The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, February 07, 1878, Image 1

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VOL. X. Terms of Subscription : J. C. McMICIIAEL, Publisher. Advertising Rates. =& : rVß~if~l IT. | 1 at. I 3M. I 6 M | 12 M T3niiareTrrr7rr| SIOO i s'2 50 | 700 I SIOOO I sls ...I 200 1 500 11000 I 1500 1 25 *! q ' .. 400 11000 12000 i 3000 40 .turnin’’.... 500 11200 130 00 | 39 00 | 50 .. 1000 2000 |35 00 | G5OO | 80 .. 1 1500 1 2500 14000 | 7000 |l3O Hunt & Taylor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BARNESVILLE, Ga. -wnr-riLL practice in the countie comprising the Flint Judicia Circuit ainl in the Supreme Court of the State. BttT Office over Drug Store of J. W. Hightower. dec2-ly wiTsTwaraAsss, attorney at law, BARNESVILLE, GA. Will practice In the counties of the Flint Circuit and in the Su premecourt of the state. sep2B-3m J. S. POPE, attorney at law, ZEBULON, GA. Prompt attention given to business. 8 L. BEttSEH. c - *• TUBNEB. BERNER & TURNER, attorneys at law, Forsyth, Ga. WILL practice in all the Courts, and give spe cial attention to the collection of claims. Re fer to Win. H. Head, Banker, Forsyth, G3., Lumas & Alien, Cotton Factors, Forsyth, Ga. inchß-tf James M. Smith* ATTORNEY AT LAW, ZEBULON, OA. rr Prompt attention given to business. Cabaniss & Peeplea, attorneys at l aw, Forsyth, Ga WILT, practice in ail tha comities of the Flint Circuit. D. H. MARTIN. T - R> MILLS, JR. MARTIN A MILLH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Griffin, Georgia. Will practice in all the State Courts of Georgia, •and the United States Courts. isrofllce, front room, up-stairs, in Cunningham building. mchl-tim _ OO per Way. bro.wpThouse. Opposite Passe er Depot, MACON- - “ GEORGIA. Largest, Best Arranged, and most Thoroughly Furnished Hotel in the Sotuh. E. E. BROWN & SON, Proprietors. GREER HOUSE. SOSSYTH, SA, JOE GREER, Proprietor. O BOARD per month $ 25 BO ARD per day ®2 SINGLE. MFAL 50c Also good livery accommodations, such as Carri ages, horse and buggy, and good shddle horses. Also IliVCli. LlNldto Indian Spring. dcl4-tf, CANCER Can be Cured b * Dr. Bond’s System. No Knife. Positively No Caustics. Absolutely No Pain. Remedies sent to any pari of the world. Pamphlets and particulars free. Call on or address Dr. H. T BOND, 1231 Chestnut St., Phila delpliia, Pa. julyl2 ly BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS!!! MEW STO C'K ! T AM pleased to inform the public that X have re- A- opened my Store in Barnesville with one of the finest and best selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots, wlioes, Hats, TrunKs, Um- Grellaei And a general assortment in Cents Furnishing Goods ever offered in this market, and would be pleased to have you call and examine my slock before purchasing, My stock has been bought for Cash only, at very low prices, so I am enabled to olfer the same at vreatiy reduced prices. M. M. Nusstmuiii. sepi 3-®m EstblieheJ 100 acres, in Nursery Stock Fruitla.nd Nurseries A UO UST - <> GEORGIA. P. J. Berchmans, Proprietor. T ARGEST stock of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL * i TREE** in the Southern States. EveryUnng offered is specially adapted to need of boutnern fruit growers bv being grown in this climate, oena for tiatologues which are mailed iTBC by addressing <l3 above/ SaplS-tf J. F. TAYLOK, BARNESNIELE, GA„ DEALER IN family Groceries and Con fectioneries. on hand Meat, Flour, Syrup, Molasses. Sugar, Coffee, Ciirars Tobacco, and every in Family Grocery line. g.\v •',!*' v nt ’ r fr >r Country Produce of all kinds, and price. I*/-/ * 6e before purchasing. THE BARNESYILLE GAZETTE. The Savannah Cotton Exchange some days since passed resolutions opposing the passage of the Silver Bill. The resolutions were forward** ed to Mr. Hill in the Senate who presented them to that honor*, able body, endorsing them and com menting most favorbly. They were also forwarded to Hon. W, P. Bell, of the House, accompanied by a pri* vate letter from the president of that august body, the Cotton Ex change. Mr. Bell replies in a very sensible and scathing letter. He tackles their ignorance of his posi tion on the Silver Bill and resump tion repeal, and refers them to his positions taken in a speech deliver ed on the 14th of November last, in the house of representatives. He says : “The Government prosecu ted the late war upon its credit. Governmental contractors, specu lators, bounty-jumpers, and army sutlers purchased the bonds of the government which were not payable m gold at from forty to sixty per cent of their gold value. Congress gave the holders of these bonds in enactment of the National Bank Act, a monoply of the banking bus iness, and to secure this monoply to them, taxed the state banks out of existence. He shows that the contracts were not made on a gold basis, and not expected to be paid in gold by the purchaser, The is sue is fairly joined. The bond holders demand that the lion-taxable war debt shall be paid only in gold by taxes wrung from the labor, and levied on the