Newspaper Page Text
Lainisburg, Apr. 9th frntn 9 to 12.
Glen wood) “ 9th, lpm too pm
Alamo, 10th, 9 a m to 12 in
Erick, 10th. 1 pm to 4pm
Spring Hill, 11th, 9 amto 12 m
(at cluh house.)
Spring Hill) 11th, 4pm it night
(at Camp ground)
McArthur) 12th, 9ainto 1p m
Longpond, 14th, 10 a ill to 2p m
Higgston, 16th, 9 a m to 12 m
Soperton, 16th, 8 p in A night
Lot-hair, 17th, 10 a m to 2 p m
!tft, Vernon, 18th.
E. M. Kackley, T. It.
Fence for Sale.
Good wire fencing at SIOO per,
tile while it lasts. If you want
'»rtrain see me at once.
A. B. Hutcheson.
(if the Commissioners of Koala and
i. State of Ueorgi.i, County of Mont
jl/aicli f«ira, 1906.
ecting of the Commissioners of Roads
chuck for the Comity of Montgomery,
tit. V. rooii, in naiit omnlv, on the 21*t
Maxell, 1306, it was unanimously ordered
reas, the interest of said county imper
i requires the erection mid furnishing of
cieoi court house in said county, and
.s, it appears to tin- satisfaction of said
that the expense of the erection and
nog thereof mat, with due regard to the
its of the taxpayers of said county, best
t by an'issue of limits suflicient to meet
.asoiiaiiie expense thereof, tvi. ioii, after
onsideiat ou, has been determined and
\t lira sum of thirty-s x thousand ($36,-
Utheiefbre, it is ordered that an citation
ed and held tor the purpose of'submit
o the qualified voters of said county the
(ion whether Ponds, in said aggregate
unt of thirty-six thousand (36,009) dollars,
£ 1 be issued by said county for the |>urp> se
esaid; tiiat sucli election be held nil the
| i day of April, 1906, subject to the rules and
lint tons governing county elections, and
t notice of such tlection be published
j ' days (30) days next preceding the ate
f ictioii in the newspaper in which the
fs advertisements ol said coui'tv art
died. sut-lt no I ice to he in the following
te wit:
tha Qualified Voters of Montgomery
ico is hereby given that on the 26th day
■nil, 1906, an election will be held in
;omery county, at which will be submit-
Mie qualified voters of said county for
determination, the question whether
i shall be issued by said county in the
gate amount of thirty-six thousand
300) dollats principal for the purpose
oviding funds for the erection aud lur
ing a court house in said county. Saul
Us to biar date the first day ot May, 1906,
ear ii terest at the rate nf sv ( ) perceti
. per annum, payable semi-annu lly ott the
tdas ot M ay amt Nove.. oil in each year,
he in d.en'itninations of one thousand
j 00) dollars each aud the principal tliereol
be payable as follows:
Two tliousanii.(2Uoo) dollars on the Ist Jayof
: ay, 1916, and two thousand (200o) dollars on
e Ist day ot May each year thereafter to and
c u ling the Ist day of May, 1919: four
ousand (4b00) dollars on tin- Ist day of ,1/av,
X); a d four thousand (4.011 ) on tin- Ini
v of Afay, 1921; five thousand (.300 )
illsrs on the Ist day nay, 1922, aim
vu tliousaiid (iu(iO) dollars on the first
ay of M»\ each \e r thereaft. r to
o;.i ioelndiog the Ist d i.v of Mv, 132 -
When sa d iaitols are to be finly paid
fi Pi • io.d a■ -1 int, i■-,t. ,be pnvab -i . g *>!. 1
cries ot tC it/.! suites, < # l lit*- ptesen l
sai.dar i nf w/ig„i and un.- ,s-, at it., /fine
>f S'iiiii, Itinini-ial insliimiou in tot City o
New Yotk, Siateof ew Yock I'nlls will hr
ipen at 7 o'clock a in and wi I clotn at 6 o’clock
im at court hous,- precinct at Mt. Vernon,
ml will ope at B o’clock ant aid closest 3
' kpm at each anti all other precincts in
onty on said day tixid to wi.; A,.-r:l
, i 906. Those desiring to vote in favor of
ie issue <>f sai l bonds will do so by casting
allots having written or primed upon them
>e words *-jor Conds.” t le-se desiring to
te against he issue of said bonds will do»->
uy casting ballots having written or printed
Upon them ti e words “Against Honda.’
lly oiih-r of the Commissioners of iloads and
'■•vemiog tor the County of Montgomery,
his 21st day of March, i 906.
