The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, July 13, 1899, Image 7

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    Proper Springs
for a buggy, surrey, or any side-bar vehicle are the
Thomas Coil Springs. As different from as they are better and easier than
plate springs. Make an old buggy comfortable —anew one luxurious.
HUSH are heartily endorsed by every one who has ever tried
/ V tbem. At any wheelwright’s, or we’ll supply you
/ \ direct. Full information mailed upon request.
~"*** The ItaffmU gprlu A Gear C., RaSiU, New York.
With the greatest pleasure we
give below an article which appeared
in the South Illustrated and which no
doubt will prove ©f interest to the
“Prominent among those who cast
their fortumes with the prog r ess and
development of Atlanta; and who
have gained fame and fortune with
its growth, are Ur. W. A. and Mrs
Rosa F. Mannish, M. D.
Dr. W. A. Monnish was born in
southern Germany, and comes from a
family of eminent surgeons and phy
sictans. His grandfather was a noted
surgeon and physician; an uncle was
court physician to the Grand Duke
of Mecklenburg. His father a prom
inent government official.
Dr. Monnish graduated at Atlanta
Medical College after which he at
tended the Royal Saxon Hospital
far women at Dresden, Germany, af
terwards taking another full course
at the Mew York Postgraduate Col
lege and Hospital. After returning
from Germany he associated himself
with the Private Sanitarium for Worn
en, established by Mrs. R. F. Mon
nish, M. D. His success has been
consistent with the growth of Atlanta,
munrtbering among his patients some
of its ibest citizens.
Mrs. Rosa F. Monnish enjoys the
distinction of being the first female
physician ever graduated and prac
ticing in the south. She graduated
in nBBu, afterwards attending a spec
ial course in Berlin, Germany, then
taking a post-graduate course in New
Yor-k. -She enjoys the reputation of
being'the most skillful female phy
sician iin the treatment o( the diseas
es of women, in the south. She es
tablished the first private sanitarium
for women in Atlanta, in 1884. Her
pa toon age is among the best and
most 'refined women in the south.
This sanitarium is situated in one
of-She most popular and healthy sec
tions >of Atlanta, is an elegant three
story stone structure (as shown by
cuti) fitted.up with all modern conven
iences and is the only institute in the
south where ladies exclusively are
treated and under the charge of a
competent, graduated experienced
German Remale Physician. This
has overcome a great obstacle, as
the most modest young ladies will
not feel the least hesitancy to consult
with and be treated by one of their
swn sex, which meets with the ap
proval of all refined and modest wom
en who naturally object to come in
contact with all classes and sexes
commonly met with in so-called
private infirmaries.
Patients remaining in the sanita
rium receive separate rooms and have
the strictest privacy combined with
pleasant refined surroundings and
all the comforts of a quiet home. A
branch office for the treatment ot
diseases of women, diseases of the
skin and nervous system, in charge ot
Dr. W. A. Monnish, is located in the
Chamberlin—Johnson Building cor
ner Whitehall and Hunter Sts.
Ladies requiring the services ot
the above physicians can address or
consult them at No. 3 Church St.
from 9am,to 6p m, all their cor
respondence and consultation is
treated strictly confidental.
DAQITTAMO secured. Mar deposit mnr
1 uOI I for tuition In hank till p><rtUon is
uutirviiu secured, or will accept nolo*.
Cheap board. Car fare paid. No vacation.
Eater any time. Open for both sexes.
Nashville, Teun. Av Savannah, Ga.
Calve*ton, Tei. 9 Texarkana, Tex.
Indorsed by merchants and bankers. Three
months' bookkeeping with us equals six. elsewhere.
All commer&si branches taught. For circulars explain
ing •• Home Study Course." address “ -Jepartment A,”
For college catalogue, address “ Department a 4
sa mu a m m and Whiskey Habit*
1111 ißj cured st home with-
UmAhHH b.m. wool.ley, m.d.
m #. mw >
Where He Was the Greatest.
