Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XX. NO. 44.
To the Members of the Democrat
ic Executive Committee of the
Eleventh Congressional Dis
trict of Georgia: Gentlemen,
The committtee in session here to
day called a Convention to assem
ble in Waycross on June Glh next,
at 12 o’clock in., for the purpose
of nominating a Democratic can
didate for the GOtli Congress to
represent this district, and that
the candidate receiving a majority
of the votes be the nominee there
That each county it. the dis
trict be entitled to twice as many
votes as it has representatives in
the lower house of the legislature.
That a congressional primary
for the purpose of selecting dele
gates to the convention is author
ized in each of the counties of the
district, at such time and under
such rules as each county shall
prescribe for its Democratic pri
mary election for the nomination
of county officers, or members of
the legislature; and that the con
gressional primary' in each of the
counties be held in connection
with and as a part of the county
primary; that the candidate for
congress be voted for directly;
and that the vote for congressman
be consolidated and announced at
the same time and in the same
way as the vote for comity officers
or members of the legislature is
consolidated and announced.
And that the county Democrat
ic Executive Committee or the
Chairman select from among the
friends of the successful candidate
in the county the delegates to the
congressional convention.
If any county or counties fail
to hold a Democratic primary for
county officers or members of the
legislature, before the date fixed
for the congressional convention,
or if it becomes evident that such
failure will occur, then delegates
shall be selected in the way and
at the time as may be prescribed
by the Democratic Executiv Com
mittee of such county.
I beg to ask that you give the
action of this committee publicity
throughout your county, and call
the attention of your county com
mittee to it, and do everything
necessary to have your county
reDresented in the convention, as
indicated by the action of this
committee. Trusting that yuo
will give this matter prompt at
tention, I am,
Yours very truly,
John C. McDonald,
Waycross, Mar. 9, ’OO. Chm’n.
In compliance with the above,
the Democratic Executive Com
mittee of Montgomery county will
arrange for a vote on the congres
sional nominee and the ballots
will be so arranged for the county
primary on April 26th.
Ask Tom Sny'der about fewef
gallons; wears longer.
For Surveyor:
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I iiereb ttnii'.mice m> s. If a candidate tor
re-election to 'lie office of County Survivor of
*aid cou ty,.nui'j<sct to the Democratic primary
to be held on the :!6tti day of April, 1906, and
aolicit your support at the polls. If el*cted i
ahail fulfill the requirements of the * fliee to
the best of my ability. I have considerable
experience us surveyor, and that is just what
is necessary tor a man to lie able to mea-ure
and deal out justice to the. people. Gentle
men, I will be unable to canvass the county
and boro the people before the primaiy, as I
am engaged in thefrequirements i f the office
as surveyor; therefore, I will ask you all to
consider my name before casting your votes.
'ihankiog you ail in advance, I am
.Sincerely yours,
e 8, B. MoBBIS.
For Tax Receiver
Yielding to the solicitation* of my fiieuds,
I herebv announce my candidacy for the office
of Zhx Keceiver, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary to be held April 28th. If
elected I promise to discharg* the duties of
the office in an efficient manner and in away
that will be agreeable to ail. Hoping to have |
your rapport, I am
Yours to serve,
A. T. Wzi LfM. I
Mmtytmm# dMautta-
The consolidated returns of the
bend election held last week in
this county did not. arouse enough
interest to bring out a vote suffi
cient to carry bonds. The vote
stood, 560 for bonds and 127
against bonds. It is necessary to
get a vote of 1192 in favor of
bonds to issue them.
Since the result has been an
nounced, many intelligent citizens
in different sections have urged
the calling of another election on
| the matter. ju response to this
demand the Board of Commission
iers held a special session yester
iday and called an election for
| April 26th. For particulars see
! the notice published in this issue.
To the people of Montgomery:
I am reliably informed that a
report is being circulated over the
county that some time ago I stole
17 head of cattle from Mr. John
N. Miller of this county, now de
ceased. To those who have known
me from childhood, and who
know the history of my family
for fifty years past, it would not
be necessary for me to call atten
tion publicly to this malicious lie,
| originated for political purposes
and circulated with the sole view
of defeating me in the present lo
cal race for county officers.
