make a comfortable resting place. Homemade Porch Screen. A porch screen can be made at home by covering an old frame or anew one, on the inner side of which the cabinet maker has put a wide bookshelf, with denim, rice matting or Japanese calico. The screen of the poster collector is also a neat thing, made by the devotee herself, the posters being irregu larly arranged on a foundation of thin wood and protected by lengths of glass the exact size of the screen, each panel framed in oak or cherry, hand carved. Candles In the Room. It is always well to have a candle in the bedroom whether oil, gas or electricity is burned, in the case of an emergency it will always he just what is wanted, and at the same time it is clean, safe and cheap. Have low, plain candlesticks, which are easy to keep clean, with a base broad enough to catch the dirt and be a safe receptacle for the matches. To carry a candle from one room to another is always a safer plan than to carry a lamp.—New' York Her ald. An Artistic Screen. An artistic screen recently de signed for a summer cottage is made of gray blue linen. It is a three fold screen and on each fold an in ner panel is drawn, leaving a wide margin. This is outlined irregular ly with gilt. Within the center panel a sketchy design of cedar branches is painted, starting at the bottom. A bit of gilt appears here and there on the foliage, and to the entire panel a greenish blue wash has been applied. The Real Friend. When the clouds hang dark *nd heavy O’er the path that you must tread, And the thorns of care and trouble Round your feet are thickly spread, Sweet it is if those about you Seem to give your troubles heed, But the real friend comes and asks you “Say, old friend, how much d’ye need?” When disaster dark befalls you Aijd you lose your house and lands, It is sweet to feel the kindly Grasp of sympathetic hands : But there’s one whose words arc sweet When he gives your troubles heed — He’s the man who comes and asks you: “Say, old friend, how much d’ye need?” When the grim and dark death angel Passes through your open door, And the babe you loved so dearly Plays about your loved knees no more Flowers scattered‘round the coftin Solace stricken hearts that bleed, But the best consoler whispers: “Say, old friend, how much d’ye need?” When you see a friend in trouble Don’t stand off and softly sigh, Walk straight up to him and greet him : Look him squarely in the eye ; Say you’re sorry, anti then prove it By a quick and friendly deed — Pull your purse and softly whisper: “Say old friend, how much d’ye need?” —Ex. BEWARE OF THE KNIFE. No profession has advanced more rap idly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except when absolutely necessary. In cases of piles for example it is seldom needed. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and perma nently. Unequalled for cuts, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept nocoun terfeits. ‘I was so troubled with bleed ing piles that I lost much blood and strength,” says J. 0. Philips, Paris, 111. “DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a short time.” Soothes and heals. Jno. H. Blackbithn. Bartlesville, Ga. L. Holmes, Milner, Ga. Continuous Performance. Into an ounce of brandy put a small dose of cocaine, drink the mix ture and in ten minutes you will find yourself in the mental and nervous condition which is the normal state of the citizen of Butte, Mont., says the Boston Tran script. Men work in the mines and smelters in three eight hour shifts, and the stores, restaurants, theaters, etc., are regulated accordingly. So the life of Butte is literally a “con tinuous performance.” There is no distinction between night and day. It is glare and hustle- all the time, and tliere are no old men in Butte. Big Necks. The marquis of Salisbury wears the biggest collar in parliament; it is exactly nineteen and a half inches in circumference. The biggest col lar in the house of commons en circles the neck of Sir William liar court and is eighteen inches around. Sir William designed his own col lar, and if it is not a thing of beauty it is expansive and comfortable. The highest collar ever worn in parlia ment was that which graced the neck of Bobby Spencer; it was four and a half inches in depth. Jarred the General. General Fred Grant’s son, U. S. ITT., is at West Point, now a first class man and cadet adjutant. Ear lier in his course his father was somewhat anxious about him and wrote to an ollieial of the academy, a contemporary of his own, asking how the lad was getting along. He received this reassuring if somewhat dissembling reply: “You needn’t worry. The boy stands higher in everything than you did in any thing.” The general tells this story himself. Young Plants Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others. Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong. And that’s the way with children. They are like young plants. Same food, same home, I same care but some grow big | and strong while others stay an all and weak. Scott’s Emulsion offers an . :asy way out of the difficulty. ■ Child weakness often means j starvation, not because of lack of food, hut because the food i loes not feed. Scott’s Emulsion really feeds and gives the child growing strength. Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow — Scott’s Emulsion seems to find | it and set the matter right. Send for free sample. ' Scott & Bowne, Chemist*, 4'o l’earl St., New York yx:. and ft oo; all druggist*. . _ mmm, _ r .. ' 1 i' AVetfetahle Preparationfor As- (he Food and Reg ula - ling the Stomachs anri Bowels of ■mWHuiiniiAggi Promotes Digestion. Cheer ful ness and Rest. Contains neither Swum .Morphine norMiueral. otHarcotic. A xt/x afOUDrSAMUELPtrcmUt .W- V Mx.SmiM • 1 Rack tli* SJi r - I AxueSttd * l Wr*..fW- 1 Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa- Ron. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE COUNCIL’S PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, Barnesville, Ga., Sept. 1, 1902 \ Regular meeting of council call ed to order by the Mayor; present Aldermen, Jordan, Gray, Ander son, Bennett and Murphey, absent Cochran. Finance committee re commended the payment of the following bills and same ordered paid by proper action of Council. Street and Public Property if 70 46 Electric Light and Water Works 02 SI Salaries 858 88 Totai, 1407 00 Street Committee reported that acting chief of the Fire Depart ment, R. L. Swatts, had request ed that his salary for this year be fixed. Owing to the absence of Chairman of the Street Commit tee, action on this matter was deferred until next meeting. Nuisance committee reported that the Sanitary Inspector en gaged by them under authority granted them by Council bad made two complete inspections of the city, and that his report showed that the different premises within the city were now in good sanitary condition. They further reported that the services of such Inspector had been dispensed with, there appearing to be no further need for him at'present. The Electric Light and Water Committee reported that the arc light generator in use at the plant was in such condition that it was dangerous to use, and that the engineer had been instructed not to use it again until the necessary j repairs to it could be made. Petition of H. H. Huff for re j duction of assessment on property I was refused, us the time fixed by | law for such appeals has expired. Report of Chief of Police was ! read and ordered filed. Nothing further, minutes read and approved and upon motion, j council adjourned until Sept. Bth next, at 7 :H0 o’clock p. m. W. IL Smith, Li. A. Blalock, Mayor. Clerk & Treas. For Over Sixty Year*. . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boon used for over sixty years |by millions of mothers for their children while teething with per fect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will re lieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world at 2b cents a bottle. Be sure ask to for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing syrup, and take no other kind. You can always tell how much | a girl wants you to kiss her by the i way she objects to it. USTNK For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / * Signature ° ! W (L w * n lw For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THK OCNtAUR COIAMMf, MW YOW University of Georgia. 102nd Jesslon. September 18th, 1902 Academic Department, Law Department, Agricultural Dept. No tuition to residents of state except in Law School. In Agri culture, Short Winter Course, One Year Course, and Full Course Dormitory room free. Excellent board in Denmark Hall SB.(X) per month. Write for handbook and catalogue to Walter B. Hill, Athens, Ga. Chuncelor. KjfEDFORD’s] fBWCKDHAUCfIfI J THE GREAT I |fHMILY MEDICINeJ Thedford’s Ulack-I fraught has K ■ saved doctors’ bills for more than I ;l sixty years. For the common fain- Hi jl ily ailments, such as constipation, H JJ indigestion, hard colds, boweloom- 9 ■ plaints, chills and fever, bilious- H ness, headaches and other like H H complaints no other medicine is K |I necessary. It invigorates and reg- ft Ej uHes the liver, assists digestion, H la stimulates action of the kidneys, Ql I! purifies the blood, and purges the M f| bowels of foul accumulations. It B EL cures liver complaint, indigestion, J nf sour stomach, dizziness, chills, 19 g rheumatic pains, sob-ache, back- 1 I ache, kidney troubles, constipation, 1 diarrhiea, biliousness, piles, hard 1 colds and headache. Every drug- I gist has Thedford’s Black-Draught I j in 2-5 cent packages and in mam- I moth size for SI.OO. Never accept I a substitute. Insist on having the I original made by the Chattanooga I Medicine Company. I I believe Thedford's I m the be*t medicine on earth. It is I good for any and everything. I have I 3 a family of twelve children, and for I I four years I have kept them on foot ■ S3 and healthy with no doctor but Black- B ■ Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewara. La. U Iron I I '!SaSV r -’O v ‘ MOUNTAIN Route ImV • ■ EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD. Tickets on sale to either San* Francisco or Los Angeles and re turn at very low rates, August Ist. to August 7th. Final limit to return Sept. sloth. For further information write I. E. IvKHI.ANDEH, T. P. A. Chattanooga, Teun.