The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 04, 1902, Image 5

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LOOK HERE! We have bought very heavily for the fall and winter trade, and to make room for this immense stock, we are obliged to close out All Summer Goods, Whatever you need in strictly war m=weather goods, you can buy from u 5.... At Greatly Reduced Prices. Visit our store and convince yourself that we are in the lead on low prices. The Pitts=Gray Cos. P. S. After August the first we will discontinue giving Green Trading Stamps. MADDUX & SON, Successors to Barnesville Mercantile Cos. In fact, not in fancy, we beg to announce to our customers and to the people generally, that we are now ready for the fall business, and are ready in better shape than ever before. We have exercised an extra amount of diligence and shrewdness in the buying of our stock for this season. We have looked carefully after every department and are ready to show styles and quote prices that will astound our competitors and greatly gratify our customers. Miss Fatie Elliott is at the head of our Dress Goods department, and she extends an invitation to all her friends and the ladies generally to call to see her. CLOTHING AND SHOES. We handle the famous Rochester line of clothing, and L. M. Reynolds fine shoes, and are show ing everything in this department. Come to see us, and let us talk prices to you. MADDUX & SON, Successors to Barnesville Mercantilo Cos. Milner’s Ginnery, Barnesville, Ga. Most complete and thoroughly equipped ginnery in Georgia. Can gin and pack a bale in 13 minutes, and produce very best sample. Satisfaction given in every case. Prices the lowest. H ighest prices paid for cotton seed, and every convenience in handling the seed. Cotton seed meal and hulls for sale at bottom prices. The patronage of the public is invited. J. B. P. MILNER, Prop. Mrs. V. A. Chaffin and Miss Maggie Charping spent Sunday at Hampton. Miss Nellie Bowers returned home Saturday, after spending a week \ery pleasantly at Socrates, Ga. Miss Maggie Charping returned to her home atCedartown yesterday, after an enjoyably visit to her sister. Mr?. A A. Chaffin. Miss Addie Garner, of Thomaston. re 'turned home Tuesday morning, after spending several days very pleasantly withhercousin^liss^lyrticeJ^rankHm TO^> WOODWARD & BETHUNE and get the Best Bargains in Bug gies, Surreys, Phaetons. Also all kinds of Repairing and new work done. Come to see us and save money. Woodabd * Bethink. Miss Kathryn Lockhart returned Sun day from Marion, Ala., where she spent her vacation. Miss Annie McCullough returned last week from her vacation, spent with her people in Jones county. Mrs. C. H. Humphey returned home last week from Indian Spring, where she has been spending several days. Mr. W. A. AVorsham, Jr., passed through the city Fridav, enroute to his home at Strouds. Mr. AVorsham has been conducting a flourishing school at Morrow, Ga. A revival has just closed at Liberty church of the Primitive Baptist, near Liberty Hill, under the supervision of Elder J. A. \A'right, in which mourners were converted and sinners convicted. There were 21 added to the church. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat* THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE, THURSDAY, SEITEMBE 4 1902. Mrs. Mary Bowden Smith returned to the city Saturday to resume her du ties as music teacher in Gordon Insti tute. Air. Homer Lifsey, returned home Sunday from Montgomery Ala., where he has been working for several months. Mrs. If. A. Reid and Miss Mattie Nel son returned to the city Saturday after spending several weeks most pleasantly in Gainesville. Mrs. Fannie M. Brown, and children, of Canton, Ga., are the guests of Mayor and Mrs. AV. B. Smith at their home on l'homaston street. i A great many people from Barnesville attended camp-meeting at Bluff Spring Sunday. It is estimated by some tliat j fully 5000 people 1 were present at the camp meeting that day. MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by Baird & Hunt. Cotu n, Wednesday A\. to . Go' ernmentreport, 64; last year, 7' '4' Bratton Comedy Company Good crowds have attended the performances of the Bratton Comedy Cos., which is playing under canvas near the Magnolia Inn. These people were' here last season, and the town knows what they are, as is attested by their patronage. They put up a good performance each time, and their prices are very reasonable. They will be here all the week. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the J 1 Signature of C Mr. Robert Murphey spent Sunday in Macon. Mr. Hugh Freeman, of Senoia, spent Friday in the city. Mr. 11 urbart Worsham was in the city Friday from Strouds. Mr. W. C. Jordan spent Thursday last at Locust Grove. Mr. W. G. Happington, of Lamont. spent Friday in the city. Sheriff. J. H. Milner, of Zebulon, was in the city Saturday. Mr. Robert Ballad, of Williamson, spent Friday in the city. Mr. Aile Middlebrooks, of The Rock, was a visitor here Friday. Mr. Sidney R. Green, of Zebulon, was a visitor here Saturday. Mr. Thomas Buford,of Chattanooga, visited relatives here last week. Mr. Field Matthews spent Friday in the city as the guest of friends. Mr. Ileidt Shearouse.of Macon,spent Sunday in the eit.v with relatives. Mr. George Sawley, of Liberty Mill, was a visitor at this office Friday. Mr. C. R. Gwyn, of Zebulon, spent several days in the city last week. Miss Ethel Gardner, of Macon, was the guest of Miss Effle Whitten Sun day. Miss Dove Marchman, of The Rock, spent several days of last week in the city with relatives. Miss Lucy Worsham passed through the city Saturday enroute to her home at Strouds from Diehard Hill. Mr. John Bratton, popular advance manager of the Bratton Comedy Com pany, spent Saturday in the city. Pete L. (iordy has the newest and freshest stock of groceries in Barnes ville, and will sell cheap, too. Mtr. W. H. Parker and Mrs. Amanda Fambro, of Strouds, were the guests of relatives here several days last week. Mrs. J. D. Lewis left Friday for her home in Thomaston, after spending several days in the city with relatives. Miss Lizzie Thurman left Friday for Chicago, 111., where she goes to study music in the Sherwood Musical Col lege- Miss Minnie Willis returned to the 1 city Saturday, after a pleasant visit of two weeks with relatives in Elberton, ! Ga. Mrs. Emma Varner returned home Friday from Zebulon, where she has been the guest of relatives for several weeks. Miss Ella Green left Tuesday morn ing for Atlanta, Gainesville and Alpha retta, where she will spend several weeks. Col. C. It. West, of Cuthbert, spent I several days in the city last week. He (came up to enter his son, Robert, in Gordon Institute. Mr. George Harris, of New Castle, Ala., arrived in the city Friday, and is with relatives near the city, Mr. Harris entered Gordon Institute Monday. Mr. Geo. AV. Lowden and son, Harry, left Saturday for Savannah. Mrs. Low den will remain in the city several weeks with friends before returning home. Every article brand new in my stock of family and fancy groceries. Spot cash makes the lowest prices. Call and see for yourself. Pete L. Gordy. ..New Crop.. Landreth’s TURNIP SEED Wright’s Drug Store. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Mr.G. W. Langford, of Middlebrooks, was in the eiy Saturday. Mr. Corneille Marchman, was in the city Sunday from The Rock. Mr. Jim Nelson, of Thomaston, was in the city a short while Monday. Mrs. W. 11. Chambers spent Monday very pleasantly in the Gate City. Mr. I. C. Collier, of Piedmont, spent Monday in the city with relatives. Mr. J 11. Marchman, of The Rock, was a prominent visitor here Monday. Mr. C. H. Humphrey spent Sunday and Monday with relatives at Milieu. Swap your mule fora good new Iniggy. Apply to R. G. M.vmmwsor J. L. Hunt. Messrs. Clifford Curry and Warren Woodard spent Monday in the Gate City. Mr. C. Gainer Turner, of Macon, spent Sunday in the city as the guest of relatives. Mr. Ed Redding, of Macon, spent Sunday in the city, as the guest of Mr. John Redding. Mr. Howard Parham, of Atlanta, was the guest of friends and relatives here Sunday. Mr. William R. Turner returned home Saturday, after spending several days in Athens. Miss Mary Roberts, who has a nour ishing music class at Lamont, was a visitor here Saturday. Messrs. Dexter Blount and Merritt Thurman attended the labor day exer sises in Atlanta Monday. Mrs. S. B. Burr Jr. and Misß Clifford Burr arc spending sometime at Mt Airy in North Georgia. For Rent —New four room cottage on