But Montgomery county has
many new and highly appreciated
citizens whose attention I call to
this low form of depravity, inten
ded especially to mislead them,
and say that my character and
record are open and eusily scruti
nized. And I regret that any one
claiming citizenship in this grand
old county would get down below
the level of the brute, and for an}'
purpose whatever circulate a slan
derous and contemptible false
When sufficient proof is in hand
to show the source of this base
fabrication, the author will be
made public and Ins mo'ive lor
its circulation will be made plain
to every honest citizen.
Yours truly,
Jas. YV\ Adams.
To the people of Montgomery
County:— Owing to business con
tracts already made, I cannot
afford to make the race for Tax
Collector of Montgomery county
at this time. I leel very grateful
for the support offered me by my
friends and the people of the
county. Please accept my thanks
for same. Yours truly,
W. A. McKay.
Soperton, Ga., Mar. 19th, 1900,
Ail Ordinance.
Be it further ordained by the
Mayor and Council of the City of
Mt. Vernon, and it is hereby en
acted by authority of the same,
that all property within the cor
porate limits of said City of Mt.
Vernon, both real and personal,
shall he taxed for and during the
veur 1906 at the rate of 6 mills,
or £of 1 % on the dollar; and
each person, firm, company or
corporation owning or having con
trol either in their own right or in
any other capacity, any real or
personal property within the lim
its of the City of Mt. Vernon, is
is hereby required to return the
same for taxation, to the Clerk or
Recorder of said City of Mt. Ver
non, on or before the 10th day of
April, 1906, as is provided by Sec
tion 81 of the Ordinances of the
City of Mt. Vernon, at its full
market value.
Passed and adopted in Council
this Feb. oth, 1906.
Re-read and ordered published
March 19th, 1906.
C. A. Mason,
H.B. Folsom, Mayor.
Mr. S. B. Morris, the present
I worthy surveyor of Montgomery
county, announces in this issue
for re-election. He understands
■thoroughly the work of the poei
' tion to which he again aspires, and
j the people of the county know all
about his ability to do the work
1 Mr. Archie T. Miller is a can
didate for Tax Receiver, and an
nounces in this week’s paper. Mr.
1 Miller is a competent business
! mail, and numbers liis friends by
j the score. We have no doubt that
1 his work would be quite satisfac
tory if he is elected.
All persons are hereby warned
to not buy, discount nor trade for
one certain acceptance, dated
Sept. 4th, 1904, drawn by W. E.
Britt Co. on Fordham Drug Co ,
and accepted by the drawee, tine
May 4th, 1906, for ,$75.00. The
above acceptance was obtained by
fraud and consideration lias total
ly failed. Fordiiam Drug Co.
Alamo, Ga., March 20th, 1900.
From Alamo.
Special Correspondence.
Mr. W. J. Lowe, a prominent
sawmill man of Florida, visited
friends here Sunday.
Mr. Tom Williams was present
ed with a 10-pound boy hist Sat
urday morning.
Mr. Alex Cox, a thrifty mer*
chat of our town, made a trip to
Savannah last week.
The new brick store of the L.
P. Fordhain Drug Co. will he
completed in about two weeks, it
being the third brick building
erected in our town this year.
We have been having some nice
wealher for farming for several
days past. Mr. B. P. Massey, one
of the star farmers of the commu
nity, is the only one to have his
corn planted.
Mr. M. L. Odom of Spriugbill
visited friends and relatives here
Yes, the candidates are numer
ous, attending all of the justice
courts. Good thing the primary
conies off early, for the defeated
!candidates will then have time to
get in a crop of peas, which is bet
ter than nothing. —B.
Ask your barber about fewer
gallons; wears longer.
- .
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Mr. 11. L. Scott, superintend
ent of construction for J. 11. Mc-
Kenzie’s Sons, was here yesterday
starting off the work and arrang
ing for the foundation work on
Montgomery’s new court house.
Ask your minister about fewer
gallons; wears longer.
Mr. L. W. Bar wick of Lothair
was here Saturday.
Mr. A. W. Clements of Towns
was over Thursday lust and paid
us a cail.
B. A. Guest, Esq., of the Alamo
district was here Thursduy last.
Ask the ice man about fewer
gallo. s; wears longer.
Dr. John McAllister of Rochelle
and Mr. Wm. C. McAllister of
Hawkinsville spent Sunday with
parents here.