property of the people. The Cotton Exchange takes posi tion with the bondholders. I stand with the people.” We only regret that our limited space will not admit the insertion of the entire article. Good Sense. — A writer puts a good deal of good sense and a good many p’s in a small space in the fol lowing: Persons who patronize pa pers should nay promptly, for the pecuniary prospects of the press have peculiar power in pushing for ward public prosperity. If the prin ter is paid promptly, and his pocket book kept plethoric by promytpaying patrons, he puts his pen to paper in peace; he prints his pictures of pass ing events in more pleasing colors and the perusal of his paper is of more pleasure to his people. Paste this piece ot proverbial philosophy in some place where all persons can perceive it. Be pleased, also, to ponder upon it thyself patiently and perseveringly and profitably, and persistently practice its precepts per petually. XOTES REGARDING SILVER. The silver dollar was never below par in gold till it was demonetized in 1873. The act demonetizing silver took away from the country nearly one half of its resources for coin, and of course gold went up in value, just as wheat would go up if half the sup ply should be cutoff. One of the most demoralizing re sults of the persistent clamor in fa vor of a continued debasement of one-half of our coin resources, is the growing belief that gold mine stock and o’lier gold securities, are the motive power of legislation in this country. The advocates of the continued debasement of silver coin are un doubtedly working in the interests and possibly in the pay of the pro prietors of the bonanza gold mines, and gamblers in gold mine stock. By keeping down silver coinage it puts annually into their pockets mil lions of dollars, as such a policy keeps up the price of gold mine stock. All the talk and all the clamor oi those who favor ruling out silver coinage, means, simply, that the holder of the public securities shall have more pay in principal and in terest for them than the contract called for which provided for pay ment in both gold and silver coin, and that the speculators in gold stock shall continue to fleece the industri al interests. The constant reaching out after a plan to compel debtors to pay more than the contract called for, by de stroying a part of the original prod uct for payment, thus cheating wealth by statutory enactment, and com pelling payment in an article made dearer wholly by such dishonest manipulation,’ is destroying all confi dence, and is demoralizing in the extreme. The weathy princes who own the rich gold mines are, no doubt, great ly pleased with the services of those who are laboring to keep silver de monetized, for they know it will bring them a big price for their gold bullion, as well as gold mining stocks since the statutory debasement of silver puts gold up at a good premi um, and will keep it there. The gold bullionist and mine owners can afford to pav for such services in their behalf. There will be four grand restaur ants at the Paris Exposition this year : two to be kept by a syndi cate of Parisian restaurateurs, one by a famous cook from Madrid, one by the Belgian and Austrian brew ers. Four buffets will be establish ed at the angels of the palace of the Camp-de-Mars : two kept by french men, one by an Englishman and one by a Dutchman. Finally four res taurants : two at cheap rates, will be kept in the agricultural building. BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1878. SLAVES OF THE WHEEL. WHAT THE SEWING-MACHINE HAS DONE—THE BONDAGE OF WOMEN TO RUFFLES AND TUCKS. From the Philadelphia Weekly Times. When more than a quarter of a century ago Elias Howe gave the sewing-machiue to the world, civili zation hailed him as the benefactor of woman. Hood had just stirred the heart of humanity with his won derful “iSong of the Shirt,” and the wrongs of the sewing-woman were one of the social questions o f the day. Men were ready to fore swear linen and adopt paper collars and shirt bosoms, rather than to “wear out human creatures’ lives.” And so a great shout of thankfulness went up over this iron seamstress, which had neither bone nor muscle; which could neither ache nor grow weary—this benevolent genie whicn was to make sewing a pastime and stitching but play. Alas for short sighted humanity! Who could fore see that the little finger of the new dispensation should be thicker than the loins of the old? That its bands should be of iron, where the others had been but green withes? The burien is shifted from shoulders to back—that is all—and legs grow stiff and numb in place of fingers. For this marvelous piece of mechan ism, which does in an hour more than a skillful seamstress can ac complish by hand in a day, has so cheapened labor—so multiplied ruffles and tucks—that the bondage of wo man to the wheel is heavier than it was to the needle alone. Years ago our mothers and our grandmothers wore garments simply made; dresses with single skirts and bodices plainly trimmed; or when cunning fingers