Donalsonville news. (Donalsonville, Ga.) 1916-current, October 29, 1964, Image 16

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Proposed Constitutional Amendments Resolution Act No. 7 House Resolution No. 17-16 A RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution to provide that the General Assembly shall be author- i ized to enact legislation treating any and all motor vehicles includ ing trailers, as a separate class from other classes of tangible property for ad valorem property tax purposes, and to adopt differ ent rates, methods or assessment dates for the taxation of such prop erty and to enact legislation con sistent herewith to prevent any person, firm or corporation from escaping payment of their fair share of ad valorem taxes on said motor vehicles; to provide for the gabmission of this amendment for ratification or rejection; and for other purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: SECTION 1 Article VII, Section I, Paragraph 111 of the Constitution is hereby amended by adding at the end ■ thereof the following sentence: “Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this para graph, the General Assembly shall be authorized to enact legislation treating any and all motor vehicles including trailers, as a separate class from other classes of tangible property for ad valorem property tax purposes, and to adopt different rates, methods or assessment dates for the taxation of such property, I and to enact legislation consistent ' herewith to prevent any person, firm or corporation from escaping 1 payment of their fair share of ad valorem taxes on said motor ve hicles.” SECTION 2 - i When the above proposed amend ment to the Constitution shall have been agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the j two branches of the General As sembly, and the same has been entered on their journals with the “Ayes” and ‘Nays’ taken thereon, such proposed amendment shall be published and submitted as pro vided in Article XIII, Section I, Paragraph I of the Constitution of Georgia of 1945, as amended. The ballot submitting the above proposed amendment shall have written or printed thereon the fol lowing: “For ratification of amendment to the Constitution so as to provide that the Legislature shall be au thorized to enact legislation treat ing any and all motor vehicles in cluding trailers, as a separate cl®- 3 3 from other classes of tangible property for ad valorem property tax purposes, and to adopt dif ferent rates, methods or assessment dates for the taxation of such prop erty, and to enact legislation con sistent herewith to prevent anj person, firm or corporation from I escaping payment of their fair share of ad valorem taxes on said motor vehicles. “Against ratification of amend ment to the Constitution so as to . provide that the Legislature shall be authorized to enact legislation ■ treating any and all motor vehicles including trailers, as a separate class from other classes of tangible property for ad valorem property _ tax purposes, and to adopt different rates, methods or assessment dates for the taxation of such property, and to enact legislation consistent h°rewith to prevent any person, firm or corporation from escaping « payment of their fair share of ad valorem taxes on said motor ve hicles.” . All persons desiring to vot® in favor of adopting the proposed amendment shall vote for ratifica tion of the amendment, and all persons desiring to vote against , the adoption of the proposed amendment shall vote against rati fy-Hon. If such amendment shall be rati fied as provided in said Paragraph of the Constitution, it shall become a part of the Constitution of this . State. The returns of the election * shall be made in like manner as 1 returns for elections for members of the General Assembly, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of to ascertain the result and j certify the result to the Gove ."r, who shall issue his prock.n: thereon. , GEO. T. SMITH Speaker of the House GLENN W. ELLARD Clerk of the House PETER ZACK GEER President of the Senate GEORGE D. STEWART Secretary of the Senate DIAL JA 4-2343 and place an order for statements, bill heads. envelopes, etc. [Resolution Act. No. 153 [House Resolution No. 404-917 Proposing an amendment to the 'Constitution so as to provide that credit for service at Milledgeville State Hospital, or at any prison or [ detention camp or work camp operated under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Corrections which is applicable for the repay ment of medical loans and scholar ships shall be retroactive; to pro vide for the submission of this amendment for ratification or re jection; and for other purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: SECTION’ 1 Article VII, Section I, Paragraph II of the Constitution, as amended by an amendment ratified at the general election in 1952 (Ga. Laws 1951 ,p. 861), an amendment rati fied at the general election in 1960 (Ga. Laws 1960 p. 1300), and an amendment ratified at the general election in 1062 (Ga. Laws 1962, p. 1039), is hereby amended by striking from the eighth para graph of that portion of Paragraph II added by the 1952 amendment and amended by the 1960 and 1962 amendments the following: “One-fifth of the loan or scholar ship, together with interest there on, shall be credited to the appli cant for each year of practicing his profession in a community of 5,000 population, or less, according ■ to 1950 or any future census, or at .Milledgeville State Hospital, or at [any prison or detention camp or . work camp operated under the : jurisdiction of the State Board of I Corrections, and no annual interest on the scholarship loan shall be • paid during such practice or | service.”, i and inserting in lieu thereof the following: “One-fifth of the loan or scholar ship, together with interest there on, shall be credited to the appli cant for each year of practicing his profession in a community of 5,000 population or less, according to the United States Decennial Census of 1960 or any future such decennial census, or at Miledigeville State