The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, August 24, 1899, Image 1

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THE BARNESVILLE GAZETTE. VOL. 32 SUBSCRIPTION SI.OO WE HAVE MOVED, ROUSS RACKET STORE TO SMITH BUILDING, J Cor. Main & Forsyth Streets, . Barnesville, Ga., Jt Where we will be glad to welcome all our old and new customers, and with a larger building, bigger stock and Better Prices we hope to serve you better than in the past j* The trading public have kindly pronounced the “Racket store' 1 the most popular place in Barnesville, it will ba more attractive m the days to come. Being tae sentative of i Charles Broadway Rouis, New York gives us advantages no other merchant ca| have- We have a man in Mew York twelve months in the year. #Wl#ill quote you peerless prices in next issue. Thankful for the past, hopeful for the future. * J. R. DEfIVOURS. Prop. PHONE 32. MONROE COLLEGE, . X rORSTTH, Qrt. X REV, A. A. MARSHALL, D. D„ President. ! Courses in Literature, Science, Art and Music. IndustrJ-| 1 Department gives free instruetkm in various industrial ar ! and domestic sciences. Business course prepares girls ! commercial and business positions. Full Normal course for W teachers Advantages in Music, Art and Elocution unsur passed. Board at actual cost. This school is owned by the Georgia Baptist Convention, and is run for the public good, and not for mere private gain. Its aim is to bring the ad vantages of hie-her education within the reach of all. COST OF BOARD, FUEL. LIGHTS AND FULL LITERARY TUITION WLLL NOT EXCEED 5125. FOR WHOLE SCHOLASTIC YEAR. Solendid new Dormitory with all modern improvements. Write for Catalogue to REV. A. A. MARSHALL, Forsyth, Ga. Meeting Of the Woman’* Club. Place—Library Room. Time— Wednesday, August 30 th, 4 p. m. PROGRAM. ' T*sper—What to Read. Discussion. Paper—How to Read. Discussion. Paper—Mother and Child in the Library. Discussion. These papers will be presented by ladies and discussion will dp open to tlie club. Every meroocr jWged present and all -other ladies of the win cordially invited, f Up Again. Mr. William H. Rogers, who has been sick at his home on Holmes street for the past week, is up and at business again. He had a light case ' of fever and his friends are glad of his i recovery. I BuCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. r.y*• ' - *V'j' v - ’ A:J ' * -v- • The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tette*, r Chappedf Hand* Chilblains Corns, and aU Skin Erup tion*, and positively’ cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price *5 cents per box for sale by W. A. Wright. ♦BARNESVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23,1899. fill TERM RNHOUHOEMEHT. fall term of Gordon Institute will begin on Monday ;S<?[?Rth. The following changes will be made: In the in fen§|&iate department, MisS Milner having resigned, her pla|eMill be taken by Miss Turner, and Miss Turner’s place Mc.Xullough. Mrs Rogers will remain at the head of th|s%unary Miss Stewart will have charge department of the public school. Mr. Swatts TOlJsbmlmie as instructor of the Cadet Band and Mrs. Not jjn|hfm will be. at the head of the Music department. Miss as instructress in Elocution and head of the jßpficaT Culture class. 'Mlluition for the fall term will be $550 in the Primary and fflfermediate classes and $6.00 for Collegiate classes. This advance in tuition was absolutely necessary to kfeep out of debt but it is yet much lower than any scmapl offe like character in the state. The people of w|o have never yet failed, are confidently called on 'W® agalflr to the support of the Institute bv sending promptly on the first day. . B\®rdfer of the board of trustees. B. M. Turner, JIU W. Stafford secretary * President. M. Pound states that the outlook for the A great many applications for catalogues in fact more than have ever been received beta*; dEvery week there are from twenty five to fifty let ters rlMvpd by President Pound, asking for catalogues or othej-WoifhaHon and this is considered exceedingly encour aging. V lt is higly probable that the opening of the fall term will be finest Gordon Institute ever had. Let