wrought marvels of needlework, the garments thus ornamented were worn as long as they lasted—not cast aside or ripped up an made oyer with every season. Now yards upon yards of plaitings, shirtings or ruffles trim the plainest dresses, the mode of trimming changing every few months, and stamping the work on which so much time has been spent as out of fashion. Underclothing is a mass of tucks, pugs and ruffles, and the day has gone by iii which a simple hem or tiny scal[op was suffi cient finish for an ordinary garment. Many of us remember when chil dren's every-day frocks were guiltless of trimming; when ruffles and tucks were kept for state occasions. To day every tiny garment calls for rows upon rows cf stitching, and devoted mothers sit for hours at the sewing machine that tneir darlings may appear as well as the children across the street where the family keep a seamstress. VICTIMS OF THE SEWING-MACHINE. Ready-made clothing does not solve the difficulty. It is compara tively cheap, it is true; so much so that it is economy to buy it rather than to purchase materials and hire the sewing done out. But when large quantities aae needed, and when the work can be done at home even the small profits with which steam enables large manufactures to be content aggregate an amount at which prudent housewives hesitate, and which those who must practice close econemy absolutely cannot ex pend. Here, also, with the question of ready-made clothing comes in an other phase of the oppression of the sewing-machine: How is the sew ing-woman, even if she own a ma chine, to compete with these large manufactories? Must she starve in the contest with steam? Fashiona ble daessmakers, demanding fancy prices for their work, do well enough; for them the intricacies of trimming all tend to profit; each change brings grist to their mills. It is the poorer dressmaker who is neither known nor sought after, and the neale-wornan who does plain sewing for a living, whf> groan under its tyranny. Con tinued labor at the lighest of tread les for ’?ours at a time, especially when no other exercise is taken, is necessarily injurious to health, and our hospitals are filled with vic tims to such labor. Vet, above all, it is persons of moderate means, striving to keep up appearances among richer neighbors, who suffer most. Across the way from our own, a year or two ago, was the window of a fair young girl. When we first noticed her she was at the sewirg—machine, and day after day in the pleasant spring weather she was there for most of the time. !Nat urally we supposed her a seamstress, and felt sorrow for the young l ; fe tied down to the wheel. L sually the work was white; but one day it was blue, and for days afterward the machine was piled with narrow strips of some dark blue fabric. Sat urday closed upon her busy at her task; Sunday morning she sallied forth in a suit of dark blue silk and grenadine, garnished with row upon row of narrow knifeplaitings. Person al vanity hud been the motive of the patient toil we had witnessed with so much sympathy; and the same incentive held her to similar tasks for many clays during the season. She could nut afford to pay a dress maker; she would not dispense with one inch of trimming on her suits. Very many other women are in the same predicament, not only for themselves but still oftener for oth ers. “If it were not for my sewing/” crroans many a weary mother, half crazed by the thought of the moun tain of needle work which must be done for her little ones. Fewer rub les and tucks would niaite the task easier; but no! tlie little A sand the little 13's and all the rest of small alphabet wear them in abundance, so with stern heroism she bends to her task, determined that her chil dren shall dress like other people’s! Health, time, and recreation are all sacrificed to this modern Moloch, which does no little to make strength ening plastures a fortune to their patentee. The children come with questions and requests to their mother turning their wheel. “Run away, dear, mother is busy,” and the ruffler is adjusted or the tuck marker reset, while the little ones are left to their own devices or to Bridget’s tender mercies. WHERE IS THE MEDIUM? She ought to go to market; yes, but there is Mamie’s dress to be fin ished, so at the last moment a hasti ly scribbled order is sent round the corner to the provision store. The kitchen would be the better for her superintendence; but the sewing-ma chine demands her energies, even though there be no pudding for dinner and the joint be raw or over done. Verily, this bondage to wheel is becoming a serious evil in our own land Yet how shall we escape it? It requires no slight de gree of heroism to run counter to public opinion, and public opinion demands ruffles and tucks or their equiavient. Instances have been known where girls have been forced to leave school merely because they could not afford to dress like the rest of the scholars. They were ostracised, so to speak, and preferred to go elsewhere rather than endure the contempt and rude ness to which