A Detroit millionaire who spends
his summer vacation in a Northern
Michigan village loves to dazzle the
natives with his magnificence, says
the San Francisco Wave. He was
unfortunate to spoil a suite of clothes
out hunting and had recourse to the
local tailor for another outfit. There
was a great-to-do over the garments.
The entire town knew of the prep
arations. The millionaire’s measure
ments were obtained from his Detroit
tailor, and if fussiness were an availa
ble factor in clothes making the suit
should have been perfect. When
finished, however, the suit was skin
tight. The millionaire hastened to
the tailor and threatened a suit.
“Go ahead,” replied that function
ary, after listening to the tirade. “Sue
me—do. Didn't you give me Detroit
measurements?” “Yes,” returned
the irate customer. “Well, sir, I kin
bring ioo witness to prove you are a
durned sight bigger man up here than
you ever was in Detroit.”
PLANT LIFE, to be vig
orous and Wealthy, must
Phosphoric Add and Nitrogen.
These essential elements are
to plants, what bread, meat and
water are to man.
Crops flourish on soils well
supplied with Potash.
Our pampfalots itell how to buy and apply
fertilizers, to all.
93 Nassau St., New York.
“Remember, boys,” said the master,
“that in the bright lexicon of youth
there’s no such word as fail.”
After a lew moments a boy raised
his hand.
“Well what is it, my lad?” asked
the master.
“I was merely going to suggest,”
replied the youngster, “that it such is
the case, it would be advisable to
write to the publishers ot that lexicon
and call their attention to the omis
It's your own fault if you use old
fashioned, greasy salves and liniments
that soil your clothing and offend your
olfactories, when you can get that
very pleasant and stainless liquid, Dr.
Tichenor’s Antiseptic. It heals Cuts,
Burns, etc., quicker and with less suf
fering than anything. Only 50 cts. at
druggists and they like to sell it.
An English Peculiarity—“lsn’t San
Tomas an English town?” said Van
“Of course not,” replied Dinwiddie.
“It's a Philippine town. What made
you ask if it were English?”
“I noticed that the ‘h’ had been
dropped.”—Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It
is the newly discovered remedy, the 1
most effective preparation ever devis-,
ed for aiding the digestion and assim
ilation of food, and restoring the de
ranged digestive organs to a natural
condition. It is a discovery surpass- I
ing anything yet known to the medi
cal profession.
Dr. W. A. Wright,
L. H. Holmes, Barnesville.
An old deed unearthed at the
Rock Island offices in Topeka dis
closes the fact that at one time the,
Kansas river was known as the
“Camp” river and the bluffs at Kan
sas City as the “Foothills of the j
Rocky Mountains of Missouri.”
HmM Your Brweis With CuttNUi
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
loc,2*c. UC.C. C. UU, druggists refund nosey.
Moneu For Georgia Farmers*
That Georgia farmers should give
more attention to the beef and dairy
business is becoming to be such a
self-evident fact that it need hardly
be argued were it not that it is still
too much the habit to depend upon
the common scrub cattle instead of
increasing the breed, thus getting
more milk and more butter and a
better quality of both than is now
the rule in Georgia.
Colonel J. B. Killebrew, of the
Tennessee Agricultural department
in a recent article, discusses the mat
ter very intelligently and from which
this extract is taken and commended
to those interested:
“The most profitable methods
which could be employed in the
South would be for every farmer to
carry a few well bred cattle on his
farm for milk, butter and beef. The
steers should be fattened for market
at from three to four years of age. An
average of four well fattened beeves
sold each year from every farm, with
ioo acres in cultivation, would be a
source ot immense income to the
people of the Southern states, besides
adding to the fertility of the soil and
making the people independent of
outside supplies. There is no good
reason why such a course should not
be entered upon at once by the farm
ers and planters of the Southern
states. Wild grasses and forage
crops enough spring up and blossom,
fall and deca', which if converted
into beef, would add millions of dol
lars to the wealth of the country.
