The Weekly gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 1868-186?, November 19, 1868, Image 2

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tilß _GAZETTE. Thursday Morning November & v .; For Coagi'css; Ist District -lion. A. H. HANSELL, rf Thomas county. 2d District —Hon. NELSON Til’ I, of Dougherty comity. 3d District — lion. IIUGII EL O' HAN AN, of Coweta county. 4th District —Hon. THOS. G. LAW • SON, of Putnam county. Oth District—COL. Wl h 11 1501 D, of Lumpkin conritj • 7th Distiiet —P. M. B. YOUNG, of Bartow county. ‘‘Labor Visicit Omniu. M Til 15 fiat of Omnipotence passed -upon man through the fall of Adam, that by the sweat of thy brow shall thou eat bread" lias cot.tinned in force through the ages that have passed and is irrevocable as regards the future* Men have tiied to evade the provisions of that law. but have invariably found how weak and impotent tiiey are when they array, themselves against an -edict >of Jehovah. “ Go t:i 1 the ground, said God to man, Subdue the earth, it shall be thin .” How grand, how glorious was the plan! liow wise toe law divine. As an element of success, labor is the chief prerequisite/ without if> nothing can bo accomplished, by if, all things are made subservient to our wishes. The renowned of all ages have gained their celebrity through Hroirown unaided efforts, and we find no excellence without labor. Whenever mind predominates over matter we find untiring industry, and, par consequence, success, while on the other hand, matter being m ex cess, the inertia of the person cannot he overcome, and we have (lie class characterized by the “ otium cum dig* nitftte,/ the dead heads of society, the drones of the intellectual hive. Whenever we find labor respected and properly rewarded we find pro gress, improvement—everything that characterizes enligldnent ,* whera la bor is frowned upon, the youth grow up in idleness and vice, gaming is pre valent, a’demoralized state of society ■exists, examples of private virtue are rare and the country has anything but a prosperous aspect. In our bumble •opinion, a great part of the difficulties which surround the south, has been caused by an unwillingness ou the part of our people to labor, to take hold of the plow and the hoe, the axe and Iho hammer. Those difficulties will continue to overpower us as loti** as we lie supinely inert, waiting for something to turn up to prevent the alternative of degrading (?) work or starve. There is sufficient talent already in om* midst to develop our boundless re. sources ; wo need the will to labor •to bring it out : there is sufficient un- I'sed man-power lying idle in our towns and villages and even in our country places to resuscitate and renew our worn lands and bring back prosperity to the. country, but owing 1o the mistaken idea that labor is de grading, they prefer leading an idle and dissolute life, utterly regardless of their ewu future, much less the honor and prosperity of their own state, which, as citizens they should bo ac live in promoting. lien this state of affairs shall have c aseJ, when labor shall I have become respected, and the youth of our land educated anil inured to moot, when we become our own foremen in the shop and field, when energy shall have taken the place of the present inertia, then we may expect a change for the better; gladness and prosper- ity wiil supplant the present gloom and adversity that overspread our country. To our own individual ef forts, rather than the success of any particular political party, ae we to look for relief from the present difii culties. Let us remember that the stale is a collection of individuals ; if the indi viduals are prosperous, the state must prosper, and vice versa, and in order that individuals may succeed, each one must labor fot that object, not rely upon the efforts of his neighbor as alas is now too often the case, but labor for himself, labor well, work faithfully and not be ashamed of it.