they were subjected. Girls who are scarcely old enough to speak plain, beg for silk dresses with plaitings and bows —“All the other little girls have them, mam ma!” Boys, who may wear one suit as long as it holds together at the knees, and still have playmates—men whose swallowtails never go out of fashion until they are rusty, caunot understand this; it is all nonsense to them. Even so! We once read a treatise essaying to prove tooth-ache a purely imaginative disease. In some respects we are far wiser on the subject of dress than were our ancestors. We wear thicker clothing and more of it, and do not risk our lives by wearing thin shoes. But our grandmothers kept their silks and velvets for state occasions, and did not cut them ruthlessly into strips. They had pages to bear their trains, never trailing them through the mud and dust. “Beauty una dorned” is rarely f illy effective; but beauty .nay nnc fin thie less be too much adorned. Why need all white garments be a terror to the laun dress, and vvtiy should the hum of the sewing-machiue be unceasing in our homes? Not that ruffles and tucks are not pretty, and well enough to a certain extent. Still, “there is a medium,” if one could only find it, and finding, would adopt it. Orange Vulture. Iu commencing a series of articles on orange culture we will open by detailing what has been done in other countries for years past, the species ofjthecitrus grown, the quan tities shipped, etc., etc., and inform ing our readers what has been done in our own country, and the pros pects for this branch of agriculture, the manner of culture, the diseases incidental to the citrus family and their cure. What we do not know from our own knowledge we will cull from the best authorities on the sub ject. The orange, lemon, lime, shad docks and forbidden fruit are all of the same species, and are grown in every tropical or semi-tropical coun try. ltisso, of Nice, enumerates forty-three species of the sweet or ange, thirty-two of the bitter and sour, five of pergamots, eight of limes, six of shaddocks, forty-six of lemons and seventeen of citrons. Other authorities, as Lindly, Sten del, Ferraries, Commelny, Gallesio, etc., all differ in their enumerations. Of these species only one is attribu ted as a native of America, which was found growing in French Gui ana, and, without doubt, this is the same that forms the sour orange groves of Florida. Many of the species are natives of the East, where they are found growing wild; the best are natives of China and Japan, and the “Mandarin” is one of them. It has been discussed among the wri ters on oranges in Florida, whether the mandarin and tangerine were the same, or distinct species, but Simmond says that there are several varieties of the inandarian, large and small fruited, of which the tan gerine is one. It is not our purpose, however, to enter into any discus sions of this subject; our aim is to give information as regards the pro duction whenever they may be na tives of. The sour orange groves of Florida are fast disappearing through the process of cutting down the trees and budding with the sweet. This, in our opinion, is an unwise step, as the demand for the sour and bitter oranges, for marmalade, peel, and citric acid will shortly be large, and the price of the fruit so much en hanced as to render them more prof itable than the sweet, necessitating the replanting of sour groves. They can be grown much easier than the sweet, and in ail paits of Florida and Southern Georgia, not so easily injured by frost, of quicker growth, and bear more fruit to the tree. The question has not yet been settled if the sour orange groves are indige nous productions or are from seeds introduced into the State of Florida by early settlers. In almost every grove there are found oranges differ ing in shape, size and flavor. A tree bearing an oblong orange one year may produce a flat one the next, and this renders the problem more difficult. C. CODRINGTON. Jacksonville. Fla. A VOICE FROM HELL. TIIE SPIRIT OF A WOMAN TELLS HOW SHE WAS MURDERED LONG AGO. [From the Reading Eagle.] In a neat-looking two-story brick house situated on Minor street, below Laurel, a spiritualistic circle was held on Sunday evening. A gentleman who was present thus describes it: About thirty believers yisited the place. We persuaded Mrs. Elliott, of Ash street, a medium to accom pany us. She was very soon in a clairvoyant state, and through! her the company present were told' a most mysterious story of a murder that had happened in this city many years ago. The spirit was that of a dead woman who said she had been murdered. Her soul was in hell, and is still there. When in the flesh she was the lowest of the low', she said. She spent a considerable por tion of her life on a canal-boat and was finally murdered by two ruffi ans. S' S S3 3 The spirit of the dead woman spoke m a terrible reluslic manner. The voice came harsh and at times was piercing and full of bitterness. It said once I was young and fair, but an evil spirit wrecked and ruin ed me. By degrees