The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 04, 1902, Image 4

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Harnesville news-gazette Tie Twentieth Century Country Weekly. Published Every Thursday by The News Publishing Company, BAKNKHVIIiIiF,. GA. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. Bnterwt nt the Post Office t Barnesvill.-, On., nh second class mail mutter. SEPTEMBER 1902. JUSTICE LEWIS RESIGNS. Justice Hal T. Lewis Ims sent his resignation as associate justice of the supeme court of Georgia to Gov. Candler and it is presumed the resignation will he accepted promptly. It seems to be a question whether the governor will make any appointment to fill the vacnacy. An opinion prevails that a justice will he elected at the reg ular October election. Judge Lewis was first appointed by Gov. W. Y. Atkinson and has made a good judge. Col. W. W. Lambdin,of Ilarnes ville, has been mentioned as a can didate for the vacancy. Ife is recognized as a lawyer eminently qualified for the posit ion and would fully sustain himself on Georgia’s supreme bench. If he would enter the race, lie would receive a strong hacking from various portions of! the state. There seems t<> be one serious obstacle in the wuy of Col. Lamb din’s candidacy, and that is that his services are almost indispeu {jil‘!k here at this time. Tic is so intimately connected with the af fairsof Barnesville that his remov al would be a serious blow to the city and community. Possibly no man has done so much for the community as lie has during the jtusr year, and while we would like to see him honored by beingplaced on the Supreme bench, Ihirnes ville would much rather help him get there some other time than at the present. THE FALL OF THE YEAR. This is September. The crisp morning breeze has already quick ened the step and rejuvenated the spirit. The whin of the gin and the stir in business have encour aged the business man to greater efforts for the prosperity of his firm. The bright faces and happy laugh of the school children are seen and heard all about us, driv ing away the despondency of mind und body. Nature seems to be making a supreme effort to draw t he world and all its creatures into harmony with itself. As one finds himself responsive to these things, he is mode to praise tlie maker of teh universe for the wise arrangement of the season and the countless blessings which result therefrom. How high above the wisdom of man is His wisdom and how bountifully has He provided for all of His creation. Let every one enter into the spirit of tin' season and remember to be garteful to his Creator and helpful as far ns possible to all the creations of His hand. Father —“In choosing a wife one should never judge by appear ances.” Son—“ That-s right. Often the prettiest girls have the least mon ey.” Men talk about .spending money in a barroom but throwing it away when 1/hey put it in the church plate. Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarets Candy Cathartic be sure you get them. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is always a cheat and a fraud. Beware! . All druggists, ioc. A DARING BURGLARY OCCURRED IN THE HEART OF THE CITY MONDAY NIGHT. An exceedingly bold burglary j occurred in the heart of this city Monday night, when the store of : the Bankston Hardware Cos. was robbed of a Smith & Wesson, 38 calibre, nickel-plated pistol. This daring feat was accom plished about 10:80o’clock. One of the large plate glass show win dows, £ of an inch thick, was broken with a rock the size of a man’s hand, probably thrown by the burglar from the edge of the side-walk. It was thrown with great force and a hole near the size of a man’s head was broken in the window, and glass was scattered all over the space inside jthe enclosure. The crash of the breaking glass j was heard by police officers Cars well and Chapman and by others who were on the streets. They investigated and found the broken ! window. On account of the ab sence of lights, it was impossible to have seen the robber, and for that reason he probably chose the occasion of the crime. The burglar must, have had some unusual motive for the crime, for he only took one pistol, when there were several more, besides a lot of other hardware in the window. The guilty party lias not yet been captured, although diligent efforts have been made to appre hend the burglar. A Correct Verdict. A Florida paper says that a Georgia coroner’s jury delivered the following verdict on the death of a merchant who died suddenly after having failed in business: “We, the jury, find from the doctor’s statement that the de ceased came to lub death from heart failure, super-induced by business failure, which was caused by failure to advertise, which was the result of failure to see far enough ahead.” Advertising is tin* life of busi ness, as many successful business men of Barnesville w"?l 1 testify, and hence the verdict was correct. To Study