— Elevate the character of work by appreciating it properly yourself and others will follow in the same course. Labor is certain of success, it is the promise of God and rolling implicitly upon that promise. Let us then be up and and mg With a heart for any five ; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor ar.;i to waif” Wo notice that the Courier and Journal of Louisville, Ky., have united, and now present to their readers a sheet unsurpassed by any in. Ibe United States. The Louisville Courier-Journal has our earnest wishes for its success. We append their card: To the Public: —An experience of six months of the most active and sus tained competition known to the jour nalism of the country, convinces us that neither the times nor the situa tion justify the publication of two ri val Democratic newspapers in Louis* ville on so large a plan as that pursued by fhe Louisville Courier and the Louisville Journal. Rather than re duce the character of either for enter prise of the first class, and in order to furnish a newspaper reaching in all points the exacting demands of the public, we have arranged a combina tion of both, under the style and title the Louisville Courier-Journal. — The consolidation of two such presses enables us to produce a journal supe rior in every respect to its predeces sors, distancing at ortce nil competi tion, and assuming a circulation, influ ence, and value enjoyed by so paper out of New Yolk. Under this ar rangement, W. N. rialdeman takes the business, and Henry Wattersori the editorial management of the Cou rier-Journal, with a complete arid effi cient corps of writers, reporters, and correspondents, including George D. Prentice. W. N., Courier. IIISuY Vv attwson, Journal. Lessen Pertaining to Music. CII APT 15 U V. In our last number, the seven sounds in nature constituted the topic, undei consideration, the origin of these se.v en sounds connect so closely with tin vocal apparatus, that wo deem it im poitant to proceed no further on mu sical characters until we touch the snlje.ct of the voice. Question —What is vocal music ? Answer—Music produced by the voice of mankind. Q. What is instrumental music ? A. Music produced by the perform ance of mankind upon instruments. Q. By whom are these instruments foi rned ? A. By man, the most excellent of God's creation. Q. Can man produce an instrument that will excel the musical apparatus in man prepared by God 1 A. He can not. Q. Why then is so much more mo ney expended in the study of instru mental than vocal music ? A, In secti ns of country where mu sic is most highly appreciated no more time and treasure are spent in cultiva ting instrumental than vocal music; in this country music is not apprecia ted as highly as it should be ; hence the neglect to cultivate the most important faculty—the voice. Q. What is the voice ? A. Sound produced in tne larynx whilst the air is parsing through it, either to enter, or issue from the trachea. Q. Can anything exceed the human organ of voice in variety of tones and execution ? A. No instrument can* Q. Idas any calculation ever been made of the different changes of which it is susceptible ? At Avery eminent physiologist and musician lias endeavored to make such a calculation. Q. O.i w hat principle does be pro ceed ? A. On the principle that a number of movable parts constitute an organ intended for some particular function. Q. Is this function varied, or modi fied ? A. It is varied and modified by every change in the relative situation of the movable parts. Q. What does the number of chang es producible in the organ equal ? A. Equals the number of muscles employed, together with all the com binations of which they are capable. Q. How many cartilages of the larynx are brought into exercise in vo calizing ? A. The five cartilages of the larynx O J are brought into use, having at least seven pairs of muscles. Q. Do these seven pairs of muscles, of the five cartilages of too larynx* act separately or iu p airs in vocal ex ...vscb. ? A. They act separately, and in pairs, in connection with the whole, or with any two, or more of the rest. Q. In ordinary vocal exercises how many different movements will these fourteen muscles be capable of pro ducing ? A. Sixteen thousand one bundled and seven, not calculating as changes the various degrees of dynamic force with which they are brought into ac tion. Q. Ate these seven pairs of muscles of the five cartilages only, the proper muscles of the larynx ? A. They only, are restricted in their attachment to its five cartilages. Q, Are the above mentioned mus cles all that are called into use iu vo cal exercises ? A. They are but a small number of the muscles of the voice. Q. In speaking or singing, what other muscles are called into action besides those mentioned above? A. Fifteen pairs of muscles differ ent from those above named, attached to os-hyoides, or the cartilages, act as agents, or directors to the cartilages, in moving them upward, downward, forward, backward, and in every in termediate direction, according to the couisc of the fibres, or diagonally be tween the different fibres. Q. How many combinations are these fifteen pairs of muscles capable of form ing independent of the former seven pairs / A. liieso latter fifteen pairs of muscles, independent