The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, February 07, 1878, Image 4

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§<mir.sviUe (totte. BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, - - FEB. 7,1878. M 1F 1 Ml o *!*- Table of Plants or Trees o the Acre. Distance apart. No. 1 foot by 1 foot 43,561) \\ feet by 14 feet 19,360 1 foot by 2 feet 21,780 2 feet by 2 feet 10,890 2 feet by 3 feet.. 7,200 24 feet by 24 feet 6,969 24 feet by 3 feet 5,655 3 feet by 3 feel 4,840 4 feet by 4 feet 2,722 5 feet by 5 feet 1,742 G feet by 6 feet 1,210 8 feet by 8 feet 680 10 feet by 10 feet 435 15 feet by 15 feet 196 {plantitij of Seed Usually Sown to the Acre. About Dwarf beans, in drills 1 to 1£ bu. Pole beans, in bills : 8 to 12 qts. Beet in drill 4 to 5 lbs. Carrot, in drills 2 to 3 lbs. Cucumber in bills 1 to 2 lbs Corn in bills 8 qts. Corn in drills 3 bu. Onion in drills 4 to 6 lbs. Parsnip in drills 4 to 6 lbs. Peas in dribs 1£ to 1 bu. Peas broadcast 3 bu* Rye broadcast 14 bu. Spinach in drills Bto 12 lbs. Spinach broadcast 12 to 15 lbs- Salsify in drills 6 to 8 lbs. Quantity of Seed Required for a Giv en Number of Plants, or Feet of Drill. 1 ounce Asparagus, will sow GO feet of Drill 1 ounce heels, onions and radish, will sow 150 feet of drill. 1 ounce Spinach, will sow 100 feet of drill 1 quart dwarf beans, will plant 200 hills. 1 quart polo beans, will plant 150 bills. 1 quart Peas, will plant 150 feet of drill. 1 ounce cucumber, will plant 100 hills. 1 ounce Squash, and watermelon, will plant GO hills. 1 ounce Cabbage, and tomato will produce 3,000 1 ounce, celery, and lettuce. Keep An Account. It is a very good plan ior far~ niers to keen a strict account of their labor. We know very well that the majority of people dislike to be faced down by col urn is of figures, when the sum total shows a decided balance against them;but if accounts are kept, the result will be that greater economy will be practiced in the long run, and that efforts will be made on every hand to make the balance favorable. 'T’iiis is the time of year to begin. The first thing you ought to do is to make an inventory of every* thing you have. Make it careful ly, and value all your property. Let it include your acres, houses, utensils, stock, machinery of every description, as well as notes and all other monetary matters. If there are any incumbrances on your pro perty, put them down. Then make up your estimate of operations for the ensuing year, and start out with the determination to live up to it. As the year progresses, set down all your sales and purchases, of every description; don't let a cent of ex~ penses or income escape. You r family expenses should have a sep* arate place in the book, so that they may be footed into the general re sult at the Ciose of the year, and still be so di tinct as to show for themselves what it co-ts to clothe yourself, wife and children, and to furnish them amusements and gem eral pleasure, You will rind, in keeping your account of income, that it is a good plan to run each field and crop separate, so that you can, at the close, see at a glance what vour profit or loss has been on each. Keep dates of times when fields were plowed, how they were cultivated, and what the labor on eacii has cost. This will teach the farmers, in a short time, which crops are the most profitable. In stock, keep a particular record of each animal with pedigree, birth, and other remarks of* interest. Keep, as well, a general diary of events on tha farm tor future ref ernce. You will find plenty of time in which to attend to these things. Keeping an account will take but a few minutes each day, and when you have once begun, you will be surprised to see how easily it can be done. There is one great point to be kept in view always, and that is, to never rim in debt Shun debts as you would the fire. Strive to live within your means, and you will have a net result when yon ba lance your books at the close of the year that will surprise and make you glad. —Ex .71 aiiu re for Orchard. Wood-ashes are doubtless excel lent for orchards, but instead of be ing put around the trees they should be spread over the whole land. Hut where are the allies to come from in this region? We have little <r no wood, and of course lit., tie or no ashes. In our limited experience we have learned one thing in regard to orchards as well as fruit-trees of every kind that wei have cultivated, and we believe the principle can be applied pretty much to everything that grows up on the earth, which is, that the\ application of manure benefits them all. Ground occupied bv fruit trees should bp manured as liberal ly as are other portions of the land used for the raising of wheat aud corn. It is the neglect to do so, in connection with the general negli gence with which orchards are treated in many sections, that makes them unprofitable and to be worn-out prematurely. And as to the kind of manure with which or chards ought to be treated: While any kind, almost without excep tion, will prove of advantage, there is none in the world to be compare ed to stable or barnyard manure. A liberal application of this only every third year, with careful pru ning, scraping and washing of the trunks of the trees, will make a prodigious change in an orchard. This top-dressing can be applied at any lime when the ground is not frozen, and, if not bestowed in too heavy lumps so as to injure the (orchard) grass, will yield, in addi tion io the fruit, a couple of tons of good hay. We have known three full crops of grass to bo cut from one orchard.