The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 01, 1886, Image 4

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FOR THE FARM A.N I> HOME. C'nltwrv of ralilw«M. The culture of cabbage is one that pay* a large profit, whenever it is well done. An instance of a profitable crop of this vegetable growth in Michigan, a State which is taking a leading position in re gard to vegetable culture, i» given as fol lows: It was Mr. Wilson, of Tocumsch, who planted |() acres, for which the fyen' nwoe County Agricultural Society award ed a -|m-i iai prize. The method of Mr. Wilson was as follows: He manured the 10 acres of stonv, sandy, loamy, three year old sod with 1.10 loads of bam-yard manure, 2.000 pounds of superphosphate, and 3,000 pounds of salt. The land was thoroughly plowed and harrowed and planted July 1 and 2 with 10,000 flat Dutch plants, trimmed to a single leaf, nnd puddled with mud. The land wns cultivated six times and kept mellow and clean. No pests or diseases troubled the plants, which hid fair to head well when the examiners visited the field about the Ist of October. Perhaps some reason for this success may lie in the fact that Len awee County boosts one of the livest Farmers’ Clubs in that State or in the United States. AV«t York Time*. It« i rim on l hr Ktrm. Many of those who own farms or gar dens and might, by a little care, and at small e \ pen -c, haven continuous supply of berries of different kinds on their tables, during the summer and fall, and thus add much to the comfort and health of their families, too often have none, except Ihenieagn eipply which are found ' growing wild. In fact, many sueh do not fare as well in tin respect as the fam ilies of many laboring men in our towns aiei villages. A family supply of straw berries, especially, may he grown on so small a plot of ground, that any land owner, certainly, cannot have any excuse for not being applied with them in their season, for w ant of room. Planted in the spring, in row s three feet apart, w ith plants one foot in the row, and then left to form a matted row fifteen to eighteen inches in width, and given clean culture, a good crop may n a nimbly !»■ expected tin following year. —American Rural Home. Sirnaonn lilc Mutt. ■ of Farmers. Those who have families of children should interest themselves iii the district school, and see that it is well taught and sustained. No farmer who is a parent can nlford to neglect his duty in this mut ter, and should manifest a lively interest in the school where his own mid neigh bors’ children receive their rudimentary, if not principal, education. Able school trustees and commissioners, with capable and efficient teachers, are important requisites, and it is the incumbent duty of every parent to aid in securing these desirable auxiliaries to public and home educaiinn. To this end, attend the school meeting, vote for the heist men for , school trustees, and aid in making lib- I oral provision for a first-class school in your district. And do not fail to visit the same occasionally, and encourage the teacher. In this and other ways you can do much to improve the school, and every judicious effort in that direction will redound to the benefit of all inter ested—patents, pupils and teacher*. Good officers and teachers can best be se cured through the personal attention and influence of parents who manifest lively interest in their selection and manage ment. Furthermore, provide your family with pure and useful hooks and periodi cals. Money invested in rending matter of the right quality pays large dividends. The rule should lie to “get the best," only such publications as arc instructive, useful and elevating. Avoid all trashy story papers, and other reading of a senseless and sensational character of the nickel novel and love am! murder genera. They are demoralizing, r.ntl worse than poison for young people, ln sti id of such Useless trash, secure stand ard work' |Hitaining to rural and domes tie affairs, as well as history, science and literature. .