of the former seven pairs, are susceptible of 1 073,- 541.504 different combinations. Q When the latter fifteen pairs co operate with the former seven pairs of muscles of the five cartilages of the larynx, how many combinations can they produce ? A. 1759219(5044515, exclusive of the changes that must arise from the different degrees of force, velocity etc., with which they may be made to act Q. Are the above seven, and fifteen pairs of muscles all that co-operate with the larynx in the production of! voice ? A. There are others. Q. V* bat oil icrs co-operate with them? A. The dyaphragm, abdominal muscles, and all that act on the air, contribute their share. Q. To cotne to the closest estimate that can be made by man, bow many muscles are brought into action at once by ordinary modulations df file voice? A. From physiological investiga tion, the number of'muscles brought, into action at the same time in singing ire ascertained to about one bun Ired and five. Q. On reflection upon the above what are wo very naturally led to exclaim ?j i A. How fearfully and wonderfnllx nade art thou, ob, man ! Q. Can auy one sing as well lying, or sitting, as in an erect position ? A. Can not, because many muscles that contribute to the exercise, are thrown into a dormant state while ly ing, or sitting, that are active in an erect position. Q. Is it not important for every one learning to sing to stand, or sit With the chest as near erect as possible ? A. It is very important that every teacher, while - vocalizing bis class, should look well to their posture. Q. What is the cause of many per sons forming the habit of singing with a nasal twang, or guttural gurgle ? A. Inattention to tLeir position while exercising, their way of throw ing asunder their teeth and lips. Q. How* is sound or tone produced? A. By a shock of the glottis. Q. Is it not important, after the sound has been produced, that it have no impediment while en route to the point of delivery 1 A. It is of the highest importance that it have free passage to the end of the tongue its proper place of delive- ry. Q. What advantages have the voice over the instrument ? A, While the instrument only plea ses the sense of audition, the voice may both please the ear and cenvey sentiment to the mind. Q. What is our object in singing by note before singing sentiment? A. It is to learn to sing, correctly, any piece of music at sight, so that the sentiment may be properly applied afterward, even should the memory fail to retain the tune. Q. Is there net au error extant among singers of being able to sing a tune by note, and cannot apply verses of poetry ? A. This error prevails too generally throughout this scope of country. Q. What is the cause of singers being able to sing a tune by note and cannot apply to the tune different hymns, or poetry l A. Inattention to song singing. Q. Is there not an error in the other extreme ? A. We know persons who sing sen timent from memory who cannot sing a tune by note. Q. What is the cause of the last two errors ? A. More care for music than senti ment in one, and more care for senti ment than notes in the other, both should be corrected. Q. When we attend church services which should have more careful atten tion, the music or sentiment ? A. Both are important, but the sen. timent is of the highest importance, it it were not, me uumaiw speak in Hebrew and accomplish as much good as his co-operator, the mu sic, without a distinct expression of thought conveyed in language; hence it is easy to perceive what should be most cultivated. Let us conclude by inviting every one to join us in singing tho following stanza. .•From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator’s praise arise, Let the Redeemer’s name bo sung, Through every land, by every tongue, Eternal arc thy mercies Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word, Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more.” What a Virginia Lady of Skv enty-has Accomplished.— The Fre dericksburg Herald says Mrs. Lucy Smith, of Fauguier, aged 75 years, made, without spectacles, the follow ing articles within the past year: Thirty-one gents’ shirrs, six pairs of drawers, eighteen dresses for grown persons, seven ditto and aprons for children, three quilts, one large car pet cut and made, six pairs of sock* and stockings, two do. pillow cases, one underbody, one roundabout, and pair of pants, two bonnets, one cap, two handkerchiefs, five ladies' articles; besides a deal of patching, mending &c. Kept His Promise.