Newspaper Page Text
Rain and Wind Storm.
T„af<t Friday afternoon the eever
ost rain un<l Windstorm we ever
witnessed passed over Barnesville.
Scarcely a dwelling in town wae
close enough to keep out the rain—
the wind whirling il in every direc
tion. Considerable fence was
blown down, now and then a cab
in on some ones lot. Quite a num
ber of Very large window glass were
blown to shreds in Barnesvillc.
Such a fall of rain is said by old
citizens never to have been seen.
In short it bordered closely on to
a, cyclone.
Ct'M odes, Jan. 16, 1885.
Editor Gazette: — Rev. T. 11.
Gibson preached his first sermon
at the Methodist church on last
Sunday from the 22nd chapter and
r>4th verse of Bt. Luke: “And
Peter followed afar off'.” He han
dled his subject well. His appeals
to his congregation was Ohrist
like, persuasive. He thought it
better for men to follow Christ,
though it be like Peter, afar off'.
Ho.appears to be a very pleasant
and good man —hope he will be
the means of doing much good
work here this year. May he and
the people with whom he is to la
lior with be close followers of our
Saviour hence forth.
Mrs. Hamilton will leave for
Florida next Monday to look after
her orange grove. She has a nice
home and u fine young orange
grove at Bartow, Hernando coun
ty. She will he accompanied by
her daughter Mrs. C. G. Hilsman,
and Miss Achsah Holloway, Cullo
den’s artistic dross-maker and mil
liner. They will remain in the
Land of Flowers the remainder of
the winter. Miss Holloway will
perhaps visit New York on her re
turn to select her spring stock of
Millinery goods. She is a lady of
fine taste and rare business qual
ities ip that line of business.—Miss
Lillie Kellner, one of Forsyth’s
belles, is spending a few days with
her sister Mrs. Dr. Ohamblesg.—
Miss Carrie Wortham and Miss
Lena Feflgin, two charming young
ladies from Crawford and Houston
counties, are visiting the families of
J. O. Holmes and Mrs. J. 11. Banks.
—The Misses Bawls have also been
visiting friends here. They always
find many admirers wherever they
go, they are so fascinating and
sweet. —Miss Bottle Mcßride, of
jhomasvillc, is visiting her uncle,
Th\ Jordan—Mr. Jas. Lockett and
family havemoved lo ins plantation
in Crawford county. Wo will miss
him much, tie was' Captain of our
iparble game, and Ist Lieutenant
bf the loafers club. Hope he will
not resign.—Dr. B. F. Chambless,
from the eastern part of the cotintv,
has moved in the house recently
occupied by Mr. Lockett. We wel
come himanl his bcnevolertt fam
ily. The Doctor is said to be a
fine physician and a thorough go
ing energetic man. He has fitted
up an office in the rooms connected
with the post office, and will offer
his services to the people of Cullo
den and surrounding neighborhood.
—We have failed so far in getting
a teacher to take charge of our
school for this year. Wo are ex
pecting Prof. A. T. Gray, of Monti
cello, in a few days, prospecting,
and we hope to obtain liis services.
There is plenty of material here for
a fine school, and we should
lose no time in getting a good
teacher. There are eighteen chil
dren within a stone’s throw of the
writer’s residence —fifteen of that
number are boys, and most of
them ought to be in school now.
Can your city beat that in one
Don’t fail to send us the Gazkttk
regularly, the people here have
learned to look forward for its ap
pearance, it has so much good
reading matter, and its new dress is
so neat, and we admire its pluck in
rising up out of sack cloth and ashes,
with so much vim and energy with
which to maintain her former stand
in the warfare of journalism. Suc
cess to you and the Gazette.
Occasion a i..
Very Remarkable Recovery.
Mr. Geo. Y. Willing, of Manches
ter, Mich., writes : “My wife has
been almost helpless for five years,
so helpless that she could not turn
over in bed alone. She used two
bottles of Electric Bitters, and is so
much improved, that she is able
now to do her own work.”
Electric Bitters will‘do all that is
claimed for them. Hundreds of
testimonials attest their great cura
tive powers. Only fifty cents a hot
tie at J. W. Hightowers.
Brother Glessncr, very frankly
savsd’lt takes more cash than any
thing else to run a daily paper.”
