The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, March 26, 1925, Image 2

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Pyorrhea gfn nnn< -ficn in a few hours. If you suffer from Pyor rhea, sore and spongy frums, loose teeth or other mouth Irritations, I want to •end you my simple home treatment un der plain wrapper. Thousands say It •topped Pyorrhea after everything else felled. Merely send name for generous 10 day free trial offer of my secret treat ment and rid yourself of your trouble for food. RING R IOMKDIEB CO.. 603 Gate way Station, Kansas City, Missouri. Suwanee River Special Through Afternoon Train To CINCINNATI CHICAGO CLEVELAND DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS LOUISVILLE DAILY FROM ATLANTA 4:10 P. M. Through Sleeping Cars, Coaches Dining Car Service Southern Railway System AILMENTS OF K YOONG GIRLS ■pfll * Relieved by Lydia E. Pink ham’t Vegetable Compound School Teacher’s Experience Evanston, Wyoming. —“A few years •go 1 had troubles every month such as " girls often have, and It would suffer awfully every time. 1 was teaching school and it made it hard for me as I had to go to bed for two or three days. One day my mother sugges ted that 1 take I.ydia E. Pinkham'a Veg etable Compound, ■ i which I did. and it ***** * t; -* wonders for me. In the course of a year I married and after my first baby was born 1 got up too aoon and it caused a displacement This troubled me so that 1 could hardly walk or do my housework. I knew what the Vegetable Compound did for me be fore bo 1 took it again, 'lt strengthened me and now 1 have five little Kiddies. The eldest is six, the baby is live months 'old and I have twin boys three years old and a boy of five years. Ido all my own housework, washing and ironing, and I never felt better mmy life. I owe my health to your wonderful medicine and 1 recommend it to all my friends.”— Mrs. Verbena Carpenter, 127 2nd Avenue, Evanston, Wyoming. FOR SALE—-White and Pink Peren-' nial Phlox plants, will bloom this year; also annualls.— Mrs. W. P. Miller, Barnesville, Ga. 3-26 No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a role, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVES TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, ini prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tunic to the whole system. Nature will then throw ofl or dispel the worms, and the Child will he in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle WARM WEATHER DISEASES They Are Preventable Typhoid. Van, - soon we will ee an Increase of typhoid fever In our community. My time Is typhoid fever lime, as well as the time for bowel troubles in chil dren and adults as well. Flies are carriers of many of the diseases, and the time to begin our war Is now, ! lasting throughout our lives. The fly [ eggs are always laid In filth, gener ally In the excrement of animals, in cluding the human. Clean premises should be free from flies. See, there fore, that no hatching place is pro vided for the filthy fly on your yard. We are fortunate in having a rem edy that is very effective against ty phoid fever, but like all other things, It Is not 100 per cent perfect; In oth er words, sometimes we find an indi vidual who Is not made immune by typhoid vaccination, owing to that In dividual not having had a sufficiently j large dose of the vaccine or his In i' ability to build up anti-bodies against I the Infection or the overwhelming in fection that he receives. The season for typhoid vaccination Is here. This remedy is furnished free | by our State Hoard of Health, and is | administered by vour family physician. | Every one should take this vaccine at j least orvery three years. Suppose you ! start on yours right away. It requires throe weeks to complet the treatment. There is no question that this is the right thing to do. We would not have typhoid fever if wo had sanitary cloHets in every home. The germ comes only from a human being who Is a carrier of these germs. The germ is thrown off in human ex crement only, and you must "catch” typhoid by either eating or drinking the germ. Proper sanitation will absolutely control typhoid, as well as other dis eases of this character, diarrhea .and dysentery especially. It pays and pays well to have a sanitary closet and to keep your prem ises clean. Especially should you take care of the barn and stable manure to prevent the hatching of flies. Screening helps and helps wonder fully; make it effective; do it now. HEIGHT-WEIGHT FOOD Your Child Needs Your Care. Parents who art- really interested in their children should not postpone the attention that should he given physical defects until the children arrive at school age. All children should be given supervision before they are six, In fact, the earlier the better. So many things could be done that would prevent the necessity of surgical operations In the years to come. Many simple remedies often would prevent deformity, glandular derangements, eye-sight abnormalities and many other things that will, of necessity, have to have attention later In life. Children should be weighed and measured with regularity. If they are not growing, If