Hospital, or at any prison or de tention camp or work camp op erated under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Corrections, and no annual interest on the scholarship loan shall be maid during such practice or service. Credit for prac ice at Milledgeville State Hospital or at any of the above facilities of the State Board of Corrections, shall be retroactive and shall apply to any applicants engaging in such practice at any time. In the event an applicant has repaid any part of such loan or scholarship for which he would otherwise have re ceived credit for service, he shall be repaid whatever sum is neces sary to take into consideration the [ credit he would have received.”, _ so that when so amended said eighth paragraph of Paragraph II shall read as follows: “Applicants who are granted loans or scholarships by the board shall receive a loan not to ex ceed $5,000.00 to any one applicant to be paid in annual installments not exceeding $1,500.00 per annum, with which to defray his or her tuition and other expenses in any reputable, accepted and accredited four-year medical college or school in the United States, or a scholar ship in such medical college or school for a term not exceeding four years, the cost of such scholarship not to exceed $5,000.00. same to be paid at such time and in such man ner as may be determined by the board. The loans and scholarship herein provided shall not exceed the sums herein stated, but they may be prorated in such manner as 'to pay to the medical school te which anv applicant is admitted such funds as are required by th"t school, and the balance to be nai' 1 direct to the applicant; all of which shall be under such terms ahd con ditions as may be provided unde' Ir-'les and regulations of the board [The said loans or scholarships to be granted to each applicant shal 1 be based unon the condition th* 1 the full amount thereof shall b* renaid to the State of Georgia in icarh in full with 4% interest from I the date of each payment by th* State on such loan or scholarship ■ rare to be payable annuallv. fho (first annual payment to be due on 'r before one year from the date applicant completes his intern ®hin. or °*>me may be repaid to th® State of Georeia in services to be rendered Kv tbe applicant bv prac ticing his profession at some nbce within the State of Georgia to h® anforov®d bv the board. of the loan or scholarship,- tog®tb®" I with interest shall » v i credited tn the applh-xrt f'-/ year of practicing his profession in a community of 5,000 population or less, according to the United States Decennial Census of 1960 or any future such decennial census, or at Milledgeville State Hospital or at any prison or detention camp or work camp operated under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Corrections, and no annual interest on the scholarship loan shall be paid during such practice or ser vice. Credit for practice at Mil ledgeville State Hospital, or at any of the above facilities of the State Board of Corrections, shall be ret roactive and shall apply to any applicants engaging in such prac tice at any time. In the event an applicant has repaid any part of such loan or scholarship for which he would otherwise have received credit for services he shall be re paid whatever sum is necessary to take into consideration the credit he would have received. After the third full year of practice or serv ices within this State as herein provided, but not (before the said applicant shall be privileged, en tirely at the discretion of the board created to pay off the balance of the scholarship loan, together with accrued interest thereon, and upon such payment shall be relieved from further ob igations under his contract for oan or scholarship.” SECTION 2 When the above proposed amend ment to the Constitution shall have >een agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the wo branches of the General As sembly, and the same has been en tered on their journals with the ‘Ayes” and ‘Nays’ taken thereon, uch proposed amendment shall be published and submitted as pro vided in Article XIII, Section I, Paragraph I of the Constitution of Georgia of 1945, as amended. The ballot submitting the above proposed amendment shall have written or printed thereon the fol owing: “For ratification of amendment the Constitution so as to provide chat credit for service at Milledge ville State Hospital, or at any pris on or detention camp or work ramp operated under the jurisdic tion of the State Board of Correc tions which is applicable for the •epayment of medical loans and scholarships shall be retroactive. “Against ratification of amend ment to the Constitution so as to provide that credit for service at Milledgeville State Hospital, or at any prison or detention camp or work camp operated under the urisdiction of the State Board of Corrections which is applicable for the repayment of medical loans or scholarships shall be retroactive.” All persons desiring to vote in favor of adopting the proposed amendment shall vote for ratifica tion of the amendment, and all per ons desiring to vote against the idoption of the proposed amend nent shall vote against ratifica tion. If such amendment shall be rati fied as provided in said Paragraph of the Constitution, it shall become a part of the Constitution of this State. The returns of the election shall be made in like manner as returns for elections for members >f the General Assembly, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary f State to ascertain the result and certify the result to the Governor, who shall issfae his proclamation thereon. GEO. T. SMITH Speaker of the House GLENN W. ELLARD Clerk of the House PETER ZACK GEER President of the Senate GEORGE D. STEWART Secretary of the Senate Extra Session Resolution Act No. 19 House Resolution No. 88-80 A RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to exempt per sonal clothing and effects, house hold furniture, furnishings, equip ment and other personal property used within the home, and not held for sale, rental or other commercial •■se, in Muscogee County from all State and county ad valorem taxa ♦ion; to provide for the submission of this amendment for ratification or rejection; and for other pur >oses. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: SECTION 1 Article VIII, Section I, Paragraph TV of the Constitution is hereby amended by adding at the end , ♦hereof the following: “All personal clothing and ef 'eots, household furniture, furnish ‘pgs, equipment and other persona! roperty used within the home, and :t ’ ild fur sale.. ? ratal or other DONALSONVILLE (GA. 31745) NEWS THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 1964 commercial use, in Muscogee Coun ty is hereby exempt from all State and county ad valorem taxation.” SECTION 2 When the above proposed amend ment to the Constitution shall have been agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each o± the two branches of the General Assembly, and the same has been entered on their journals with the “Ayes” and ‘Nays’ taken thereon, such proposed amendment shall be published and submitted as pro . vided in Article XIII, Section I, Paragraph I of the Constitution of Georgia of 1945, as amended. The ballot submitting the above proposed amendment shall have written or printed thereon the fol lowing: “For ratification of amendment to the Constitution so as to ex empt personal clothing and effects, household furniture, furnishings, equipment and other personal prop erty used within the home, and not held for sale, rental or other com mercial use, in Muscogee County from all State and county ad val orem taxation. “Against ratification of amenu ment to the Constitution so as to exempt personal clothing and ef fects, household furniture, furnish ings, equipment and other personal property used within the home, and not held for sale, rental or other commercial use, in Muscogee Coun ty from all State and county ad valorem taxation.” All persons desiring to vote in favor of adopting the proposed amendment shall vote for ratifica tion of the amendment, and all per sons desiring to vote against the adoption of the proposed amend ment shall vote against ratification. If such amendment Shall be rati fied as provided in said Paragraph of the Constitution, it shall become a part of the Constitution of this State. The returns of the election shall be made in like manner as returns for elections for members >f the General Assembly, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to ascertain the result and certify the result to the Gov ernor, who shall issue his procla mation thereon. GEO. T. SMITH Speaker of the House GLENN W. ELLARD Clerk of the House PETER ZACK GEER President of the Senate GEORGE D. STEWART Secretary of the Senate Your Pay > 07// ! Il WHEN SICK OR HURT... could you pay big medical bills if you could not work? If you were sick or hurt, it would mean some additional expense and possible loss of income. Would you be able to meet this financial emergency? You will, if you have Security’s new Disability Inc ~ne Plan. Why not your nearest Seco ~ r Insurance Counsc jf today? Security . INSURANCE , f Wimton-Salem, North Cantina < toctwrr Lifb amp T«d»t Comfawt Skxbtt Gomui. bravwci Comtabt BILLY E. JONES Phone JA 4-5273 Post Office Box 506 Cynthia says.. by Cynthia Davis Tuesday, Oct- 20, the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Apti tude Test) was administered to juniors and seniors who plan to continue their educa tion. This test was taken pri marily for experience before taking 1 the SAT in December. The SAT is required for ad mission to most colleges. The PSAT and the SAT measure two kinds of scholas tic ability, verbal and mathe matical. Thus, by comparing one’s scores with those of stu dents who were accepted by the college of their choice, one has a good idea of his chances of being accepted. By showing one’s ability to do college work, the PSAT and SAT help students all over the United States in developing plans for their college educa tion. Students of all grades (eighth-twelfth) registered Friday, in order to be eligible to vote on November 2. Since a large number of the stu dents registered, it is predict ed that the results will be of interest to the people of Semi nole County as well as to the students. We were very proud of Gwynn Fain, “Miss Seminole County” and her court when they represented Seminole County in the annual Peanut Festival parade held in Do than, Saturday. In asking Gwynn to sum up her experi ences, Gwynn stated, “It was truly an experience that I shall never forget, but the most gratifying part of it all was the fact that I had the opportunity to represent all the wonderful people of Semi nole County”. Gwynn also stated that she couldn’t begin to express her appreciation for all the cards, letters and notes of good wishes and en couragement that she receiv ed during her stay in Dothan. Gwynn represented us well, and we are very proud of her for doing so. The column is rather short (much to your delight) this week, but just remember what Shakespeare said, “Bre vity is the soul of Wit”, (let’s not go Literary, Cyn). Any way, that’s the scene in and around the campus this week, but there’ll be more next week. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. Meyer Klempf has mov ed his residence to 207 W 11th Street, to the home formerly occupied by Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Holley. Dr. and Mrs- Holley purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rickman on Crawlford Street. The Rick mans reside on Tennille Aven ue in the dwelling formerly owned by Mrs. Doug Cow’art. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sawryer of San Antonio, Texas and Mrs. Pearce Dorrell of Jack sonville, Fla. spent the first pa it of the week in Iron City as quests of their father, Mr- E. J. Greene nd others of their family. * * ELECTED RESIDENT Word has >een received that, Glenda Lewberry who is a Junior at "Warren A. Cand ler Nursing School in Savan nah, has been chosen Presi dent of her class. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nemberry and a grad uate of Seminole County High School. .