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-••V. *.* ? -c. • t ■ -•? * - -i .-itt > ,-••■*-
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whieli has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
— —and lias been made under liis per
sonal supervision sinee its infancy.
' ''' ow 110 onc to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
N and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of _
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Stoves and Tinware,
ipiimral Implemsiits, Bellini. Carri® Material, Cutlery. Hoist
Fmistaii Goods. Gins. Pistols. Ammunition. Etc.
My store is headquarters for all kinds of Farming Imple
ments such as Plow Stocks , Cotton Planters, Plows , Chains ,
Collars, Backhands, Lines and almost everything needed by the
House Furnishing Goods.
I carry complete lines of Cooking and Heating Stoves , Tin
ware, Woodenware, Crockery, Cutlery , Silverware.
Electric Liilt ui ffatenorks Fiitaras.
Call to see my stock, examine my goods , and #6'' my prices ,
/ will appreciate the patronage of the people.
The Barnesville Planing Mills
50000 “ “ Flooring.*^®
;mk Yard full of boards and framing. V
11/ Side track blocked with Shingles.
Have Lime, Brick, Laths, and all kinds of Builders’ Sup
plies. We are headauarters for Paints and Glass, of which
we always have a FULL STOCK, and can supply your wants
on short notice. No trouble to make estimates, and will
gladly give any information in the construction of anything
in wood.
Turner & Prout
(Continued from another page.)
Nobles case resulted from the action
of lederal courts, and in the Allen
case on account of defenant’s escape
from prison, and the questions there;
upon arising in state and federal
courts, while in the last case from
new trials granted. In the two first
cases the delays seem to have been
sanctioned by popular sentiment
strong enough to secure commutations
of the sentences from death to life
imprisonment; and in the Flannagan
case in which insanity was the defense
the prosecution had to be suspended
on account of the mental and physical
condition of the defendant.
Of course it may be replied that if
these cases had ended before popular
indignation subsided, the defendants
would have been executed, but this
is a suggestion of brutality and not
of justice.
Another suggestion is the abolition
of jury trial and sometimes the kin
dred suggestion, that the jury he no
longer the sole arbiter of the fact, but
be aided and influenced by the judge
as in United States courts. These
suggestions, besides being objection
able on their merits, offer no solution
or relief. In a case of rape by a ne
gro upon a white woman or girl,
properly proved, a Georgia jury could
be as well trusted as any judge and
such a jury would not need the ad
vice of any judge to induce it to con
vict. If the real point, of this latter
suggestion is that there might be cases
in which the judges might force ac
quittals for rape or convictions for
lynching, the fact that with all their
influence with grand juries they can
not or do not cause bills to be found
and trials to be had in such cases,
seems fatal to the view.
Under present law the jury has only
one question to determine and that
after argument of counsel and instruc
tions of law from the court, and it
barely that a verdict of guilty
is set aside for error of the jury. On
the other hand, nearly all new trials in
criminal cases are caused by errors o
the judges. This is not said by way
ot criticism. Our judges are in the
main good men versed in the law, but
they have a multitude of questions to
decide and it is human to err on the
bench as well as elsewhere, the con
scientious judge has enough power
and responsibility already. The
change suggested would aftord the
judical demagogue an oppurtunity to
assert his self-importance and display
his spurious backbone and ad captan
dum rhetoric on the popular side, and
matters would be worse than instead
of better. Shoidd occasion arise to
stem a torrent of passion, he would
probably exercise the privilege of
leaving the question entirely to the
Our present penal system is con
structed out of condensed and seas
oned wisdom collected during cen
turies of experience and reflecton,
modified into conformity with the
principles of our self government.
Let us build the temple higher and
stronger and renovate and beautify it
but at the same time protect it from
descreation and destruction.
I will now outline the bill I men
tioned and conclude.
An Act. Entited an act to expedite
the administration of justice in
cases of rape, assault with intent
to rape, murder, arson, lynching
and mob violence resulting in
death or serious personal injury,
and to suppress and prevent
lynching and mob violence and
to expedite the disposition of
pleas of present insanity and to
expedite justice in criminal cases
in this state.
Section i. Continues organization
of grand jury till next term and makes
the body and the members thereof
conservators of the peace.
2. Provides for called meetings of
the grand jury in vacation by foreman
and other members of jury.
3. Makes disclosure of secrets of
grand jury by any body punishable.
4. Makes failure of members to
attend and serve punishable.