Go to J. L. Kennedy* and get the
best cheap flour in the market.
I Ih: uliuVe cum represent iuv c:iert|>eb jov.c.r .v .on.**, ">* id picec
Toilet Suits in “America.”
Which can be found on my warerooim* floor, at
Only $60.00 sharp Cash.
A Literal and Absolut® Ket! (5(1,000 worth of Elegant Furniture at Kaetory Trice*.
Taking Care ofthe Body.
The Christian Index, the leading
organ of the Baptist Church in the
South, published in Atlanta, Ga.,
in its issue of Dec. 4 1884, has the
following editorial: Too many peo
ple seem to think that a religious
newspaper should he confined to
discussion of moral and religious
subjects only, forgetting that reli
gion has to do both with the practi
cal side of life as it has with the
moral side. Our readers will bear
testimony that in all questions dis
cussed in the Index, the practical
has been duly set forth. In this par
agraph, therefore, we only seek to
present an article worthy of com
mendation. After subjecting it to
the above test we have tried Swift’s
Specific and found it good—good
as a blood purifier, good as a health
tonic. In tins opinion we are sus
tained by some of the best men in
the church. Rev. Jesse H. Campbell,
the Nestor ofthe Baptist denomi
nation in Georgia, says: It is my
deliberate judgment that Swift,s
Spaeific is the grandest blood
purifier over discovered. Its effects
arc wonderful, and I cosuler them
almost miraculous. There is no
medicine comparable to it.” Dr. H.
C. Hornady, one ofthe best known
ministers in our church, says:
“Swift’s Spacific is one of the best
blood purifiers in existence. ’
These brethren speak advisodly.
But few preparations can bring for
ward such endorsements, The Index
desires only to endorse these state
ments. We have witnessed the bene
ficial effects oft his nJ'eMi'cita? not only
in our own households,but in sever
al other cases wficVe seemingly all
other remedies had failed. It is
purely a vegetable compound, scien
tifically prepared, and perfectly
harmless in its composition. It. re
news the blood and builds up bro
ken down systems-gives tone and
vigor to the constitution, as well as
restores the bloom of health to the
suffering. Therefore, we do uotdeem
it .inconsistent with the duties of a
’■religious journal to say this much
in its behalf.
Treaties on Blood and Skin Dis
ease* mailed free.
The Swift Spaoific Cos., Drawer
3, Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. J. D. Boyd of Griffin was
promplv announced asjan applicant,
for the position of Capital Commis
sioner, made vacant by the death ot
Major Crane of Atlanta.
Cause Of Failure.
Want of confidence accounts for
half of the business failures of to day
J. W. Hightower, the Druggist, is
not liable to fail for the want of con
fidence in Dr. Bosanko’sCough and
Lung Syrup, for he gives away a
bottle free to all who are suffering
with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, con
sumption and all affections of the
Throat and Lungs.
Gov, McDanel appointed Evan P.
Howel, of the Constitution, capitol
commissioner, to succeed B. E.
Crane, deceased.
I.ondon Hair Restorer—Great English
Toilet Article. Restore. frowib, color, glow
and softness. Removes, 1 tiindriff. Aristocratic
families of Great lirttain endorse It. FUegnut
dressing. Fragrantly perfumed. The favorite
of fashion. At Druggists for 3s l 1 ,and or To Uts. in
V. S. money.
The expenses of New York City
government for 1885 are put down
at 538,881,908. That is nearly $3O to
every man, women and child of
the city,
Holmes Mouth Wash and Dcntri
Holmes’ Sure Cure Mouth Wash
and Dentifrice is an infallible cure
for ulcerated sore throat, bleeding
gums, sore mouth and ulcers
Cleans the teeth and keeps the gums
healthy, and purifies the breadth.
Prepared solely by Drs J I* & WR
Holmes, Dentists, 102 Mulberry i
street, Macon, Ga.
For sale by J. W. Hightower and ]
all druggist and dentists.
Our Congressman, Hon J. H.
Blount is spoken of for a cabinet
position, Governor Cleveland would
do credit to himself and good ser
vice to the country in making such
a choice.
♦ . ■
How He Got Position.
