The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 04, 1902, Image 8

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School Supplies! Pencil Tablets, Ink Tablets, Composition Books, Drawing Books, Exaininut ion Tablets Exaniination Paper, Slates, Envelopes, Box Papers, Book Straps, Book Satchels. Remember, we keep nearly everything; ask for what you don’t see-most likely we have it. B. F. REEVES. Hon. J. L. Webb, President. John A. Darwin, Gen’l Mgr PROTECTION AT HOME FOR THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THE MUTUAL LIFE OF^CEORCIA. Do you want an income for life, and the best and easiest Company to get business for? What the Southern is to fire, the Mutual Life of Georgia is to life. You can write three men out of five, as other agents are doing that. Why not you? We want an agent in this community. He must be an hon orable gentleman. None other need apply. Where we establish an agent the Company introduces itself. If you want the agency for this ; territory apply with reference to J. ; A. Darwin, Gen. Mgr., Athens, Ga. Wagons, Buggies and Surreys J curry and keep always in stuck the best wagons, buggies, sur reys, harness, saddles and robes, which 1 will sell as cheap as any body. Just received a solid Car Load of the Famous Tennessee Wagons, which lam anxious to sell out at once. Prices arc right. Come and get one. Mules and Horses always on hand for suh' and trade. Teams for rent. ROBERT MITCHELL. Bftrneeville, Ga. A TEXAS WONDER. H Yld/S GUK.YT OISt'OYKKY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularity of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will send by mail on re ceipts of fl. One small bottle is two months’treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr.E.W. Hall sole manufacturer. I*. O. Box 629,. St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by W, A. Wright. Martin, Tenn., June 3, 1901. This is to certify that I have used Hall’s Texas Wonder for kidney trou ble and have never found anything its equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it. as 1 did, and be convinced. Kkv. K. C. Whitseli.. ine Auto Commuter. Summer Boarder—ls this what you call five minutes from the sta tion ? Farmer Geehaw—Yes, sir. Summer Boarder How many miles an hour is that?—Puck. ■■nrarajH A Croat Discovery. PPPP DROPSY M CUSIO With HML . "■nM'Uu** . niirolv harm t* nil \ nip k ''isSSot <tr<>|sv in s' to A) p ilav> : 111 to <*> iUvh rt tf §JpBH f*vt a lMTiuniK iit' run* trruttm-ut fur A i.nh.-l fro.* to every -lit 4' f•*r< r: nothin): fairur. j* 'l , ' r< ' , * n,> '. ~' s ,,llUl‘l ‘ fMjSgfjjip.A 1 .. . |jP. | DM M M. GREEN S SONS KB&.iufeivi;- C Box L, Atlanta. Gtt. Bdacare Voor BrrtU With Caartren. Xaniiy ('nthurtU*. rtirr constipation forever k "B.jsc. 11 C C-C. full, UriiKKistsnfunt mjucy Ink, Pens, Pencils, Crayons, Pen Holders, Colored Pencils, Marbles, Lunch Boxes, Tops and Cords, Rubber Balls, Jump Ropes, FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! 25,000 Bottles. Kverv reader of The News Gazette is entitled to one. Here is a propsition which will interest every reader of this paper. Gilbert’s Gravel Weed COlll - has met with the most eta-dial reception of any remedy ever put on the market. It has effected quick cures and gives such genuine satis faction wherever introduced. Mr. K. O. Mays, engineer for the Southern Ry., was cured of a severe ki Iney trouble by this wonderful medicine. Hon. Walter A. Given, a prominent druggist of Gurley. Ala, says: “It is the most wonderful medicine of the age.” We have hundreds of similar grateful tributes from those who have used this medicine. So confident are we of the merits of our remedy that we are willing to have you try it with out one cent of cost. If you suffer from Brights Disease, diahetis, gravel, inhumation of the bladder, pain in the back, sleeplessness, nervousness, indigestion, rheumatism or are in a general rundown condition, write to day for a sample bottle which will be sent you absolutely free. Add ress. Tim Squaw Vink Mkdicixk Cos.. Hi ntsvim k, Ai a. Uofftilar size 50 cents per bottle. Sold by John 11. Blackburn, Barnes ville, tia. Notice— NVe are prepared to make you prices on meal and hulls, and any one wishing to exchange seed, it will He to your interest to see us before trading. Ate have -400 tons of meal and 50 ears of hulls liought, and got them at low prices. Mr. h. T Crowder and Mr. M. L. Darden represents ns. Mr. Crowder will be at our scales at Mr. J. B. I*. Milner’s warehouse, and Mr Harden on the streets. We pro pose to make this a lively seed mar ket this season. Baikd, Hi nt A Mh.xek. E<lnrt Tour Howe!* With t'asraretft. Vrirnty r.vhnrtlc. cure cocsiipatlon form cr. 0. wc. It C. c. C. fail* dru^Risisrefund i~oucy. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-gLzETTE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1902. Bank of Zebulon. J Arrangements 'have been made for t.h- Citizens Bank of Bajrnes ville to open np , branch bank here. ’ * --Al Negotiations have been going on for some time between the leading business men here and the officers of that bank which finally resulted in their giving the branch bank at this place all the facilities for the banking business that the Citizens Bank possesses. At a meeting of I the stockholders at this place a few days ego the branch bank wasorga j nized and the following offiicers [elected: J. \\\ Cabaniss, of the j Exchange Bank of Macon, Presi dent; W. J. Franklin, Vice-Presi dent and chairman of the board of directors; C. R. Gwyn, cashier; P. M. Sullivan, V . J. Franklin, C. R. Gwyn, J. W. Mean. J. B. Mathews, E. F. Dupree and S. A. Howell were elected directors and will have charge of the institution. The Citizens Bank of Barnesville is one of the new banks that have opened up this year, has a paid in capital of $25,000 and is one of the best officered banks in this part of the state. Mr. J. \\ . Cabaniss who is president being one of the best bank men in the state and Mr. C. H. Humphrey who has been for several years cashierof the Bank of Milieu being cashier. They have been doing a fine bus- I iness in Barnesville since they [opened on the Ist of May. The ! Bank of Zebulon will open up in temporary quarters on Sept. Ist land be ready for the business. As i soon as a building can be com pleted they will move into perma ! nent quarters which will be well ! fitted up to do the banking busi j ness. Zebulon has long been in need |of a bank and is fortunate to [ make connections with such an institution ns the Citizens Bank of Barnesville. With the above officers is charge of the Bank of Zebulon and eveery faciility at their command for sale and con servative banking the inetitution will he certain to <lo well —Pike j County Journal. HOW’S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars, Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Waldiug Kinnan & Marvin,Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood "and mucous services of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle, Sold by all Druggist. Hall Family Fills are the best. The New Chinese Envoy. Sir Liang Chen Tung, tiie new Chinese envoy to this country, is a many sided man. lie is thirty-nine years old and was one of the 120 students sent by China, beginning in 1882, to learn American ways. He en tered Amherst college, but was un able to graduate because of recall by his government. He was an ex pert catcher and pitcher on the baseball nines at Phillips and Am herst. Ho is fond of society and is an entertaining conversationalist. It remains to be seen whether he can approach the retiring Minister Wu as an after dinner speaker. Sir Liang is a widower. Healthy Kidneys Means liong I.lfe, If you want to restore your kidneys to their former health state take Smith Sure Kidney Cure —50 cents at J. H. Blackburns. Sound Kidneys— Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will produce both. Try a bottle and be convinced. Your druggist sells it for st>e —at J, H. Blackburns. If You Sutter from Kidney Troubles Use Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure. Noth ing like it for diseased kidneys. 50 cts at J. H. Blackburn’s. Why Stop There? “The bacillus of whooping cough has been discovered,” said Tenspot. “Xow, if the gorin hunters could only run down the microbe of the college yell,” added Gazzam.— J udge. Had Heard Her Stories. She —If you children are good, I’ll read you a fairy story. Little Brother Oh, I’d rather have some fun.—Puck. A SAD DISAPPOINTMENT. Ineffective liver medicine is a disap pointment, but you don’t want to purge strain and break the glands of the stomach and bowels. DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of all poison and putrid matter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. They are a tonic to the liver. Cures bilious ness, torpid liver and prevents fever. Jxo. H. Bi.ackburn, Barnesvile. Ga. L. lloimes, Milner. Ga. SLEEP FOR BABY AND REST FOR L Sleep for Skin Tortured Babies and Rest for Tired Mothers, In Warm Baths with And gfentle applications of Cuti cura Ointment, purest of emol lients and greatest of skin cures, to be followed in severe cases by mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent Pills. This is the most speedy, permanent, and economical treat ment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of hair, of in fants and children, ever com pounded. Millions of Peopleurf.Cuticura Soap, assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT, for