—Quite an amusing scene was witnessed along the Avenue about three o’clock yester day afternoon, which attracted con siderable attention, and created not a little merriment. It seems that pre vious to the election, a Radical and a Democratic politician made a wager to tho effect that if Seymour was elected the Radical should haul the Democrat in a sulky from Willard's Hotel to the Capitol ; if Grant was elected the Democrat was to haul the Radical. Of course, as was expected, Grant was elected President, and the Seymour man, beiug spunky enough, yesterday performed his duty. The sulky was followed bv a crowd of newsboys and bootblacks all the way down, who appeared to ei joy the fun exceedingly. Chronicle. The money, it is pretty well known, lias been contributed by the Union League of this city, who thus bit Butler, because of his attack on their Bouds. For the Gazette. Washington* This node statesman was born in the count) of Westmorelan and, Virginia on the 22| day of February, A. D. 1732. Hi lost his lather at an eaily age, and fas indebted to the wisdom of bis inohetr for the foundation of his subsequent greatness and unpar alleled u^iulness —died on the 14th f December A. D. 1799, at Mount Vernon, sitrated ou tho west bank of the Potormc, sixteen miles below the city of Washington ; October 7, 1537, his remaps Were removed to anew vault, neir the old one, and placed in a highly finished marble constructed and presented by Mr- Struthers of’tliis city. They were in a jtate of preservation, unprecedented in this climate. in life, taken as a grand whole, he ha* bad no equal. He was like tlie bUzing luminary in the firmament, edipsing the lights of other days and ol bis own time, with the more brilliant refulgence and greater volume of hi s ofrn. His triumphant career crowned him fresher and greener laurels, with $ richer and nobler greatness, than can be justly claimed for any other man of ancient or modern history, A sacred halo sarrouads bis name, bis fame is imperishable, his god-like actions will be rehearsed by millions yet unborn, his memory will be cherished and re vered through all future time. M. For fTfcc Gazette. English Grammar. Compivd from Various Sources. \ . BY A Sl’2S t C?-BER AT COLAPARCHEE. No. 2. Grammar is a body of principles de- ducted from the practice of the best speakers and writers, and teaches the correct use of spoken aud artificial language. In the early ages of the world, men bad no Grammar. They spoke in that style and form, to them the most prop er, watching its effect upon those to whom it was directed. From the much spoken, they called those 'senti ments, the sweetest, and retained that “style" which captivated the fancy, and swayed the multitude at the will of the speaker. These, when writing was inveuted, were traced upon inan imate matter; and thus secured has passed down the corridors of time— the heritage of tho world. From this writing, men have deduc ed rules whereby others might im prove themselves, and carry on yet farther this work, long ago so nobly begun. Hence our Grammar and Rhetoric elocution. Grammar may be divided into I.— Universal Grammar. 11. Particular Grammar. Ist. Universal Grammar contains the principles which are common to all languages. As, in all languages grammar is divided into four parts, Orthography, (Letters) Etymology, (Words) Syntax, (Sentences)Prosody, (Accent.) 2d.—Particular Grammar contains the piinviples which belong to any language. Particular Grammar then, contains in addition to the peculiarities of a sin gle language, all the principles of Uni versal Grammar; but not vice versa y, a r „„ ;t B pf n . We have as an example of Particular Grammar, the Grammar of the English, which contains the principles applicable to our “mother tongue/’ A San Francisco paper, describing the recent earthquake there, says: “I'he German Alien Post newspa paper was not issued yesterday eve ning. owing to their forms being ‘pied' by the earthquake. The floor of their* composing room settled about six inch es. The workmen feared to enter the office, and the proprietors could not induce them for money to set up the ‘extra/ The paper lias been damag ed to the extent of one thousand dol lars/’ llor rible Outrage.— Sum??