I foil lower and lower, and at last I was beyond the boundary of hope or redemption. I was employed on a canal boat. One dark stormy night we came to Reading and the boat was tied up for the night at the wharf near the locks. Two men—here the name was mentioned —persuaded me to ac company- them up the street, and I went. We proceeded as far as a clump of willows, where they cruelly murderod me. They wrapped my body in an old piece of canvas. My body decayed and my soul was damn ed and sent to perdition. lam still there and my bones moldering at the very threshold of this house. My murder was witnessed by the driver of the boat who followed us. His presence was discovered, and the murderers threatened to kill him if he ever whispered a word of the hor rible tragedy. He kept their foul secret and today he lives not far from Roadiug, and his mind and soul are iu terrible ag ony and tortue. He is restless and cannot sleep. God pity him ! He wants to tell but yet dares not do it in fear of his life. His conscience is upon the rack, and yet he is guilt less and blameless. My bones must be removed from their resting place or my soul must rest in one con tinual torture. Help me! Help me / “At this,” said the gentleman, “we all heard a rattling noise, as if the bouse were falling to pieces above our heads. Then appeared a black shadow moving* across the room, looking like half a goat and half a dog. it shrieked, “Remove my bones, dig up my bones ! lam bur ied here, and those mouldering bones must be carried away.” And the horrible-looking object disap. poured. Men trembled and women wept and fainted away. I never care to experience such a thing a gain. There were a few skeptics in the circle and they desired to part at once. Several caurch members and accepted Christians were per fectly staggered and confounded, and could not solve the terrible mys- tery. At another time the spirit of the murdered woman came like a cloud of cotton, rolled over the peo ple, causing cold chills to creep over them. Doors creaked, windowsrat tled, crockery and dishes tumbled ; chairs were upset, fires went out, lights were extinguished, dogs growl ed, furniture was broken, bedding was removed from beds, a looking glass was smashed into pieces, and the front steps were actually moved from their place fully two feet. At another time the spirit again appear ed and said it did not want harm to come to any one. A relative of the dri verwho witnessed the murder lives in Birdsboro. Go to him and tell him to go to Hamburg and tell to come down and remove my poor old bones. He need not tell who my murderers were. I don’t want them punished ! My punishment has ful ly atoned for all the wrong ” These and many other sentences were hiss ed out by the spirit of the woman, and we left the scene, not to forget it in a hurry, I can assure yon. Large Bequest. —Mr. Gardner Chilson, of Boston, recently deceas ed, left the largest portion of his property, valued at $400.000, to the missionary and other benevolent as sociations of the Baptist denomina tion in that city, In Augus, last, Mr. T. W. Wil liamson of MoConnellville, Ohio, while boring for oil, struck a vein of gas at a depth of 500 feet. He has fitted pipes to it, and heats his house, does his cooking, and runs a pump at another well with the gUS ‘ m “Arcadia” is proposed as the name of British America province to be founded by the union of Nova Scotia. New Brunswick niid Prince Edward Island, if a plan of union can be agreed upon. Let us do your Job Work. Thouglits for the Serious. There is no merit where there is no trial; and, till experience stamps the mark of strength, cowards may pass for heroes, faith for falsehood. If at any time you are pressed to do a thing hastily, be careful; fraud and deceit are always in haste; diffi dence is the right eye of prudence. Mr. Beecher, in last Sunday’s ser mon, thus answered the question, “is there a hell?’’ “Yes, there is, not only here, but. hereafter.” It does not stop here; and those who, sub stitute the mere formalities of re ligion itself, will find that there is a hell hereafter?” Man doubles all the evils of his sate by mediating upon them. A scratch becomes a wound, a slight becomes an injury, a jest becomes an insult, a small peril a great dan ger. and a slight sickness often ends in death by brooding apprehensions. Parents who wriie with their own pencils lines of heaven upon the fresh tablets ef their children’s hearts— who trust not to the hands of hire lings their first, holiest, most indell** ible impressions, Bill usually find less than others to blot out when the scroll is finished, and less to mourn for when they read it in eter nity 5 33 A man Cmce took a piece of white cloth to a dyer to be dyed black. He was so pleased with the result that after a time he went back to him with a piece of black cloth and asked to have it dyed white. But the dyer answered: “A piece of cloth is like a man’s reputation; it can be dyed black, but you cannot make it white again.” J 3 3 h o 8 — ll Why Printers Die Young. A writer fully