— Germantown Tele" graph. Tlie Age of Fowls. If a hen’s spur is hard and the scales on the legs are rough, she is old. A young hen has small spurs, the legs are smooth, the claws ten der and short, the comb thin and smooth An old turkey has rough scales on the legs, and long, strong claws. —There is difference in the size of the wattles of the neck and the cla stic shoot upon the nose between an old and young turkey. An old goose has rough legs, strong wings, a thick bill, a tender ness of skin under the wings, and a coarseness of the skin. A young pigeon has a pale color, smooth scales, tender, and yellow long down interspersed among its feathers. Hog Cholera Cure. The discussion of the hog cholera at the Swine Breeders’ Convention in Indiana evinced the fact that most if not all, of those present had lost all faith in the so-called remedies for the disease and some was dispos ed to censure agricultual papers for publishing the advertisements of cholera cures. Many expressed themselves as doubting whether there was or could be found any antidote to the disease when once it had taken possession of the hog. They agreed that care and proper treatment might prevent the attack of the malady,but beyond this they had no faith that any good could he done. Others thought that thor ough scientific investigation might develop the true symptoms and characteristics of the disease and suggest remedies that might be eff ectual. One idea that was sugges ted might be made practical and re sult in good, namely, that some scientific man, or one skilled in vetiiuary sugery in every country town should be induced to study the disease till he becomes skillful in its treatment, when be would I find a paying business in doctoring swine. As these animals become more useful and and at the same time more liable to disease, this kind of practice will become more lucrative and in many of our large hog growing countries such a prac tice would undoubtedly pay well from the start. It is absurd to say that no remeiy exists for the and sease. Scientific investigation has mastered many greater difficulties than this. When sufficient reward is offered to induce medical men to turn their attention to this subject we shall find that nature’s laboratory has something in her stores to counteract this as well as all other dieases to which animal life is subject. Tlic Ewajic <>r Anuiionia. The most volatile but the best part of the manures about the home stead, and is in a great measure, the cause of the strong odor from stalls, barnyards, sinks, and privies. In the stable a bedding of dry muck a couple of feet thick will arrest and imprison the fugitive while a slight covering of leaves or straw will keep the animals unsoiled on lying down at night. The foulest stable will lose its punent odor in in a few minutes if overlaid with tine muck or pulverized peat. Dry 'and especially burnt, clay broken tine, common ground plaster, and sawdust, are also excellent absor bents. The excrements should be removed daily, and the litter say once a fortnight, or so soon as it|is saturated with urine. “Riches have wings/' is an old saying applicable to manural wealth, and from every barnyard many a dollar flies oft* into the air every year unnoticed save bv the nose, and unfortunately the na sal warnings are seldom impressive enough to induce the farmer to take ordinary precautions to detain the fleeting treasure.—Rural Yew Yorker. The constituents of soot are those once forming fertilizing material of the soil. They are valuable wheth er of coal or wood, and contain charcoal, ammonia compounds, muriatic acid, lime, magnesia, and other substances. Frizzled Beep.—Shred some dried beef,parboil it until it is suffi ciently freshened, drain off the wa ter and add enough boiling water to cover it Rub equal quantities of butter and flour to-gether until smooth then add to the beef. Beat up three eggs, yolks and whites to gether, stir these in with a little pepper a couple of minutes before taking from the fire. This is to be served hot on toast. Potato Stuffing For Turk eys AND OTHER FOWLS. —Masll smoothly six good-sized Irish pota toes. Chop a small onion very flue and fry a light brown, in a fry ing pan with a dessertspoonful lard. Then add the potatoes with salt and pepper and a lump of butter as large as a walnut. To this add one well beaten egg, stiring till perfectly dry. If for geese or ducks add a little sifted sage and a small quantity of red pepper. Liquid G rafting- W ax.—The following ingredients are recom mended by some authorities: A pound each of rosin and tallow melted together; cool and add a spoonful af turpentine; add further four ounces of alcohol and two ounces of water; heating again and stirring briskly It should be a bout equal in consistency to honey; if not, add a little more alcohol, and a smaller quantity of turpentine. Keep in a bottle and apply with a brush, the cork forming the han die. It is a good application for wounds made in pruning. VEGETINE IIIiROWxN WORDS. Baltimobe, Md., Feb. 13. 1877. Mr. H. It. Stevens. D< ar sir.—Since several years I have got a sore and very painful foot. 1 had some physicians, but they couldn’t cure me. Now I have heard of your Veuf.tine from a lady who was sick for a long time and became all well from your Vegetine, and I went and bought me one bottle of Vegetine ; and alter I had used one bottle, the pains left me, and it began to heal, and then I l>ought one other bottle, and so I take it yet. 1 thank God for this remedy and yourself; and wishing every sufferer may pay attention to it. It is a blessing for health. Mbs. C. Kkabe, (i33 West Baltimore St. Vegetine. Safe and Sure. Mr. H. It. Stf.vf.xS:— Jn 1372 your Vegetine was recommended to me ; and, yielding to the persuasions of a friend, I con sented to try it. \t the time 1 was suffering from general debility and nervous prostratii n, superin duced by overwork and irregular habits. Its won derful strengthening and curative properties seem ed to affect my debilitated system from tho first dose; and under its persistent use I rapidly recov ered, gaining more than usual health and good fel l ing. Since then I have not hesitated to give Voge tine my most unqualified endorsement as being a safe, sure, and powerful agent in promoting health and restoring the wad and system to new life and en ergy. Vegetine is the only medicine 1 use, and as long as I live I never expect to tind a better. Yours truly, W. H. CLABK, 120 Monterey street, Alleghany, l’enn. Vegetine THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. Charlestown. H. B Stevens: Dear sir, — t his is to certify that I havu used your “Blood preparation” in my family for several years, and think that for scrofula and cankerous humors or rheumatic affectiods it cannot bo excelled ; and as a blood purifier and spring medicine it is the best thing 1 have ever used, and I have used almost ev ery thing Ic in cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, Mrs. A. A. DINs.MOItE, 10 Russell street. Vegetine. Whu t 1h Needed. Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. £l. R. Stevens, Esq. Dear Sir,—About one year since I found myself in a feeble condition from general debility. Vegetine was strongly recommended to me by a friend who had been much benefited by its use. I procured the article, and after using several bottles was restored to health, and discontinued its übc. I feel quite con lident that there is no medicine superior to it for those complaints for which it is especially prepared, and would cheerfully recommend it to those who feel that they need something to restore them to perfect health. Respectful.’y yours, U. D. PETTINGILL, Firm of S. M Petingill & Cos. No. 10 State street, Boston. VEqEJSfIE. All Have Been Benefited. South Berwick, Me., Jan 17, 1873. H. It. Stevens, Esq. Dear Sir -I have had dyspepsia in its worst form for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds of dollars’ worth of medicine without obtaining any re lief. In September last 1 commenced taking the Vegetine, since which time my health has steadily improved. My food digests well, and I have gained fifteen pounds of flesh. There are several others in this place taking Vegetine, aud all have obtained relief. Yours truly, THOMAS E. MOORE, Overseer of Card Room, i’ortsmsuth Co’s Mills. VEaFTINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. WE CLAIM For Our Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses The undermentioned advantages oven those In ordinary use, the proof of which may be seen In the llxlrnordinury sales, and con stantly increasing demand for them Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the glasses, they Assist and I’reservb the sight, ren dering frequent changes unnecessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinct ness of vision, with an amount of Ease and Com fort not hitherto enjoyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for optic purpo ses, and is Pure, Hard and Brillaut, and not liable to become scratched. 4th. That the frame in which they are set, ■whether in Gold, Silver or Steel, are of the finest Iquality and finish, aud guaranteed perfect in every I respect. FOR SALE ONLY BY O. S. HIGGINS, Jeweler and Watch-Maker, BARXEBXILLE, QA. SThe Lazarus & Morris PERFECTS!) fcpeetiicle and Eye Glass Cos. I Factories 178 & 218 Center stieet, No. 10 Maiden Lane, N.Y. I CAUTION We never supply or employ I Heddlers. novl-ly I PLAIN AND FANCY 108 WORK ||l Neatly and Cheaply executed at this office. GOOD BOOKS. for the Farm,Orarden!HoxLsehold o The following is a list of Valuable Books, which will be supplied from the office of the Barnesville Gazette. Any one er more of these books will be sent post-paid to any of o"r readers on receipt of the regular price, which is named against each book. Allen’s (R. L. & L. F.) New America Farm Allen’s (L. F.) American Cattle 2 50 Allen’s (R. L.) American Farm Book 1 60 Allen’s (L. F.) Rural Architecture 150 Allen’s (It. L.) Diseases of Domestic Animals 100 Amateur Trapper and Tiap Makers' ,59c.j bids 75 American Bird Fancier * 30 American Rose Culturist 30 American Weeds and useful Plants 1 75 Atwood's Country and suburban Houses 1 50 Baker’s Practical and Scientific Fruit Culture 250 Barry’s Fruit Garden 2 50 Bell’s Carpentry Made Easy 5 00 Bement’s Babbitt Fancier 30 Bommer’s Method of Making Manures 25 Boussiugault’s Rural Economy 1 60 Brackett’s Farm Talk paper, 50 eta.; clotn_ Breck’s New Book of Flowers 1 75 Brill’s Farm-Gardening and Seed-Gi owing 100 Broom-Corn and Brooms paper, 50 cts.; cloth 75 Brown’s Taxidermist’s Manual 1 W) Bruckner’s American Manures 1 50 Buel’s Cider-Viaker’s Manual l ’>o Buist’s Flower-Garden Directory 1 50 Buist’s Family Kitchen Gardener 1 00 Burges’ American Kennel and Sporting Fiel 3 90 Burnham’s New Poultry Book 2 00 Burns’ Architectural Drawing Book 1 00 Burns’ Illustrated Drawing Book 1 00 Barns’ Ornamental Drawing Book 1 00 Butler’s Family Aquarium 75 Butler oil the Dog 200 Caldwell’s Agricultural Chemical Analysis 2 00 Canary Birds. Paper 30els. Cloth 75 Chorlton’s Urape-Urower’s Guide 75 Cleveland’s Landscape Architecture 1 50 Cobbett’s American Gardener 75 Coburn’s Swine Husbandly 1 75 Coleman on Patholigieal Horse-Shooing 2 00 Cole’s American Fruit Book 75 Cole’s American Veterinarian 75 Cooked and Cooking Food for Domestic Animals 20 Cook’s Manual of the Apiary 30 Corbett's Poultry Yard and Market pa., 50 cts., cloth 75 Dadd’s Modern Horse Doctor, 12 mo 1 50 Dadd’s American Cattle Doctor, 12mo 1 50 Dadd’s Ameriesn Cattle Doctor, Bvo, cloth 2 5o Dadd’s American Reformed Horse Book, Bvo, cloth 2 50 Dana’s Muck Manual 1 25 De Voe’s Market Assistant 2 50 Downing’s Landscape Gardening 0 50 Downing’s Rural Essays 3 00 Dwyer’s Horse Book 2 00 Eastwood on Cranberry 75 Eggleston’s End of the World 1 50 Eggleston’s Hoosier School-Master 1 25 Eggleston’s Mystery of Metropolisville 1 50 Eggleston’s (Geo. C.) A Man of Honor 1 25 Elliott's Hand Book for Fruit Growers pa., 60c.; cloth 100 Elliott’s Hand-Book of Practical Landscape Gar dening 1 5C Enfields Indian Corn 1 00 Every Horse owner’s Cyclopaedia 3 75 Famo Horses of America. 150 Field’.