} ary Punishment. —On Tuesday, the 3d in stant, a most horrible crime was com mitted near Swansboro, Emanuel coun ty, by a negro named Pierce Bolding, upon the person of Miss Wiggins, a young lady of fifteen years, and the daughter of a respected citizen of that county. It appears that she was on her way to school in the village, when the negro rushed from the roadside, knocked her senseless, and accomplish ed his purpose. She was found lying insensible by a passer-by and carried home, and on recovering related what had occurred. The officers of tho law and others started in pursuit of the scoundrel, and overhauled him near Summerville, in the same county, from whence ho was carried to jail, when lie Confessed having committed the deed. The same night a body of armed men pro ceeded to the jail, took him out, and hung him. Previous to hi3 execution he stated that he and several other no frroes had formed a plan on that day to violate the persons of several yonn<* ladies who attended school in the vil lage, but the others overslept them selves and he started out alone, and Miss Wiggins was the first one he met. — Savannah News. Cur lot's Fct.— — A Washington correspondent, writes : “It is a singular fact that no President of the United States, up to the present time, has had a child born in the White House." He adds: ‘lt is understood the fact will not exist long after the 4th of March next.” He who has had ends in view is pretty sure to cou,c to oner General Grant and the Office Seekers. —The Washington corres pondent of the New York Herald, writing of General Grant's arrival in Washington, remarks : A few of the Generals most inti mate friends called at his house on Sunday, and it has been suggested to him that from this time forth until the close of his administration ho will not know a quiet moment, in which he can be at peace with the oflico seekers. It is also said that he has under consid eration a suggestion of a friend having some knowledge of the subject, that he keep a list of all who approach him on the subject of office before his inau guration, and that he make melan choly examples of them by refusing to appoint any of them. It is thought that this coarse may prove beneficial in the future. It is the General’s in tention to remain in the city during the winter. The question of the res ignation of his office as General of the army is,already discussed in the newspapers as well as in military cir cles. This question seems to be next in importance to the appointment of his cabinet, so far as the democrats are concerned. The Mother of Schuyler Col fax. —Mrs. Matthews, the mother of the Vice-President elect, has been for several weeks stopping with her friends in Indianapolis, Indiana. Like the mothers of nearly all our great men, she is a noble woman, of great intellectual power. Mr. Colfax owes much of his success to his mother, and lie fully appreciates it. She is a re markably hale and happy old lady, and rejoices in a quiet way over the success uf her son. Her only desire for his advancement seems to be that he may be placed in a position to do more good. At the age of fifteen she was married to Schuyler Colfax, the elder. At the age of seventeen she was left a widow, with one child.— Four months after the death of his father Schuyler wjs born—the elder child died in infancy. Some years later Mrs. Colfax was married to Mr. Matthews. Nearly thirty years ago the young couple, with little Schuyler and other children that had been born to them, removed to New Carlisle, Laporte county, Indiana. Since tho death of the wife of Schuy ler Colfax, his mother has presided over his home in Washington with grace and dignity. She will soon, so rumor says, be relieved from the du ties of the position by Miss Nellie Wade, of Ohio, who is to become the wife of the Vice-President before the end of the present month. Mrs. Mat thews, we are informed, will continue her residence with her son in Washing ton. May she live for many years to give him wise counsel, and grace the society of the capital. f Indianapolis Journal. Gen, Grant’s Cabinet.—The N. Y. Tribune, speaking of Gen. Grant’s probable cabinet, says : The present cabinet, except Gen. Schofield, having in the main given their influence toward the election of Seymour and Blair, it is assumed that an entire new cabinet will he formed. But among the statesmen of the coun try who have never held cabinet po sitions there are few who enjoy such a pre-eminence in any Epecial depart ment of statesmanship as to point them cut for particular places in the cabi net. General Schofield, ex-Secreta ry Stanton, General Sherman, Gen. Sheridan and Gen. Thomas are, per- Imps, equally available for the post of Secretary of War. Mr. Sumner, Chas. Fiat c:s Adams, Mr. Trumbull, Gen. l)ix, Mr. Ba ncroft and Mr. Motley are among the names suggested for Soc ietal-) of State. The more impor tant office of Secretary of the Treas ury naturally suggests the names of Benjamin F. Wade, Gov. Fenton, Gov. Bout well, and Senators Morgan, Sherman, Conkling and Morrill, and Mr. Washburne. The National Intelligencer, of the Gth