■lwiriV.rii .I; iricnlturitt. Km in niitl (■urtlnt \ fair supply of meat for the hens will add to tile y ield of eggs and w ill prevent feather eating No breed of liens is “everlasting layers.” V hen that will lay ISO to 200 eggs a year is first class In sow in:: timothy with wheat and other grains the U"t results are obtained h\ having tin ground dragged and rolled first. Don’t forget that all fowls are without teeth and must he supplied with sand and gravel in order t > carry on the work of grinding the food. A putrid ear. ass polluting the air of a pastun w ill spoil not only the milk of the cows running there, but also the en tire content* of the vat into which the tainted milk is poured at the factory. True potato seed is rai'i d by planting the sed from the hall' or fruit. Each plant will produce a dozen or more tiny potatoes, which may In' selected from and the specimens !>e developed by cult lire. A s ,ith Car rinian last summer bag ged 20,000 buneie-s of grapes in paper covers. The fruit was |>erfcctly pro tected from rot, and ripened perfectly, but it was too tender to be shipped long distances. A Connecticut farmer has several bush els of apples piek> d last fall in us sound and good condition a* if just plucked. The fruit had been carefully rolled in paper. For choice varieties the hint may he worthy of attention. When pigs are allowed to sleep In damp places the result will often he stiff ness of the joints, rheumatism and dis eases of the spine, due to taking cold. Dryness and warmth are essential to the thrift of young pigs, especially on the approach of cold weather. The only truly economical manner of feeding stock, and from which the very heat and most profitable return- are to lie expected, is to convert the grains into meal and feed only in such quantiti' (at regular intervals) as each nnimal has ca pacity to consume and digest. Butter is largely an oil, which is so well fixed that it is hardly susceptible to chemical change; therefore, the principal parts not being subject to decomposition, we must look to the watery fluids which are contained in the milk, which, when not completely extracted, spoil the butter and render it worthless, or to he branded only as grease. To young stock, growing fast, feed good, strengthening food, which will produce muscle nnd help ill forming a large, strong frame. While the chicks lire still growing they should he fed often and with a variety of food. 'l'ln y are often fed on fattening food to keep them in good order, hut this is not, whnt they want, and sueh treatment will often pro duce ill-forme’ll, weak limited fowls. Os the several remedies for flu- cabbage maggots tried at Hie New York experi ment station, the kerosene emulsion, pre pared as follows, has I found most effective: One pound of common soap is boiled in four quarts of warm water; will'll all is dissolved and while the suds are boiling they are removed from the fire. One quart of kerosene oil is then : added and thoroughly mixed by stirring vigorously until the mixture is cold. < hit) pint of this emulsion is dissolved in ten ; gallons of hot water and appliiql to tho roots of the plants. Ilniurholfl Hints. Mats, tablespoons, salt cellars and pep per cruets may lie arranged to suit one’s taste. ],rt the table when no one is present hut the home circle, he the model nl whnt it should he when surrounded by guests. To take mildew out of linen, rub the linen with fine soap; then scrape some tine chalk, nnd rub it also on the linen. Lay it on the gras* as it dries, wet it a little, and it will come out in twice doing. Uncooked meats should not he placed directly on ice, as the juices are with drawn In this way. Neither should they be kept in wrapping paper, hut put, un covered, in a dish or pan and then placed on the ice. Southern Batter-bread. —Two cups of white corn meal, one cup cold boiled rice, three eggs well beaten, one table spoonful of melted butter, two and one half cups of inilk or enough for a soft batter, one teaspoonful of soda. Heat well for three minutes and bake quickly