Newspaper Page Text
Brooknlitr (lie stock iniin in »I in
to arrive today with morn mule*.
Hon. I’. A. .MoQneeii, county
neliool efiinmiHsioiier <»f Tnombfl
roulily, wah n vibilor hero on Sat
Rev. J. li. Griner went («> Mr-
Rao Ttiet-day to attend the Breach
era’ Institute of the Meßa* I>is.t
I have taken the agency for two
of the Lent old-line lire insurance
companies and am prcparrcd to
write n liberal line on propety in
Mt. V ernon and vicinity.
Mr. (!. A. l.egill 'if (ilcnmille
visited here Sunday.
The Empire Comedy Co. did not
frighten any liorsea to death here
Inst week, hut n«ver did auceoed
in getting an audience to hear
Col. .1. B. (ioiger wan over at Ins
farm on the west of the raging
waters of the Oconee vsndcrdny.
Surveyor Morris was busy Tues
day afternoon driving pegs and
laying off a number of fine build
ing lots in the MeAUister exten
sion on the east side.
The boys ure determined that
the gubernatorial aspirants sluill
not monopolize all the fun. Keep
your eye on our announcement
column, and watch the thing
We regret to learn of the .serious
illness of Mrs. Sharpe, wife <>f
Mr. J. T. Slmrpe near Kongpond.
Contractor (leo. E. Adams is
busy this week with the new bank
building at Collins.
Our neighbors, \V. E. D. Hack
lev and Mrs. J. E. Adams know
how to make newspaper folks feel
that they have not lived in vain.
They manage it with big platters
piled high with spare-ribs and
The political ball is open, and
you need the Monitor now.
lion. Alf. Herrington, the well !
known humorist and impersona
tor, will lecture at tbo auditorium!
of the Union Baptist Institute
one evening next week. YVe are
not informed as to the exact date, ;
but may lie able to give it in mu
next issue. A rare treat is instore
for those who attend.
Appolnlinrnl' Ml. \ colon Circuit.
Eongpond, Ist Sunday. Mt.
Vernon, 2d Sunday, morning and
evening. Ailey, fid Sunday, both
morning and evening. Gleuwood,
4th Sunday, morning and evening
and Saturday before. Caroline’s
Chapel, afternoon of first Sunday.
J. B. Grinkk, Pastor. ,
1 will be buck at Mt Y’ernon by
February Ist with another carload
of MU EES—some large ones, some
Urge ones, some medium si/e, all
well broke, and some well broke)
horses- Wait for m* and 1 will
make it to your interest. Terms
Easy. J. M. BROOK SHF. R.
Money to loan at 0 and 7 per
cent on improved farms.
A. B. Hctchkson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
I'm f -e -alesmen Cot our new County,
r w ship amt lUilroH I Survey of
(oni.oa Till* survey is a splendid
cotnpi a ion of faeis. figuies and
dt,*\vjng> and n( wonderful value.
Comities and town* fully ind- xed
and population of each is given;
railroads plainly shown ami dis
tances between all stations are
shown; congressional districts out
lined, numbered an.t population
given. Other features i.hi numerous ;
to mention. A splendid opportunity
for energetic men. Hand, McXallV !
it Co.,Chicago. 111, ' j
“fine of (he queerest wedding
journeys J ever heard of,” the girl 1
remarked, “a;i- that of a friend of
! mine who was married in Canada
the other day. She lived in Ontario, '
and her husband had settled on u j
farm in one of the new provinces in
the far west. After they were mar
ried they set out for their new home
in a freight ear that the bridegroom
. had specially fixed lor the journey.
“The front half of the car was '
arranged as a sleeping and li\ijig
I room and kitchen combined. They !
, had the necessary tables and folding
chairs, box cupboards for the dishes
and supplies and a big oil stove.
Camps hung from tlie roof of the
ear. ship fashion, and the whole in
terior looked particularly cozy when
the bride had finished the work be
gun by her husband.
“The odd pari of the outfit was
the fact that the rear half of the
ear was fitted up as a stable for the j
two horses that were a part of their i
wedding gifts. The journey ended i
safely and happily, I should imag
ine, from the letters I have had
from the bride. No girl who could
have a private ear or a steam yacht
Jnr such a journey would be more
enthusiastic t ban rn\ friend was over
her economical and unique honey
moon.” New York Press.