- j'ear Culture 125 Flax future, [seven Prize Essays by practical M wore.] 30 Flint (t rles L.) on Grasses, 250 Fr >nch ''"arm Drainage 160 Fuller’s rape Culturist 160 Fuller’s ustrated Strawberry Culturist 2u Fuller’s a all Fruit Culturist 150 Fulton’s 'ocb Culture 150 Gardner’ 'arriage Painters’ Manual 100 Gardner’s How to Paint 1 OO Geyeliu’s Poultry-Breeding 1 25 Grant’s Beet Root Sugar 1 25 Gregory on Cabbages 30 Uregrory on Carrots, Mangold Wurtzels etc 30 Gregory on Onion Haloing 30 Gregory on Squashes 30 Guenon on Milch Cows 75 Harlan's Farming with Green Manures 50 llarris.s Insects Injurious to Vegetation Plain f1 ; Colored Engravings 6 50 Harris on the Pig 155 Hazard’s Butter and Butter Making 25 Hedge ’ on Sorgho or the Northern ugar Plant 150 Helmsley’s Hardy Trees, Shrubs and Plants 750 Henderson’s Gardening for Pleasure. 1 50 Henderson’s Gardening for Profit 1 50 Henderson’s Practical Floriculture 1 51' Herbert’s Hints to Horse-Keepers 1 75 Holden’s Book of Birds paper, 25c.; cloth 50 Hooper’s Dog and Gun paper, 30c.; cloth 60 HOopcs’s Book of Evergreens 3 00 Hop, Culture. By nine experienced cultivators 30 Howard’s Grasses and Forage Plants at the South 30 How I made $350 a Year by my Bees 25 How to make Candy 60 How to use the Pistol 50 lluuier aud Trapper 100 Hussey’s Home Building 5 00 ■Jenningson Cattle and their Diseases 175 Jennings’ Horse Training > adc Easy 1 25 Jennings on tile Horse and his Diseases 1 75 Jennings on Sheep, Swine aud Poultry 1 75 Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey Cow 1 50 John Andross (Rebecca Harding Davis) 150 Johnson’s How Crops Feed 2 00 Johnson’s How Crops Grow 2 00 Johnson s Peat and its Uses 1 25 Johnston’s Agricultural Chemistry 1 75 Johnston’s Elements ot Agricultural Chemistry 150 King’s Beekeepers’Text Book., paper, 40ccloth 75 Klippart’s Wheat Plant 175 Lakey’s Village and Country Houses 5 00 Leuchar's How to Build Hot-Houses 1 50 Loring’s Farm-Yard Club of Jotham ' 3 50 Lyman’s Cotton Culture 1 50 McClure’s American Gentleman’s Stable Guide 100 McClure's Diseases of the Am. Horse, cattle & -''hue; 2 00 11a' nard’s Nat uralist's Guido 2 00 Miles on the Horse’s Foot 75 Molir on the Graj e-Vine 1 00 .Mrs Cornelius's Young Housekeeper’s Friend 100 My Vi ieyard at Liweview 1 2,5 Nichol's Chemistry of the Farm and Sea. 1 25 Norric’ Americru Fish Culture 1 76 Norton’s Scientific Agriculture ■ 75 Onions—How to liaise them Profitably 20 Our Farm of Four Acres paper., 30c.; cloth., 60 Pardee on Strawberry Cußure 75 Parsons on the Rose 2 50 Pedder’s Land Measurer 60 Ptrcberoa Horse 100 Phin’s How to Use the Microscope 75 Phin’s Lightning Rods and their Construction 50 Plummer’s carpenters’ and Builders’ Guide 1 00 Potato culture, (Prize Essays.) 25 Pretty Mrs. Gaston (J. Es'en cooke) 1 50 Quinby’s Mysteries of Bee-Keeping 1 50 Quincy (Hon, Josiah) od Soiling cattle 1 25 Quin’s Money in the Garden 1 50 Quinn’s Pear Culture for Profit 1 00 Randall’s Fine Wool Sheep Husbandry 1 00 Randall’s Sheep Husbandry 1 50 Revey and Knowi son’s Complete Horse Tamer 50 Register of Rural affairs, hound, 7 vole., each 150 Register of Rural Affairs [lß7B] 30 Richardson on the Dog paper 30c.: cloyh 60 Riley’s Potato Pests paper, 50 cts.; cloth 75 Rivers’ Miniature Fruit Garden, 1 00 Roe’s Manual on the cultuie of Small Fruits, ,50 Roe’s Play and Profit in my Garden, 1 50 Samuels’ Birds of New England and Adjacent States, 4 00 Saunders’ Domestic Poultry, paper 40c, cloth 75 Sehenck’s Narder’f Text Be ok 75 Schley’s Ainelicun Partridge and I’heaeaut shooting, _ 200 Shooting on the Wing, 75 Skillful Housewife, 75 Atari’s “Forest and Stream” Hand Book for Riflemen, 50 Stewart’s American Farmer’s Horse Book, 3 00 Stewart’s Irrigation for the Farm, Garden and Orchard, 150 Stewart's Shepherd’s Manual, 1 50 Stewart’s Sorghum an l its Products, 1 50 Stewart’s Stable Book, 1 50 Stoddard's An Egg Farm, paper 50e, cloth 75 Stonehenge on the Dog, 3 75 Stonehenge on the Horse in Stable and Eield. Eng. Ed. Bvo. 3 50 ; Am. Ed 12ino 2 00 Tegetmeier’s Poultry Book, 900 The Rifle: It's Theory and Practice, 50 Thomas’ American Fruit Culturist. New Ed., 275 Thomas’ Farm Implements and Machinery-, 1 50 Thompson’s Food of Auitnais, 1 00 Tim Bunker Papers; or, Yankee Farming, 100 Tobacco Culture, by 14 experienced cultivators, 25 Turner's Cotton Planter’s Manual, 1 50 Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden, paper, 50 cloth. 100 Ville’s Chemical Manure’s, 0 Warder’s American Pomology, 3 00 Warder’s Hedges and Evergreens, 1 00 Waring’a Draining for Profit anil Health, 1 50 Waring’s Earth Closets and Earth Sewage. 50 Waring’.- Elements of Agriculture, 1 00 Waring’s Farmer’s Vacation, 3 00 Waring’s Handy-Book of Husbandry, Bvo Ed. 250 Waring’s Sanitary Condition in City and Coun try Houses, 50 Wariug’s Sanitary Drainage of Houses & Towns, 2 00 Weidenrnanu’s Beautifying Oouutry Homes. A superb quarto volume. 24 lithograph plates, iu colors, 1500 White’s Cranberry Culture. “ 125 White's Gardening for the South, 2 00 Woodruff's Trotting Horse of America, 2 50 Wriglit’s Brahma Fowl, 2 50 Wright’s Practical Poultry-Keeper, 2 00 Youatt aud Spooner on the Horse, 1 50 Youatt and Mart ip on Ugttio, 150 Youatt and Martin on the I+og, Youatt ou Sheep, 100 Youatt on the Dog, 2 50 A LHCTUBS TO YOUNG MEN. Just published, in a sealed envelojie. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical cure of nominal Weakness, or Spfrrtpatorreah, in duced by Seif-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Im poteney, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c.