, “I applied for a position in a
banking house in \\ all street six
months ago, and although I proved
my competency, they would not
take me. I had been ‘down on my
luck and looked old and shabby.
An idea struck me, I got up anew
growth of httir with Parker’s Hair
Balsftm, raised a decent suit of
clothes, applied again, and they
took me in a minute.” So writes a
clerk with $2,000 salnrv. The moral
is plain. Parker’s Hair Balsam gives
a person anew face.
Truo American men and women, by renson
of their strong constitutions*, beautiful forma,
rich complexion# ami characteristic energ>
art* envied bv nil notion#. It* the ffc no ml usool
Dr. HarterV Iron Tonic which brings about
these results.
As n raindrop foretells h storm, so does a
pimple upon the human body Indicate health
destroying virus in the blood, which can be
neuztralicd and expelled only by Dr.jllartor s
Iron Tonic.
Mr. Editor: —I was Induced by reading your
Rood paper to try D-\ Ilarter’s Iron Tonic for
debility liver desnrder and scrofula, an I three
Lotties have cured me. Accept my thanks. Jus
V. Boggs.—FLx.
porous, ooi.ns, catarrh.consv m m tor:.
All Throat, Breast, and lamp Aflocttnns,
cured In the old-estulilised “Kvnj'ncs Wild-
Uherrv.” The rtrst dose gives relief, and a cure
speedily follows. 25 Cts., or II.UO. at Drug
A large lot of nuts of all kinds
can be had by going to J. L. Kenne
Go to J. L. Kennedys to buy vour
raisins, nuts, candies, fruits Are
Buy the “unt-meg” tobacco sold
by J. L. Kennedy, and the best in
the market.
A large lot of nice cabbage and
turnips just seceived at J. L. Ken
nedy s.
A fresh Mr of cocoanuts just re
ceived at J. L. Kennedy's.
A large lot of fresh eonfeetioner
eries of all kinds just received at J.
L. Kennedy*.
The symptoms are moisture, like perspira
tlon, inteiuieiitehing, increased by scratching*
very distress tug, particularly at night; seems
ns if piu-vorms were crawling In and about,
the rectum; the private part* are sometimes
atfbcted. If allowed to continue very serious
reJ*altrt may follow. “Swayne’s Ointment*’ is a
pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch,Salt-
Head. Erysipelas, Barbers* Itch, Blotches, nil
Sealv, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mail, 50
Cts.; o Tor $1.25. Address. Dr. .Swarne Son,
IMfcila., P*. by Druggists.
Commencing to-day for spot cash
A handsome Black Walnut, 10 pieces,
Marble Top Chamber Suits fo - $l5 00
Beautiful Parlor Suits, - - -toon
Elegant Plush Suites only - - do 0O
Folding Bed TiOunges ... 1000
Cottage Suites only ... 2000
Marble Hat Hacks ... 1000
1000 < orninon Bedsteads - - 1 •“>
noon Chair* 40
100 Bureaus, each - - 6 50
600 WanhstandK, each • - - 1 00
500 Tables, each - - • - - 100
The English laboring people are
exceedingly exercised. Ten thous
and of them held a mass meeting
at London Saturday and adopted a
resolution declaring that depression
in trade, cheap labor, poverty and
the difficulty of finding work are
intolerable evils which those who
suffer them ought not tamely to en
dure. Those evils result from a
denial of equal rights of man in
the elements which the Creator has
provided. The meeting pledged it
self to demand restitution to the
whole people of their birthright in
the land.
Saturdays dispaches reported
heavy gales, snow storms and in
tense cold over the west and north
west. and great damage by rain and
Eed Star
b Mfd n tet
Free from Opiates, £mctics and Poisons.
For Couyho, Sore Throt, Hoaroea—lnflucß*#,
Cold*. H ranch It!*, Croaj*, Wkooptn# Couth,
Asthma. Quin*?, Pntntn Cheat, *nd other
afltaiona ofthoThront *nd I,unt*.
Price .10 cent* a hnttle. Sold By DrnjrpiKtf and Deal
ers. J'urtUs unable lo induce their dealer to promptly
yet It for them Mil receive txco bottles, L'xpre i a efutryti
paid* by sending one etolktr to
Sole ewuer**:i4 ManaOcturera,
Uoltlittn-, Maryland, l. B. A.