Our Financial Fiction.
Through its unconscious exaggor
| ationTTf 'superficial, temporary traits
evil the ephemera) fiction of any
period, taken in mass, may end by)
producing on entirely genuine rec
ord. To give an example, Thack
eray pi the most general way tells
how Colon* I Newcome lost his mon
ey and then goes on to explain in
delml how Hint loss affected him.
But after reading a half dozen re
cent specimens of American busi
j ness novels you feel like a graduate
: from some hideous commercial col
lege. You could fleece the gooff J
colonel and evade jail without fur
j th#r instruction. A dozen such
; books as “Ee Nalml/’ would not
equip you with so intimate n knowl
edge of the bourse, yet succeeding
generations can enjoy Baudot's sto
ry, while, to risk prophecy, will any
but future ethnologists find their '
account in our sordid tales of ra- !
j pine? —Marv Moss in Atlantic.
A Tonsorial Adviser. -
An enterprising barber in New
| York has on his business cards: “1
take great delight in announcing to
my kind and faithful patrons that
I have engaged M. Brillouct of the .
Boulevard do lu Madeleine, Paris, i
to remain with me for the ensuing :
year as a tonsorial adviser. His '
reputation is worldwide. Few men
know how they want their hair out
or their beard trimmed. Hero is
a competent artist to suggest the
style best suited to improve the ap
pearance of all who do not shave
as well as of those who do. The
hock hair is of great importance.
Most barbers mutilate it. A man ,
with his beard trimmed one way i
may have a misfit look. Just the
touch of a scissors in the hands of
an artist may render him hand
The Russian Losses.
Some striking figures are pub
lished by the Novoe Y'reniya as to
the forces at the disposal of the
Russian commander in chief in Man- 1
ehuria at the close of the late war.
When peace was concluded General ,
Einevitch had at his disposal 12.500 ,
officers, 017,000 men and 270,000 ,
horses. But from the beginning to *
the end of the war there had been
carried to the front 20,000 officers,
1.270,000 men, 2)10,000 horses and '
more than 1,000 guns. Subtracting
these figures and making allowance
for the 80,000 men already on the h
spot when the war broke out. the j ,
Russiart losses appear roughly 7,500
officers and 433.000 men.
A Qu»«n'i Queer Position.
The legal position of Queen Alex
andra is very curious. So far as
her private business is concerned she
is not regarded by the laws and cus
toms of England as a married worn- !
an. The idea of the law is that af
fairs of state consume all the time
of the king, and, therefore, no re
sponsibility for the queen's private
business rests upon him. If the
queen contracted debts in her bus- j
band’s name he would not be re
sponsible for them, as any other
husband would. The king cannot
be sued for debt, but the queen
can be. v
Taxing the German Emperor.
Although the German kaiser’s
automobile is the only one without
a number in Prussia, and conse
quently is not taxed, nevertheless
his majesty is taxed for carrying a
gun. He recently paid for his an
nual license, which reads ns follows:
“Valid for one year. Twelve months'
shooting license for his majesty the
kaiser and king living at Berlin— j
from IVo. 1, 1005, till Nov. 3Q,
1000. Von Borries, chief of police,
i 1
Fur Treasurer.
I o llu i ii jz< u» i,| Montgomery , minty:
t lurt-by announce my*' If a undid*te for
the office- f TnKiHi HKii of Montgomery conn
: •>', subject to tlic action of the Democratic
, Party, Yours Respectfully,
(': A Poj'E.
For Treasurer:
To Hu Vo Ur* of Muntgoinc ry County:
I take tbi,, method of announcing ,uy calidi-
I du<-y for the office of i KKASt.nri; of Morilgoin
j cry county, subject to the. action ol the pri
mary election, which comes off *1 *uch Unit
II s may bo named by the Executive Committee
I earnestly uoliu t the support of all my fellow
citizens, and promise if elected to di (it 'barge
my duty to the l»e*t of my ability. This .Tun.
15, IUO6. L. J! Mr (.kmohe.
For Tax Collector.
