The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, August 31, 1899, Image 4

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"fc&nvesmWe, Saaette, BARNESVJLLE. GA, THURSDAY, AUGUST ji, 1899. m> COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONS. At a meeting of the board of edu cation held in July Mr. Edward El der, County School Commissioner, stated that in view of certain state ments reflecting upon his administra tion currently circulated, he desired to submit a complete itemized state ment with books and vouchers to the board for full investigation. At subsequent meetings held by tie board this investigation has been in progress and terminated YVednes dhy ot last week. The board found that all the money received by the commissioner has been accounted for as shown by the books and vouchers and they were found to be correct. The investigation took a broad and general scope and covered the admin istration of all school matters, which were subjebted to rigid scrutiny. The general administration of Mr. Elder as brought out was most creditable to him and to the county and demon strated his faithful and intelligent supervision. It showed that in the matter of school buildings and equip ment Pike had made marked im provement, and it now ranks in this particular as the seventh county in the state, excluding from the com parison the city counties. It was also shown that the school aflairs were so managed that Pike county had more children enrolled according to its school population and the largest average attendance as compared with the enrollment of any of the nine counties surrounding Pike county. In the matter of payment of teachers and other claims for this year and last year in the total dis bursement of about $19,000, Mr. Elder claimed, and showed by sum mary presented in evidence, that fully 90 per cent was paid out within 15 days from the date the money was received, 5 per cent additional within 30 days and the balance beyond 30 days witlf explanation in detail for such delayed payments, and with ex planation submitted for his interpre tation of the law regulating monthly payments which only involved the partial payment on March 1899, a very small percentage of the entire amount. In this matter of payment to teachers, while the majority of the board acknowledged general prompt - ness, they thought there had been neglect in payment to some teachers and for these payments it was their judgement that Mr. Elder should be censured. In all other items canvassed by the board in the investigation, the major ity of the board voted a complete vindication and they hold him in highest esteem and believe he has by his supervision proven his efficiency and faithfulness. Two members of the board, Messrs. Barrett and Smith, were not satisfied with the decision reached by the ttta jority of the Board, Messrs. Beau champ, Turner and Howell, and there is prospect that the two members not satisfied will appeal. There appears to be no good reason why there should -be any appeal as the board here at home has given a most protracted, deliberate and rigid investigation of the matters involved, and their judge ment should be accepted. The fact of the business is, it seems to be a prevailing opinion among some people that the fight on Mr. Elder is made with the purpose of getting him out of the office to make room for another. The school situa tion in Pike county shows that Mr. Elder has made one of the best com missioners in Georgia. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS A Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. I It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferers fcnmediately. Sold by Druggists in •yery part of the world at 25 cents a tattle. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow’s So'Hhing Syrup, and take . other kind. Preaching Services Sunday. Preaching services were held Sun day in all the churches of Barnesville. Rev. W. S. Stevens, pastor of the Methodist church, was away on a va cation, but his pulpit was filled at both services by Rev. B. H. Tram mel, whose sermons were listened to attentively by good congregatious. Rev. F. R. Graves preached two good sermons at the Presbyterian church, this being one of his regular days there. Dr. J. M. Brittain, who has just returned from a very enjoyable vaca tion, was warmly welcomed by the congregations at the Baptist church and his sermons were a source of much pleasure to all who heard them. • State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) I.ucas County. j" ss ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the setiior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney & Cos., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. I). 