('. H m oote.n, Commissioner,
Wjt. Bland, Commissioner.
D. I). Cillis. Commissioner,
to tbe Qualified Voters of Montgomery
Notice is hereby given flint on the
26 li day of April, lyoo, an election
will be held in Monrgoiner county,
at which will be submitted to (lie
qualified voters of sai.l county, for
their determination, the question
whether Bonds shall he issued by
said county, in the aggregate amount
of 'i’liirty-fcjix Thousand (:M>,taM»> Dol
lars principal, for the purpose of pro
viding funds for the erection anti
furnishing of a Court House in ,-ani
county, said bonds to bear da e the
First day of May, 1906, to bear inter
est at the tate of Five (5) per centutn
per annum, payable semi-annually
tin the First day s of May and No
vember in each year, to lie in denotn- i
inations of One Thousand (lout)).
Dollars each, and the principal there
of to be payable as follows* Two
Thousand <2d!UU) Dollars on tbe first
day of May, 1916, and Two Thousand
(2,000) Dollars on the first, day or
May each year thereafter to and in
cluding the first day oi May, 1919;
Four Thousand [4,1300] Dollars on the
first day of May, 1920, and Four
Thousand [4,uui»J Dollars on the first j
day of May, 1921; Five Thousand;
[f>,ooo] Dollars on the first day of May ;
i922* and Five Thousand [5.00J) Dol- 1
lars on the first day of May each
year thereafter to and including the ;
first day of May, 1925-, when said !
bonds are to be fully paid olf.
Principal and interest to he paya-'
hie in gold coin of the United fsiaies j
of file present Standard jf weight i
amt fineness, at the office of some fi- 1
nancial institution in tire City of
New York. Stale of New Yolk.
Polls wilt he open at 7o’clock a. in 1
and will close at 6:uo o’clock p. in. ai \
the Court House precinct at Mt. Ver-;
non, and will open at S;tjo o\ lock a.
in., and close at 8:00 o’clock p. m. at \
each and all the other precincts in
said county, on th<- day fixed, t. wit •
April 26th. 1906 Those desiring to
vote in favor of the issue of said
bon is will do so by casting ballots
having written or printed upon them i
the words, “For Konos’*. Those de-!
siring to vote against t tie issue of)
said bonds will do so by casting bal
lots having written or printed upon j
them the words "Against Bonds’.
C. H. Wooten, Commissioner
Win, Hland, Commissioner
D. D. Gillie, Commissioner
All persons are hereby warned
to not buy, discount, nor trade for
one certain acceptance, dated
Sept. 4th, 1904, drawn by W. E.
Britt Co. on Fordham lirug Co ,
and accepted bv the drawee, due
May 4th. 1900,'for $75.00. The
above acceptance was obtained by
fraud aud consideration lias total
ly failed. Fordham Drug Co.
Alamo, Ga., March 20th, i9OO.
Will you attend the great re
union of the Confederate Veterans
at New Orleans April 25th-27? See
the splendid opportunity offered
|by the Seaboard Air Line road.
Tickets for round trip from Mt.
j Vernon, good till the 80th, only
Libel for Divorce.
C. E. Phillips vs Olivia Phillips.
Suit for divorce in Montgomery su
perior com t, May term, 1906.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To to the sheriff of said county or
his lawful deputies: By order of tins
judge of the said court, the defend
antOliviu Phillips is hereby required
to he and appeal personally or by an
attorney at the next superior court
to be held in and for said county oil
tlie Ist Monday in May, 1906 to an
swer a potion filed h.v C. K. Phillips
against you for divorce. The same
being filed on the 17th day of Mar..
1906. In default thereof the court
will proceed as to justice shall apper
tain. Witness the Honorable .J. H.