in shallow pans. Very nice for break fast. Kgg Sauce. —One cup of chicken broth, heated and thickened, with tahlespoon ful of butter rolled thickly in flour; poured over two beaten eggs; boiled one minute, with tablespoonful parsley stirred in; then seasoned and poured upon pounded yolkes of two boiled eggs placed in bottom of howl. Stir up and it is ready. Bttked Cu*tards. —One quart of milk, four eggs, five tahlcspoonfuls of sugar beaten with the eggs, nutmeg and two tahlcspoonfuls flavoring extract. Scald the milk. |xnir upon the other ingre dients, stir together well, flavor and pour into stone china cups. Set these in a pan of hot water, grate nutmeg upon each and hake until firm. Eat cold from the cups. Potato Hill.-. One pint hot, mashed potatoes, highly seasoned with salt. jiep per, celery salt, chopp'd parsley and butter. Moisten, if needed, with a little hot milk or cream. 11 it one egg light and add part of it to the potatoes. Shape into round, smooth halls. Brush over with tho remainder of the egg and hake on a buttered tin until brown. Bo careful not to get them too moist.— The Hotne. Masted Eloquence. A paragnipher remarks that eon verna tion is “the idle man's business and the business man’s recreation.” This reminds us of the commercial traveler who “talks to live and lives to talk.” He said tho greatest disappointment he ever met with was wlieu he entered a grocery ston anil talked ten minutes incessantly to the proprietor, expatiating upon the merits of a new brand of goods; the grocer at last took from his pocket a slate upon which he wrote the cabalistic words— “l'm deaf.” The c, t. says he retreated in dismay from the store, not waiting to “punch the heads” of the giggling clerks who shouted after him—“ Call again and bring an car trumpet with you.” —Jfem England Grocer. He AVent Too Far. “Excus<- me,” he end. as he halted a gentleman in the corr:Uor of the City Hall, “hut will you lend me your eye glass a moment ?” He put them ori his nose to read a let ter and then returned them with : “Thanks. Have you the correct timel Ah I Ten-thirty.” He set his watch and confidentially inquired : “Haven’t got any tobacco about you, eh ?” He wan handed a box and, after help ing himself to a liberal share, he re marked : “I want to mail a letter in the box h*re, but I find I have no postage stamps. If you—” He was handed a stamp. When he had licked it on and mailed his letter he said : “I’m going up Michigan avenue to Twelfth street. Do you happen to have a couple of street-ear tickets?” “Hir ! This is too much I” exclaimed the other. “I can stand about no much, but after that—” “There I There ! Beg your pardon ! How did I know you drew the line on street-car tickets ! No offense—none in the least. I’ll take your name and make a memorandum of where your generosity cesses and this shan’t happen again. I mistook you fur a gentleman who draws tho line on paying for the coupe when 1 ask myself up to hiß house for supper.”— Detroit Free Brest. A Maverick. The word “Movcriek’’ is used in tbs cattle ranees of tho West to designate an unbranded and hence ownerless ani mal. The Han Francisco Afar crick, it solf an unbranrlnd journal, gives this as the origin of the word : “A lew years Bam Maverick wont from Massie imsetts to Texas, where lie entered largely into stock business. After buying several herds ho neglected his .nges and left his stock to shift for themselves. Mr. Maverick, with liun Unitarian feeling, re trained from branding his young stock, behoving in tho imp icit honesty of hi* neighbors. When the genuine stock men of the region ran across an iin brandod animal on the round up they would say, That’s one of Maverjek’s; let’s brand it.’ “The word sprang into popularity, and its limited meaning was broadened and enlarged by constant use through out the cattle ranges and mining camps of the frontier. If a m u was unpro nouuced in his opinion ,u any subject, people would say, ‘He holds Maverick views.’ ” She Stood High. “John, dear, our Susie is fairly sick ovar her algebra. But she is getting along so nicely and has ninety in her report this week, and ninety-five in Latin and 100 in plnlosphy the dear girl.” Dood enough, wife. But what is the matter with tho breakfast to-day? Wore! meal we have had in a month.” “Well, .h im, I felt out of sort* this morning. ihe cook is away, and I let Susie stteod to the things. The poor girl really knows so little about house work, you know.” —Boston Traveler. Mr. Wesley Sisson, a well-known law yer of Chicago, was so helpless with sciatica slid inflammatory rheumatism that he could not feed himself. Nothing relieved his sufferings until he used St. Jacobs Oil. It. conquered all pain and he rose a cure I man. Honduras is not a particularly healthy COUntfy to live in, ns it is said a stay of three months on the coast is sure death, exclusive of the danger from reptiles. Chief Engineer John K. Oantliu, of the Philadelphia Fire Department, says that he was cured ol a terrible cold By Red Star Cough Cure, and that he has given it to liis men with most satisfactory results. I HK man who never gets mad is sup posed to he a half-brother to the woman who never looks Behind her. It is not certain tliat the wreck found on Mount Arn. it - :h. remains ~i Noah's Ark; but weIUV certain last Mien's Lunu Hitisam will etire ,'.in amt i-oids, ami sa\ r Ihe many wrecks 1 rum ..c i.n.i; s of consumption wo see now a- la i * All ilramrists sell the Hal sum. Price, 26c., .'kV. and jl per bottle. Thk latest scientific discovery is made by Professor Felix Adler, who says that heat engt mho - crime. I cheerfully recommend Red Clover Tonic lo thosesutferiiiK from troubles of ihe stomach »ml liver. lam now on my second bottle, and it makes me led liAe a ncu- man. C. M. L'on- Non, Nashua, loiva. Mvssm on - i-roxt**n nanrTOitic. theontr preparation oi licet containing lis enWre in.-fri «.’is> ; .-■•■ - It •■■mains bluod-makuiK force.aeneiating «nd lilV suetninina properties, invaluable tar in,iwest ion, dyspepsia, nervous proulra ion. a I all forms of general debility: also, in , ah-.I conditions, whether ihe result of e\ o. nervous prostration, over work or -o to .i - , • p •.rticularly if result -iy upnl-n • up .uiits. i &ss ell,Hazard a la, l'r prn - Now V. rk. Sold by dru^xisis The Rawiiis Untieing Master. Why , . ,-r .iko a I re- Hi - full of h. : . is i Ihhi s . Tlie eoilsump- 'o from lo", \:!: i \ Teli hm to take Tll s Cherokee Remedy of Sweei Gum and Mulle If a col curbs your sleep, take lhso's Cure for Consumption and rest well. That Settled It. They were discussing in the Illinois Legislature a hill to prevent the destruc tion of quail for three years. Speeches of various - rt were made. One farmer advanced the suggestion that there wete too many quail. If they should Be pre served for three years they would eat up sll the crop-. Then up ruse an tv 'nest granger, with this valuable contribution to nature, t s-t y 'Mr. Cheerman, I’ve lived m lliiioy. nan and Bov, for forty years, enduring all of which time I've follered agricuitooral pursui ts exceptin’ for seven years, when I was a-ruuuiu’ of s saw mail, sud 1 hare obwrved this about quaii . whenever there is too many quail, the good Lord He freeze* them out.” That settled it. Stuck livithk*.-Mr. Alms Hill, of Brownwo. J. t.a., has about 200 head of sheep ou liis piact and a good many cockle burs file dry he '«»> in the field and saw tilt, , p -n e by side, their heads .-ill'ng tlie s.m.i wv. looking as if out urn . He \c!i-ai at them to move, aul t whole g. -. : mover! at once It v.-.-unii use u»- fore he ascertailed • l the hn-s had got -.a to their v c ; »: er were .