accounts for the reason why printers die young, and why they are continually tramping from place to place in search of peace and quietude. He says working for for forty editors and scores of au thors, every one of whom is as sen sitive as a sore thumb, and as lively and as interesting as a hornet, no wonder the printers die young and only pachydermatous, grizzly, mul ish specimens, get their share of life. The writer wishes he could of fer himself as an awful example of the perils which environ the man who meddles with| cold—type A thoioughly trained printer should have a step mother, and then a step** father, and then siiould have been bound out to a tanner, and then married a scolding wife, and lived in a smoky house and have had a family of babies who were afflicted with the colic. He should have ad ded to all this discipline a thorough knowledge of scince and law, lan guages, theology, history and biog raphy. If in addition he has a vi cious looking countenance and an amiable disposition, he nuiy stand some chance with these authors and editors, but the probabilities are al ter all that they will worry him to death. Tiiis picture will have a very depressing effect upon ambiti ous boys who a.te anxious to learn the “art persevative of all arts.” The picture, however, is a tolerably cor rect one. —Elmira Advertiser. Overreaching. —The German town Telegraph says that a sure way of removing this unpleasant failing in the movement of a horse, is to shorten the toe of the front shoes and lengthen the toe of the hind shoea By this arrangement the horse will pick up his fore feet quicker, and his hind feet slower, thus accomplishing just what is wanted. If a quarter of a second of time is thereby gained, the forefoot will be clear out of the way of the hind foot with its elongated toe. —G. Buletin. Chicken Croquettes.— Cold chciken chopped parsley, a lilttle cream, grated crackers, lemon flavo ring salt and pepper. Cut chicken very fine and season with salt and pepper, add chopped parsley, moi sten with cream sufficient to make paste; mould in a wineglass with grated cracker or bread crumbs on. outside. Fry quickly in hot lard Brown lightly. Lemon flavoring can be added at will. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Sohenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Scllknck’s Mandrake Pills, and if taken before the lungs are destroyed they effecta speedy cure- To these med icines Dr. J. 11. Schenck, at Philadelphia owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy ex pectoration, and the patient has relief from the prostrating cough. The mandrake Pills must Ire freely used to cleanse and stimulate the stomach and liver: they re move all obstructions, relax the gall blad der and start the bile freely and the liver is soon relieved. It assists the digestion by toning up the stomach to a healthy con dition. So that the trod and the Pulmon ic Syrup will make good blood; then the lungs heal, and the patient will surely get well if care is taken to avoid fresh cold. Full directions accompany each prepa ration. All who wish to contult Dr. Schenck personally, can do so at his prin cipal office, corner of Sixth and Arch Sts Philadelphia, every Monday. Letters to the above address, asking ad vice, answerrd free of charge. Schenck’s Medicines are sold by all druggists. CANCER CAN BE CURED Cancer has from time immemorial been a great scourge to the human race, and is now becoming the greater. For many years it has been held by the medical pro fession, and generally believed by the peo ple, that Cancer is incurable ; that once its roots take hold upon a victim, there is no chance for a sufferer to escape a lin gering terrible horrible disease, not only to the sufferer, but to his friends. Hap pily, this fell destroyer need no longer be feared Dr. 11. T. Bond, of Phila delphia,' well known physician, of large experience, has for years devoted himself to the special study and treatment of Can cer, and the result of his experience is his discovery for the radical cure of Cancer without the use of either kuife caustic or plasters, and without paiu. The majority of persons are greatly de ceived in regard to the first symptoms and appearance of this most dreaded disease, considering its painful from the commence ment. This is a sad mistake, carrying thousands to an untimely grave. In most cases there is little or no pain until the disease is far advanced. The only symp toms for many months, and even for years are occasionally a stinging, darting, stab bing, shooting, smarting, itching, burning crawling or creeping sensation, and in some cases not any of these- If a malady is growing worst? instead of better, it is conclusive evidence it is of a malignant character and demands immediate atten tion. If you have a branny, scaly, warty appearance, with an occasional breaking out of these upon the face, lip or nose, or any other portion of the skin, attended with any of the above symptoms, or a sen sation of a tly being on it, or a hair tick ling, it, is certain evidence it is Cancer, and