Martin, judge of said court, this the
liUh day of March, 1906.
J. C. Calhoun,
Clk. S. C. M. C.
Wm. B. Kent, Atty. for the PUT.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Whereas, A. N. Burton lias in
proper form applied to me for letters
of guardianship of the persons and
property of Maud Burton and Gallic
Belle Burton, minor children of Mrs,
Catherine Burton, deceased, this is
therefore to cite all parties concerned
friends and next of kin, to show cause
if any they can, why she should not
be appointed guardian of said minors
and receive letters of guardianship
on the first Monday in May, next.
This April 2d, 1906
Alex McArthur,
Libel for Divorce.
Wm. Trull vs Sallie Trull.
Suit for divorce in Montgomery su
perior court, May term, 1906.
Georgia—Montgomery county.
To the Sheriff of said county or ills
lawful deputies: By order of the
judge of the said court the defendant
Sallie Trull, is hereby required to be
and appear personally or by an at
torney at, the next superior court to
‘u* held in and for said county on tlm
Ist Monday in May, 1906, to answer it
pe,ition gled by \Vm. Trull against
you for di voice. The satin* being filed
on the 26th day oi March, 1909. it,
default t hereof Ihe com t ». ill proceed
sto justice shall appecaiit V* it
ne-s i lie Hon. J. H. Martin judge ot
said court, this the 26’It day of Mar..
1906. J C. Calhoun,
Clk. S. C. M. C.
Wm. B. Kent, Attv. for the PliY.
Libel for Divorce.
B. L. Smith vs f,. t. Smith.
Suit for divorce in Montgomery su
perior court, May term, 1906.
Georgia—Montgomery ('ounty.
By order of the judge of the superi
or court the defendant, L. 1. Smith
is hereby required to i»e and appeal
personally or by an attorney at the
next superior court to be In-id in and
for said county on the Ist Monday in
May, 1906. to onswer a-petition filed
by B. L. Smi It against you for di
voice. The -ame being filed on the
I7tli day of March, 1906. in default
thereof the court will procc-ed as to
justice -hall aopettain. Witness rite
Honorable J. H. Martin, judge ol
sai court, this the 16t.ii day of Mar.,
1906 J. 0. Calhoun.
Clk. S. C. M. C.
Wm. B. Kent, Atty. for the Plff.
Libel for Divorce.
S. E. Croinartie vs Tom Croinar ie.
Suit for divorce in Montgomery
superior court. May term. 1906.
Georgia—Montgomery < 'ounty.
To the Sheriff of said county ot
itis lawful deptt ies. By order of the
judge of the said court the defend
I ant, Tom Croinart ie, is hereby re
quired to lie and appear personally
1 or by an attorney at the next stipenot
court to be held in arid for said coun
ty on the Ist. Monday in May, ltx»6,
to answei a petition filed bv S. E.
(Totnartie against you for divorce.]
The same being filed on the 171 i■ day
of March, 1906. In default thereof;
the court will proceed as to justice
shall appertain. Witness the Hon.
‘.i. H. Martin. Judge of said court,
' this tlie 13tii day of Man h. ISififS.
J. C. Calhoun,
Clk S. C. M. 0.
i Wm. B. Kent, Atty for Plaintiff.
i • ;
Libel for Divorce.
Minnie Folsom Haines vs Benjamin
Frftttklin Haines.
Suit for diyorce in Montgomery
superior court.
I Georgia—Montgomery county.
To the Sheriff of said Comity, or
j his lawful deputi s: By order of Ihe !
] judge of the said court, the defend-1
! ant, Benj. Franklin Haines, is hereby j
( required to tie and appear personally
; or by an attorney at Hie next superi
or court to be held in and for said
County on the Ist Monday in May,
IWJ6, to answer a jetition filed by!
Minnie Foisotn Raines pgainst you i
for divorce. The same being filed on j
j the 17th day of March, 1906. In de- i
fault thereof the court will proceed;
jas to justice shall appertain. Wit-j
ness the Hon. J. H Martin, judge of i
!*ai 1 court, this the 17th day of Mar.,
' 1»J8. J. C. Calhoun,
If Ik a n \r p
Wm. B. Kent, Atty. for the Pl’ff.
