Donalsonville news. (Donalsonville, Ga.) 1916-current, October 29, 1964, Image 12

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DONALSONVILLE (GA. 31745) NEWS THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 1964 LBJ Means Let’s Beat Johnson! T 0 make sure your vote is counted, We need Barry Goldwater in Washington follow these instructions: Barry Goldwater is for the dirt farmer, and he is strong for Social - - i . ■ 1 ■ 1 Security and for REA. Barry Goldwater wants to restore law and J |lq p|nF SCF3tCiI Ollt OF SCF3ICII tilFOUffD order in our country so that any man, woman or child will feel safe * 11 walking the streets of our cities. Barry Goldwater wants local Noma ah tko koll/il- Molro an A nr PilPch’. schools to operate under local school boards without interference /xllj 11 aliiv Oil lllv DallUL ITlaixv all ax VI Vllvvrx by armed soldiers, and he wants to see our barber shops, beauty I < /> • il LI 1 4-L a Taw ■■ Artiom parlors, cases, restaurants, boarding houses and other places of busi- Ul3Fk \/ 111 1116 UIOCK ODDOSIIC iDOSv 101 WIIOIII ness operated without the FBI snooping around. v * r "' ■— you vote. “ 2. To vote for Goldwater and the straight How the Candidates voted for the fanner Republican ticket, mark the first block under The following is reprinted from the November 1964 edition of The Ramiklinon PowHr anrl nnf annfnw nIATK nil tn A Farm Journal: How the candidates voted in recent years has been IVepilDllC3ll iSFiy 3IIU 1101 anOintl UIUVK Uli LUC summarized by the American Farm Bureau record 1 11 i 1. *ll L ___i, Va„« shows that Goldwater voted with the AFBF position 66 times and 031101 01* VOUF VOIC Will DC iDFOWII OUl» I OllF opposed it twice. Johnson voted with the AFBF 12 times and op- 11 A • 1 !• 11 F vX e i S local Seminole County candidates have no op- is elected, voted with AFBF 5 times and opposed the Farm Bureau position and will be automatically elected any- 63 times. ■■■■l. way. 1 3. You can also vote for Goldwater and Beware, Beware, Mr, and Mrs. Voter.. Seminole canoes provided you In the closing stages of this campaign, some hired stooge of Atlan- mark tlte Block marked BariV M. GoldwatCF ta s Governor will be telling you that Goldwater is opposed to the » t • in sun rising in the east and setting in the west. The South Georgia Pracirwnf- at fno ITn 1 far! Niotac and tnan farmer knows that in the 87th Congress Goldwater voted in favor lUI 1 I volllvlll U1 lllv Ullllvll Olalvd allU lllvlJ of 91 percent of the bills sponsored by the American Farm Bureau, 1 ■ 1 11 1 ■ 1 f.l 1 I while Humphrey voted for zero (0!) percent, or 100 percent against HI3FK tllC DIOCKS OpDOSItC iBC H3IDCS 01 tllC 10C31 the Farm Bureau. And still “Civil Rights” Humphrey had the nerve p « Tl 11 1111 to come to south Georgia and ten you how to vote candidate. But do not mark any other blocks. Seminole County voters are not as dumb as Smiling Carl thinks they are. Some hired stooge will be telling you that if you vote Republi- 4 If 1- 111’ _al J l can, you cannot vote in another primary. This is PURE HOGWASH. 4. ii you marK a nauot incorrectly, do not erase or try to correct it. Turn ballot in to poll- —— holder and get a new ballot. Any erasure will We’re looking upward... cause your ballot to be thrown out. Did you hear Lyndon Johnson tell the good people of Dayton, Ohio r 0a l w 0 1 n II II . .1 that if they didn’t vote Democratic, they could go to (with 3. dlllUy IDC 03Hipl€ I 3F1131 031101 OH thC OD" his finger pointed downward, telling them where to go!) ? The peo- . I * £%“Sw P° slte page ßo “at you will be familiar with it, someone much greater than any political candidate. an J p repare( J to ma k e y our vote Go to the Polls and Vote Republican Party VOTE NOVEMBER 3rd to BECOME FREE! Vote Republican so that there will be See that every member of your family and all of your neighbors go to the L 0 a P 11 polls to cast their votes for a no question oi senator Goldwater Great American, an Honest American, getting your vote! an American for Peace... s “ BARRY M. GOLDWATERThanked for your vote..! In Your Heart, You Know He’s Right Any Seminole County Voter who needs transportation to get to the polls on November 3rd, may phone JA 4-5448 and transportation will be arranged. political advertising paid for by Seminole County Goldwater Committee