The wasted vegetable resources of
the south should be converted into
tangible wealth and this may be dor e
with a maxim profit by the raising of
cattle, for cattle, next to breadstufts,
are most universally in demand at
good prices. Never before was the
demand for good breeding stock bet
ter than it is now. Raise good stock
not scrub stock and the profit will be
certain and satisfactory.”—Evening
August Flower.
“It is a surprising fact,” says Prof.
Houton, “that in my travels in all
parts of the world, for the last ten
years, I have met more people having
used Green’s August Flower than any
other remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged
liver and stomach, and for constipa
tion. I find for tourists and sales
men, or for persons filling office posi
tions, where headaches and general
bad feelings from irregular habits ex
ist, that Green’s August Flower is a
grand remedy. It does not injure the
system by frequent use, and is excel
lent for sour stomachs and indiges
tion.” Sample bottles free at John
H. Blackburn’s.
Sold by dealers in all civilized
A pound of raw cotton is worth
about 5 cents. When it is spun and
woven into fabrics it is worth from 25
cents to sl, according to the figures
of a Boston correspondent of the New
Orleans Picayune. Massachuetts has
8,000,000 spindles, and annually
manufacturers 1.250,000 bales of cot
ton. This cotton she buys from the
south at 5 cents a pound. After she
has spun and woven this cotton she
sells a very large part it back to us at
25 cents to $1 a pound. That is
why Massachuetts is rich and Geor
gia is poor. “The South,” says the
Picayune, “hews the wood and draws
the water; it does the drudgery of
producing raw material for the North
to manufacture and get rich upon.
It is this which keeps the South
poor and always will, until the South
ern people shall manufacture their
own products.”
ffl U PIUS
Positively cared by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepdt,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating, A per.
feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, DrowsL
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
•mall Pill. Small Dom
•man Price.
A Weak Stomach, Sleepless, Nervous, Irratable Pains In
Chest and Stomach, Cured by
Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
Nearly every disease is the sign of
Poverty, either of the blood or of the
nerves. When the brain cells and
nervous tissues are used up faster
than they are repaired, not only the
brain and nerves, but every vital or
gan of the body cries out for help.
Headaches, neuralgia, heart disease,
nervous dyspepsia and liver and ktd
ney troubles ruu rampant in the help
less system, destroying whatever
strength remains until at last the
break-down comes and then
Dr. M le's Restorative Nervine is do
inga world of good for such weak,
nervous people, whose brain and body
are overtaxed, but who may yet be
saved from a state of indescriable
wretchedness, and restored to lives of
happiness and industry. By sooth
ing and strengthening the secretive
glands of the digestive organs it fa
cilitates digestion and assimilation,
while the nervous system is rapidly
built up again and put to work with
out confusion, thus bringing all the
important organs into harmony and
restoring perfect health.
In the following letter Mir. 11. L.
Redman, 80 1-2 E. Main St., Meriden,
Conn., tells liow her health was res
tored; “For several months I suffered
For Lasses
If you lose your ann go to an
If you lose your sole go to a shoe
If you lose your dollars use your
It you lose your heart take cour
If you lose a hand hire another.
It you lose your reputation get
a funeral sermon preached in advance.
A Strong Fortification.
Fortify the body against disease
by Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso
lute cure for sick headache, dys
pepsia, sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious
ness and all kindred troubles.
“The Fly-Wheel of Life”
Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are
the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever
be grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had anew lease of life.
J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
Not in Hoyle—“We might as well
leave the islands and settle some
where else,” remarked the Samoan.
“We may come out all right in the
end,” answered the neighbor, hope
“Impossible. There isn’t any way
of conducting the game that will make
a pair of kings beat three consuls.”—
Washington Star.
J. A. Schear, of Sedalia, Mo., saved
his child trom death by croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, la grippe
and all throat and lung troubles.