—}>v lIOBEKT J. CULVEKWELL, M, D. f autUor of tile “Green Book,” &c. The wurld-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves his own experience that the awful consequence * of Self-Abuse may he effectual ly removed without medicine, and without surgical operations, bougies, instruments, riics or cordial • pointing ont a mode of euro at once pertqin and ef ’ factual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself nri vately and radically. py ’ pn tif This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of siv cents, or two postage stamps Address the publishers, The Culverwell Medical Cos., 41 Ann St„ New York ; Post Office Box, 4580. ocUfl-ly D. 0. HIGHTOWER'S GROCERY P CONFECTIONERY STORE Is the place to get your money's worth! KEEPS always on hand, a choice lot of Flour, dams, Lard, Meat, Syrup, Molasses, sugars —all grades—Coffees, raw and roasted—Spaps for laundry and toilet, Potash, Lye, Vinegar, &e. Nalls br the pound or keg, Tubs, Buckets, Dip pers, &c. s bells the to" * 'teese only. Crackers, all varieties, A f of Candles, embracing all sizes. ihapes,c .ore and llavors. Nuts, Rais ins, Date's, Currents and Citrons. Full up In Pickles all popular can goods—all sold cheap for silver or currency tar* Cigars and Tobacco are specialties, and all warranted to please. Call and take a chew o. smoke and tost for yourselves. Kesply, OCtU-tf D. C. HIGHTOWER. 100,000 READERS ARE CALLING FOR The Origin and History ° OF THE V 10 SSI INST I El, AND THE GREAT CONTEST NOW WAGING BETWEEN THEM. Our russo-Tukkish Wak Book Is the most Re liable, accurate and Comprehensive; and with Its 300 Elegant Engravings, Maps and Plans, the most showy, desirable, and useful book now published. 5000 Active Agents Wanted ! Those desiring Territory on this work should avail themselves of an early application. Also 1000 AGENTS WANTED ON OUR Grand Combination Prospec tus. 150 1) IS TIN aT P ÜBLICA TIONS Of universal interest, Including Agricultural, Biographical, Hlstorlcul, Religious and M iacel laneous Works. Sales made from the Prospec tus when all single Books fail. Also on our nearly 100 STYLES oi PREMIUM FAMILY HIKIjHS English and German, Protestant and Catholic. Awarded Superiority over all others, for their Invaluable Aids and Superb Buildings, at the GRAND CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, 1870. Particulars Free. Address, John E. Potter & Cos., Pnbl's PHILADELPHIA. we seli, EVERYTHING fob the GARDEN, And offer NOW from June 15 to Aug 15): CELERY PLANTS, Dwarf White, by mail, for - - SI.OO per 100 Large White Solid, by mail, for - 1.00 “ 100 Dwarf Red, “ “ - - 1.00 “ 100 Any of the above Celery Plants, by express, for $5.00 per 1 000. CABBAGE PLANTS. Premium Elat Dutch, by mail, f.,r - SI.OO per 100 Drumhead Savoy, “ - 1.00 “ 100 Ited (for pickling), “ “ - 1.00 “ 100 Auy of the above Cabbage Plants, by express, for 4.00 pei- ‘.,000. CAULIFLOWER PLANTS. Early Erfurt, by mail, for - - - $1.25 per 100 Early Paris, “ “ - - - 1.25 “ 100 Any of the above Cauliflower Plants, by ex press, for $6.50 per 1.000. Sf?' Special prices for larger quantities iveu on ni>ilicu.tion. TURNIP SEED. < Any of the following leading sorts sent by mail for 10c per oz —2se per lb,—7sc per lb.: Early White Dutch -White Strap Leaf -Red Top Strap Leaf Golden Ball —Improved Amer ican lluta Baga. Peter Henderson & Cos., Seedsmen and Flobists, 35 Cortlandt St., N. Y. MnirciwiN iviUUuiilbtlJj SIiiTYLS success. Those who want a nice Whisker or Mous tache use our preparation. No cheap make up, but a genuine article. The preparation is so very ex pensive in its character, that wo cannot sell it at less than SI.OO per package. It will be mailed free on receipt of the price, by addit ssing HUNT & C 0.,, llair Dressers, ain Street, Brockviile, Gut. I> ET ECT fV E: a&S yourself. More fun in It than anything in Chris tendom. Writ'* us with a twenty-five cent piece, and make yourself happy. Address—Novelty, Cos , Ogdensburgh, N Y. t© IT IT Gpd A certain and effectual - Ji -t MIA ► r cure. Trial box only 50e. Addres DR. Pi LUCY, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. MEN & WOMEN industry, furnished with practical reeipts, process es and reliable information upon any desired sub ject. If you are puzzled on any subject, or want a receipt for anythng, enclose ONE DOLLAR in a registered letter to A. I>. Hume, M.A., F R.C Brockviile, Ontario, when your wants will be com plied with, and the most reliable imormation for warded you. CONSUMPTiON CIIltEl). VN n LI) PHYSICIAN, retired from active prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missions! y the formula of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of CONSUMPTION ASTU.U V BRONCHITIS, Catarrh, and all Throat and Lung Affections; also a Positive and Radical Cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after leaving thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of eases, feels it his duty to m ke it known to his suf fering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a con scientious desire to relieve human suffering, he will send Free of Charge to all who desire it, this rec eipt with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Sent by return mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. DR. J. P. MOUNTAIN, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. MARVIN^ STANWkRR SAFES COUNTER,PLATFORM WAGON &.TRACK SCALES THE BEST ARE_j> —s < —^ r TH E CHEAPEST MARVIN -SAFE SjSCALECO. 9 265 BROADWAY At. Y.- 72/ CHDSTNUTST, PH/lA. PA. I li t SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0. 1 8 1 A\ | few Magnificent Bran New $650. Hose An/1. mr, wood Pianos $175. Must be sold. Will* A TV Si Fine Rosewood Upright Pianos little used cost SBOO only $125.- Parlor Organs 2 stops $4.% 9 stops 65, 12 stops only * 75 - Nearly New 4 Set Reed 12 Stop Sub Bass and Coupler Organ sf>6, cost over $950. Lowest price ever ottered sent on 15 days test trial. You ask why I offer so cheap? I answer Hard Tpups. 