-tuck togetiter. The ‘•calp in clcn n M and excited to a healthy action by H.'til’a Ha r I'^n^vver. In f -'i" j.' < n i)i to ron?h ir, diiuni.aijfcd by taking A>«i rs Cherry Pec-total. TH 1 f SatiO! piOtti •r, front-ier. PhiktdeJ[thin f all. _ -avlng the Lawyer*. “ T)ir* tirit thing we do, let's kill all the law yer*.' This is rather a blood -thirst y proposi tion, which we mollify by offering to cure this worthy class of people. Most of them suffer ' n common with nearly all others of sedentary habits . from the injurious effects of dyspepsia, Jrtdisrestlon, piles. i'<vr of appetite.and other ailments caused by a constipated hdbit dt thS body. Or. Pierce s ’’Pleaa-int i'urgatlve Pel lets" eradicate ail tie - disorders in promptly removing the < ause thereof, and induce a rare degree- of comfort and health. Why is a dog’s tail a novelty ? It was never s**en before. Sought for the last hundred years.—A rem* edy for Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in tr.e Head found at last in Ely 8 Cream Halm. Safe a;id pleasant to use, and easily applied with the linger. It gives relief at once and a thor ough treatment posillvely cures. fiG cent* by druggists. *JO cents by mail. Ely Bros., Owego, N. Y. I have been afflicted with catarrh for 20 yearn. It had be* me chronic, and there was a constant dropping of mucous matter from the roof of m> mouth. It extended to my throat, causing hoarseness and great difficulty i., ipeaking, indeed for years I was not able to peak more tnan thirty minutes,and often this * th great difficulty. J also, to a great extent, i.r-t i hi' «mwp of hearing in the left ear, and of :- 1 * . B> the use of Ely’s Cream Balm I have re relief than from all Other reme dies 1* -ides. All dropping of mucous has • a>« d. and my voice and hearing are greatly ii:,p i.ved. las. W. Davidson, Attorney at Law, Monmouth, Warren Co., lIL 'i’llk i-hiricen tiiief is an annex-hen trick fel low Marathon I ntlependent. Victory hi hunt. Consumption, the greatest curse of the age. tli.- d< stmyerot thohsands of our brightest and be t, i conquered. if is no longer incurable. Ur. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery” is a certain remedy for this terrible disease if tak en in time. All scrofulous diseases consump tion in a scrofulous affection of the lungs—can he cured hy it. ItHeffect in diseases of t lie threat and lungs are little less than miraculous All druggists have it. A n easy way to find a lost relative—Make a will in his favor. Have used I)r. Bigelow’s Positive Cure in my family as a general cough medicine. One of my children was quickly relieved of a severe attack of croup by it. I cheerfully recommend it. 11. L. Covelu Grand Rapids, Michigan. ftHKAit nonsense—trying to cut the hair of a bald-headed man. Too well known to need lengthy advertise ments Dr. Sage’s < atari'll Remedy. A walltt, like a jackknife, is only useful when open,- -New Haven News. One pair of boots can be saved every year by using Lyon’s Patent Metalic Heel Stiffen ers. HedStar TRADE Wd/ MARK. />eo from Opiates, Emetics and Poisott, IurI: QKCts. PROMPT. AT Dhoooiht* amd Okamha. _ _ Til K (IUHIFS A. TOOKT.FR fO-, 3/. I.TISIORF, Ml>. ffjlrapnji GERmanBD/ if® ■ Cu-cs Rheumatism, Neuralgia ilmn j.rk.rb.,, TMlii.ek^ rOl r d il ■ W I H will at druuoists and DKAIJSMk THE ClI AKI-I.H A. TOliFI 4 0., BAtTIHOBI, MD. FORCOUCHS, CROUP AND CONSUMPTION USE TAgT OF SWEET GUM AND MULLEIN. The Sweet Gum from ft tree of the fame name fro wing In the South. Combined with a tea made rom the Mullein plant of the old fields. For sale bv all druggists at 25cents and Si.oo per bottle. W \I.TF.K A. TAVLOK. Atlanta, Oa. Scrofula of Lungs. I atn now 4f year* old. and hare suffered for the last Often vears with a lung trouble. I have spent thousands of dollars to arrest the march of this «.is ea*« . but trmporarv relief was all that I obtained. 1 was unfit lor any manual labor for several years. \ friend strongly reeommeudedthe useofSn trt • s , , > s s. i, claiming that he himself had bean cp .if l v ; eneiUted by its use tu some lung troubles. I resolved to trv It. The results are remarkable. My rough has loft me. my strength has returned, and I . tgh sixty pounds more than l ever did In my lire, it has been three vears slurts I stopped the use of tha medMne. but l have had no return of the disease, and there are no palus or weakness felt In mv lung*. 1 do the hardest kind of work. T. J. UoLT. Montgomery. Ala.. June 25. 