5. Empowers and requires grand
jury and each member to disperse
mobs, and require mobs t o disperse
at their command under penalty,
makes members of mob punishable
for insulting or threatening grand jury
or any member there of, ar.d ms>k
V - I
“We have Tttree children. Before the
birth of the iasfcone my wife used four bot
tles of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had the
pictures of ourcfilldren, you could see at
a s ance that Hie last onc
is healthiest, prettiest and
finest-looking of them all.
My wife thinks Mother's .
Filend is the greatest
and grandest
world for expect- fU-'- . KSSS ,'/
Written by a Ken- rT
tucky Attorney-at
CD I Clll) P reven,s nine-tenths of the
till Lilli suf f crlu ? incident to child-
A uikpu M r th. The coming mother’s
disposition and temper remain uuruffled
throughout the ordeal, because this relax
ing, penetrating liniment relieves the
usual distress. A good-natured mother
is pretty sure to have a good-natured child.
The patient is kept in a strong, healthy
condition, which the child also Inherits.
Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II
assists in her rapid recovery, and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
Solitby druggists (or $1 a bottle.
Send for our free illustrated book written
expressly for expectant mothers.
a felony for mob or any member of
same to assault grand jury or any
member of same on account of then
6. Requires grand jury to meet
when there is occasion and to act as
may be necessary to secure and pro
tect violations of the law and prevent
mob violence and gives grand jury
authority over sheriff and deputies,
the constabulary and police, with
power to issue warrants, and makes it
penal for arresting officer not to act.
7. Provides that grand jury may
request special term of court and se
cure appointment of judge to preside,
bc> the governor if necessary.
8. Provides that such grand jury
may act at called terms.
9. Requires solicitor general to
attend called meeting of grand jury or
the attorney general or some other
solicitor general.
10. Provides that witnesses may
be summoned at once to attend call
ed terms, and for appointment ot
council in advvnce, and for trial at
that term if parties can get ready—
for taking down and transcribing pro
ceedings and evidence as case pro
ceeds, so as to have same ready when
case ends—for immediate hearing of
motion for new trial and immediate
hearing in supreme court.
11. Provides that pleas of present
insanity may, after hearing evidence,
be dismissed by court as in cases of
non-suit in civil cases.
12. Provides that no criminal case
shall be continued because of absence
01 leading counsel unless made to
appear that defendant cannot go safe
ly or justly to trial on account thereof.
13. That all indictments and spe
cial presentments of a grand jury may
be amended at any time in matters of
form or substance by the same or any
other grand jury of the county while
in regular session.
14. Provides for compensation of
judges, solicitor, grand jurors, sherifts,
stenographers and others, for extra
services and expenses.
15. Requires court to call especial
attention of every grand jury to this
act and repeols conflicting laws.
The law needs re-enthronement
rather than amendment. It needs
the moral support of all good men
and women, that it may command
the respect and obedience of the
"I have (tone 14 days at a time without m
movement of thn Imweli, not being able to
move them except b 7 using hot water injection*.
Chronic constipation for seven years placed me in
this terribie condition; during that time 1 did ev
erything I iieard of but never found any relief; such
was my cate until 1 began using C'AHCAUKTrf. I
now nave from one to three passages a day. and if I
was rich 1 would give 1100.00 for each movement; It
It such a relief.* A yuiiu L lim,
1 m Kussell til-. Detroit. Mich.
711A Of MAftft OfMTBItIO
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Bick*n, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 30c. 00c.
... cues CONSTIPATION. ...
tWrtiaf lMM*r tklMf*, iHUnI, It" Tut MJ
wicked oi races and all classes.
The troable is not in our judges.
While their salaries are too small, in
competency among them is rare and
corruption rarer, and the selection of
their successors is with the people.
Asa rule our jurors are our best citi
zens. The trouble is not in the bar.
Sometimes a lawyer may do more
than his duty to<his client to the prej
udice of public justice, but the in
stance is exceptionable. '
By the prevailance of the awful
crime referred to, we are subjected to
an ordeal from which those of other
states and countries are exempt. We
must not content ourselves, however,
with saying when they condemn us,
that we are as good as they; we must
prove that we. are better. We must
quit defending and excusing mob vio
lence and give it our unqualified con
demnation. We must quit defaming
the law and the courts and give them
our unqualified support.
That the negro is here and free and
enfranchised is not his fault, and to
hold the race entirely and individual
ly responsible for the crimes of their
most depraved is manifest injustice.
For selfish reasons if for no other they
must desire the enforcement of the
law in such cases, but when mob vio
lence prevails instead of law, we have
their acquiescence only instead of
their co operation.
Let us preach obedience to the
law from the pulpit and the platform,
in the newspapers and the schools; in
the city and village and on the farm
and above all in the home. As far as
possible let us drive out and keep out
of the state the manufacture, sale and
use of liquor, the author and promot
er of every species of crime and of
tener than otherwise the abettor of
the rape fiend and the mob. Crime
will not entirely cease, hut we will
have less of it and more of good will
among the races and among ourselves.