Home Missions. The ladies of the Baptist church on Greenwood street will entertain the Woman’s Missionary Society and young ladies of the church at. a social, to be given at the home of Mrs. O. M. Jones, Green wood street, Monday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o’clock. The following is the program I outlined: Si BiKi T —Sunday School Board. llymn—Go Work in God's Vineyard. Prayer. Words of welcome by president. Sunday School Board —Rev. C. Y\. i Durden. Paper —Mrs. Hurst. .. , r. . i Mrs. Durden, \oeal Duet- \ Mrs N( . t . ly Sunday School Work —Miss Lilly ) Turner. Reading —Miss Roberta Mitchell. Our Home Field —Mr. B. H. Hardy. Plans by which aid may be given in in creasing attendance upon the local Sunday School —General discussion. Roll call and offerings. Business. Mas. J. W. Rkkvks, Miss Rohkkta Mitckiix, Pres. Sect. (ieorjjta Animat Coiittrciuf. The Georgia Annual conference of the 0. M. church will convene with the Bartlesville church 11 a. m. Thursday before the third Sunday in October, The in troductory sermon will be preach ed by Kev. \V. A. Harper: alter nate, Kev. .1. li. Gray. Hoi.l K Hi nt, Bros. \V. I*. 11it; it ks. Sec. IHiking Alter ltiiKiness in Mnlena. Mr. H. Q. Jordan went to Molena Monday, whore he will spend most of his time during the fall, looking after . his business interests there. He is the head of a large mercantile firm there which does a prospeaous business. OABTORIA. Bmti ow a Kuh! Haw khways Bocgta THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1902. Protracted Meeting at Milner. Protracted services will begin at Methodist church in Milner, next Sunday. Dr. J. B. Robins, presid ing elder of the Griffin district will i lie in charge. Rev. B. P. Searcv is the pastor and he extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend the meet ing. Mr. Theodore Crowder has re cently accepted a position with J. F. Stallings, where he will lie glad; to serve his friends and the public, j Mr. Crowder is an excellent young j man and Mr. Stallings shoujd be! congratulated in securing his ser vices. Notice to the Farmers—Me have assumed charge of the Granite Warehouse and are now ready to weigh and handle your cotton to the very best advantage'. We feel as though we can handle your cotton as well as any warehousemen in Middle Georgia. If any warehousemen can show you where they can get more money for your cot ton than we can, we are ready to make ! the difference good out of our pocket. We are in this business for the farmers interest, not to buy cotton and make iit to our interest. A trial will prove this. Mr. C. E. Sappington will be our salesman and will be glad to have his friends call on him. Mr. Brooks, rep resenting Inman ,* Cos., of Augusta, will he here Friday and will make our warehouse headquarters. He says he is going to buy the cotton —all lie wants is a fair show down. Baird a Hunt. Barnesville, Ga. A REMARKABLE RECORD. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which t'me many million bottles have been sold and used. It lias long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes, yet during all this time no case has ever been reported to the manu facturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confident to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Jno. H. Blackburn. Go to See Them. I)r. If. H. G reen’s Sons, of Atlanta, are well and favorably known to the people of this state. They have boen in business for a number of years and have suc ceeded well. They have a cure for dropsy which comes well recom mended by those who have tried it and those who are afflicted thus should call on them when in Atlanta, or write to them, and you will receive prompt attention. They have an advertisement in our paper which all should read. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell •‘something just as good.” Mr. B. T. McDaniel, of Thom aston, is now with the firm of S. M. Marshburn. Mr. McDaniel is an excellent gentleman and an ex perienced salesman and will no doubt add much to the already popular force of this well known dry goods establishment. f RUT OF THE LOOM.” Men and women of taste and judgment go into ecstacies over the wonderful pat terns, textures and colors which are " the fruit of the loom.” But there is one fruit of the loom they rarely con- vOvT sider, and that is \\- the frail anil faded t/tMT (!!! woman, olil before rfeagy I her time, because *' •J— --necessity compels /jp==w her to work under S nS j mlCWj|l||T]Tp* conditions, which | V\ 1 "1 had female trouble for eight years,” writes i Mrs L. 1 Dennis, of S.’S Hast College Street, j Jacksonville. Ills. " Words cannot express what \ I MitVrrevl, / sought ty- it/ atone thy myificai ftofyssiOH t!Htt totthj unity Friends urged me to try lit fierce s Favorite Prescription. When I commenced taking this medicine I weighed : niuctv five pounds Now 1 weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds more than 1 ever