1000 em ployee* mu*! have work, Ku-ult of war corn tnced on We by the monopolists Battle raging. Partic ulars free. Address Dnniol I', If entty, Wliashington, New Jersey. m OUTFIT TO i:\ KB V BOI)\ . Stem-Winder Watch freo with arst order. Tea Dollars a day guaran teed M. CTonegh & <’o., Phi’adel pnia, Pa., or Milwaukee, Wisconsin. H 171797 ls oasil y earned in these times, but it \J I / i lll . e nia.te in three months by anyone 111 1 f feither s‘-x, in any part of the country, Mini who is willing to work steadily at the em ployment that we furnish. $66 per week in vour own town. You need not be away from horns over night You can give your whole time t th. work or only your -par moments We , e .mmif - who are ryakum oypr *2O per day. All via, enea. eat once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try the business Terms and s■> outfit free Address at once it “Is There no Balm in Gil ead r IS THERE NO PHYSICIAN WHO CAN CURE Cancers, Fits, Scrofula, Consumption, Asthma, Phthisic, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Fistula, Sore Eyes, Blind Eyes, Any Other Chronic Disease which afflicts humanity ? If you "think not, read the testimonials to DR. J. D. DAUGHERTY, whose medicines arc all purely vegetable and are skillfully extracted from pure 'herbs and roots which the Great First Cause placed in our hands, “for the healing of the nations.” Knowing that one single remedy cannot be a cure -all, I have made It a thorough study to Hud a rem edy for each chronic disease mentioned above. Johnson City, East Tennessee, tugust sth, 1877 : Ed. Times. Dear Sir—Please permit :ne to say that I am 71) years old, have known Dr. J. D. Daugherty from a small boy When twelve years old be em braced faith in Christ. At the age of 16 he became a licensed minister ; ha- often p cached at my resi dence He has always been love i nero by those who best kuew him ; and as a Physician he has been at all times very successful. Yours, DANIEL FRANCIS. Mr. Editor of the Times:—Please let me s'ate to those who may he suffering from kindness, through your paper, that my daughter, aged eleven years, was blind for three years, iu which time I consluted and had the attention of many good and emiment physicians. Finding no relief from any I presented her to the famous Doctors of 3 ndianapolis, whose names I will give if desired, who pronounced her incurable. But about three months since Dr J. D. Daugherty, of Chattanooga, made a display hereun der my owu observations, and cured many old can cers and blind persons who bad lingered for years. I am happy to say that my little daughter was one of the first cured. Respectfully, HIRAM SMITH, Looney’s Creek, Marion county, East Tennessee, March 9th 1877. Mr. Editor of the Times :—I lease inform your readers that I suffered much and long with a very large and eating cancer on the Lack of my neck, at which time I did not value my life worth five cents, but I am happy to inform the public that I heard of Dr. J. D. Daugherty’s Cancer Extractor, being so famous, and I resorted to t and was cured sound in three weeks. Yours, JOHN FRYER. Hamilton Po., Hamilton county, Tennessee, March 11, 1877. Looney’s Creek, Marion county, East Tenn., June 9th, 1877. Dear Dr. J. D. Daugherty :—I have been afflicted for years with as horrible a canc ras mortal could bear. I saw my father-in-law law rai -ed up from seven years confinement with paralysis by your medical treatment, therefore 1 resolved to try your Cancer Extraotor which I did, and w. s cured souud in one month. Yours, , MRS. JOHN HOLLA WAY. t Dear. Dr. J. D. Daughtery :—I have been afflicted with consumption for a long time ; my physicians pronounced me incurable. I bt gan to fhiuk so too until about three months since, I learned that your Botanic Medicines were curing all old chronic cases of differ ait kinds in my neighbo hood, and I resolv ed to try your mug Balsam, wl, ich I did, and the resell is at that time 1 weighed 96 pounds, but now am perfectly well and weigh 140 pounds. With many thanks to you, I am, Respectfully, MRS. THOMAS PAYNE, Whitesido, Tenn., June 2, 1877. Suck Creek, Hamilton ecuuty, East Tenn. Dr. J. D. Daugherty, Chattanooga, East Tenn.: —Dear sir : My son, aged 21 years, had fits for 12 years, averaging once a mouth, and would have from 15 to 50 in 24 hours, until six m mths ago he com menced to use your American B ood Syrup, and he only had one light spell since. 1 am confident kO is well. Yours JOHN BROWN. June 6tli 1877. Dr. J. D. Daugherty : Dear Sir—My little boy, Ereddie, hail scorfula 18 months, at which time I had fears that, lie would lose his eyesight. Our faithful physician could do him u •go id."but two bottles of your American Llool Syrup has cured him. Respectfully, M. WILLIAMS. Chattanooga, East Tennessee. Dear I)r. J. D. Daughtery ;—Mv wife, five months since, was all drawn up with chronic rheaumatisiu. Several good physicians exhausted their skill ou her bnt no effect. Youi Eclectic Eli: id cured her sound in two mouths. Y'ours, ALEX. MASSENGILL. Chattanooga, Tenn. Suck Creek, Hamilton county, Tenn., June Ist, 1877. Dear Dr. J. D. Daugherty : Both my wife and son were atficted with eating cancers. Your cancer Extractor cured them without j an ALEX. RICHEY. Chattanooga. Tei:n„ June 13, 1877. Dr. J. I). Daughtery, Chattanooga, Tenn. : Dear Sir : I had been suffering occasionally for ten years with fistula until last winter an-l spring it became so painful that I could hardly go! al>out, and was almost entirely unfit for business. When in April last I commenced tho useof your Balsamic Extract which ill three weeks time gave me considerable re lief and I believe that a cure ha - now been effected, and would advise those suffering taom similar com plaints or affections to try your remedy, aud feel confident they will find relief in it. Very respectfully ours, M il CLIFT, Attorney at Law. Dear Dr J D Daugherty :—My daughter, aged 13 years, was perfectly blind with "scrofulous sore sore eyes for two years. One bottle of your American Blood Syrup, and one bottlo of Eye Balm hive en tirely cured her. Yours, G W HOLLAND. Looney’s Creek, Marion county, Tennessee, May 5. 