For Treasurer.
To tlic citizen* ut Montgomery county:
l hereby announce myeelt a candidate for
the office of Treasurer of Montgomery con -
tv, subject to the action of the Democratic
Fatty. Yours llcapectfully,
U; a. 1 ore.
For Treasurer;
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
I take tine method of announcing my candi
dacy for the office of of Montgom
•ry comity, sr.lij. ct to the action ot the pri
mary election, which oolites off at sucli time
as may be named hv the Executive Don mil tee
I earnestly snlio t the support ot all my fellow
citizens, and promise if elected to discha ge
mv duty to the best of my ability, litis .lanl
15, 1906'. L. ii McLemoue.
For Treasurer:
Yielding to the solicitation of friends, Ihtrc
by announce misclf a candidate for ' e-election
to the office of Tkeasith k of Montgomery
county. I reppci-ttuljy solicit the support of
ray ft lends and fellow citizens in the comfy
primary to lie hold Aptil 26. Thanking you
for past favors, lam Yours respectful y
Thos. AloltUlMON.
For Tax Collector.
I respectfully announce to (lie voters ot
Montgomery county that. I ail) a candidate
f i- tin office ot Tax Collector of your coun
ty, and soli, it your support at the coming
primary. I guaiantee a satisfactory discharge
of the duties ol the office it elected.
James \V. Adams
For Tax Collector:
To the Citizens of Montgomery Comity:
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
the office of T\x < OLLKCTOK ol Montgomery
county, and ask for election at your hands. I
feel myself litlly competent to serve you in 1
this capacity, and if favored with the office by
you, 1 guarantee a taillilnl discharge of its |
duties. My candidacy is subject o the action j
of the coming piimary. /fespectlully, j
11. A. Si.-iU’hox.
For Tax Collector:
so the Voters of Montgomery County:
I hereby give notice tint I am a candidate I
for Tax Collector of Montgomery county, j
aud ask your votes in the nominating primary ,
to- bo held. A (Belong resilience in your I
county, and a fair knowledge of the require |
ments of the office, warrants me in saving (list j
I nan fill the same with entire satisfaciimi to
all if favored with the place by my fellow ctli
izens. Youis respectfully,
' I\ IJ. ItYALS.
For Tax Collector.
Seventeen years ago I asked my fi lends to
elect me an tax receiver, which they did, and
for which they have mv thunks. Now lor the j
second time in life I appear before the people \
fmv county as a candida.o for the office of
lax Collector. I-’,-cling that [ am fully qnal- I
Bird to attend to the office, I promise the i
people if elected that alter two years I will
step out ana lulp others of mv friends who
may aspire. l.cspcctl'ully.
13. M. CVRItIK.
For Tax Collector.
I t.d;c this method of announcing to the vo
ters of .M ntgomery county that lam a can
didate for J'ax Collector of this county, and
ask the support of my friends and fellow cit- !
17.-ns. Residing 40 yours in your county, I]
pave given yon ample opportunity t judge |
•>f mv ahilit vln s'-rve you. lly cutididaev is j
subject to the primary to In- held. Thanking I
.uuforynui support, i am Vouis It. speetfully, j
J. M. Dees." ]
For Tax Collector
In I - u Vise h T . I-,; iii< i i i. :
i IpT* by UU loldlCc my Candid IC> h'l* I'AX
-nd.lector for said fi u.ity, sulji-ct to action
of the Dimocra'ie primal.v.
It. Newton «Vood.
For Tax Collector:
1 hereby announce to the voters of 'll on t - !
gnruyry county that I a-n a ea didat for re- ;
election to the office of |'ax < "LLE Toll. X |
point to the work of my first term as proof of j
mv alulity and iutegrin in the propel-mun-I
agemetit ot the office, and feel that I Imv,- an j
horn s' l ight to ask f or ain-t er term. I earn- I
stly ask and solicit the support / f all my [
fellow citizens, ami sttnmi myself to the re
quirements of the primary to b' held and '
guarantee - faithful discharge ol the duties i
entrusted to me Ifel- et'-d.