Will be mailed PD ITCT/
to all applicants r / H
and to customers of lat rear without
ordering it It contaius illustrations, price®,
descriptions and directions for planting all
Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc.
D. M. FERRY &CO. DE i^ ,T
Estray Mule.
Will b ' said by order of the Court- of Ordl- j
nary of Pike County, on the freehold of A. a.
Murphcy the taker-up, one bay mnre|nuile |
rihht eye okt nnd very old, tliln in order, me- (
dlum sixe. ofthe value of about twentv-tlve ,
dollars, and appraised by W. s. Middlebrooks i
aiuUno T. Hunt freeholders. Said propetrv ,
i will be sold ou the 12th day of January 18fo at
[lO oclock if not claimed before that j
time. Tills Dee. :'.!st, 18S-1.
Harry Wells, Ordinary-.
For Sale or Rent.
Mv dwelling ontl garden lot on Grecnwootl
street. Then- are five rooms beside dining and j
stove rooms. Forftjrther.particulars ap
ply to, and. L. HC NT
Barnesvtlle Oa. j
W. B. I.OWE, A. B. STEELE,']
Chattahoochee River Brick
I Office Cor Broad and Alabama Sts. Atlanta.
We are now prepared to furnish Chattahoo
chee River Brick in atiy xjuwntity. OU press-
Icd and common. All orders will receive
prompt attention. LOWE A STEELE.
Joseph J. Rogers,
BarneSville, Ga.
Respectfully tenders hrs services to the pub
lic, insuring prompt and immediate attention
tr all business entVugteVl to his care In State
and Federal Courts. Collections and Crimiuai
Laws speVYudfY. novU
For the rich and Furniture for the poor. Every article In Mock Is marked down to actual Fac
tory prices FOR THE CASH.
Special Bargains In Book Cn*e, Sideboards, Marble and Extension Tables, Wardrobes,
Desks, Parlor Suits.
These goods must is* sold. My v nine <n t art cro u c m. Farties
desiring to purchase can save a tlt rat Safer c< nt 1> ca ,j, <
New Firm! New Stock!
Have opened in their new Uriel: Building, a handiome, new, fresh stock of
Flour, Meal, Meat,
Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, Lard,
Confectioneries and Fruits.
In short everything to he fouvd in a
First-Class Grocery House.
R. E. Lee Institute,
With a healthy location, anew and elegant building, cheap board,
a good community, an advanced course of study, and a full and efficient
corps of teachers, this Institution claims and expects a full share of pat
ronage. Spring term opens on Wednesday, the 7th of January, 1885.
For particulars and catalogue address,
W eekly Edition,
One Dollar a Year.
Brightest, Most Newsy and Accurate ll 'eekly Journal in United States.
And numerous other features have been added. Also a complete, exhaustive summary of
the news in all departments. It is read by upwards of half a million people and Is a good ad
vertising: medium, reaching factories farms and homes of all descriptions in every part of the
i It contain# ay thc-eencral news of the daily edition of tlie Herald, which has the largest
circulation in the United states.
Independent in polities, it is the most valuable chronicle of political news in the world, irn
; partly giving the,occurrences and opinions of all parties, so that all sides may bo known. In,
! the department of
I The Herald has alway been distinguished by the fullness of its cable dispatches. The new
transatlantic telegraph cables will increase faellties.
The Farm Department ofthe Weekly Herald is practical. It goes to point and does not give
wild theories The farmer will save many more than
From the suggestions of the Farm Department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees,
! buildings, gardening, poultry and assriculturul economy “The Home" instructs housewife and
! t j ie children in regard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the fashions and the making of
i home comforts. In addition are given latest reports of trade and
The condition of money, columns of miscellaneous reading, poetry, special noveletta, wit
\ and humor, both social and political sporting news, poplar science, the doing* of well known,
persons ofthe world, a department devoted to the dramatic and lyric stage. While the Week
ly Herald gives the Infest And best news of the world. IT w also a journal for the family,
j * subscribe one dollar, at any time, for a lull year. Postage free to any part of the United
! States or Canada*. ~ . .... . . ~
The xcw York Hera Id. in n w eekly form, one dollar a Year.
Addres-’SfSw Yorkdicn&ld, Broadway and Ann Street.