Progress in the great cause of law and
order will soon he followed by social
and industrial, moral and religious,
progress, and ere long the Southland
of Washington, Jefterson and Madison,
Davis, Lee and Jackson, will resume
its leadership among enlightened man
kind; not in the murder by mobs of
scores of offending savages at home,
nor in the slaughter by army and navy
of thousands of unoffending savages
in foreign lands, hut in the mainten
ance and control of that powerful but
unofficious government out forefathers
instituted to secure justice and peace
among the governed, tnd otherwise
to leave them to themselves and the
laws of God in the practice of philan
thropy and virtue and the pursuit of
temporal and eternal happiness.
The Cure that Cures /
' Coughs, (S
Colds, ,
I Grippe, fi
Whooping Cough, Asthma,
| Bronchitis and Incipient j
' Consumption, Is r
| The German remedy* {
' CwrttXhmt Wn
1 \n} ®\\
Of Days Long Cone By.
“I reckon the most excitin’ race
I ever see,” observed the man with
the faded hair, after an interval of
silence, according to the Chicago
Tribune, was between two Mississippi
river steamboats. The engineers
crammed the furnaces with bacon
and everything eke in the cargoes
that would make a hot fire. The
Prairie Rose was the name of one
boat and the Minnesota Belle was
the other, but everybody knowed it
was a race between the engineers, fur
the leason that they’d had a fight in
St. Louis once. I was on the Rose,
and we was chinnin’ the passengers
on the Belle. It wasn't more’n forty
feet i-way, and the boat that got
around the big bend first we knowed
would win the race—”
“Which got there first ?” asked one
of the listeners, tired of the oratory.
“Well, the engineer of the Minne
sota Belle got there first,” rejoined
the man with the faded hair. ”Or
parts of him did. His boiler explod
SxrarfWyßaAy’a HA."
I can cot. recommend' Pitts' Car
minative too strongly. I mast say,
| 1 owe my baby ’s-life to., it. .
! I earnestly ask all mothers who
have sickly or. delicate- children just
' to try one- bottle and' see what the
1 result will be. Respectfully,
, Jobnson's-Stationj G*.
' Pitta ' Oarmlnatfro
la mold byt mil flrawAfa.
PROFEssioaaj. cards.
Offlco hours, 10—ldl a. nu, 2-4 p. m.
lMiouc, Office 57,. lies. IYA
HyOffloe Huguley Building.
Barnes Wife, On.
Office In Holmes’ Hurl'd Hmiv over Rouss Racicet
Residence at Mrs. (atoaiudly’s on Forsyth
Street. Calls promptly attended day or night
In the city or ooiiiiti.y.
A Pierce Kemp, M. D.,
•©'Office ffiater Chambers Drug
Store. Office ’phone 44. Residence
Thomaston st, phone 51.
offlco at De. Head’s Residence on Greenwood,
Massago gilven to ladles at office or their own
residence. Calls answered promptly night or
day. t’hone (it.
Diseases of Women and Children
a Specialty.
OitTflCK, HtHTIIS9 a. in. to 11 a. in.; 3 p.m. to
4 !>. 111.; 7 )>. 111. to Bp. in.
ItOfiMmm'H ami ofllco at the Cant. K. J. Murnhey
plave. RHONE; 20,
W. B. SMITH, F. D.
V. B. SMITH, Leading Undertaker
Geo® ff, Jordan,
♦ 'M
Children’s Hair Cutting
A Specialty.
Dyeing and Shampooing, Good
Razors, Clean Linen, Twenty years
at the business. Artistic taste.
Call and see me. Next door to
Post Office.
The Barber.
St Germain Female Pills
The only original and genuine French-
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main, Paris. Unsurpassed as being
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Sold under positive guarantee of
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Price si.oo per box by mail. Solj
Agents for the United States and
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Clear*.# Biul beautifies ths hair,
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Never Fail* to Beatoro Oray
Hair to its Youthful Color.
jt-JmKA Cures arlp <l.*♦*■ A hair tall log,
[ 60c, andfl.fUat
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-a Positive Brucine fob Cboop.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It.artificially digests the food and aids
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structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It Is the latest discovered digest
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can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cure 9
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache,Oastralgia,Cramps,ana
all other results of imperfectdigeation.
Prepared by E. C. DeWIU A Cos., Chicago, A
Is Highly Recom
mended for Coughs,
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Soke Throat, Bbon
chitis. Asthma, Cough,
and All Diseases of