The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, March 26, 1925, Image 5

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GOING TO NEW YORK : >< ** a* % fi fIK $■ ■ ~ * 4 v x*.....T:fc ..:•••• .v V: <*o I The Georgia Press Association will Lk? a voyage—Savannah to New ■fork and return following the mid ■ ear session in Savannah, April 25th. board the new steamship City of "hattanooea of the Ocean Steamship Company. The City of Chattanooga, he finest ship in coast-wise service, BS accommodations for 204 passen ,ers and it is expected that every jlace will be taken by association nembers and their families. The hip has just recently been built for the Ocean Steamship Company and embodies every luxury and conven ience of modern travel. It has a large music room, restful lounge rooms, spacious dining room and large state rooms, its facilities being as good as those of the large ocean liners. The ship will sail from Savannah, Saturday, April 25th, at 3 P. M., and arrive New York Tuesday, April 28th, at 6 P. M. After two and a half days in the city the return voyage will be started at 3 P. M., April 30th, arriving Savannah 6 P. M., Sunday, COUGHS Quick Way to Stop Them Persistent, racking coughing, which by rapidly weakening your entire sys tem lays you open to more dangerous infections, can be checked often with the first dose of that old-time tried and proved remedy -Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar Honey. And there’s a reason. Doctors say there is nothing like pine tar to quickly loosen and remove the phlegm and congestion which are the direct cause of the coughing, while the honey both gives a pleasant taste and helps soothe irritation. It is often astonishing how quickly thiscombina tion relieves the stubbornest cough. But be sure you get the original Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey, and no substitute. Dr. Bell’s has been known for over aquarterof acentury as the best. It is scientifically compounded of just the right proportions of pine -tar, honey and other quick-acting healing ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, so can be given even to young children—fine for spasmodic croup. If you want the best, a medicine that often relieves the severest cough overnight, make sure you get Dr. Bell’s. Only 30c at any good druggist’s. a drbells Cgal (9AjLcuma& &SPINETARHONEY AMERICAN SHOE STORE .J Men and Money Make This Bank Secure THERE are two ways of measuring the strength and standing of a bank. In the first place monev resources —capital and surplus § give it financial strength. In the second place —and perhaps even more important—are men, the officers and directors. They give the bank character, determine and execute its policies. This is a strong bank, a helpful bank be cause it has ample resources, and a personnel of proven character and ability. BARNESVILLE BANK *jjFEDERAI. STATE DEPOSITORY May 3rd. Sessions of the conven tion, social affairs and deck sports will be held on board ship rnd will j make the voyage interesting and de lightful. A wonderful program of entertainment has been mapped out for New Tork, including a reception to the party by Mayor Hylan, a trip around New York harbor, a break fast on board the world’s largest steamship, the Leviathan, a visit to Oyster Bay, a dinner and theatre party tendered by the American Press Association and other lunch eons and dinners to keep the party busy and happy. New York head quarters will be at the Waldorf- Astoria Hotel. President Rountree and Secretary Stanley report a large advance list of reservations and this mid-year convention and outing promises to be one of the best attended in many years. o FOR SALE—Piano and household furniture. —Mrs. S. Rumble, 303 Forsyth St. 3-26 o ■ The Prince of Wales is learning to play the banjo. FOR SALE—Seed Sugar Cane, 1 to 4000 stalks.—E. D. Martin, Route No. 2, Box 75, Barnesville, Ga. - -a Tractor snow-plows for sidewalks are being manufactured. A TONIC Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Is where you get the best shoe repairing. Shoe polish and laces. EWELL W. ROSS, Manager No. 23 Market Street Barnesville, Ga. PHONE 127 . When If. “AMERICAN” If. Right. Two'Champions of World Meet ' When Nurmi and Behring Greet w - Esther.' 'BEtifting PaavoNurmi'| T “A thrill that comes once in a life time,” is the way Esther Beh ring, captain of the Prudential Insurance A. A. relay team and |American champion woman shot putter and basket ball thrower, de scribed her experience of being photographed with Paavo Nurmi, of Finland, the world’s champion runner. \ The photograph was made dur ing an athletic meet in Newark, N. J., where Miss Behring is em LOCALS, PERSONALS AND SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. D. E. Kleckley and Miss Mary Stroud were in Griffin Monday. Mr. C. H. Morris is attending the W. O. W. Convention at Macon this week, going as a delegate from the camp here. Miss Eleanor McDonald of At lanta will be in the city this week. She is a talented musician and will appear on the music convention pro gram. Mrs. H. H. Holmes spent Frday and Saturday in Atlapta. FOR SALE —Large white, pink, yel low and red Chrysanthemum plants.