instant, urges Congress, as soon ns it meets in LL’cemner, u- ii lo acts restricting the powers of the Ex ecutive, and which were passed simply to hamper President Johnson in the legitimate exercise of his duties. We beheld in those statutes, gays that paper, a gross violation of the Consti tution, a destruction of the proper balance of the government, a reversal of tho approved traditions of American administration, and a most dangerous concentration of authority in the hands of that branch of the government which the framers of the Constitution considered would be most apt to invade the domain of the others. It adds that it would have demanded the re peal of these laws if Seymour had boon elected, and now it insists, as a matter of principle, that the President elect should be allowed to enter on the duties of his office untrammcled by any of tbo acts of Congress which tie op Mr. Johnson. Plain Facts. — The Montgomerv ]\lail says that in England there are many farmers who more than support themselves and large families, on tho product of six acres, besides paying heavy rents. Agriculturalists in Germany, who are proprietors of five acres, support themselves and lay up money. "VV hat a vast amount of wealth could even now be acquired from our rich lands if more attention was paid to the cultivation of smaller tracts, and each one watch over his own interest; taking a hand's part rather than trust to overseers and careless laborers.— The time lias come when the muscle must be cultivated for use as well as the brain. It is folly for young men to delay. The President's Salary.—Tho salary of the President of the United States is $25 000 a year. It was fixed at this sum in the early days of the government. At that time it repre sented five times as much, if not ten times as much, as it represents now. It is altogether too small to support the President in proper style, and to enable him to meet his necessary ex penditures as chief executive of the nation. It ought to be, at the very lowest, SIOO,OOO. We have no doubt that the next Congress will take some action in this matter. President Grant should not he compelled to live in the cheap boarding house style. £ Acw York Times. DR. W. a! WRIGHT? ~ glc****** THE PEOPLES' DRUG STOR? mmi FT AVISO aM-ciated ourselves together in business, would respectful!* inf ■ Tut Bartlesville and surrounding country that we have now in Store a comm" 1 169 c iten, <d Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Toilet Articles,*Flavbrffit* “Worti?. DruiSmre LiqU ° rS f ° r niedlclual P ur and in fact every article usually kept |>e Also a gotfd assortment of Confectioneries, Together with Sugar rwr Mo.asses, Cueese, Crackers, Rico, Oysters, Sardines, Pepper, Spice, Ginger s\ Sj ’ ru P, ash B,ue Stone, Ooperas, Powder, Shot, Lead, Caps, Smoking ami ChewL ft P °t* Snuff, Cigars, and various other articles too tedious to enumerate. ® °^ ; ®cco taken- great pains in selecting our stock, and having paid cash fX* ami being exempt from bouse rent and clerk hire, we flitter ourselves thm . e B &tne as good and cheap goods as any other house in Middle Georgia. A lihcr 1 e L 3n Se H patronage is respectfully solicited. Call once and we will try to induce ™ Share of again. Prescriptions carefully filled by Dr. \V. A. Wri-'ht. you co Qe novlO—ly -W. A. WHJGaT <*> 0 0 ‘ B- W. WYLV iUijoSesalc ©rorev anil pvoimcc illculjunt WHITEHALL STREET ATLANTA, GA. KEEPS constantly on hand a Large and Well Assorted stock of S'ao’e ami -- Also Produce and Provisions, bagging, Rope, &c. oi a.ap.e and Fancy Grocer - *, I 0 NOW on hand* Choice tipper Georgia Seed WHEAT, ftn &c,, &c., Prompt and careful attention given to orders. Prices Reasonable. 11. F. WYJLY, • Late * VLV & Carrall. nrvl2—3m TO THE TRADE, WE INVITE the attention of the trade to our magnificent stock of ToLar™ T T sisting in part of the following celebrated brands: ’ COn " Chewing Tobacco- Davis & Son’s Gold Leaf; Davis Sz Son's Rattlesnake; Davis A Son' Three Belles, Magnolia of the South, extra fine. Three Kings, Brown’s Best R. E. Lee, T. J. Jackson, 11. P- Moore, Mountain Rose, Rosa Belle, Twist' McGee’s Best, Max 1 A, Max 2 A, Magnet, Tycoon, and many other popular brands. Smoking Tobacco. Pride of Virginia, Hiawatha, lleres Yer Mule, Fruits and Flowers, and* variety of other superior brands. JORDAN, HOWARD & IIARRALSOX nov 12 3m Whitehall street, AtUnta.Ga. 150,000 REWARD! ' WANTED BY - i&X. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, •>% OMfl Mink Sk ' DS ’ 15,000 Otter Skins, 5,000 Red Fox skins, 23 000 Grev F>* -kin. 9 UUU25.000 Coon skins. 