weight does not show gradual Increase month after month, there is something wrong. This Is true from the first few weeks :f life until the growth Is attained. The mother can weigh and measure the child, and If not normal and does not allow progressive development, the physician should be called. The Oeorgla Baby Hook Is free for the ask ing, so are the record cards and table of weights and heights, if you will write the State Hoard of Health. The loss of weight in a child under 6 or 6 means that quite likely the child is sick. It may be hookworm, tape worm, tuberculosis or something that Is sapping its vitality. Do not forget that the vast majority of our tubercu losis Is contracted before ten years rf age. Sometimes the cause of the .oss or not gaining In weight Is due to a fault in the diet, or malnutrition. * it is called; so many children are aot given the proper food. They lorm the habit of eating generally In teeping with the adult who has them In charge. Milk should be the prin cipal diet of small children; every child should drink milk at every meal; oo much cannot be said for milk. It ihould be clean milk, and so little milk Is clean It should be produced Yom healthy, contented cows; If accessary, It should be modified for he child. This is an individual prob em. and one about which the doctor should advise. Another necessary hing for children is fruit, fruit Juices | md vegetables that contain the essen | ial elements of iron, lime, phos | >hates. iodine, etc. May Day—Child Health Day. Tho entire nation Is being: asked to observe May Pay ns child health day AH of the boards of health, children’s tsstrelations, parent • teacjjer asaocTa lions and various organizations are ex peetod to participate. We hope our bounty will be one of the 100 per cent counties The conservation of child life is a sigh ideal: wo need education along ;heee lines. There Is no excuse for :he death of the thousands of babies who are stillborn or die before one rear of age in Georgia. 1/et each of lur schools arrange a public program 'or that day. Organisation schedules will be furnished you by writing the State Board of Health. Atlanta. Write the State Board of Health. Maternity and Infancy Division. IS! 'apitol Square. Atlanta. Ga . today for four copy of the Georgia Baby Book WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH ILL WITH GAS “For years 1 had gas on the stom ach. The first dose of Adlerika helped. I now sleep well and all gas is gone. It also helped my husband.” (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoonful Adlerika removts GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old, waste mat ter you never thought was in your system. This excellent intestinal evacuant is wonderful for constipa tion. —The Barnesville Drug Cos. SUCCESS A woman wrote the prize essay in a certain periodical, in which she tells what success is. She draws a noble picture and here it is: He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and women and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task. He has achieved success who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or rescued soul; who has never locked appreciation of earth’s fine beauty, or failed to ex press it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspira tion, whose memory a benediction. PREVENTION 1 better than cure. Tutt’s Pills taken In | time, are not only a remedy (or but prevent I SICK HEADACHE biliousness, constipation and kindred diseases | Tutt’s Pills O RULES AND REGULATIONS ADOPIED Midwife Instruction Being Given in the State. Georgia has never had any rules or regulations governing the practice of midwifery in her borders. The passage of the vital statistics law brought out the fact that we have over four thousand midwives who are now on the registration list. It has further shown that one-third of the ba bies born In our State, or nearly 23,- 000, are not attended by a physician— a total of one born every 7 minutes. The figure show that two mothers die In childbed every 24 hours. The seriousness of this appealed to the physicians of our State, and, at the last meeting of the Georgia Medi cal Association, n resolution was pass ed asking the State Board of Health to take charge of the situation and pass such rules and regulations as they thought best under the circum stances and to arrange for giving the neceesary instructions to all midwives. The rules have been drawn and passed by the State Board of Health, and Instructions are now being given to the midwives by the Division of Ma ternity and Infancy; classes are be ing held In the various counties. Three rural nurses are at work on the prob lem, as well as fifteen other nurses In the larger centers. Ten lessons are given, and tht\ midwife Is given an examination on them; If satisfactory a certificate good for one year is Issued to her. It will necessarily require some ttme to reach the 161 counties In Georgia with this small force. The people who depend on the mid wife should demand of her the above mentioned certificate as a safeguard. The rules and the lessons are very simple, but are deemed very Import ant. It is. of course, very desirable, always to have the very best physician one can get for this most important event, even for months before, but this is not always possible. The midwife is necessary; she should be of the high est type and be properly instructed. Ghe should be free of communicable diseases, especially the venereal. One person in every nine meets with some form of accidental injury each year. re- 0 . Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly and should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. • Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle, o Green tomatoes ami green peppers may be kept for six months in brine. ■ "O To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES - HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which slot's the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVES O-PEN-TRATE JALVE for Chest Colds. Head Colds and Youp is enclosed with every bottle of IAYES’ HEALING HONEY. The salve bould be rubbed on the chest and throat f children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Haves’ ftealini! Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove s O-Peo-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon .-'ops a cough Both remedies are packed in one carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. TO THE FRIENDS OF MIDWAY CHURCH About seven years ago I wrote a letter to the Barnesville News-Ga zette telling them of some of the needs of Midway church and asking the friends of the church to plant a plot of ground in something—peas, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, or cotton, or iust anything and set aside to give towards fixing the old house of God, j one in which I’ve heard such brave soldiers of the cross pray for the up building of God’s Kingdom, such men as Rev. Wash Oliver, Dan Oliver, Dan Crawford, Alex McLeod, Sim Milner, Sr., Elijah Crawford. R. C. Maddox, W. M. Ennis, and oh, so many others. How many times have we heard Uncle Wash pray that “Midway might ever be as a City set on a hill,” its light might reach afar? How many that knew him could say they did not believe he had any faith in God? None, no not one. Then think of the motto over the puipit, “Young men and young women, don’t let old Mid way go down. When I’m lying out yonder, hold up the Banner.”— Uncle Wash. Now, friends of Midway (I write not just to the members of Midway, but to all the friends) are we holding up the Banner? Are we obeying the last command of our Blessed Uord, “Go ye into all the world, teach them to observe all things.” I know some think because they are not members a church they should do nothing to help. I differ with those kind. The world is my Master's vineyard. He said, “Go work.” While I have life and He gives me strength I’m going to work. Then hear the Macedonian call “Come over and help us.” Six years ago when I asked the membership to meet me there on first Saturday in May there was a house full but there When Every Minute Counts f Depend Upon Our Service •When the curculio and other pests are at work, every minute counts. Many crops are lost because something goes wrong at the crucial moment. Our lines are selected with the idea to serve the grower who thinks in terms of results, they are as dependable as the clock. Farm and Garden Supplies Harness Cultivators Plows Wire Fencing Harrows Steel Posts Seeders Gates Hoes Dusters Rakes Sprayers Spades Insecticides Forks Seeds Carter Implement Cos. Hardware and Orchard Supplies Wholesale and Retail 553-555 Poplar St. IV/tclCOn, Gel. Phone 49C - was a noble mother put beneath the sod there that day. I did not make the talk I had planned. I’ve been still and waited on God, now I feel He wants me to work and I’ve said “Here am I.” Will you friends write me a card saying, “I’ll plant for Midway and w’hat you are going to plant, and remember it is “God giveth the increase.” Even a cup of cold water in His name shall not be without a reward. I’ve offered to take all funds given and deposit in Barnesville Bank. If the work is not done each donor to receive his money back. “The Beggar,” MRS. MITTIE DUMAS. a ■ To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets). It stops the Cough and Headache aDd works off the Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c. Children Cry for of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless -No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. If You Can Answer 33 Quest; I Geography and History “* ** Y ° U MA CASH sloo ° W Other prizes amounting to , - . $2,000 given in Educational < of open to everybody, anywhere s stamp for list of questions r ,i„. Bl circular. Address—Sheffield i X an<i tories, Dept. 1. Aurora, Ulin o ;- A TEXAS WONDER^ For kidney and bladder troul' gravel, weak and lame back, matism and irregularities of the ked* neys and bladder. At y 0 ur drue gist’s or by mail, $1.25. Small bv tie often cures. Send for SWor l’ testimonials.—E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.—Adv. Growers* and Packers* Supplies Harrows Spray Hose Plows Spray Materials Pruners Dusters Sprayers Dust Materials Crates Nails Cushions Strippers Baskets Box Straps Ringers Dry Paste