there should be no delay in using Lr. Bond’s treatment. Life is too valuable to be tampered with. Dr. Bond’s treatment consists of an “Antidote” that is applied locally ; this at once arrests the growth of the Cancer and by chemical action neutralizes its mal* J ignity, rendering it harmless and chang ing it to a simple sore, which nature, as sisted by constitutional remedies, soon heals when the skin is unbroken, and the Cancer is a hard tumor, the Antidote doe* not make an open sore, but removes it by absorption). In connection with the An* tidote is used the Specific, taken internal ly. This tones up the general health, strengthens the patient, purifies the blood and eliminates the poison from the sys tem. Dr. Bond's Antidote contains nei ther caustic nor poison, and can be ap plied to the most delicate tissues of the body without injury and therefore is the only remedy that can be used in internal Cancer, such as cancer of the stomach, cancer of the womb, etc. Dr. Bond’s remedies, with full directions for success ful treatment will be sent to any part of the world. Pamphlets and full particulars free. Address, Dll. H.T. BOND, 1241 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. julvl2-ly Di\ W. T. Park, OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA, lias for twenty five years made the treatment of all Chronic, or Old Standing Diseases, And all Diseases upon which other physicians have FAILED a Specialty, with a success unpre cedented. Besides* he has, of his own discovery and pre paration, an established painless cure for the n n T IT Iff MORPHINE and LALDA II U I I [U| Nl'M HABIT, and Its rtiu- M I || HI ses. GUARANTEEINGsat- U 1 <& U IU lsfaction on three days’ trial. Mall to him a full description of whatever af flictlon you may have, and ten cents for reply. f Exp ECT ORAN T. 1 Is the most srenial balsam ever used by sufferers from pulmonary diseases. It is compo-ert of herbal products, which havo a specific effect on the throat and lungs; detaches from the air cells all ir ritating matter; causes it to l>o expecto rated, and at once cheeks the inllammation which produces the cough. A single dose relieves the most distressing paroxysm, soothes nervousness, and enables the ; suf ferer to ell jov quiet rest at iiicht. Being a pleasant <ordi:tl, it tones the weak stom ach, and is specially recommended tor children. What others say about TutVs Expectorant . Had Asthma Thirty Years. Baltimore, February 3, 1875. “I have had Asthma thirty years, and never lound a medicine that had such a hanpv effect.” W. F. HOGAN, Charles Si. A Child's Idea of Merit. New Orleans, November 11, 1876. “Tutt’s Expectorant is a familiar name in my house. Idy wife thinks it the best medicine in the world, and the children rev it is ‘nicer than molasses candy.”’ NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. Poydras St. “Six, and all Croupy.” “ I am the mother of six children ; all of them have been croupy. AVithout Tutt’s Expectorant, I don't think they conld have survived some of the attacks. It is a mother's blessing.” MARY STEVEN3, Frankfort, Ky. A Doctor’s Advice. “ In my practice, I advise all families to keep Tutt’s Expect orant, in sudden emergencies, for coughs, croup, diphtheria, etc.” T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Newark, N.J. Sold by nil drurfffist*. Price SI.OO. Office ' 33 Murray Street, New York, mm "THE TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT.” “ Tutt’sPills are worth their weight in gold.” REV. I. R. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. “Tutt’s Pills area special blessing of the nine teenth century.’’— RE\MFjJU OSGOOD, New York. “I have used Tutt’sTulsTortorpor of the liver. They are superior to any medicine tor biliary dis orders ever made.” I. P. CARR, Aitorneyat Law, Augusta, Ga. “ T have used Tutt’s Pills live years in my family. They areuncqualed forcostivenessand biliousness.” F. R. Texaa. “I have used Tutt’s Medicine with great benefit.’’ W. W. MANhLEditor Mobile Register. ‘‘We sell fifty boxes I'utt’s Pills to five of all others.” — SAYRE & Ga. ‘‘Tutt’s Pills have be tried to establish their merits. Thcv work like magic.” W. H. St., Boston. “ There is no medicine so well adapted to the cure of bilious di-orders as Tutt’s Pills.” JCS. BRUMMEL, Richmond, Virginia. AND A THSU&AND MORE. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a box. Office 35 Murray Street, Hew York, tutt $ mm DYE mBOHSED. HIGH TESTIMONY. FROM TTTF. PACIFIC JOUR-SAL. -A CREAT INVENTION _ has hepn made l>v DR. Tutt, of New A ork, which r< ‘tores youthful beauty to the hair. I That eminent chemist has succeeded In I producing: a Hair Dye which imitates I nature to perfection. Old bachelors may I bow rejoice.” I Price Sf.OO. Office 35 Murray St., Hew York. Sofa by all druggist*. J. L. FOGG, Operative and Mccliaufeal DENTIST, (Omce up-stairs in bank building) Bamesvilie, - - Georgia. Boarders. MRS. L. K. ROGERS is prepared to take either day boarders or lodgers on reasonable terms be ing convenient to ihe Institute, church and the business part of town. Barnesville, Ua., Jan. 22nd. IS7B. GEORGIA—Pi k k Cou vtv. Whereas Wm. M. Kendrick Guardian of Aman da P. Kendrick applies to me. for an order 10 II the real estate belonging to the said Amanda P. Kendrick. Tills is therefore to cite ail persons concerned, to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in March next, to show cause if any why said order should not be granted. Given under my band and oflieial signature this lath January is;s. T. J. BLASINGAME, Ordinary- W. A. STEED, Mill Wriglit and Machinist, Bamesvilie, Ga* y \\riLL FURNISH PLANS or Specifications for TV Water or steam Mills. He will sell Tur bine Water Wheels, Smut Machines, Bolting Cloths, Millstones, and any and all Mill Findings. He also sells Steam and Portable Engines of ti e best make. For further particulars address as above. GEOKGIA— Pi k e Cos un tv. Whereas. M. K. Jordan, Guardian of Lizzie Jordan, now I.iz/ie Carrikt-r. represents to the Court in his petition duly filed, that he has set tled finally with his said ward : Tills is, there fore, to cite ail persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. why said Guardian should not be discharged from said Guardianship, and re ceive Lettei s of Dismission within the time pre scribed bylaw. Given under my hand and offi cial signature this Nov. cth. 1877. novS T. J. B LAS INGAME, Ordinary. k7!l riviere, BARNESVILLE, CA., HAS now a large stock of LIQUORS of all kinds, Including some of the best brands of Brandies, Whiskies and Wines. He also keeps C'OAFUC TBOIV HUIIIS. and TO BACCO. in qualities and prices to suit the times. In connection he has a BAX and SZZZZjIKD SAZOOJY, And is always ready and willing to wait on 1113 customers. MR. V. M. FAMBRO, Is with him and will bo glad to see his friends and customers. Golden Harvest for Fanners. Your attention is called to cur Mammoth Spring Wheat, An entirely new variety from anything ever before introduced. It is a bright, plump grain, almost one-half inch long, making line flour, has never had anv disease incident to wheat, and produces from tiuto'Bo hush els to the acre. Awarded first premium itt the Cen tennial. Price 1 Package $ 35 5 “ SI.OO Sample can be seen ai this oflice. Normandy Giantj White Com Is Decidedly The Finest Corn Known. It was first imported, and has been thoroughly tested in tlieU. 8. Has produced 150 bushels to the acre. Gram very binre. Pearly white. Many of the each measure IS inches lung with 2to Ito the stalk. Pronounced by leading agriculturists to be the finest corn in the world. Price 1 Package $ 50 1 Large Package *I.OO We want agent to introduce these valuable' m eds everywhere. No trouble to sell. Send stamp far sample and special terms, and secure territory it once. N. I. MAYKB A TO., Importers and Growers of Field and Garden Seeds Sweetwater, Monroe Cos., Tenn. We have in cultivation rwo farms in this vicinity and shall continue to make importing and growing seeds a spneiulty, and introduce nothing but j ure seeds. jau24-tf PlO ffoflo QoLLECjE, Macon, Georgia. Fall Classical, Scientific and, Com mercial Course. Second Term Commences Feb. 14, 1878. Wm. H. GROSS, D.D., Bishop of Savannah, President. N. B.—Catalogue withfull Information re garding terms, &c., sent upon application. JanlT-6t Piano and Organ Playing Learned in a Day A1 ASON’B CHARTS, which recently created such , a sensation in Boston and elsewhere, will eu able any ]>erson, of any age, to master the Piano or Ortfau in a day, even though they have no knowledge of notes, etc. The Boston Globe says: “You can learn to play on the piano or organ in a day. even if you never played before, and have not the slightest knowledge of notes, by the use of Ma sou’h Charts. A child ten years old can learn to 1 lav easily. They are endorsed by the best musicrl peo ple m Boston, and are the grand culmination of the inventive genius of the nineteenth century ” Circulars giving full particulars and many testi monials will be sent free on application One Hot of Mason’s Charts, and a rare book of gcat value, en titled, “Singing Made Easy,” both mailed, po-tnaid to any address for only $2. “Worth more than SIOO spent on music lessons.” Address „ A. C. MORTON, x „ , Gengral Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Agents wanted at onc e everywhere. Rest chance ever offered. Secure territory before too lat e. Terms free - nov29-tf RUPTURR Those wishing Relief and Cure for Rupture should consult Dr. J. A. SHERMAN, 25S Broad way, New York. Send 10 cents for his new book, with’ Pho tographic likenesses of had cases before and after cure. Beware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Bhermon’s treatment. One of these fellows, a german clerk, now call ing himself Dr. AV. G. Cremplen, Is Indicted on complaint of Dr. S. and awaits trial for forgery and embezzlement. 6 AGENTS WANTED!! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Wilson Sewing Machine Cos.. 822 Broadway, New York City; Chicago, 111. ; New Orleans, La.; or San Francisco CaL •*>TK ‘jTOJiea ‘O3 9 iSTrsrj and NO. 3.