Greenwood street. Apply to to Nkwh-Gazkttk. Miss Mary L. Lee, of Tuskeega Ala., arrived in the city Saturday to resume her duties at Gordon Institute. Mr. Chas. Smith, editor of the Cov ington Enterprise, wa a pleasant call er at this office Saturday. Mr. J. C. Elder returned to his home in Atlanta Monday after B|x;iiding several days in the city with relatives. Mr. J. J. Nottingham returned home Sunday from Macon, where he has been spending several weeks enjoying a va cation. I am opening up the new est and freshest fancy gro ceries in town. Cheapest for cash. PeteL. Cordy. Mr. If. E. Joins left Monday for Macon, where he goes to accept a sit uation with tin* Central railroad. He has for several months been with this system at this place. Col. ,T. Q Nash arrived In the city last week to resume his duties here as commandant of the Gordon Institute Cadets. Col. Nash has been spending the summer very pleasantly in Arkan sas. Mr. Will M Bradley, son of A. B. Bradley, a former resident of this county, was run over and killed by the cars near Corinth, Miss., a few days ago. Mr Bradley has many relatives land friends in Pike county who mourn his untimely death. Miss Mamie Johnson, of McDonough, arrived in the city Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday with the family of Mr. B. H. Butts, on Forsyth street. Miss Mamie has legions of friends in Barnesville who are pleased t< have her vi it them. She returned home Monday afternoon. Dr. J. P. Thurman was a visitor to Zebulon Friday. Mr. T. J. Moye, of Lamont, was in the city Monday. Mrs. J. W. Flynt, of Culloden, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hunt, at their home on Thomaston street. Mr. T. W. Cochran was among the visitors to Atlanta on last Monday to attend the Labor Day exercises. For Rent —My new house on Thom aston street. Apply at once to Miss Pattie Moyer. Mr. S. 11. Bush, of Lamont, one of the most prominent young men of that section, was a visitor to the city last Friday. . Miss Florence Adams, who has been the charming guest of Mrs. J. 11. Adams for several days, left Tuesday for Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson returned home last week from Cuthbert, where they have been spending several weeks with relatives. Mr. Gus Rudisill, who has been in the city several days with the Western Union Telegraph Cos., left Tuesday for his home in Forsyth. Miss Parker Butts ami Master Ben Hill and J. C. Butts returned home Saturday, after a pleasant visit to McDonough relatives. FOR RENT AND SALE—Several nice one and two horse farms, with good houses, to rent to right parties; Also .'1 pairs of extra large mules for sale. 8. M. Howard. Mr. Eugene Whitfield, a graduate of Gordon Institute, was the guest of Mr. Floyd Murphey Sunday. Mr. Whitfield was enroute to hiH home in Brunswick. Farm For Rent % miles from Milner miles from Barnesville 260 acres, good 7 room house, barn etc, Apply to Mrs. L. P. Campbell San dersvillc, (la. Kev.T. P. Graham, of Roopville,Ga., will preach at the Methodist church Thursday night. He is an able preacher and will no doubt greet a large audience. Miss Priscilla Stroud, who has been spending several weeks in Beuna Vista. Macon and other places as the guest of relatives and friends, lias returned home, to the delight of her many friends. Mr. J. S. Mise.of Covington, was in the city this week looking over the field, with a view to locating here. He intends opening up a bottling works if he decides to come here. We would be glad to welcome this new enterprise. Next door to the First Na tional Bank you can buy, for cash, the best of everything in fancy groceries. Prices the lowest. PeteL. Cordy. Miss Allyne Langston, an accom plished young lady from Atlanta, has been the guest for several days of Mrs. Fi field, at the home of Judge W. A. Prout, on Zehulon street. .Airs. A. A. Ashburn, Misses Arita and Elder Ashburn and Miss Anna Dunn, prominent people from AVash ington, D. C., were in the city Satur day and Sunday, guests of the family of Mrs. W. AV. Arnold, at her home on Elm street. They had a very delight ful visit to Barnesville. When in need of jewelry, watch and clock repairing, bring it to us. Wo have an experienced man to do the work. Satisfaction always guaranteed J. H. Bate A Cos.