Dr. W. A. Wright,
L. H. Holmes, Barnesville.
Gastronomic Preference—“ Did you
hear what Dicky said?”
“What was it?”
“He said he likes meat better than
any other vegetable except ice
cream.” —Puck.
We heartily recommend Dr. Hath
away & Cos., of Atlanta, Ga., as be
ing perfectly reliable and remarkably
successful in the treatment of chronic
diseases of men and women. They
cure where others fail. Our read
ers, if in need of medical help should
certainly write these eminent doctors
and you will receive a free and ex
pert opinion of your case by return
mail without cost; this certainly is
the right way to do business. They
guarantee their cures. Write them
to day.
very seriously from extreme nervous
uess. My sleep was broken, my appe
tite fai'ed me and I wan threatened
with nervous prostration. I could
scarcely endure the slighest noise about
the house; my nerves were completely
unstrung, and distressing pains across
the stomach and in the chest made life
to me a miserable existence. My nights
were long and tiresome and 1 was
obliged to refrain from all efforts of any
character. 1 began taking Dr. Miles’
Restorative Nei-me and the first night
slept soundly a 1 night. I can truth
fully say that Dr. Miles’ Nervine cured
me and I recommend it to the suffering
“It is with pleasure that I write of the
benefits I have received from the use of
Dr. Milos’ Nervine and the Anti-Pain
Pills. I have suffored for sor six years
from a serious nervous trouble for which
I doctored continually, hut could (iml
nothing that would do me any good un
til I got a bottle of Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
It helped me right away and since I be
gan taking it my health has improved
wonderfully and my nervous trouble has
been cured. I would advise anyone
who hns nervous trouble to givo Nervine
a trial for I know it will givo satisfac
tion. I use Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
in my family for head ache or any aches
or pains and they give good results at
Mus. ANNIE Bit an non, Rosi uc, Ky.
About four years ago 1 was taken with
nervous prostration. The doctor was
The Bull and the Bed Wagon.
Two triends of his set out to find a
certain tr jut stream in a wild region
twenty miles from San Francisco, says
Forest and Stream.
Riddle had imported from Boston
a light express wagon, with the gear
painted bright red. A part of the
route led them across a pasturage for
wild cattle, and their first intimation
of mischief was the bearing down up
on them of the whole herd, headed by
a bull, pawing the ground and bellow
“Ward,” said Riddle, “that fellow
means mischief. We must run for it.”
The men whipped up the horse and
tried to escape, but it was useless;
down came the drove. The bull
charged the wagon, and threw the
men and their belongings to the
ground. Then, for protection, they
crawled under the vehicle, and the
bull battered away at the wheels.
It happened that Riddle’s gun had
landed within reach. He crawled
from under the wagon, slipped in two
cartrides, and the bull, at his next
charge, was amazed at receiving a
couple of charges of shot in the face.
The drove stampeded at the report,
and the bull followed, shaking his
head, evidently in great surprise at
the tendency of red wagons to go out
in that disagreeable manner.
The tw’o fishermen returned to
town, one with his arm in a sling and
the other very much battered about
the face. The wagon was immediate
ly painted a sober green.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm
of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speak
ing of Dr. King’s New Discovery, says
that last winter his wife was attacked
with La Grippe, and her case grew o
serious that physicians at Cowden and
Pana could do nothing for her. It
seemed to develop into Hasty Con
sumption. Having Dr. King’s New
Discovery in store, and selling lots ot
it, he took a bottle home, and to the
supprise of all she began to get bet
ter from first dose, and half dozen dol
lar bottles cured her sound and well.
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds is guar
anteed to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at W. A. Wright's
Drug Store.
What he Wanted—War Hero: All
right, I will accept your offer of $ j ,000
for an article. What shall I write
Magizine Editor: Oh, about nine or
ten pages.—Chicago News.
Don’t Xcglcct Yoar Liver.