1 respectfully announce to the voter* of
Montgomery coiftTly that J am a candidate
for the office ol Tax Coixcctou of your ctmn
! ty, and solicit your support at the coning
| primary. I guatantec a satisfactory discharge
: of the duties of the office it elected.
Ja>ii> W. Adams
For Tax Collector:
To the Citizen* of Montgomery C >unty:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of 7'ax Cot,i,KCTOR ol Montgomery
county, and ask for t lection at your hand*. 1
feel myself fully competent to seivc you in
this capacity, aud if favored with the office by
yon, I guarantee a faithful discharge of it*
duller My candidacy i* subject to Iho action
of the coming ptimavy. /Aspect hilly,
11. A. Simpson.
lor Sheriff.
To the Voter* of Montgomery:
I aid, your support at the approaching pri
mary for re-election to tho office of Siif.rikk
of Montgomery county. As in tho part, I
Hindi, if favored again with the office, do my
beat to diHchargo faithfully the duties of this
responsible position. Having the business of
tho office well in ban 1 , hikl knowing ith re
rptit emout*. 1 Icel just ilh <1 in asking another j
term at your hand*. Yours Respectfully,
A. J . Cl in n.
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce to my friends and the j
votr r* of Montgomery county that I am a j
candidate for i for tin next terra. ,
Several Jems of xpcrii ncc in this line of
work win rant* me in saving that I can attend
to tho dutick of tbi* r< sponsible office with
satisfaction to all law-abiding citizens. I can
honestly promise a fair and energetic per
formance of the dot it s and responsibilities of
the position if favor, ,1 with it. 1 expect to
abide a (air decision of the primary.
For Tax Receiver.
I am a candidate for the office of Ii kit.! vr. u
or Tax I!khlinh for Montgomery county, and
ask the support of all voters. I submit my
candidacy subject t«• the rupiirenients of the
primary to be held, and guarantee a faithful j
and business-like discharge of all the work
of tho office. I am lamdiar with the du- j
tie* and responsibilities of tho place, and if j
favored w ith election the citizens of ihe conn- j
ty will have no cause for complaint.
ltespectfully Yours,
C. E. Goitoo.j.
For Clerk Superior Court.
At the approaching primary 1 will ask for j
Ihe nomination for re-election to the office ot of the superior court of Montgnnieii
county. 1 point to the work of tbi* my first
term as an earnest of my ability an 1 integrity
in the proper management of the office, and
feel that 1 have a right to ask another term
at the hands of my 1, tends and follow citizens. '
Your* Respectfully,
John C Cai.uoi n.
Notice* to Contractors:
Georgia Mm tgnmery Conntv,
The Commissioners for Hoads and Revenue*
of Montgomery County, Georgia, will tet to
the lowest bidder the contract for the removal
of the old eountv court house otT its present
site, on Monday, Fob. 19lh, lift!, at puldi,
outcry in front of tho curt house in Mount
Yet non, On., within the legal sale hours.
Said old building is to ho moved in an east
erly direction a distance of forty yards bom its ,
present site, and is to he kept in'act so that
it can still be used after the removal for the
purposes of holding sessions of court therein:
provided, however, that the brick ehimuey* at
each end need not be removed with the build- i
ing, but may be torn away. The contractor
will he required t > remove said building anil
have it off its nr« sent site before the 15th of
March, 1906 The contract price fur tins work
will lie p.ld when the Wei kis elolle. The e'on
tfactor will ho required to give bond for the 1
faithful performance' of bis contract, ami te>
iiteli nimfy th.c county for any damages occa
sioneel by a failure to pel form the same w ithin
‘tile* prescribed time. 1 his January U, I>H6.
t . It WouTF.N. " XI. lll.AMi,
W. W. Foe, Pevß,
Georgia Mont gem ry county.
wid he sedd <m the fi st Tuesday in Feb’v
190 b. at pnbt'C out e-ry at the e'ourt lu-use d,->r
iu saul county within the legal hour* of sale
te> ill, highest biebb r so- c»sh, ceitain pi,,p
erty ofwhicli the following is a full and com
plete description: The mi th one bad of lot
of Land number 240 in the 6th Distrtet of
originally YVi kinoon but now Montgome i,
coni.ay, (■».. said laud sold as Ihe property , :
W. M. lewis as Amiiiislrateer eif Abiaham
Grant. t<> satisfy a mortgage ti t.i issue,! from
•t , Superior com »of said cmntv in favor of
Vietenia McArthur. Admimsti atrix agios!
said \\. M. Lewis, Administrator. Written
notice served on the defendant. Tins Janua
ry 10th, lik'd. A. J. lime'll, Sheriff.