1885. Swift’s Specific is entirely vegetable. Treatise oa l .oo i and skin Diseases malleil free. l ine swurr Srxcino Co., Drawer S, Atlaata. Go., or 157 W. £kl Si, N. Y. , Water Whssls, MlllstOßisglfHsk i ond p< VLIAisIiV MILLB fiv "3 ks&jsA.A. DeLcacU Bro„ wotiderfkllv low. Send (m w 1 ’(jf oaitiw. llmmi psp«l. Emustahel of the Fittest.i Si i riMILT MEDH’IXR TH4T HAS HKAIKIiM MILLIONS DtKI.Vb Si TBARS’ iiiiMMiiffiiiiiml A HALM FOB EVERT WOOD Ol 9 MAX A.VI> BEAST t Oldest & Best Linimenta EVER MADF IN AMERICA. J SALES LARGER THAN EVER B r D* The Mexican Mustang Liniment hn*M :■ been k - ->wn for more t’.unJhirty-flvc-Jj| rears as the best of ail Lii.imrnta, lorS \n ,ni I Beast. Its sales to-«Jav &refl fin - «| rahlLttd penetrat«*s ski: . taodonH And muscle, to ths very bone. SolciH 4everywhera. ¥ If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thompson’s Eye Water. Drnggißtriaell it. 25c. Is Tour Blood Pure? Por Impure blood the b**st medicine known. vill’s Sarsapariixa. or Blood and Liver Stri p. may be Implicitly relied on when everything else falJr Take it in the spring time especially for the Impure secretions of the blood incidental to that Hsason Os the year and teke It at all Uin»*e for Cancer. Scrofula, Liver Complaints. Weakness. Bolls. Tumors. | Swellings. Skin Diseases, Malaria, and t*r thousand ills that come from impure blood. To Insure a cheerful disposition take So will’s Blood and Liver syrup, wnlch will restore the mind to Ita natural j e-j.illtbritfn;. A young lady wran>c4 up in herself is a delicate parcel. —Chicago IHtyrn fn BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERA!. DEBILITY PAIN in the RACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine has Trade Mark and created Red I inrs cn wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. DROPSY TREATED FIt.EE! DR. H. H. GREEN, A Specialist for Eleven Years Past, HaS treated Dropsy and its cdmpUc.itlrrns with the most wonderful huci-css; uses vegetable remedies, entirely i .TrrnWs. Removfes all symptoms of dropey in eight to twenty davs. Cures patieuts prouounced hopeless by tha bast of physicians* From i first dose the svmptom* rapidly disap pear. and in ten da>s at least two-thirds of all symp toms are removed. Some nut' cry humbug without knowing anything about it. Iteineinl er. it does not cost you anvlhiuy to realize th<* merits -.f my treatment for yourself In ter da-s the difilcult. - of breathing is relieved, the pulse r -jul ir. the urinary organs made to dis charge tlieir lull dutv, sleep is restored, the sw lliug all or nearly gone, tho strength increase 1. and appe tite made good. 1 am curing rases of lOSg standing, cases that have been tapped a num ber of times, arid the patient declared unable to lire a week. Send for Ift da:, s’ treatment; directions nd terms free. full history of case. Name •ax. how long afflicted, how badly swollen and where la b' - have legs bunted and dripped water. Send for free pamphlet, containing testi monials, questions, etc. Tan da •' treatment tumished free by mall. Heud 7 cents in R’anius lor postage on medieiae. Epilepsy fits positively cured. 11. H. GREEN. M. D., Jones Avenue* Atlanta* Gt. Mention this paper. A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. DR. T. FELIX GOUKAUD’S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL IEAUTIFIER a> o Removes Tan, Pimples, T. -c x Freckles. Muth-Petehes, M g Rcjih and Skin disenaes, and ''c/) . Sli jtf every blemish on beauty, ’j, -I a> cBo JRand defies dctectii»n. It has -• 2 itood the test <>f k rr . ja fR? vears and is 5*5 =,C/? * 3 »Si •. .*T° harmless we jBSf to hesure " ® e ? vjr ittyor Hie preparation m * J-' N; Sf properly made. Accept Wjn no counterfeit f *rL UJ of similar name. B£&&Pss l k-fl ■ f The distinguish jP j}W\ V ed Dr L. A.Sayer w- ‘ k • j -jsrHjt * \ said to a lady of /■ ' g \ the haut ton, L r I (a patient): “As wfr' # y°« ,a<ile * wll! use them. I rec- v - , 7 .'