—Mrs. Luke Dumas, No. 130 Zebulon Street. Rev. and Mrs. Guy Pittman and children spent the week-end with relatives at Jefferson, Ga. Mrs. L. D. Watson and guest, Mrs. D. M. Smith, of Valdosta, and Mr. Red Moore spent Saturday and Sun day in Atlanta. Miss “Spec” Godwin attended the “Little Commencement” at Emory University the past week-end, being a guest at the house party of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. FOR SALE—3O bushels com at $1.50 bushel and 10 bushels wheat at $1.50 bushel. George Bush, Route A, Box 14, Barnesville, Ga. Mrs. W. J. Williamson of Atlanta has been in the city the past week on a visit with her mother, Mrs. Iverson Middlebrooks, who had the misfor tune to fall and sustain severe in juries last Friday. Col. F. L. Adams, county school superintendent of Pike, and editor of the Pike County Journal, was a visitor to Barnesville Saturday, hav ing business with the citizens of the city. LOST —2 Gilt Poland China Shoats, weighing 140 to 150 lbs. each. Strayed from my home about March Ist. Anyone knowing anything of them please notify me.—Gordon Morris. Mr. J. A. McCarty of Atlanta was in Barnesville Tuesday, coming down on business. He has hosts of friends in the community. He was one of the organizers of the First National Bank and until he moved to At lanta he was its cashier. Judge T. M. Allen of Piedmont, who has been ill for several months, was in the city Tuesday and was given most cordial greetings frim his friends, all of whom were rejoicing at his recovery. It is hoped he will regain his strength, although he is yet quite weak from his long 111- i ness and confinement. WANTED —Two saw mills to cut one million feet of timber at Pied mont, Ga., by the thousand.—l. C. & J. C. Collier, Barnesville, pa. Miss Rosa Middlebrooks went down to Macon Monday where she will be with friends several days. ployed in the home offices of the Prudent iifl. The selection of Miss Behring to pose with Nurmi was not made without due regard for her right to be in such a picture. She is a record breaker herself and an ath lete of national prominence. At the. national A. A. U. outdoor cham pionships, in Pittsburgh last year, she won the title in the shot put for women and she has thrown a basket ball further indoors than any member of her sex in all time. Miss Edna Morris, Miss Marie Beavers and Mr. Nat Nichols mo tored over from Manchester Satur day and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morris. Miss Morris has charge of the expression and violin departments in the Manchester High School. Depends on Viewpoint It Isn’t propaganda, however, unless It favors something you oppose.—Du luth Herald. o- ■ Modesty Has lt Reward The less people speak of their great ness the more we think of It.—Bacon. Finest Legacy No legacy Is so rich as honekty/ Shakespeare. Rheuroatm^ “Good-bye old crutch!” T HERE IS positively no longer any excuse for suffering the agonies of rheumatism! Especially in the autumn of your life, when the vital organs weaken, impurities multiply and linger in the muscles and joints, as never before. It is now, just now, when you cannot afford to guess. No day returns! Here is a joyous fact which can mean to you a fond farewell forever to all the miseries, the tortures, the body-twisting pains that you have suffered from the demon of rheu matism. It is a fact that rheumatism means “blood poverty." It is a fact with the increase of red-cells in your blood, impurities are destroyed. It is a fact that S.S.S. will help Na ture build these red-blood-cells! S.S S. is one of the most powerful blood cleansers in existence. Its re sults in thousands of rheumatic cases have been nothing short of amazing! The medicinal ingredients of S.S.S. are purely vegetable. This is very important to remember! What can be more inspiring, more won derful than to see the shackles of pain released from your struggling body, swellings, lingering pains, stiff ness of joints and muscles ail dis appear; your stomach made strong; your face pink with the old sweet heart glow, your blood enriched and your cheeks more plump as they used to be. You can do it! Take S.S.S., the great destroyer of rheumatic im purities. 8. S. 8. is sold at a!! ff<x>4 <Jmg attire* in two silt*. The larger slot ■EH I* more economical. >3. J. Qke Yourself Again Pure Drugs The greater ef ficiency of Pure Drugs makes it worth w hile to come to this / store where on ly the purest of Drugs are used. Barnesville Drug Cos. J. E. BUSH, Manager Barnesville, Georgia FOR THE BEST GUANO SEE P. W. Ethridge, Milner, Ga. Large Stock of I. A. C. BRANDS carried this season. Polite and Courteous Treatment at all times. Get my prices before buying. P. W. ETHRIDGE MILNER, GA. Poultry Supplies We have in stock Buckeye Incubators and Brooders. Conkeys Buttermilk Start ing Feed. Conkeys Poultry Remedies. Oyster Shell —Charcoal Founts and Feeders. Mail Orders Filled Promptly. Barnesville Hardware Cos. Barnesville, Ga. Phone 5-W