weighed tx-ldre. I was so ld J would tie from day to , dav and long for death to come and relieve my suffering. I had internal inflammation, a dis agreeable drain, brearing-down pain, and such distress every month, but now 1 never have a pain—do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman " Favorite Prescription ” makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute*for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. I>r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with " Favorite Prescription ™ when ever a laxative is required. Collier Co’s. Weekly News. All the new things in... Ladies’ Fine Footwear. New Leathers, New Lasts, New Style Toes, Same quality as the ones you last bought. J. C. Collier Cos. Haberdashers. undiscovered Cuba. After more than 400 years it ap pears that Cuba has not yet been entirely discovered. Much of it and many of its treasures are yet un known, according to the recent re port made by Governor General Wood. He says that after the centuries of Spanish occupancy there are large portions of the island that have never even been prospected and practically remain undiscovered so far as knowledge of what they con tain goes.—New York Ilerald. Finger Nails as Assets. A Viennese jury has just put a valuation on finger nails. An artist named Franz Muller was the proud possessor of a set much admired for their beauty, which so excited the jealousy of a rival that he man aged to break one of them. Muller promptly brought suit for damages, and he has been awarded 1,000 crowns, the equivalent of S2OO in our money.—San Francisco Chroni cle. Mason’s Backers. When Senator Mason met Post master General Payne the other day, the latter said, ‘’Mr. Mason, I hear you have a presidential boom.” ‘‘l am now engaged in running down a rumor to that effect,” said the sen ator, "and if there's anything in it 1 shall know how to conduct my self. My wife and the cook have declared for me, 1 know, and there may be others.”—Argonaut. A Great Awning. By walking down Prospect street, Cleveland, 0., one can enjoy the shade of the longest awning in the world, so far as is known. This great awning is 15G feet long, is all in one piece from end to end and the iron frame on which it is stretched is operated by a mechanism that makes it possible for one man to raise or lower the whole immense stretch of canvas at once. * Her Listless Way. “Charlotte,” said the first, who was of her sex and a friend, “strives to be strictly up to the minute with her horseless carriage and other things.” “Yes,” responded the other, who was also feminine and an even closer friend, “she even affects a birthdayless age.” lndianapolis News. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. COLLIER CO’S. WEEKLY NEWS Washee! Washee! Bring Us Your Laundry. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Collars bought of us, - - - Ic. Cuffs bought of us, - - - - 2c. Shirts bought of us, - - - - 6c. Collars bought elsewhere, - I V* c. Cuffs bought elsewhere, - - 3c. Shirts bought elsewhere, - - Sc. J. C. Collier Cos. Caught at Last.^ John said Jim said Tom said Dick said Harry said that A. L. MILLS had just received for the fall and winter trade as pretty a line of goods as can be found in Barnesville and at prices to meet the short cotton crop. He is the only drv goods merchant in Barnesville that can give you the GREEN TRADING STAMPS. By getting these stamps you will get some valuable presents free, and at the same time, get your goods as CHEAP as any merchant in Barnesville can sell them. We haven’t gotten rich selling goods, be cause we always give our customers value received for their money. But by hard work, perseverance and economy we have reached the point where we can pay cash and get a discount on our bills, thereby giving us the advantage of the merchant that buys on longtime. We also buy most of our goods in Baltimore and New Y'ork, which gives us an other advantage of the merchants that buy in Atlanta and other home markets. No merchant in Barnesville can UNDERSELL us and make a living. Ladies! Come and see our fine line of DRESS GOODS, BEAUTI FUL EMBROIDERIES, LACES, RIBBONS and MILLI NERY before you buy. We can save you money. Gentlemen! See our fine Shoes, Gloves, Shirts, Pants, Neckwear and Underwear before you buy; also, our mens’, hats and caps of the latest styles. I ITTI C DfIVC we can put a suit of clothes on you LI I I LL DUTu at a price that will astonish you. See our clothing before you buy. , ITTI C P|D| C if y° u want some pretty dolls, and LI I I LL UlnLO lots of pretty things cheap, come to sen us. Ladies, misses, boys and infants’ fine shoes a specialty Misses Velicia LeSeuer will be in charge of the Dry Goods and Notion department. Mr. C. L. Butler will have charge of the Gent’s Furnishings, Shoe and Domestic depart ment, and will be glad to have their friends call to see them. A. L. MILLS. |y\Ve Give Green Trading Stamps With All Cash Purchases.