5,000 Wild Cat skms, 1,000 Heaver IkmsTsOO iW£2. & Opossum skins, 50,000 Rabbit skins, 10,000 Musk Rat skins, (all must be case drSd.) li J£, he highest maiku price will be paid m Cash. Have your skins in good order, well stretched ga tbe ***■* b - •■- Bertrand Zachry will be on hand to wait on his old Customers. 1 would also call the attention of the trade to mv slock of Hat<s CapS, "'lnch is by far the most extensive ever brought to thi7ma,k7t COUNIRI MERCHANTS can be supplied by the case or dozen at twrealty Lteduccd IJrices.1 J rices. Also, a fine stock of Ladies’ Furs, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas and Cam Remember the place. 10 J- M. HOLBROOK, no\ _ W hitehall Street, Atlanta, Gn. PHOTOGRAPHS. rglilE undersigned would respectfully inform A the public ihat his business has so much improved in the last few we> ks that he is still eu hand, and vvtll remaiu a few weeks longer. Any size pictures Irom ‘‘carte de visile" up to TJe size por traits Can be obtained at this gall ary upon very short notice, either plain or colored. Rcsnectfully, J. w. HURT, Photographer. novlO -tf ”~7 1 I HA\ E been induced to remain in Barnesville fora longer period. I would Uts glad ii my frivndo ftnd out: tonwrs would bring in their work, as I am prepared to do work upon tho shortest notice and in the best style. Particular attention paid to cutting and fittino. JOHN MAYER. no’l9_U Who wants to make a Good Investment? 1 jT'V* become the purchasers of the Xi heal Estate opposite the depot in the town of Harnesville, will either sell or lease fora term ot years, the Brick Stack with land suf ficient to build upon. Two good wells, already with a full supply of water to propel au en gine is attached to the property. A bargain is offered, as the investment would not on'y be a one to the pur chaser, hut a public benefit. Call on J. & W. 11. WOODS. Nov. 19th, 1868. USE WINSLOW’S DYSPEPSIA CURE. rpilE best remedy extant for tho cu-c -X and prevention of Dyspepsia, Malari ous Diseases, General Debility, Sec. Sold Everywhere. Hear what an emminent Baltimorean says of it. •‘I have used your Dyspepsia Cure in my family, and can cheerfully recommend it to all suffering from the diseasea for which it is in tended. It has made me feel like anew I was induced to try it for Dyspep-ia, and It has acted like a charm. 1 then administered tt to my wife who was suffering from chills and fever. It effected a cure in her case also. Sever al ot mv children took it and derived great benefit from its use. I feel confident it is the best article of the kind in the market. Yours, <X-c., O. M. WALL. Baltimore, October 2Sih, IS6S. Use Murdoch’s Anti bilious Pills For the enre of Biliotas Complaints, Colds andall diseases requiring a purgative med iciue. Sold everywhere. BURROUGH BROS., Wholesale Agents, No. 54 Sc 50 Light St., Baltimore, Md. Nov6—ly Master Mason. THE undersigned offers his services to the public lor the execution ot all manner of MASONRY WORK. Will draft designs, make contracts, &c. G. Br ROOKS. Griffin, Ga. r Nov, otb, 103—3 m MYIOKAL HOTEL, ATLANTA, G.A., Cor. Jf hitch oil Strict, awl Western <k Al ta nt<c Pail Road, E. 0. fOAD, rropricier, novl 2—tf hotel. Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA’ Nearest Passenger Depot. WHITE & WHITLOCK, Proprietors. VV. D. Wvley, Clerk. HAVING re-leased and renovated theabore Hotel, we are prepared to entertain gue* l3 in a most satisfactory manner. Charges fair and moderate. Our efforts will be to please. Baggage carried to and trout tbe Depot free of charge. novl‘2-tf FOR SALE? ]A|TY Residence, which I now occupy, 2- J-TX cant lots, 31) acres of land, partly in *!>• incorporation, and in first rate condition- ‘ will also sell my stores, situat*d in the centre of trade. I have 2 excellent Rooms withg'o“ shelving and first raie store furniture. 1 woud not object to take a part in Dry Goods or uro ceries, or any thing that can be converted iou money. Call soon as I expect to sell. J. W. ELDER Barnesville, Ga., Nov. 12th, 1808 — !l ATTENTION Every Body. SKAGGS & GROVE, at STROUDS X ROADS' A RE now receiving a large an'l ~r' Ji jL selected stock of Goods, which t e are offering end selling cheaper tb® n *‘ mere rant, or merchants in Maeou, Syth of Barncsvilie. Because they don’t pay high house No city tax. No city 7, licenses. No fire wood to buy. No long prices for produce, Sec. kc. Hence they ask one and all to give ac-. 11, and they will show them Setter Good* for Less Money of TRADE Ever before known. Libercd prices P' for all kinds of Produce. Trr , SKAGGS &GROA E- Novt?—ifc ■ JOB WORK done with neatness a* dispatch at the Gazette Office.