1877. The afilscted Will please bear in mind that Ifcr. J. I). Dau^hvpty's FAMILY MEDICINES are of the Purest American Growth, gathered from our own mountains by men employed by the Doctor for this work and manufactured by his own hands. They are also of his own selection. After thorough ly acquainting himself with all the medicinal prop erties of the whole vegetable kingdom, he has selec ted the best and that which is suited to every Chronic Disease here mentioned. The names of Dr J D Daugherty’s Family Medi cines are here again mentioned : DU J D DA UGIIIiRTY'S AMERIC AN RI.OOD SYRUP is used for all diseases originating from the Blood, such as Scrofula, Fits, Dyspepsia, Constipa tion, etc. DR J D DAUGHERTY’S C < NCER EXTR C TOR cures all cancers of different form. DR J D DaUGHERTY’S LUNG BALBAM curce Consumption, Asthma, Phthisic, Bronchitis, Cough, and all Pulmonary Diseases. DR ,T D DAUGHERTY’S BAH \MTC EXTRACT ures all cases of Fistula, Hemorrhoids, etc. DU J 1) DAUGHERTY'S EYE BALM cures all Diseases of the eye, DR J D DAUGHERTY’S ECLECTIC! pj run cures all Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc, DR J D DAUGHERTY’S AN T '7 DOTE ™ dote against Opium, Morphia, Laudanum, e tc U ' No charge for examination at his office. For further information call on or address, Dr. J. D. Daugherty. Tower-Wheeler Eloc , CLatUuoo e. East Ten nessee. I DR. PIERCE’S STANDARD j REMEDIES Are not advertised as “cure-alls,” but are specif ics iu the disease for which they are recommended. NATURAL. SELECTION. Investigators of natural science have demonstra ted beyond controversy, that throughout the ani mal kingdom the “survival of the fittest” is the on ly law that vouchsafes thrift and perpetuity. Does not the same principle govern the commercial pros perity of man ! An inferior cannot supercede a su perior article. By reason Of suuperior merit, Dr. Pierce’s Standard Medicines have outlived all oth ers. Their sale in the United States alone exceeds one million of dollars per annum, while the amount exported foots up to several hundred thousand more. No business could grow to such gigantic proportions and rest upon any other basis than that of merit. Golden Medical Discovery Is Alterative, or Blood-cleansing. Golden Medical Discovery Is Pectoral. Golden Medical Discovery Is a Chologno, or Liver Stimulant. Golden Medical Discovery Is Tonic. Golden Medical Discovery By reason of its Alterat ive properties, cures Dis ease of the Blood and Skin, as Scroffula, or King’s Evil ; Tumors Ulcers, or Old Sores ; Blotches ; Pimples ; and Eruptions. By virtue of its Pecto ral properties, it cures Bronchial, Throat, and Lung Affections ; Incipient Consumption ; Linger ing c 'oughs : and Chronic Laryngitis. Its Cholag ogue properties rend* rit an unequaled remedy for BiUiousness ; Torpid Liver, or “Liver Complaint and its Tonic properties make it unequally afl'aca ciou-in curing Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, and Dyspepsia. Where the skin is sallow and covered with blotch es and pimp ies, or where there are scroffulouw swellings and affections, a few bottles of Golden Medical Discovery will effect an entire cure. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yellowish brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste In mouth, inti roal heat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy ierebodings, irregular appe tite, aud tongue coated, you are suffering trom Torpid Liver or “Billiousness.” In man}' casts of “Liver Complaint,” only part of the symptoms arc experienced. Asa remedy for all such cases, Dr. I’ierce’s Golden Medical D’iscoyery has no equal, as its effect perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthen ed and healthy. P. P. P. P. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Purdy Vegetable. No m care required while using them. The “Little Giant” Cathartic, or Multum in Parvo Physic, scarcely larger than mustard seeds, and are sugar-coated. They remove the necessity of taking the great, crude, drastic sickening pills, 'heretofore so much in use. Asa remedy for Headache, Dizzinee jfor. Blood to the Head, Tightness about t\,p pi,™-* i°| Taste in Mouth, Eructations fro m the c?™ , Billious Attacks, Jaundice, Pa’A. m the Ki dates’ Highly colored Urine, and Internal Fever iw’ Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets areuusurpe Jrf Furthermore, I would that their action u versid, not a gland escaping their Age does not impair the properties of these They are sugar-- rated and inclosed in glr.sT Buies' awsart' ass css A’t.'sswfess s. ed the most obstinate rases of Fncrofula Tettar Salt-rheum, Erysipelas, Boils, Blotches Pimcles’ fore Lyes and Eruptions T). ey “re’ however’ l \i nd v d i°i be takcn in with the l ery ’ m ° rdtr t 0 30ture the If) X. I*l A' 'AXC A 1 ’ S favorite P It ESC RIPTI ON. A) Ai . !PIJ2!RC& ’ S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION. I) A . A* 7 j; 'A CA”S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION Ihe remedial management of those diseases pe culiar to women lias afforded a large experience at the World’s Dispensary, of which Dr. Pierce is the chief consulting physician, in adapting remedies for their cure. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the result of this extended experience, and has become justly celebrated for its many and remarka ble cures of all those chronic diseases and WIOAILN PECULIAR FEMALES Favorite Prescription is a Powerful Restorative Tonic to the entire system. It is a nervine of un surpassed efficacy, and, while it quiets nervous ir ritation, it strengthens the enfeeble'nervous system thereby restoring it to healthful vigor. The fol lowing diseases are among those in w hich the Fa vorite Prescription has worked magic cures, Leuco rrhoet, or ,‘M bites” Excessive Painful Menstruation b nnatural Suppressions, Weak Back, Prolapse or tailing of tllo 1 terns, Anteversion, Rest rove ,~ s ’ Bearing-down Sensation, Chronic Comics' lS * on llammuiion ancLUlceration Uterus, Ing -*?“ In ‘ Nervous Deprersion, Debility, ,' nla ‘ very munyfother chronic disease* r- mdency, and but not mentioned here. - tCulla to women, Tlie following ladies . r <, • - ~, sands who can testify to *' 1 the many thou- Favorite Prescrip', 0 n f Je effic,enc J" of 1)r - Pierce’s tion : irom experience audobser- J UO ir a ,‘v*? 0 ?’ Feosta, lowa ; Mrs.' Thos. mourZ’e Station Ga. ; Mrs T. A. Sey- Ob’ ; Jlrß , Francis Huswick, Vcr- I'a • k- Ueory Put iiain, North vV barton A FH U,® S f H f y A H’Jnoit, Kdina'Mo. : Mrs. Mary O- -Sble, Lehman Pa. ; Mrs. D.L.Gill, ChiUicothe p a ° USTL Garnet E Malone, West Springfield, ra. . Mrs K. Hiatt, Emporia Kansas ; Miss Louise iratt, DodgeviUe Mass. ; Mrs L A Dashield, Norfolk *.“•5 Alrs * C Ahson - Proctor lowa ; Mrs J N Vernon, k j Out ; C.Morun, 353 North How ard Street Baltimore Md. ; Mrs Lucy Caliman, Barncsville Ohio ; Airs. Nancy AI. Naught, Jefferson ; 8 L G Stemrod, Friendship, N. Y. : Aliss Ellen Cady, \\ estfield N. Y.; Mrs Ar.tnony Amann, Y- j Mrs B N Rooks, Grand Rapids Mich ; Mrs F H Webb, Watertown, N. Y. Thou sands of references can be given at the World’s Dis pensary. THE PEOPLE’S MEDICAL SERVANT Dr. It. V. Pierce is the sole proprietor and manu tamirer of thf* remedies, all r*f which are sold by druggists. He is also the Author of the People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work of nearly one thousand pages, with two hundred and eighty-two wool-engravings aud colored plats. He lids already sold of ! his popular work Over 100,000 Copies !! ICJ? {post-paid) f>t. 50. Address : 11. V. PIERCE, M and„ Worlds OisiK iiso ~, Bllfla . I0 5 | T A Grep* Offer for Holidays! nlr a during: these hard times and the HOLI r ‘ s dispose of 100 NEW PIANOS and OR. —AN’S, of first-class makers at lower prices for cash, or Inst-illments. than ever before efTcr-d E I{S PI vNOS * ORGANS are the BEST made, warranted for 5 years. 111. Catalogues Mailed. Great Inducements to the trade PIANOS i-OCtave, $l4O ; 7 1-3-Octave, $l5O, ORGANS ‘i St ipS, S4B ; 4 btops, $53 ; 7 stops, $65 : 8 stops, S7O ■ 10 stops, s2o ; 12 stops. S9O ; in perfect order, not wVl^X ear * sheet In,,slc at half price. HORACE WAiLßs&soxs, Manufacturers and Dealers. 40 Last 14th Street, New York. 4^ 3 W Tho habit of 11-ingMor- Oki 1.2 1 WQOlm S phine.Guia Opmio, l uml * anum or Elixir of Opium 1 ainUsrt cured paiuleasly by thi& AM ERICA N Improved remedy. FIIIM Mtintifaciured at Atlanta, * Ua., at reduce,i yricei. Cure or Tested in hundreds of cases. Guaranteed. Par- AMTinnTr tioulaxF**. Addr* a. Al\ I !L/U I Li K, Woolley, Atlanta, Ua. Office No, $5, over Linen Store; entrance 33 v wiiitehall Street, 1 V “ u 1 #“J ‘7‘A lijlttij T At m Id CREENHCUSnSifu ■ K i hc '- y? i-2 KS iHO- *-•= ■ ■warsde m PECTORAL 1 I Co ghs. coij ixo I coNsnipJ Finlay& Tho mJ For ale hv all drugg^^-ksM Examineiicij ANimSglfe I THE MOST WiDEIySI Baptist Newspaperiu’l ica. T PL BLISHEP EYEEtTEn,, ■ EDWARD BRIGHT I IS NOW DELIVERED BY Min At 2.50 a Yds I CLUBS OF TEN, $22, ■ per- m v T Jt F^. alniner and Chroniclek - Family Newspaper. In malirc 1- T s * the co-operation of the best - B ot his own denomination, ho-tl v’ contributions in special ackuowleagediabilityinJothlS:! A current event Exp.„it or . .iSES A living pulpit and platf- . A missionary and Lia- job ; A Sunday School T gtist event Reotk An education'’’ -astitnte; A Literarv ■- Advocate; A popu* . - Theological, Scientific mei The r -; ir faruil 3' Miscellany udfife p jusbandman’s helper; . market Reporter, etc. All conducted in an outspoken, ri-i popular manner. For sample conies and terms to dress P. O. Box 3835, New-York City P largest and best agricnltolr*hv. ■ Mtest, have just copyrrightedahiL Farm Accoum To introduce the book, (ample lor fat it is this fall and winter offered h Farmer at the very low price ofjifat;- —Any cne sending us five names forty Account Book will receive a copy ot book free. Address ‘'lndia/w Fumi apolis, for descriptive ciicuiait. F’OTJmz s :* horse and cattle Fon No Houeswill die of Cotiaßwsii Yir, if Foutr.’s Powders are used It tat Foutz’s Powders will cure andpnww Foutz’s Powders will prevent Gilt3) pecially Turkevs. Foutz’s Powders will IncwmlMr and cream twenty per cent., and Mfaß! and sweet. Fontz's Powders will cure ctmwtta Disease that Horses and Cattle are htr. Fotrrz’s Powdees will giti uta: Sold everywhere. DAVID a/OTOJsp Biinc CPrice edited That Head of 1 If you would know what it CO>'TAO “Pkresologicai Journal.” Teas* (reduced from $3) with :t beantfimß logical Bust of Plaster of TitaK life-size, as premi iinteea^;; 1 scriber. THE PHF^OICI a ‘ „evoted to the study of phases, including Threnclcgv, 19 Bthhologv, Plivsiology, etc, togeti-:;-' enceof Health,” and no expens*™ make it the best publication for {>-; tending always to make men better _ tally, and morally. The J° ur!l “,®2| tain a series of carefully-prepared $ tical phrenology, called “BRAIN AND M® These will be amply illustrated, a**? , miutn bust, will furnish the n ■■ piosition of the Science in it. varto* ? Also, a special series oa The Training of Chi ;i Besides the portrait anand ment, which will be fully supphw. .j contain usefu suggestions on o- matters. K| A PREMIUM PII To each euliscribor we win eea logical head, or bust, showing re- .mm etven of the phrenological <av<‘ a ß tal figure made in Plaster of F* ' for boxing and packing each Large size will be sent by expt ■ pjj by mail, post-paid. . ~v .fcurti Prick Ukdccei'.—Tbe P Ti f j r rj e sos. 20 1 duced from $3 to $2 a jev. ■ { ot r AGENTS WANTED nd terms. Address S. R. WELLS *CO^ sSH • subecriptM® Bl ' ir > cst iamily publication in 2., , toe u^' beef me a successful agent. of art given free to snbscni era. f that almost everylxdy - ports making over flub . 'Wt-ea. ports taking over lu*’ putHribei’ who engage m-'- g mo ney f s * TPC i*‘ your ’.in’- t ).e business, or Vt: ~ Tr "-. need not be f&M can do it as well as 0 •... tions and terms f iee ' fita ble wot’ a: .iv'Tß free. If you NATIONAL H‘Vi E. Tv WHITE, Agent, EW' The National, being . r refurnished, offers sU P c ‘ l I ducements to tbe incr public- R iles 82 * rates for longer time. , \ HBBBB Reward, MoU°i „ ar j-. • J ruuspurent, I icturc and Cbroni Is., pies, worth $4, unt post] am J l !L R n'S catalogue free J. H. BUFfOR*' f> BOSTON. Established 1830^_^.^ Blank Deeds for sale at