The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, August 31, 1899, Image 5

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Just Received at Wright's Drug Store The latest styles m Box Paper, Tablets, Invitation Cards, Envelopes, and every thing in the Stationary line, with prices to suit the times. Our line of Druggist Sundries is complete and of the best quality. We are proud of our Prescription depart ment and. keep it up-to-date in every respect. vVe would be glad to fill your Prescriptions day or night. Yours Respectfully, W. A. Wright Day Phone 30. Night Phone 21 JN BAALIM is always ready To bring you a load of the nicest, freshest and best groceries, and at cheapest prices. He brings them from Jno. T. Middle brooks —(no where else can he get the quantity and quality to suit his customers); he never has any kicking because his house guarantees satisfaction, and never does any kicking at the size of the load 1 but likes better to have a large one; he likes foryou to see how much he can pull. The only time he kicks is when you fail to give an order for him to deliver. He is the ONLY RELIABLE BAALIM, and represents one of the MOST RELIABE HOUSES in the city. If you are not patronizing him a trial will convince you that you will be pleased both in goods and promptnees in delivery. Call or send your orders to JOHN T. MIDDLEBROOKS. The Live Grocer, U Need a Biscuit! i!f it you Don’t, wmo Does? Get .your good things from us during chautauqua and include in your order a,package of Uneeda Biscuit—they are alright- We will receive daily during chautauqua week Frssh Vegetables of all Kinds# also, Pineapples, Peaches, Cherries, Plums, etc., Plenty of Chickens, eggs and butter, too. Yours to please, GRAY the Grocer. ELLIOTT SCO. This store is growing more popular each day. The foundations are laid on the solid rock of truth. When we make you a promise we keep it. our location and way of doin#. business allows us to name lower than usual prices Give us the pleasure of a call. Yours for Business, M. M. ELLIOTT & COMPANY. P. S. Bring us your sweet potatoes, eggs, chickens, etc. INSURANCE | | INSURANCE. If you Need Insurance, call on me. An exper - *. ience of nearly fifteen years in the business guaran tees that your policy will be correctly written. Personal attention given to all adjustments therecv insuring prompt and equitable settlements, and with a home man. Your business is respectfully solicited. OTIS A. MURPnEY. INSURANCE. Another nice dwelling on' street. Call quick. — FOR RENT—The Dozier place on Holmes street. T. W. Cochran. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chambers spent Sunday with relatives in Milner. Mrs. Jerald of Newnan, Ga., is in the city a guest of the family of Judge W. A. Prout. Mr. C. Gainer Turner spent Sun day in Macon with the family ot Col. C. A. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Hightower returned Monday from a pleasanfvisit with friends in Forsyth. Mrs' E. A. Stephens returned Sat urday from a visit to relatives in Mc- Donough, her former home. Mrs. J. C. Butner and her two bright little children, of Savannah,are with Mrs. J. M. Henderson. Col. J. J. Rogers and Senator J. F. Redding have attended superior court in Forsyth this week. Card engraving and wedding invi tations. Quality, style and prices guaranteed. J. H. Bate & Cos. Miss Corinne Elder is on a very pleasant visit to triends in Dalton,Ga., where she expects to remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Minhinnett left Tuesday for Rosweil, Ga, where they go to visit’ a relative who is quite sick. Mrs. C. T. Tyler and daughter, Minnie, returned Saturday from a very enjoyable visit with friends in Thom as ton. Mr. and Mrs. Otis A. Murphey went to, Indian Spring last week to remain some days at that famous summer resort. Mrs. J. D. Williamson returned to her home in Waco, Tex., last week, after an extended visit with her Geor gia friends and relatives. Judge W. A. Frout went to Atlan ta Monday to remain a few days visit ing relatives. Mrs. Prout has been there for some days also on a visit. Mrs. Harry Briggs returned a few days ago from a visit to relatives in Newnan, her former home, where she had quite an enjoyable time. Miss Susie Brown returned Monday from Locust Grove, where she has been teaching for some time. She is a graduate of Gordon Institute. Miss Alma Salbide of Newnan,Ga., is in ihe city, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Hawry Briggs. She will no doubt have a pleasant visit in Barnesville. The adult scalp should be thorough ly washed occasionally to remove the oily particles, then apply Hall's Hair Retvewer to give the hair a -natural color. Mr. A. L. Mills returned last Satur day from Baltimore where he has been for some weeks past. His friends heartily welcome his return to Barnes viile. Messrs. Robert Middlebrooks and Merritt Thurman went to Indian Spring last Saturday to stay a tew days and attend the Holiness camp meeting. Rev. W. S. Stevens returned Mon day from his vacation and has taken up again the duties of the pastorate ot the Methodist church. He was away about two weeks. Mrs. Mattie Merritt and children, Mary and James, of Gainesville, have been in Barnesville for several days, on a visit with relatives and friends. They once lived here and are very highly esteemed by all the people of Barnesville. Don’t throw away tii&t -sample bot tls of Dr. Tichenor* A®tisepttc be cause it cost you nothing. It is too good to be wasted. Nothing like it for cuts, burns, nail punctates, inflam ed eyes, sore throat, etc. Internally it cures colic, diarrhoea and flux. Mr. L. H. Pattillo, of Macon, special deputy of the Knights of Da mon, a strong fraternal insurance company, is in the city this week. Mr. Pattillo is a very pleasant gentle man and is well known throughout the state. For years he was connec ted with the Macon Telegraph. BICYCLES GIVEN AWAY:—I am offering one new high grade bicy cle in every county in Georgia tor a little pleasant work. No one ha* taken up the bicycle in Pike county nor in the adjoining counties. Any boy or girl, lady or gentleman, can easily do the work. Write at once to J. E. Smith, Monticello, Fla, '“What might have been” —if that little cough hadn’t been neglected— is the sad reflection of thousands of consumptives. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds. Dr. W. A. Wright, L, H. Holmes, Bamesviile. Milner. A diseased stomach surely under urines health. It dulls the brain, kills •energy, destroys the neivous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspestic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of .cases and is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can t (help curing. Dr. W. A. Wright. L. H. Hoi.mes, Barnesville. Milner. f At Home Again. Mr. Frank M. Stafford and his mother, Mrs. J. W. Stafford, who was with him at Porter Springs, returned Insane last Thursday. Mr. Stafford was quite sick while there, and was quite weak when he returned home but he has been improving and is rapidly regaining strength. F.verbody rejoices at his recovery and are gjad that he has returned home. We Are Bio Talkers. And we have a right to be. When we commenced business something over four years ago, we also commen ced to talk big and act big, ’til long ago we’ve built up a big business with a big trade. We relied solely, princi pally and bodily on our own resources. And we hesitate not to tell openly and above board ihat our business, as far as we know, was built on an honest plan—free from lies, theft and penu riousness. And now we are comfort ably fixed in our new place of business. We have bought, and moved into the two story brick structure known as C. C. Holmes building, lately vacated by J. R. Deavours, proprietor of the Penny Racket. We can’t help talk ing as talking made us, and we have an, uncontroling desire to expatiate and assert at times, when left free, causes comment, all of which we care nothing and retort back, “Fiddlers to your holes.” Wc brought a site of stuff with us in our moving and, in a measure, we are going to slaughter some things. We wish for you and yours well, and will expect you soon in our dollar swapping store. P. S. Two or three good Milch cows, with young calves that can be bought reasonable. M Reeves boiis To Our Friends and Public Generally. Owing to the fact that we had a great deal of trouble last year with cotton at our free warehouse, in having no storage room, and cotton being left exposed to Fire, Rain, Thieves &c., we thought it best for ourselves and our friends to procure a warehouse in which cotton would be safe, and insurance nominal, and all the buyers anxious to buy there at any time, We are fortunate enough to procure the A\ur phev Brick Warehouse near the depot, and will operate it during the coming season- Our Mr. F. M. Stafford will have entire controll of the warehouse and will give it his entire time and attention. Our long experience in the cotton business and our superior facilities tor buying and placing cotton, places us in position to merit your patronage, your cotton will always be handled to best advantage. Our buyer will be on the spot and see that every bale brings the highest pos sible price. Every courtesy will be extended you and every care will be taken of your interest. We have engaged Mr. James L. Hunt as scalesman and Mr. A. W, Baggerly as salesman, they, as well as ourselves will be glad to see you at our warehouse. We are against all trusts and combines and cannot help fearing the round bale scheme. They have money in great abundance and if they could rid this country of all the square bale presses and all the compresses, they could and we be lieve would bleed this country to death in the way of roy alties. . They make us fair promises now, but we are afraid of any set of men that will not sell their machines, but hold them, and demand royalty which we believe will grow lar ger and larger as the square bale is displaced. With the light and knowledge before us we advise our people to stick to the square bale. We want to say however to those that adopt the round bale that we will be glad to handle it at 121-2 cents per bale. All cotton insured free to the planter. Bring us your cotton and let us demonstrate to you that we can benefit you. Don’t forget we are at the Murphey Brick Warehouse near the depot. We also have lots of goods of all kinds over at the store and will be glad to see yOu ther-e. Yours truly J. W. Stafford & Sons. Just Come and See I OUR NEW STOCK FINE BOX STATIONARY AND BLAIRS KEYSTONE WRITING TABLETS. THE LATEST DESIGNS CAN SUIT ANY OF. YOU, W. C. JORDAN & BRO. Druggists & Stationers. S | MADDUX & SON • [ £ In thanking our friends for the very liberal patronage given us during our first season in Barnesville we wish to say that we are in shape to offer them far greater inducements this fall. In'the Rogers’ stock that we bought at £ price, we find that it was made up very largely of Fall and Winter goods -and just here is where short crops and low priced cotton can be made to even things up. To this stock we have added by judicious buying all the new things in vever line. Hence, we say confidently, that no house in this section is in shape to compete with us in styles or in prices. MILLINERY—Wist Lula Merrill, our head milliner has spent! July and August in the markets studying up and getting the newest ideas for this department. We did the bulk of Barnesville’s millinery business last season and intend to monoplize it this fall. Misses Merrill and Blood worth will be iii our Millinery Parlor and Salesroom after September ioth ready to serve oer trade Yours truty, MADDUX & SON. * 014 Clothes Cleaned or Dyed to Perfection. Will pay the worth of your goods if we fail to give perfect satisfaction when all wool or silk. Write for price list etc. Griffin Dye Works, A. G. G. Drvier, Prs., Griffin, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. B- Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes: “One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup.” Dr. W. A. Wright, L. H. Holmes, Barnesville, Milner. m I Will Sell M You myr\ JIGROCERIES Cheaper than you pay for thfcm at your place of trading. If you want FRESHEST GOODS, BEST QUALITY, LARGER QUANTITY' for your coin, hunt for E.C. BROWN