The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, December 04, 1884, Image 5
THE BARNESYILLE GAZETTE; BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA, Thursday, December 4, 1884 An old candidate still in the field. 1 At the urgent solicitation, Are., I desire to be supported. Hardware, Stoves, Sewing Machines are the \ principal planks in our platform.; We’ve got anew plank, come and see it. Yours in 1) TGY l\ H. R. CHAMBERS. ! P. S. — l have a carriage, mule which 1 might he induced to Bell. Mrs. Cauthen of Texas is visiting j relatives here. Texas Red Rust Proof oats for sale at J. L. Kennedy’s. Mr. J. M. Akin sold last week a part of his land to Mr. A. 0. Ben nett. J. L. Kennedy sells the cheapest flour in the market. Mrs. H. Speigle is visiting her son, Mr. G. W. Speigle, on Elm street. WANTED ! ! ! Peas, Corn and Potatoes at once. J. E. Redding. Go to J. L. Kennedy’s to get your sweet Florida oranges. A lady from Gainesville was down last week prospecting with a view to purchasing a home in Barnes ville. J. L. Kennedy keeps a good sup pip of tropical fruits on hand. Miss Annie Hamburger left last week to attend the marriage of Miss Clara Beach, in Columbus. She will return Friday. Flour can be bought cheap at J. L. Kennedy’s. Mr. Mays Jenkins,came over last Saturday from his home in Greene county to visit his relatives here. Time seems to be serving him well. During the absence of Prof. Lambdin Monday, Mr. James Blas ingame enjoyed the honorable po sition of Professor in Gordon Insti tute. Go to J. L. Kennedy’s and get your nice pork sausage. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Henry Yogeler, New York in this issue of the Gazette. Go to J. L. Kennedy’s to buy your fresh gsh and oysters. “The Reunited Union” is to be! the title of an article by Henry Watterson, in the January number of the North American Review. Canned goods of all kinds for sale at J. L. Kennedy’s. Mr. Cadesman Pope and wife moved to Bartlesville Monday last. They will live with their daughter, Mrs. George E. Huguley, on Elm street. Go to J. L. Kennedy’s to get the best oo cigar. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Dr H. Perdue, who offers some land to rent in Upson county. If you de sire to rent such a place you will get some good, productive land. Call on the Doctor for further par ticulars. GotoJ. U. Kennedy’s and get Fresh apple eider. Mr. L. 11. Burnett’s horse became frightened Monday evening as he was passing Mrs. Elliott’s, and threw him to the ground. The fall resulted in the dislocation of the left shoulder joint, We hope he will soon recover and be out again. ■. Mrs. James H. Fryer, who has been in quite feeble health for some months died last Wednesday eve ning. Rev. R. J. Willingham per formed the funeral services at the Methodist church and her remains were interred at the Methodist cem etery. Owing to the burning of qur of fice, we did not pub Us h the pro ne dings of the Pike county Sab bath school Association, and hence give them in this issue- The fire in Barnesville curtailed very much the interest in the meeting of the asso ciation in Zebulon. There are now twenty odd Sabbath schools in the county in successful operation. We call especial attention to the card of Miss Lily Cooper in this is-, sue of the Gazette. Miss Cooper is always earnest and faithful in her t efforts to serve her patrons and that she is successful is shown in the fact she has been quite busy all during the season. If the ladies desire stylish and well made dress es, thev can safelv trust them to , this most meritorious young lady. T. W. COCnRAN & CO., OPEN FOR THE FALL TRADE. We request you to call and examine our nice assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, BOOT, SHOES AND HATS. All wool Cashmeres 25e, Calicoes sc, Worsteds 74 to 35c. Unlaun dfieri Shirts, linen bosom, 50c, worth SI,OO, and all grades of Jeans, Trunks, Valises, Companions, Are. Our prices compare with the low price, short cotton crop. A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS. T. W. COCHRAN & CO., scplß Bftrnosville, On. MURRAY 8, WORD No. 3 West Solomon Street, Gritlin, Ga., again come to the front with a stock of Furniture, Sewing Machines, Burial Cases more complete than ever before. We have bought more heavily this season than usual, con sequently our stock will bear comparison favorably with any market in the state, not except iim any of the larger cities, all of which we tiller at prices that defy competition. A trial