every cit izen staid by President Pound and the school in all its inter est. 7 ' . ■ Old Oil Hill Burns Lastl Saturday morning about i x o’clock re alarm was given and immediateljNlhe old oil mill was seen to be in almost** solid blaze. The fire company responded promptly, but the bejßt4hat could be done was to save thdfWrounding buildings. The old jppase was several times on fire out it .was put out. The Georgia Bader wear Mill, which was right at got so hot that the glass brokljphtie windows, but no other Was done. The under wear min large hose and kept a big stflm playing on the fire all the tirne^JHnuh was quite effec tive, and the’■Bompanies had two streams on The building was old and lgry djjHffd it burned rapid ly. It of Dr. M. A. Clark of MaiMjiSnd contained con siderable macHvy, but it was not in use. It is that there was any it was a heavy ■risk. ler and A. J. York City last heir two “Big' on September de firm will wake larnesville. It Ikying cheap, ph always at may look out and to date mer r store is one intry, and it is in. They are ;y never fail to of the public bases are to be ? firm like The o any city. The Conference of the CongregatSp.Methodist church will convene ®Jfilrer on Thursday, September ythfcf 10:30 a. m. No #bubt there wWfamany people in attendance fromfkc surrounding com munity asidefrljphe delegates present from diftyerft raKtyns of the state. FOR OVjIIFTV YEARS Mrs. WiysijMps Soothing Syrup has been .Rteedj||over fifty years by millions of%ioq|e® for their children while teething. Ah perfect success. It soothes du:M!||Mta|>ftens the gtims, allays aWpain, T*KW|iml colic and is the will relievd, flSlfJktle sufferers iroUiutel>3j^Kjf.Druggists in ever/ pm oTthetworWat *5 cent* a bottle. Be surk ask for Mrs Winslow’s i no other \ , Marriage at Xebnlon. Beautifully engraved invitations bearing the following have been re ceived by friends In Barnesville: “Mrs. IViley M. Redding requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Trumie, to Mr. Hartford L. Green, on Tuesday evening, September filth, at 8 o’clock, at Baptist Church, Zebulon, Ga. n Mr. Green and Miss Redding are well known in Barnesville, where they have frequently visited and this an- nouncement is received with great interest., Miss Redding is a most ! lovely young lady, whose genuine worth is most appreciated by those who best know her. Mr. Green is an excellent young man, with a future of promise before hirtx and Turn Ga zette joins with a host of friends here and throughout this section who will extend' warmest congratulations to both these young people. Dr. Pierces Favorite PRESCRIPTION Hakes weak women strong 'j me great \ Temperance Remedy E. A. STEPHENS, ATTORNEY-A* LAW BARNESVILLE, - GA. %T~ltO*tu Negotiated. ■ ATTENTION LADIES !1!® !-f .*;i.l Hare Jit tatted: THe Best Manulacturers; PERFUMpg An Elegant Line ot Hankerchief Extracts, TOILET ARTICLES, PERMADEs AND ■ 's4 FACE POWDERS! Thfe Ladies are cordially invited to call and examine this Sweet Bouquet of Rare Flowers. Yours to*serve day or night. JNO. H.BLACKBURN, Druggist. •T" ■!." ■■■' ■ U.-U-L-.'JBISLSI" JM nriTr r, rn branch stores.,,,' • M. Dil I L CL l)U. J- tl. BATE Sc GO, Marrletta.G* BATE JEWEIRY GO, flnnlsto n, ft BarncsvlllGi G3* * muncy * When you want DIAMONDS,, When you want WATCHES, When'you want JEWELRY & WATCH-ES [REPAIRED When you want MEDALS, CLASS PINS, When you want a BICYCLE, When you want SUNDRIES, ** When yon want ANYTHING in the JEvVELRY LINE, Sec us before buying. X X X star OLD GOLD AND JiOTIGHT Buy your spectacles ana eye glasses from us so if they need any changing afterward we are right here to do it. See the Point? J. H- BATE-, & OCX. nIF w 7 T ] mm* 1 On the way to MORRIS JACOBS’ GLEfIRINGSfILE. All Ladies' Misses’ and Children’s Slippers at Cost! All these goods are new and new styles, but don’t intend to carry them over, have only a few pair of a kind. All summer piece goods in Organdies, Lawns Muslins, Dimities, Piques, and Percales AT COST. All Summer Uunderwear, Ladies' and Men’s AT GOST. In fact I don’t intend to carrv over goods. ***P. S. Don’t fail to call for a key to the money box with evec>‘s 1.00 purchase. NO. 33