Wasted: by Chicago Wholesale
and mail order house', assistant man
ager (man or woman) for this county
aud avljoihiiijr territory. Salary fit)
and expenses paid weekly; expi'nse
money advanced. Work pleasant:
position permaneiit. No investment
or experience required. Write at
once for full (varticulars and enclose
self-addressed envelope. COOPER
A COMPANY. 132 Lake street
C’lticajph 111.
l I Ten years of hard study in the
I of Watches puts us in position
I to riv< ‘ - V<)U
The Best
I 0 I The fact that \yc are large buyers,
running two stores, enables us to
‘i. you Watciu-H at the Lowest
t | Possible Prices.
j Watches
That you can Trust are
I I tlie ones to invest in
ij ft very one who knows will tell you
| | that Kittroll s Goods are All Right
j Two Stores I
. —a——w—u———4——i—■—|gg— >wauxiT— ■»’ ——————————
A New and Complete |
Map of (jioorgia
i Showing all of the New Counties
With a Full Year’s Subscripton to
'Flu* Savannah Weekly
NeWS and
The Montgomery
AH for $1.75 !
- -
For the benefit of our patrons!
we give below a schedule showing!
the arrival and departure of Sea-!
board trains at Mt. Vernon:
Vo. 71 leaves Mt. V ernon (i -15 am
No. 72 leaves “ “ 445 phi
No. 71 leaves Mt. Vernon 10 21) am
No. 7)5 leaves “ “ 7 45upin
Train No. 74 arrives in Savan
nah at 10 o'clock in morning.
I No. 72 arrives Savannah 800 pm.
No. 71 lvs Savannah 7:15 a. m.
No. 78 lvs Savannah 4:80p. n.
SeUtaltile No. 23, Taking effect NOv. 24.1*JU2 I
Trains run by standard rime—-Hi minutes
-Inter tlian »nn 111110. Daily exee; t Sunday.
Read Read
Down. Up.
nOSnOI NO 2x04
5 o<i 7Oe lv Reids vi lie a t£) 45 720
505705 nr Coleman** ait) 40 715
5 15 7 gear Mt. Carmel ai9 30 700
5 257 30 ar Collins lvi* 20 6 50
CONN 2CTKSS: Train No. 1 make* elo.-e
connection at tellies tvuli S. A. 1.. train No.
1 71 lor Ynlali •>. Macon, Atlanta, Helena. Ce
dric and .Vtiutgomci}; li train .Yo. 74 fm
Savannah; an-.l with siill.jore Air Line By.
for Miiimure, Suainabcio and Wa ’lev.
Train N" 3 makes close connect ion at C !- ,
I lie*with S A. L. Tiiin No. 72 for .Sinmnh,
train .Vo. 73 for Helena, ami milt Stdlmoie i
: An lane Kv. for Stilloion . Swain*boro anti I
Wadhy. ' A. A. RETPABD.
Sai 1., lU.itt»vUl« 1 Ga. J
: :
► 4
► 4
l ' WITH TAR 5
l 5
► 4
► And All Diseases of the Air Passages «
t l
► HTrv it Mow ! :
t ~~~—~~ :
t AILtl rII Alim Ay 1 § t
i? ◄
► Alley, Da. «
,L ... J
i 3
£ Binghampton, N. Y.
j ► 4
► A Mutual Ohl Line Company \
► Reliable, Progressive, Liberal \
► *' 4
£ Business in Georgia about -■■■■s 3,000,000 *
► Business ia United States about ..... $50,000,000 4
% Claims Paid about *•••••$ 3.000,000 *
| ► 4
i ► 4
► Sells the Cheapest Protection Policy, the Most ~
► Liberal Twenty Payment, ami the Mo3t Eqni* *
► table Endowment Contract ou the Market. J
£ For information or agency address *
► ’ 4
► Mgr. Southern Department, ATLANTA, QA. *
► 4