will convince you. TheWhiteand Royal St. John Sewing Machines two of the bent machines without any doubt, now on the market. Thousands of them now in use giving eminent satisfaction. A written guarantee accompanies each machine. < )ur stock of Burial Oases and Caskets cannot be excelled in this seel ion. We keep on hand all graces from the lowest grade case to the finest metallic casket. Free delivery of Coffins in city or country in our elegant new Hearse. Hive us a cull when you come to Urillln. MURRAY & WORD, Opposite Brick Warehouse. What $1 will buy at J. E. Bud ding's. 151 bs good sugar; Slbs good cof fee ; one sack 15011 is salt in white bags ; 91bs Lard ; and one hun dred cents worth of anything he deals in. We hope to move into our new , office on the public square inside ol I ten days. Last Thursday Master Jimmie Blalock was pursuing a bird out on the premises of M r. P. F. Matthews, and while getting over the fence with a loaded gun, struck the ham mer against something and the load was discharged. The left hand was shot and the thumb so lacerated that it had to he amputated. We are pleased to sCe that the Mayor and Council of Gritlin have re-elected Hon. Robt. T. Daniel Judge of the City Court of Griffin. Judge Daniel has made an efficient court and is highly complimented, in this his third election to the im- j portent position. He practices in j the courts of the Flint circuit in j addition to filling the Judgeship of j this court. P. P. P. and Carters Fancy Flour ! ! at J. E. Reddings. Mr. T. B. Lyon, who has been worth much to Barnesville by his enterprise, is yet contributing his mite. Besides purchasing all the cotton lie can, he has, as the repre sentative of Messrs. 11. G. Lockett & Cos., since the fire, shipped here and sold 520,000 Chattahoo chee River Brick, and has thus pro vided the best material for the build | ingthat must stand for generations to come. The Barnesville Agricultural Club will hold its monthly meeting next Saturday. We are requested by the Secretary to state that “How to improve the soil and at the same time increase the yield,” will he the subject for discussion. Al this meeting delegates to the Feb ruary meeting of the State Agricul tural Society will be chosen. The Griffin News of last Friday contains an account of the arrest of K. L. Salisbury and C. B. McGee, of Macon, who robbed I)r. A. M. Speer in Griffin. Dr. Speer lives at Liberty Hill, in this county. The' money stolen from Dr. Speer was > recovered, except ten cents, and the two men were lodged in jail to await the action of the Grand Jury. Last Sunday, the 30th u 11., at the residence of the bride’s mother in Atlanta, Air. Jabez Hearnesberger was married to Miss Laura Butler. Misses Lily Cooper and Norah Graddick went up and witness ed the ceremony. Miss Laura left many good friends in Barnesville who will send good wishes after her in her wedded life. Air. Hearnes berger is an old Thomaston boy and his friends congratulate him on his happiness and good fortune. The executive committee of the Democratic party of Alerri wether county have ordered a primary election to be held in the several militia districts in the county on the 9th inst.‘ for nominating can didates fur the several county offi ces. The vote will be cast direct for the candidates and the one get ting the highest vote for the several county offices will be considered the nominees of the party. Demo crats only arc allowed to vote in this primary election. SIO,OOO Hotel. Yesterday Mr 1 fenrv Matthews of Talbot county, bought Mr O. 8. Higgins lot, and will at once begin j the-ereetion of a SIO,OOO hotel. Hur rah for Barnesville! Woman’s Missionary Society ! will meet next Friday afternoon at usual piace at 3 o’clock. All mem bers cordially invited to he present. Mbs. J. T. Blalock, Pres. Mbs. C. E. Elder. Sec. LOST ! In Barnesville between Monday 23d and Wednesday night follow ling a little black buckskin purse j containing four twenty dollar gold pieces and $2 in silver. Will give $20.00 for its return with the money to Stafford Blalock & Co’s office. Gas Torches. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that you can purchase the best light in the mar. Icet. It is something new and will he used by many of our citizens soon as they see it. This you can do by calling at this office. We have also the Hull Vapor Stove, which is rap idly taking the place of the wood and coal stoves. Call and see these goods, as we are the manufacturers agent. The Conference. The North Georgia Conference this year was one of the most interesting the church has ever held. Toerc are many features of interest if we had space for them. Grffin District appointments as follow-s :G II Pat- j tillo, P.E. Grffin—W.Gritlin misson j 11. L. Embry. Orchard Hill miss-1 ion—W. R. Stillwell, superuumeru- j ry. Zebulon —L. I\ Neeso. Barnes ville —G. W. Yarbrough, Upson ! mission—W. 11. Graham, supernu merary. Pine Mountain—-J. B. Hanson. The Rock—J, H, Little. Thomaston—B. L. Timmons. Cul linden —T. 11. Gibson. Forsyth — A. W. Williams. Forsyth circuit S. Leak.. West Monroe —S.R. Eng land. Jackson—J. B. Johnson. Indian Springs—l). F. C. Tmmons Clinton and Jones mission—W. F. Smith. E. G. Murrah. The Art Department. Professor Lnmbdin lias secured the services of Miss Laura A. Bacon I of Albany, Ga., as a teacher in the Art Department of Gordon Institute j Aliss Bacon graduated at Shorter ; College, Rome, Ga., and will be quite an acquisition to the faculty j of the Institute. She will teach Drawing, China and Oil Painting. She has heretofore had charge of a similar department in the seminary at Albany, Ga.. and comes highly recommended as a teacher in this line. It is useless for the Gazette to offer any argument in behalf of this department. It has especially of recent years become quite useful and profitable to he accomplished in these matters. Many ladies are making a handsome support by executing work in this line, besides the pleasure of such pursuits. It j is more than probable there will be a nice class in this department, j which will increase as the taste of the community for such things en larges. Homicide in Monroe. Last Thursday night, near Un ionville, in Alonroe county a homi cide was committed. It seems that S an entertainment was given at the home of Mrs. Crawford, a widow ; lady. Several young people had j gathered there for the purpose of enjoying themselves. Mr. Jesse j Crawford, tho son of tho lady, we learn had some whiskey on hand, and sold it to the boys, and unfor tunately too much was drank. While several of them were out of the house in the yard, a difference of some sort nitose which resulted in the death of Jesse Crawford. Our informant states that Jesse was struck with a rock on the head and the skull was crushed, producing death. Mr. Howard Cawley was supposed to have thrown the rock that produced Jesses death, and was arraigned Monday morning for commitment trial. Mr. Joe Eng lish and Mr. Cheney Cawley were arrested, as accessories. Col. J. A. Hunt was sent for Saturday and was employed in the case. Joe English and Cheney Conly were hound over. Howard did not ap pear for trial. Our Advertisers. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisements in the Gazette. Most of them are ve ry attractive and neat. When you need to purchase goods, you will consult your interest by taking the Gazette and looking over our adver tising columns. LOWE & STEELE. Manufacturers of Chattahoochc River Brick, will be pleased to serve those who need them. They are prepared to furnish these justly cel ebrated brick in any quantity oil pressed and common. Write to them for further particulars after reading their advertisement in another column. MISS MARY RYAN of Atlanta, is closing oi/t her large and handsome stock of millinery, in order to put in the spring stock. Ladies needing anything in her line can get bargains of her. See what she says fn the advertisement in another column. A. p. THIPOD. When you go to Atlanta (to pur chase artists and painters ! materi als,call at this gentleman's- store on Broad street. He has a handsome stock of first class materials in this line" including French and Ameri can glass, window and looking, oils and other things kept in a first class establishment. r. ir. snook. Our readers remember, that a few months since this gentleman had two fires attack the CHEAP EST FURNITURE HOUSE in Georgia. Like our own Barnes ville he has risen from the ashes and now has a larger stock, a bet ter stock and a more accommoda ting stock of furniture than he ever kept before the fire attacked him. It is a real treat to take a walk throug the four story building and look at all styles and grades of furniture there to be seen. One will get a faint idea about the immensity of the stock when he seventy odd dif ferent suits set up on one floor all different patterns. You feel that you arc in a palace when you reach the second fioor and look over the broad expanse of parlor suites, all spread out in their