.vf«w» mud’s Cream’as the least harmful of all the Skin prepantions.” One h rtlo will six months, using it every day. Also PoudreSub tile removes 7':p'-riiiious hair without iniuryto the skin. ■ nr. M. H. T. «.t»l K. 41 D, Sol* Prop., 48 Kunri St.. .%>w York. For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers in tho U S., CanadiL,, Europe. HTBeware of base imitations SI,OOO Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling same Salvo CURES DRUNKENNESS and Intemperance, not Instantly, but effectually I be only scientific antl- PQ dote for the Alcohol Hubit and the "La only remedy .hat dnres to send trial bottles. High y endorsed by the med leal profession and prepared by well known Nov \ ora physicians. Send stamps for circulars and references. •V Address “SALVO REMEDY.” No. 2 West 14th Bt, New YorL No Hop* to Cut Off Horses’ Manes. U Celebrated • ECU I»-' * Ilkl/FKii IjjV and HlfllM.K. ( ombined. «no >. A lyTiv be Slipp.-l bv any h■»r-c Sample mJC sf laK Hultrr any part V. S. free, on receipt of *l. Sold bv all Saddlery. JmS Hardware and Harneas Dealer* Vi Special di-count to the Trade. \ » jl C. ‘ !loclie*h r. N. ' . ■■ “ CONSUMPTION. I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by Ita ■se th'-u*an~s of cases ol’ the worst kindaudof lcog standiog have been cured. Indeed, tostronglt mv faith la Usenicacv,that I wi l aendTWO BOTTLES FKkB together with aVA F UAHI KTRKATIER on thlv disease to any sufieror. Glvo express and t* O. addreaa. DR. T. X >' i'IUM, 111 Per.rlSt., New Terk. 1"S STHMA CURED ll AA t.crinan Aathnni 4'ure never fatU to glveffi a VY . -nmcdiate reiitf In the worst cases, insures com- J finable sleep; effects cure* where all others fall, il trial ccnrvnce,* tAe moit tkevdrai. Price 60 eta. andMj #I.OO, of Drusjtla's or bv mail Sample FKEE forH sump I>K. K. -rimVM W ?*t. Paul, Mlnn P4Y PIIRFH Having sufficient coat mi WnC'> UUriCUsdence in our ability and the willingnex* of mankind to pay when the eure is mad> > . we cure vl chronic iisoaaes and aak no pay for or aonl aftertheoure seffeeted. Describe you- case fully and send stamp for inalrtie tiotu> !»K. U. O. BAKEIG Bax 104* Rutfalo. n. Y. r (\Vd.Y\oc,X.Qt X Klt vors m. ■ EtLK or MB wlUXll ESS AS I) 'w r KiHiiTY rrmiEm*& pkcat. Al'./mse >b*». Reciarkable and quick ecre«. Trial past age*. Ser.J Stamp for sealed partleuiara Address, Dr. WARD A CO., LOCISUXA, HO. R • ff A ft* T*r* La ex and Gentlemen to ■An ffiCJsfclaß Ikk* 1 light work at their lfl|£ ( '.viV : S! t<.. a day easily made. v ' rk xe: t 1 y mail. No canvauiug Wa H Hr rood demand for our work, sdc fur mW . . ployinent. Address, with TBISTDH’S peahITQOTHPOWDER Keeping Teeth Perfect ail OiSM H—Jtky. r\ a «,*■ t Übiamwcl. »eud 1 . T* A £ Lil i O lLveu; r%’Uui4a L* Bin a. Sam. Patent Lawyer. Waahiugum. U. 0. FMYROmPiLLS “CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH/* Tin* Original and Only Genuine. •a- aed *.•*. « . , Beware of vorfhleaa Imitation, bdiipeosai u. LADIES. Aak yew Ur.grist *r Chichesters t.ngltsh” sod tale ss sUrr sr meU-.s *&. (stsu.*o at f r parueular* *f» >ttrr S-* rrlun s*X NAME PAPER, i Mckester CVe.Vsl Cs., *# * » Madia*., aq.stra, Phliada.. Kv St —'-rT *t.r., v. ■ -ChU-kc ter • t-ng 1 ■ *i, I rn«rr ■ •. • : .«• cs vifcsr. ISSLICKER^ •>, i The F’?T? 88-ASDSLintERI* wa-ranted wat-rT'roof, and win keer> you dry tn e ; -v ... _ • , sA\l the hard-et etnrm. T e n-w POMMEL NLU'KJLBU a perfect ndm« coat, and ■ A . j\ 'A eooera the entire aa-ld’.-. F wa-e of Imita: uCi Nona rename wltnoat tho “Plan pjTf N’s 25 26 CENTS f s 7\\^) CI i n for *°* 1 Cougi^^Rh^Cr o^ fiINGBAISAf* TSE BEST AND CHEAPEST COUGH or GROUP R. m 2dZ E ID Y - AS AN EXPECTORANT *T HAS NO EQUAL. It Contains no Opium In Any Form. ALIEN’S LUNG BALSAM J SIM Bottlpe, Price ‘A3 Cents, 50 Cent* and S f The 25 C ant hotties are put upfortheaecoii.'aryxiaaaa *f *ll who sluiplT * '-■uujth ■ urCgonv!* Those desiring * remetlv for CONSUMPTION *» any 1,1! 