Liver troubled quickly result in serioua
implications, and the man who neglect* bis
ver has little regard for health. A bottle
>t Browns’ Iron Hitters taken now ami then
/ill keep the liver in perfect order. If the
isease has developed, Browns' Iron Hitters
/ill cure It permanently. Strength arid
dtality will always follow its q*e.
irowus’ Iron Hitters is sold by all dealers.
called, and while ho got me on my feet
I was very weak, faint and altogether
out of sorts. 1 finally got a bottle of
Df. Miles’ Nervine and 1 began to rest
bettor and gain strength almost from
the first and >se. I received great benefit
from the use of Nervine and can recom
mend it highly for nervous 'roubles and
weak, inn down conditions.”
Mns. Dow llkaoi.e, Singling, N. Y.
Sampe treatment
A trial package of Dr.
Miles’ favorite treatment, con
sisting of Dr. Miles’ Restora
tive Nervine, Dr. Miles’ Anti-
Pain Pills and Dr. Miles’
Nerve and Liver Pills will be
sent absolutely free of cost to
any person who will send
name and address on a postal
card, requesting the samples,
and mentioning name of this
paper to
Dr. Miles Medical Cos.,
Elkhart, Ind,
A Rational Argument.—“ You once
said you would die for me, Jonas, and
now you refuse to cut the grass.”
“That’s perfectly logical, Minerva. If
I died for you I’d be done with it r
but if I mow the glass once you’ll
make me do it every two weeks.”
Chicago Record.
Botanic Blond Bali
<B. B. B.) CURES 4
SYMPTOMS. If you have either pimple*,
pelnful awolllug*, ulcere, or rauooui patch**
In throat or mouth, core eye* or noee, Blow
(Recharge from the care, copper-colored epot*
(sometime* the epot* are red or pink), aoree on
the back, or ulcore on lega, color bad, akin 1 tehee
and burna, bolla, aching bonea, foot or handa
puff up end awell, hair and eyobrowa fall out,
then you hare blood polaon, either acquired or
Inherited. Bogin taking Botanic Blood Balna
(K.H.H.) at once at any atage of tho dlaeaae, and
in one to alz montha the polaon will lie driven out
of the entire ayatem, and a cure will reeull. dll
the symptom* will gradunlly disappear, and yon
will be happy once more. K. B. B. (Botanic
Blood Balm) Is a thoroughly tested, powerful
blood remedy, and the only remedy that drive#
the poison out of the blood, bones and entire
system, eliminating every trace of the dlaeaae.
Patient* cured 20 year* ago by Blood Balm are
perfectly well and happy to-day. Botanic Blood
Balm (B.B.B.) does not contain vegetable or
mineral polaon, end act* aa a fin* tonic, building
up the broken down constitution. For sale by
druggist*. Large bottle# |l, all (full treatment)
for gi. Unclose 2 alamo* to pay poatage and
Free Trial Bottle aent, all charge* prepaid.
Describe symptoms, and peraonal free medical
advice wHI be given.
Addreee, Blood Bairn Cos , Atlanta, Georgia.
The Humor of Hitt Schools.
Says the Philadelphia Record:
“The examinations in the public
schools this month have been as
usual, productive of a crop ol funny
answers to questions in the various
lines of study. Among the funny re
sponses were three made by young
scholars, who were examined in geo
graphy. The question was. ‘De
scribe a savage,’ One little boy wrote
that a savage is a person who wears
no clothes except underclothes;, an
other answer was: ‘The savage is
black and wears only a rag; while the
third response was: “A savage doesn't
wear anything except hair and a feath
er stuck in it.’ A class that was be
ing exam ned in ; ua mony was asked
to describe a body. There were va
rious laughable answers submitted,
but the most amusing description was
the following, given by a 12 year-old
girl who had in mind an article of
wear: ‘A body is something to hold
up the panties.”
The Canadian Remedv for all
Larub Bottles. 25 on,
Prop's Pessv Davis' PaiihKiu.i*.
ros ssls mr