elegance and beauty. The fourth fioor has very much reached the appearance of a furniture factory, as this is the j place where the goods are put to gether, preparatory for shipment. I One can he fitted up by Mr. Snook jin anything from the cheapest to jto the most eofetly, in any line of furniture, parlor goods, or anything j to be found in a furniture store. A Remarkable Escape. Mrs. AI ary A. Dailey, of Tunk hannock, Pa., was afflicted for six years with Asthma and Bronchitis during which time the best physic ans could give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last Oc tober She procured a Bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery, when* im mediate relief was felt, and by confuting its use for a short time she was completely cured, gaining in flesh 50 lbs. in a few months. Free Trial bottles of this certain cure of all Throat and Lung Diseas es at J. W. Hightower’s Drug Store. Large Bottles SI.OO. . The Atlanta Constitution , In a long article relating to the B. B. B. f of that city, says: The Blood Balm Company started one year ago with |102.0(). but to-day the business can not bo bought for $50,000.00! The demand and the satisfaction given is said to be without a parallel, as its action] is pronounced wonderful. We are glad to announce that druggists have already secured a supply, and we hope our readers will supply themselves at once. It is said to be the only speedy and perman ent blood poison remedy offered, giving entire satisfaction in all cases before one bottle /ms : neen used. For Blood Diseases, Kidney Troubles, Scrofula, Catarrh, old Ulcers and j Skhi Diseases, try one bottle of B. B. B. Real Estate Boom. Barnesville Resurrecting. The Late Fire a Benefit. In accordance with the advertise ment of the city council, the vacant lots which came into the posses sion of the town by changing the public square were sold Tuesday to the highest bidder. At 10 o’clock Mayor Murphey called Mr. C. T. Tyler who cannot be surpassed in crying off property, and a number of gentlemen followed, to the lower end of Jackson street. A plan of the town had been drawn with lots to he sold, numbered and marked so they could bo readily distin guished. Fronting Jackson street were eleven lots. Ten of these measure 21x661-6. Seven of these were purchased by Mr. H. R. Cham hers, for $1092.25. The next three were purchased by Mr. T. B. Lyon as agent for his children at $454.50- Thcre were then left three lots on this line, one fronting both Forsyth and Jackson street and two Forsyth street only. The corner lot front ing both streets was bid off - by Mr. I’. F. Matthews at $599.<X). The ad joining lot was bid oft’ by Mr. H. R. Harris at $301.00. The crowd then crossed over For syth street and thelotlGft and Tin by 30 feet, fronting both Forsyth and Jackson streets which was the corner formerly occupied by Mes srs W. R. Murphey & Cos., was bid off - for Messrs YV. 11. Murphey & Cos, at SSOO. By the side of this lot fronting Jackson street was another 36ft and 7 inches by 17 Aft. This lot was bid off for Messrs W. It. Mur phey & Cos., at $212.00. Adjoining this was a third lot fronting Jack son street and measuring 32ft 7in by 20 feet. Mr. Ambrose Murphey purchased this lot at $200.00. These figures aggregate $3358,75 for all the real estate sold by the city council. In changing the public square so as to make the burnt line parallel with the other side the council gave $2660.00 for the lots and parts of lots, that were converted in to street. Beside making the public square far more acceptable and attractive and advancing the value of the burnt side the town makes a handsome profit and ex tends Jackson street from Forsyth to Tavlor street. By purchasing the lot of Mr. 11. It. Chambers near Taylor street, that street has been opened and straightened to tho public square, Jackson street was made fifty feet and 7in wide and will give more space for business houses. In purchasing the hotel lot the council became the owner of considerable brick, rock, pipes and other things which were sold to the highest bidder, after the real estate was sold. # This was purchas ed by different parties at the ag gregate of about $78.00. This ad ded to the amount for the real es state will make the figures aggre gate $3436.75. Deducting from this sum, the amount paid for the lots purchased wo have as a net gain in dollars and cents to the town,beside the greatly improved condition of the public square, and property on the burned side $776.75. Beside