1886. j~j A.YV. GASLON, i —j Notary Public- Jlalls* Catarrh Cure is taken intern, ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of E. F. Martin lately deceased, are requested to make payment at once and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them for settlement. B. I). Martin, Executor. Milner, Ga., Aug. 9, 1899. 4t “Labor Day Celebration, Atlanta, Ga., September 4th, ’99” The Cen tral of Geargia Railway will sell ex cursion tickets on half rate, to Atlanta Ga., and return; September 3rd and 4th, limited to September sth, 1899 returning. CITY MARKET CO. New Firm; New Style of Doiug Business. We have opened in the store for merly occupied by W. B. Veal a first class, up to date in every respect market business, where we will keep on hand at all times fresh meats of every description, fish, oysters, etc. We except by strict attention to the wants of the people to merit a goodly share of the public patronage. RESTAURANT. We will run in connection with our market a first class restaurant, and with the very best the market affords, good cooks, polite waiters and our personal attention, to give the public generally what has long been needed —a first class restaurant. Meals at all hours. City Market Cos. FOR SALE OR RENT. My farm one mile from Piedmont. E\cellent improvements with plenty water, great variety of fruit. For further information apply to, Mrs. Mattie A. Dickey. Piedmont, Ga. TO CLEANSE THE l\ r STEM Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds, or fevers, use Syrup of Fig*, made by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Cos. Dr. Hunt Preaches Sunday. Dr. Rolfe Hunt, pastor trt the Congregational Methodist church will preach in the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon next aft 3 o'clock. All are invited to attend the service. a BuCK.I.EN S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhemr., Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price-a 5 cents pffbox fbr sale by W, A. Wright on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System v EFFECTUALLY Dis£ £ clldS'^'-^hes®^ OVERCOMES ljrf& h4BITUALC^S T,PAT,ON ' 1 UMU PERMANENTLY BUT VHt GENUINE - MAH'F 0 BY <SUf?RNIA|TG,SYRVP(B ros uu en mi bbusmti mmx toe kb cottil Petition for Charter. Georgia ( To the Honorable Super- Pike County f ior Court of said Ceunty. The petition of ,1. M. Pound, G. E. Huguley, W. B. Smith, A. Pierce Kemp, F. M. Stafford, Otis A. Murphey, B. H. llardy, J. It. Deavours, J. Q. Nash, G. F. Olipliaut. Mrs. Otis A. Murphey, Mrs. J. F. Neeley, Mrs. J. L. Kennedy, Mrs. W. A. Prout, Mrs. E. L, Rogers, Mrs. W. B. Smith, Mrs. J. C. Collier, Mrs. W. M. Howard, Mrs. C. O. bummers, Mrs. J. W. Reeves and Mrs. A. M. Lambdin respectfully shows unto this honorable court that they and their successors in office desire and petition to he incorpor ated as the Barnesville Library Associa tion, situated and located in the Town of Barnesville, Pike County, Georgia, witli the right to sue and be sued, to purenase and sell, lease or rent real es tate, for the purpose and use .of said Library Association. Petitioners also ask for power and au_ t-n ity to buy, lease or ren t and to sub scribe for such hooks, periodicals, jour nals, papers, and other literature such as they desire or wish for the ue an< l benefit sa > ( l Library Association. The Barnesville Library Association is not o r S an ' z ed for the purpose of gain or profit, hut for the pleasuro of peti tioners and Hie benefit of the citizens of tlie town of Barnesville. Petitioners ask for power and author ity to adopt such constitution and by law's within the scope of their charter, as they may deem necessary to conduct and manaire said Libray Association. And petitioners pray the court to grant the foregoing application for charter when tin; law in such cases lias been complied with. JOHN F. REDDING, Petitioners Att’y. All Old Negro Dies. Solomon Jones an old negro was 109 years old, died at his home in Barnesville a few days ago. His wife survives him at the age of 97 years. Few people live to be so old as these two. T* My Customers. My shop has been closed but is now open. I have a first class Bar ber. Call and sec him. lam im proving and hope be out soon. P. M. Edwards, • The Barber. A TEXAS WONDER. hall's great discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures Diabetis, Seminal Emissions, weak and lame backs. Rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of sl. One small bottle is two month's treatment and will cure any case above men tioned. E. W. Hall. Sole manufacturer. St. Louis, Mo, formerly Waco, Tex. Sold by W. A. Wright, Bamesville. READ THIS. Temple Texas. April 16,, 1899. — I have used Hall’s Great Discovery for bladder and kidney trouble, and ; would not take a thousand