beauti fying the skin, for cleansing the scalp, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, aort soothing red, rough, and sore hands, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Millions of women use Cu- TiCL'KA SoAPin baths foraunoylnglrrltations. Inflammations, and dialings, too free or offen sive perspiration, In washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves. Sold throughout the world. Soap, 25c., Oistmknt, CSc., Pills, 2.5 c. Hritiih Depot: 21-28, Charterhouse Bq., London. French Depot: 5 Rue de la Pair, Paris. Pot teb: Dkco and Chkh. Cobp., Bole Props., Boeton. A Delightful Party. Misses Nettie Lee Grace and Grace Woodward entertained tlieir friends Saturday evening at the Magnolia Inn. The broad verandas and spacious parlors of this hospitable home were thrown open to the guests and were soon the scene of amuse ments of various kinds. Several games were played during the even ing but the animal contest was the feature. Every one was given a stick of chewing gum and out of the gum an animal was to be made. The game w&s much en joy ed and after an exciting contest the first prize was awarded to Mr. George Elder. The second prize was given to Miss Ida Thurman, the consolation prize being given to Mr. C. S. Kelly. During the evening, delightful refreshments were served and at a late hour the guests dispersed to their homes after having spent a most enjoyable evening. The invited guests were: Misses Eva Warde, Vera Farley, Dove Marchman, Carrie Elder, Lucille Mitchell. Rosa Hammond, Leila Collier, Nettie Matthews. Ida Thurman, Pearl Lifsey, Mat tie Nelson, Grace Porch, Mae Ellis, Nell Smiley and Nannie C. Kitchens. Messrs. Walter Marshburn, Wal ter Middlebrooks, Ed Howard, George Elder, Aaron Reppard, Warren Woodard, Charlie Lane, Charlie Tyler, Kendall Ross, Claude Anderson, Milner Smith, Henry Covington, Terrell Coving ton, Robert West, Thomas Casey, Earl Askew, Will Murrow, Newsom and Murrow, Julian Arnold and Hundlev Blackburn. A Surprise Party. A surprise party was given Miss Ida Thurman Friday evening by several couples of her set. Several couples met at the home of Miss Kosa Hammond and pro ceeded at once to Miss Thurman’s. After spending several hours at this hospitable home the guest de parted to their homes. Those present were: Misses Lucille Mitchell, Carrie Elder, Dove Marchman, Vera Far ley'. Nettie Lee Grace, Leilr Collier and Grace Woodward. Messrs. Kendall Ross, Warren Woodward, Walter Marshburn, George Elder, Henry Covington, Ed Howard, Julius Arnold, Claud Anderson, Walter Middlebrooks and Milner Smith. Moving -Again. In about three days I am going to move again, and am going to sell my share of HARD WARE before then if . . . IF CHEAP PRICES will be any inducements. I handled most of this stock moving it about four weeks ago, and know it is heavy, also risky. I have since put in a large lot of . . . White Lead, linseed Oil, Ready=Mixed Paints, Sc. If 3 7 0 u are going to build a house, come to see me, for I am headquarters for house furnish ings and can meet any prices. Going, Going and GONE —sold to the first man comes along. =J. B. BANKSTON, - Manager of The Bankston Hardware Store. Trading Stamps > —l—l AT — —-n Jno. T. Middlebrooks I. am better prepared to supply your wants than ever. I have a full and complete stock of ...Staple and Fancy Groceries... MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE. No one can undersell me on the quality of goods. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is my motto. I Give Green Trading Stamps With Cash Sales, but not on accounts. I want to sell you, and assure you your orders will have my best attention. JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS j. W. Cabaniss, President. C. H. Humphrey, cashier. CITIZENS BANK OF BARNESVILLE, GA. Capital, $25,000. StocKhoiders’ Liability', $25,000. DIRECTORS: J W. Cabsniss, president Exaliange Bank of Macon; E Rumble, Merchant, Goggans, Ga ,J. L Pitts, of Pitts-Gray Cos ;.1 C. Collier, ofJ. C. Collier Cos ; J M Means, Cotton Buyer, Meansville; V O Marshburn, Merchant; T. W Cochran, Livery; R. P Spencer, of Columbus; Thos. J Peeples, Cashier Maddux-Rucker Banking Cos., Atlanta; C H Humphrey, Cashier. This bank solicits accounts of merchants, individuals and corporations, and extends every facility consistent with sound banking principles. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. J. D. HIGHTOWER, successor TO j. w . HIGHTOWER DEALER IN Agricultural, Mechanical and Buiders' Hardware, Farm Eauinments, Water Supplies. Guns, Cutlery, Silverwares Disk's non-rustible Tinware, China and Glassware, Decorative Bric-a - Brae, Crockerv and Queensware, wooden ware, Stoves, Hollo ware. Paints. Oils, Brushes etc*, etc*