1.0 IjISEASB ihoulu secure the large *1 botCw Pries, 25c,, 50c. and SI par Bottle. SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS. BPlso's Remedy fbr Catarrh t» the B*4 Beat, Easieat to Use, and Cheapest. Ml Alao good for Cold In tlie Head. Q> Headache, Hay Fever, Ac. SO cent*, jgjj "Judging fro® It* effect* Is mi case Piso’s Kern* dv for Catarrh i. Bicelsior HcTiamd, New York. ara EriSe-e Remedy fbr Catarrh ta the M Best. Jaslfßt to Dae, sntl Cbeapeet. «| Also good for Cold In tfft’ H*»d, « Headach,, Hay Fever, Ac. 60 ,XB<a SI "Plso’e fieuicdy for Catarrh gave me almoe.' trcm*. diate relief." E’, E. BnsiMaaD, Audubon, lowa Plao’e Remedy for Catarrh Is the n Beet, Easiest to Use, ami Cheapest. HS ffijg foa HCTdaiihe, Hay Fever, Ac. V> cents, ggg " Ptao’e Remedy sot Catarrh t» Juet the medicinal have been looking for- —, OL’Ton, Mayeirlle, tty. piso’s Ramedy for Catarrh is toe fiX wS Bast, Eaaleat to Use, and Cheapest, fine SSg Also good fbr Cold In the Head, Hg Hoadache, Hay Fever, Ac. 60 cente. ta| ” Piso’e Remedy for Catarrh has done me more good than anything I ever tiled."—Mies R. A- axon lit, Cornwall Bridge, Conn. ■I Pleo’e Remedy fbr Catarrh la the S? 5 Beet, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest, m B&oj Aleo good fbr Cold In the Head, , Headache. Hay Fever, dtc. 60 centa. ' * Plso’e Remedy for Catarrh Is croducl ng favorable roeulU."—Ono. W. Withau, Philadelphia, Pa IB Plso's Remedy for Catarrh t» the wB MW *Mt. Fasleat to Use, and Cbeapeet. jgEl MSI Also good fbr Cold In the Head. nB Headache, Hay Fever, Ac. 60 cente. gggj Pa>nes’ Automatic Enginos and Saw-Mitl. urn lpaoer. We offer an Bt> 1 > 11. P. meunted Engine with MIR, 50 n noliil Saw. .oft. Uniting, cant-hooka, rig rompletQ for up •r.itioxi, on ears, 0!, l(Hl. h : on ■kid •* sl‘l I'-ss. Bcnd for oirculAr(B). li \V. PAYNE & SONS, Manulaoturersof all stylos Autnniutir En ?i»ra. from 3to 800 H P. ; also Pull eye, H&njfera a»4 ftng, Elmira, N. Y f'. >x iN-iO. PLAID SHAWL GIVEN AWAY! Throueh the failure of a larp# mu ofactnrer of Cflihmero Nliawli, there haa come into onr handi a large consignment of J’lairf J*b«wl.v, perfect goc.:-, *\ in h we |»r'*poi« t* yirtrst t<* l^e *^ e following •Manner Send us tide, for ll moa. Ft’lwrip- Hm’*a Wyn to i aria unit ll«u»eln; 1 *. ** lxrre. It’, pure liluntrau-d paper, ■*- voted to 1 arm and Hi usehoid to pi if, rtcriea and pen era 1 mlsoellany, and wo AfftLgJ wi.l tend von one of ttieae beautiful k'KKl'., by mail, postpaid, we * shawls and B «üb \ -VviaKr ■cru ti'.ns to one addresa for SI.OO. Satisfaction Guaranteed «~SIrL/'i' or money refunded. Address « \ l» HOrSEIIOLO, Yoa are aUowed afire trial of thirty days of the aM of Dr. I>je*B Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Buaj pensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and pern manent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality und Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for nianjl other diseases. Complete restoration to Health, Vigof, ar.d Manhood guaranteed. No risk I* incurred. Illua trated pamphlet In sealed envelope mailed free, by ad* dreeing VOLTAICIH’LTd).. Nlai ahall. MJckJ a5 TO I* WAGON SCALES, lAn L«v«rs, Stoal Braaa T«-« Btsei and Baa a* Baa. ;ONXSks pay* tha fralght-far THc* LUt mantlon tht* aad aod-aw JOKES OF BIMGHAMTtN, Bloghamtou* N.Y# SALESMEN WANTED I i neighbothood—#ither to travel or tell at me— Dickey’* Indian Blood and Liver Pula. Apply v.g’vmg r*-ferenoe. J. as K. Dicxxt, Bnaiol. Tenn. MORPHINEA^ hOaILK UlltU. AD VICK FREE. DR. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson. Wisconsin. raret^rtSSLovl 1 >3 9tv w~*^L’? | l ••ini xtamps '.or p-Mt’s. A PCIITC WANTED Pot a Good Selling A UtH 10 Houaeho d Article. Send i wo rn rent r txmn for Sample and Terms. 1A OOHREfQ SQQ ,202 William St,,N. Y. City. D|«j,L Q!!|. Great English Gou! and Dlalr S r Ills. Rheumatic Remedy. tfy*l Bo»t ll.Q«| ronndy no cm. nP\TOTn\Tn Soldiers a Heir*. Send "tamp rKJiolUrio y&tj- C?FVH Prof Moody a Sew lUoatraud L/ Book an Droa. Makis C New Dotmai. soft Vantlo we. Ageata aoll 10 a day Prof.BOOH r.f Ineir .i O. ■ Ptoo’i lUtnoffy fbr Catarrh la tho I Boat, Eagiee*. to Uae. and Choapest. 1-^f ■ Also rood for Cold In the Head, H Headache, Hay Fever, 50 conta |^| A. N. U Eleven.’B6