dollars for the benefit received from using one bottle. I feel that I am per manently cured. W. R. Tyler, D. D. S., Formerly of Bamesville. Any druggist will sell you a bottle 6f Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic for 50c. and tell you what it is good for free of -charge and “donYyou forget it.” MIDDLE GEORGIAS • * Leading Merchants. J. 6. COLLIER GO.. Barnesville, Ga. Our buyers are now in new York City buying heavily in all lines. No merchant in any small lown will be able to compete with us now, All merchandise will be bought in case lots, as our two stores can easily handle any size case and this is a saving of Ten To Twenty Five Per Cent. we are well prepared to go into a cut-price war and you can look out for the greatest war in the DRY GOODS trade that has ever occurred in Barnesville, MILLINERY. This department, as usual in the past, will be well cared for Miss Rogers, of Atlanta, Ga., a young lady of six years experience will trim for us. She comes well recommended and we assure the trade that they can rely on millinery work of the latest style. Watch our store this season as surprises that will be shocking to our competitors are being prepared. J. C. Collier Cos. Barnesville’s Only Department Store. MILNER’S GINNERY m Barnesville, Ga, Milner’s Ginnery is ready for the cotton season* All the. Machinery Oyer Hauled and the Best Sample and Best Turnout Guaranteed, I have presse for packing the SQUAre and Round Bale Whichever the customer may want, Bring me all your Cotton and I will give you prompt satisfactory service, . • ''v : ' ; J Warehouse Facilities. • I will run a warehouse this season on the lot next to my ginnery. Only 1o cents a bale charged the farmer for weighing, Mr. Fayette Bush is scalesman and Mr. W. H. El lington salesman. We have every facility for advancing your interests by dealing with us. Let us handle vour cotton. lam also prepared to pay the highest market price for cotton seed and want to buy all seed brought to Barnesville. I solicit your patronage, J. B. P. niLNER. Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced, at the next session of the Georgia legislature, a bill to amend the charter of the town of Bamesville as follows: To change the corporate name of said town from “The Mayor and Council of Barnes ville” to “The City of Bamesville, ’’ and to grant the corporate authorities of said town power as follows; to in crease the term of imprisonment or j penal servitude for the violation of ‘ordinances from 30 days to 90 days; to establish a board of commissioners to control and operate the water works and electric light plant; to col lect dues for water and lights by issu ing fi fas instanter, as for taxes; and to punish trespassers upon the prop er) - of the city’s water works and electric plant, for damage thereto, or pollution of water within one mile of the corporate limits. Aug. 25, 1899. The Mayor and Council of Barnesville. The girl is the mother ot the woman just as “the boy is the father of the man.” The period when the womanly functions begin is one to be caretully watched and considered. Irregular ity or derangement at this time may be promptly met and cured by the use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescrip tion. But neglected at the critical period may entail years of future suf fering. “Favorite Prescription” acts directly upon the womanly organs giving them perfect vigor and abun- Idant vitality. It removes the obstruc -1 tions to health and happiness and de livers womanhood from the cruel bond age of “female weakness.” You pay the postage. Dr. Pierce’s gives you the book. The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, 700 illustrations is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray cost ot mailing only. Send 21 one cent stamps for the paper bound book or 3 1 stamps for cloth bound. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CAMTOIIZA. S Mnt fe _jf Tri Kim! Yw Hiw Untji BcugM J. C. COLLIER, F. M. STEPHENS, A. J. STEPHENS. 6oilier-stepHens Go.. NEWNAN.GA. , j Laundry Moved. John Lee, the laundryman, has moved his laundry establishment to the little house on Zebulon street just opposite Smith's coffin house. Carry him your laundry there and he will do you good work. Farm For’Sale. 195 acres of land 3 miles east of Barnesville on Forsyth road. A good 6 room dwelling, good barn, 3 good tenant houses. Terms and price rea sonable. Titles perfect. B. F. Perdue. Tonr Work Solicited. I solicit electrical work, wiring ho'ises, replacing fixtures, etc. Calls answered promptly and satisfactory work done. I carry a good line at electric supplies. j Garland Seamans. J Arc Tear KMwfi • J Dr. Ho* Scn< ttllMarcaU Mdney Hi*. A pkfr** Add. SvptUdc H.mrdy Cos. C*le*o * nTT.