This community was greatly j
! shocked last week to hear of the'
1 death of Mrs. Edith Williams,;
wife of Mr. Ilora Williams of Ai-j
I ley. Mrs. Williams had been ill
' only a short tune with measles.
; and her condition was not known
to be serious by her many friends
■ and relatives until Thursday night
• when she passed away. Our sym
pathies go out to the disconsolate
( husband and the four little chil
dren so suddenly bereft.
The regular convention of Mt.
Vernon Lodge No 157, K. of I\,
lust Friday evening was an inter
esting occasion. The presence of
u strong and well-drilled team
from Glenwood Lodge No. 179
were the guests of the evening and I
, added great zest to tho work i:i
> hand. Three candidates of Mt.
, Vernon Lodge and 0110 of Glen
wood had the rank of Esquire con
ferred. The members of Mt. Ver
non Lodge enjoyed immensely the
visit of the Knights ot Glenwood.
The friends of Dr. Clias. Hicks
all over South Georgia will bo do
, lighted to know that lie continues
, to improve, and at this time has
so far recovered as to be able to
walk around the yard. He is
spending some time here ut (lie
■ country home of Mr. F. M. Mcßae
land is under the skillful treat
ment of Dr. R. L, Fox.
II Lzbbl For Divobcb.
I Georgia—Montgomery County.
• Montgomery Superior Court,
' May Term, 1906.
1 S. E. Cromartie v Tom Cromartie
B. L. Smith vs L 1 Smith
C. E. Phillips vs Olivia Phillips
Minnie Raines vs Benj. F. Raines
| To Tom Cromartie, L 1. Smith,
I Olivia Phillips and Benjamin F.
Raines, Greeting:
By order of the Judge of the su
t perior court of said county you
are hereby not 1 filed that on the
■ 21st. day of March, 1906, the above
plaintiffs filed suits against you
for divorce, returnable to the May
Term, 1906, of said court.
You are hereby required to be
1 and appear at the next term of
1 said court, to be held in and for
■ said county on tiie first Monduy
in May next, then and there to
answer petitioner’s complaint, as
in default thereof the court will
proceed us to justice shall apper
tuain. Witness the Honorable J j
H. Martin, Judge of said court,
this the 21st day of March, 1906.
J. C. Calhoun, Clerk.
Win. B. Kent, Atty. for Plffis.
Ask your doctor about fewer
gallons; wears longer.
Mr. David Tatum will lecture |
on the subject of temperrnce at
the Presbyterian church Wednes
day evening, 28th. Ail invited.
Ask your milkman about fewer
gallons; wears longer.
Mr. Tom Hester, in the Park
View Sanitarium, Savannah, is
J rapidly improving, and hopes to
return home in a few days.
Ask the marshal about fewer
gallons; wears longer.
Mr. T. B. Abt has been very ill
with pneumonia for several days,
but many friends are glad to learn
that he is now improving.
Ask your druggist about fewer
gallons; wears longer.
Judge Max L. Mcßae was over
from Mcßae yesterday morning.
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events.
Testimony for the government
against. Green and Gaynor was
j closed last Friday after 67 days
had been consumed in the trial.
In a collision of two passenger ;
trains 011 the Denver and Rio
Grande road in near Adobe in Col
orado Friday morning about 40
persons were killed, and most of
them burned in tlie fire that re
sulted. The telegraph operator
went to sleep and caused the ac
Johann Most, tho noted anar
chist leader, died in Cincinnati on
Saturday last.
Tho rise in the Ocniulgee river
caused great loss to the Bibb and
the Cherokee brick companies
1 south of Macon, damaging them
thousands of dollars.
Sayings at Sadie.
Npccial Cni'revpomlcnoo.
Mr. J. A. Ramsey, who has been
sick, we are glad to say is now
Misses Alice and Mary William- j
son were pleasant visitors at the
home of A. A Peterson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Elliott ot
Mt. Vernon were out at. the homo
of G. W. Mclntyre Sunday.
W. 11. Sharpe and A. A. Peter
son made a business trip to Vida
lia last Friday.
Some of the Longpotid boys
were in our community on Sunday j
afternoon. Some attraction over
this way.
Mr. John Conner and sisters,
Misses Isla and Hhollie spent Sun
day with the Misses Knight.
Wo were glad to see so many I
out at Sunday school on Sunday.
Would be glad to have them nut
every Sunday.
