Donalsonville news. (Donalsonville, Ga.) 1916-current, September 12, 1940, Image 4
OLIVE THEATRE Monday - Tuesday |^Kjy■/' W* w & Jm B urw - lifers IhfiSi? .ft .■■Sa^ayMM^Ly. . <>-/ z ;WE BWflhvTlß.r - It - ! iSJWMBMI r ■SwwSrntWß WiMaiMee- MGMT| *&SBW I PATRICIA MORISON • BILLIE BURKE • JOHN LODER | DAME MM WHITTY • EDMUND GWENN • KEWHALD DENNY BILLY GILBERT • reduced ana Directed t>» EDWARD H. GRIFFITH Screen Play by Virginia Van Up? • * Paramount Picture £ Vs q f -.j I I Certainly you can read ,• ■ i ; r’ GET Certified r / I-E-S -ir HI ’ lamps h J. t 7-TW —V. x . w - ’ A . tt "‘ ~-=y * Here's an easy way to take the strain out !' Il \\\ rea< -^ n< J an{ J double your comfort. /y7 I'' | \ \Wv\ P ut a modern Certified I.E.S. lamp beside /C. t your easy chair. Then see how its soft, —generous light lifts a load from your eyes when you read or sew. ft ■ - - That's a grand lighting recipe for every 4 , C > member of the family ... for Jimmy at his ’• - | ' study desk . . , for sister in her room ... for ; ' Mother and Dad too. Throughout the home J II it brings fresh charm and new eye protection \\ for everyon* | ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS New swivel model j \ swings over chair. I \ / ■•K I • G •Ca / // Use HO-watt bulb | / A*4 lB A i! ’ As low as ; " I 1 ' when you buy a lamp. f C/ New low end table Make sure it will give you / / ///•• nd lamp. Smart,deco- , . n „ ////®SSL-/////••• rativt. gives good oye comfort as well as £//y Illi"" Ji J light. As low at beauty. Be sure it bears /j j// ’’ JI 1 Ibis famous tag ... your -aryl- r ~ > s, guide to better light and " a better service- - CONSULT YOUR ■f~ i-jCiqlil a GEORGIA POWER * and LIGHT COMPANY -- ■ 1 Better DONALSONVILLE NEWS I SEPTEMBER 12TH. 1940. 'notice to state defense CORPS MEMBERS All those who are interested in keeping up their Defense Corps mem bership but have not been regular at tendants at drill are especially urged to attend the regular meeting at the Shell on Monday night, September i 15th. The company roster will be set up and regular assignments made. The rifles have been requisitioned and should be here by that time and arrangements are under way for the procurement of uniforms. We have had splendid and interested attendance at drills for the past six weeks and we especially invite the attendance of all those who were in the original setup. We have an important wqyk to do and solicit the cooperation of the entire public. Thg Air Warning Ser vice has been setup in this county un der the leadership of Emile Subers (Mid is ready to participate in the ma neuvers to be held during this fall. Sixty-five patriotic citizens have been recruited for this service. Various other patriotic activities will be car ried forth from time to time as occas sion demands and we need the back ing of all who are interested in main taining the American way of life, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. A. Duren, Pastor MEN WANTED! This is an urgent invitation to twenty-five men to be present and the ladies of the Dorcas Class would be glad for you to join in the opening exercises of the Sun day School promptly at ten o’clock be fore retiring to your class room. The pastor would like to have a few miu j tes with the class before the teacher takes charge. The pastor hopes to see twenty-five pipp present Sunday, and that this numbar Will be a minimum i attendance from now on. The evening services will be moved up thirty minutes beginning Sunday. The Training Unions will meet at seven o’clock, and the preaching ser vices will he at eight. The Spiritual Fellowship on Wednesday evening will also be at eight. The young women of the church meet at the Pastorium last Monday afternoon and organized a Young Woman’s Circle of the W. M. S. Nine were present at the organization meeting. Officers were elected as fol lows: Mrs. J. A. Duren, Chairman, Mrs. H. D. Broome, Co-chairman, Miss Ouida Ward, Secretary and Treasur er. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. H. D. Broome Monday After noon, September 15th, at 4:30. The program will be under the direction of Mrs. Broom and Mrs. E. P. Trulock, Jr. Telephone Service Here Is Investigated A representative of the Georgia Public Service Commission visited here Thursday to make an investiga tion of telephone service and the lo cal system, A check of calls was | made as to the time required by the | operator to answer them and other | information was gathered. - A recommendation for the improve ment of the service will probably be | ! made within the next few weeks, the j representative stated. Presbyterian Church Sunday evening the Presbyterians !of Donalsonville held a “loyalty” meeting in their church which was well attended. A special program was .presented by the Ladies Auxiliary and the pastor—after which supper was served to a large group.. After the supper—all enjoyed a song and praise service. j There will be no preaching in this church next Sunday—The pastor will be at Climax, his regular appoint ment there is on the Second Sunday. TO ALL SEMINOLE COUNTY FARM BUREAU MEMBERS You are especially urged to be at the next regular bureau meeting to 'be held September 19th at 8:30 p. m. : at the Courthoue in Donalsonville. I Special events are to be discussed 'concluding bureau organization and I the president urged all member to be ■present to give their support to such i vital issues for all farmers. Sales Os Defense Bonds Here Reach $6,500 According to Acting Postmaster R. L. Cox, defense saving bonds and | stamps sales exceeded 80.5Q0.00 dur ing the month of August. Mr, Cox states that a steady in crease has been noted in each months sales the government offered them to the public. Registrants Must Notify Board Os Change Os Address Registrants under the Selective Training and Service Act must notify their local boards of any change of ad dress or become liable to severe pen alties provided by the Act, Brig. Gen. Sion B. Hawkins, State Director of Selective Service, warned them today. Director Hawkins said he had been ! advised by National Selective Serviee I Headquarters that many cases of de j linquencies investigated by the De partment of Justice have been due to carelessness of registrants concerning their duty to report changes of ad dress, or ignorance of the law requir ing them to do so, s The Selective Service Act provides that any registrant who violates the law shall be liable to fine and impri sonment, the Director pointed out. This punishment, he also called to at tention, is specified as “by imprison ment for not more than fiye years of a fine of not more than 810.000 or by both such fine and imprisonment. It is the policy of the Selective System, Director Hawkins said and of the Department of Justice which |s charged with enforcement of the Act, to take action in those cases where there is willful intent to vio late the law. Nevertheless, he stressed investigation of borderline cases is taken up much valuable time of local boards and of Department of Justice agents which should be devoted to ur gent work for National Defense. FREE FIREWORKS Atlanta, Ga.—A glorious fireworks spectacle every night after the grand stand show is one of the dazzling features scheduled for the 1941 S. E. World’s Fair, beginning in Atlanta i > ,BiiiiHh!!iaiiii!ißi!itißi:3;iß!ii!i Bi^SK-*iißEiii>e i,! : ,> ®n!!nß;3!ißsiHßiimßiiiiißßtii®Bß H g I FOR EFFICIENT J i - ?' I “ Pressing, Cleaning 5 | I And Dyeing | i ■ I LEON’S CLEANERS | g CALL 30 | 1 I iLISTENi 5 FARMERS • j WwKh : : Wwl *■ : • ■ hzz: 11® H a 2 6 ■. -r wW —w 2 * j 2 • tome Io J s COLUMBIA, ALABAMA • J 25 Miles North East • • Os Donalsonville • —AND— • 2 SAVE MONEY J S ON • • MULES - MULE • • COLTS And MARES • LET YOUR DOLLAR BUY A DOLLARS VALUE q $ IVEY CHAMBERS LIVESTOCK • • COMPANY • IVEY CHAMBERS, Owner—l. B. JONES, Trader Columbia, Alabama •••••••••••••••••♦•••♦•I FUNERAL DIRECTORS Embalming—Funeral Supplies Ambulance Service Vaults. EVANS AND SON R. I. EVANS. R- L EVANS, JR. Day Phone 34 Night Phone 139 ■■■■■BO®®®®®® : General Radio ■ i R-E-P-A-l-R-S i J —ON ALL MODELS— • Z : Minter Radio Sales And Service : September 26. The grandstand shows and the fireworks spectacle are both absolutely free and offer to thousands of Fair visitors more than two hours of daring and delightful entertain ment. “This year’s free grandstand shows and fireworks are going to be the finest in the Fair’s history,” said Mike Benton, president of the S. E. Fair Association.