the coun cil have about S2OO in rock unsold and the corner lot on Forsyth street worth S4OO. To this add 124,- 25, interest on unpaid sums. These sums added to the cash gains make the town gainer by Ijhe fire of $1,500,00. We feel that Barnesville is to be congratulated on the rap idity with which she has arisen from the ashes of such a fire, as that of October 17th last. Beside the fifteen magnificent brick build ings alreadv under wav and com pleted, Air. Ambrose Murphey is contracting for a handsome brick Drug store above Forsyth sheet fronting the public square. He says he must have the keys to it bv Christmas day He his hut to w 11 it and it will be so. AU-. John Gardner is arranging to rebuild bis residence which will be of,brick since it is-in the fire limit. He hopes to have it ready for occu pancy early in the coming year. Hon. G. W. Havzlitt, Waterloo, lowa, a member of the State Legis lature, keeps St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, on the family shelf and says he considers it the great est remedy ever used for bodily ail ments. .jgS Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholsomenoss. More eco nomical than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in competition with the multitude of low t 'st, short weight, alum or phosphate powd'Ts. Sold only in cans. Koval Hak im; Powi>bb 106 Wall-at., N. Y. janfll Zebu lon, Nov. 18th. About 2 o'clock to-day two men willfully and fraudulently entered the house of Edd White colored on the plantation of Mr. J. L. Smith, three.miles southwest of Zebulon, and asked Edd if he had any mon ey. He answered that he did not. They then took up a Singer Sewing Machine, and in spite of Edd and his family made their escape to ward the mountains. Edd will bring these men to justice if he can find them. It is hoped they may be brought to justice. Edd had bought and paid for the ma chine two years ago and was re ceipted. J. L. S. These are Solid Facts. The best blood puifier and sys tem regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly, is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness, Jaudice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stmiifant, will al ways find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bot tle guaranteed to give entire satis faction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. W. High tower. In rebuilding our city, it is very important that the new buildings should display some architectural effect, and we recommend all our friends to procure drawings for their houses, and in this connec tion suggest Messrs Fay and Eieh borg of Atlanta as thoroughly re liable architects. Nose Eaten Off. A young man named John Naves' living near here, had an eating can cer on his face which had c iten away his nose part of his cheek and extended up nearly to his eye. It was one of the most angry eating sores that E had ever seen. His throat finally became involved to such an extent that he could only swallow liquid food. Af ter using all the remedies without cheeking the ravages of the eating cancer, his general health was bro ken down, he was confined to his bed and thought it to he only a question of time about his death from the cancer. I put him on Swift’s Specific as a last resort/ and lie began to improve with the first dose. His general health im proved at once, and rapidly; his throat got well; the ravages of the cancer were soon stopped it began to heal around the edges and after a few months treatment “was'well. II 8 face is all healed o. er with now flesh, and his general health is ex cellent. His recovery is wonderful. AL F. Crumley, M. £>., Oglethorpe G a. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Cos., Drawer 3 Atlanta, Ga. Douglassville,Cass county,Texas, on the 17th of Nov., Air. E. N. C. Blalock, aged 74. He was a broth er of Messrs R. W. & A. J. Blalock. His wife preeeeded him the 15th of last January. Mischief is Wrought. by had cooking, tough meats, late hours, business worries, irregular livers, dispositions, evil digestion and impure blood. Much of this mischief can he overcome by the use of Brown’s Iron Bitters—the best tonic ever made. Airs. Emilie Crawford, Reidsville, Ga., writes, “After trying Brown’s Iron Bitters we arc persuaded that it is all that it claims to be —a good and reliable, tonic.” Thousands of others speak in like manner. Savannah, Ga, claims to have among her citizens a man who is second cousin to Grover Cleveland and third cousin to Belva Lock wood.