The school children are now
having a happy time gathering
violets. |
Misses Sharpe and Siuquefield
visited friends at Longpond Sat
urday and Sunday being greatly
pleased with the neighborhood and
Frank Share, Rid Mclntyre,
Ruby Peterson, Roy Peterson,
Lee Peterson and Bruce Mclntyre.
—II. und F. |
Ask your lawyer about fewer
| gallons; wears longer.
In the District Court of the Uni
nited States for the Southern
District of Georgia. Eastern
Division. In the matter of
J. B. W. Morris, / In
Bankrupt. j Bankruptcy, j
To the Creditors of J. B. W. j
Morris of Soperton, Ga., in the;
county of Montgomery, District
aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on :
the Bth day of March, A. D. 1906,
the said J. B. W. Morris was duly
adjuged u bankrupt, and that the
first meeting of his creditors will
be held at No. 4 Bryan st. East,
Savvannuh, Ga., in the office of
the Referee, on the 29th, day of
March, A. D. 1900, at 10 o’clock
in the forenoon, at which time
the said creditors may attend,;
prove their claims, appoint a trus
tee, examine the bunkrupt, and (
transact such other business as ,
may properly come before suid 1
meeting. Savannah, Ga., March
16th, 1906. A. H. McDonrll,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Saffold & Larsen and L. B. Light
foot a ttys for bankrupt.
V( »
V* OF 3
PAGES i TO io.
Tin* grand jury of the U. S.
court in Savannah Inst week in
dicted W. H . Peeples of Kings
land, C. 11. Jackson of Darien, W.
B. Maxwell of Thebes, Liberty
county, for robbing the govern
ment of funds, all of them being
postmasters, and the last two
The crate and basket factory of
McKee Bros, at Kinderlou was
burned Friday, logs $50,000.
The state chemist found strych
nine in the stomach of Mrs, Hand
ley which he analyzed and for
which Reason Handley' is m jail
at Fitzgerald charged with her
Andrew Carnegie hue given $20,-
000 to build a library building for
the Technological school in At
Sharpe School.
Special Oorrenpondone*.
Misses Kate Galbreath and Daisy
Fiveasli of Kingville attended Sun*
I ,
I day school here Sunday'.
Mrs. Nannie Peterson and son,
Charley', ot Hack Branch, visited
at. the li jino of Mr. L. Sharpe on
Miss Carrie Sharpe spent Sun
day with Miss Rosalie McLemore,
Mi vs Et t a Galbreath returned
Sunday after spending several
weeks with her sister, Mrs. John
J Prof. O. D. Linck made a busi
ness trip to Mt. Vernon Saturday.
Miss Beatrice Sharpe spent Fri
day and Saturday with her grand
father, and aunt, Mr. L. Sharpe,
| and Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson.
Mr. N. A. Hughes of Hack
I .
Branch attended Sunday school
here Sunday'.
Miss Mary Sharpe and little
sister, Kathleen, visited at the
home of Mr. VV. F. Haskin* last
i Saturday.
! Mrs. Vickie Bobbins of Dudley,
Gu., is visiting her brother, Mr.
W. F. Haskins.
Mrs. Nannie Still and Mrs.
Mattie Williams of Sadie visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Galbreath Sunday.
Mr. E. Wilkes made a business
trip to Ailey last week. V.
Special Notice.
I I want to either sell a good mule,
five years old, or rent u good thirty
acre farm —I don’t care u snap
which. The first man in will get
wlmt ho wants.
VV. A. Peterson,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Fine Seed for Sale.
I have for sale a few bushels of
i the celebrated “Hasting’s Mort
gage Lifter’’ Cotton Seed. Call
early. Price SI.OO per bushel.
D. S. Williamson.
; Mt. Vernon, Ga., K. F. D. No. 4.
I will pay $5 reward for infor
mation leading to the recovery of
i the following described cattle:
One white cow, with black ears,
marked smooth crop in euch ear,
over-bit in right ear. One email
red cow with biack teats, same
marks, with spotted yearling, un
marked, six months old. And
one white and dun spotted cow,
marked crop in each ear, crop in
each ear, split in left ear and un
der-bit and over-bit in right ear.
.Said cattle strayed from my prem
ises four miles west of Glemvood
on night of Jan. 4, 1906, having
just arrived from Oconee, Wash
ington county. Notify
A. W. Barlow,
R.F.D. 2. Glenwood, Ga.