Yours with respect,
•Jul. Ali. XiiIOW'fSINO I
For Sheriff.
To tire V--tei-s of ■ outgonn-ry:
I ask your support at the approaching pri-I
IT for re-elec 100 to the offi .e of -hekiee
of tlontgoiocry cuiinty As in the past, 1.
shall, if favored again »ith tin ollic , do my
he* to (lis. h/iigc faithful:)' tin untie* of this
lespoliwibl- position. Ilavj g Die tiusiness of
the office well in liau , and knowing ns re |
ipliremeiits J !• I justitn d in asking another J
term at y//Ui hands. Yours lies peel fully,
A. J. Birch. ]
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce to my friends and the I
vnt-is ot .Montgomery county that X am a
candidate for Sue .iff for the next turn
Several ye--a of xpcricuce in this line of |
work warrants tne in saving that I can attend i
to the duties of this n sponsible office with
satisfacti >n in all ian-ah ding / itizens. X can
huri-*tly promise a fair and energetic per
formance pf the Until s and respoimihiiilleK of
ti e position if favored wuh it. I expect to
abide a lair decision of the primary. .
Jaheai llkster
For Tax Receiver.
lam a candidate sot the ftiec of Rbce.ivkr /
of J’ax i.’ETL-iiNU for Montgonn ry county, aud j
I ask the supper'of all v ters. I submit ruy ,
eandidacy subject 6/ the requirements of the ‘
primaly to be held, and guaiantee a faithful I
ami husiip ss-like dischatge of »1 1 the work
of the nffi e. I am familiar with tire du
ties aud r-snonsibilities of tlm place, and if
fav red with el. ction the i itizens of ine Ci/Un- .
ty will have no cause for complaint
Ifespuetftilly Yours,
I-. Uousms.
For Tax Receiver:
I earnestly solicit the votes of the citizens
of vioutgortp ry county at tlie approaching j
primary for humiliation as a candidate for
Tax ‘(E/EtV a. X i/ee-l itir ngioc. and call
promise a fanliful diseliarge of its duti'-s if
entrusted with it. Hoping to tccejvc your j
valued sup|s<rt, in this race, I am
Youis Respect fully,
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announce myself a can idatft for j
Tax I eceiveuof tloolgun>ery coonty, subject j
Pr the primary election, and earin stly solicit
the support of my fellow citizens.
John L. Mnr.anox.
For Tax Receiver:
Tielditig to the Solicit thing of idv ftiends, ]
; I lh rebv atmonnoc mv candidacy tor the office !
; of Tax Receiver, subject Pi the action of the I
j Dernoera'ie primary to be held A pri. 26th. If I
elected I promise p> diseliarge (tie duties of .
the ofth-e in so cl iCient manner aud in away -
that will l>e agreeable to all. Hoping to have i
your support, I am
Yours to serve,
A. T. Miller- ]
For Clerk Superior Court.
At tin- approaching primary I will ask foi
lin' muniimtimi for re-election to the office of
CLkhk of the superior Dotlrl of Montgomery
county. I point to the work nf this my first
term its a i earnest "f Htv ability and integrity
I iu the proper uiiituigcHtent of tho office, aud
l fed that I have a right tn ask another term
at tlto hands of my friends and fu.low- citieens.
Yours lteapeotfully.
John C ( ALBotN.
For Representative:
I hereby smtounce myself a candidate for
Representative of Montgoni rv cnaitty, sub
ject to the ptimrry election, and earnestly
solicit tho support of toy fellow citizens.
W. J. Peterson.
For Representative:
'So the voters nf Montgomery county:
I have a laudable ambition to represent
Montgomery County in (lie lower house of
the in-xt Oh. Legislature. At the solicitation
of many friends from various sections of the
county, I hereby announce myself a candidate
for Representative, stibj/ ct to a Dentoi-atic
primary, should nno be held, and ask the sup
port of the voters of the county. If elected I
promise a conseiontious and It srless discharge
us duty to tho beat of my ability, i have no
words nf censure for any opponehts. T shall
rub no smut and sling no mud in tilts race. .
Thanking the public for pu»t favors, I remain
Very truly yours,
j C. McAli.ihif.u.
For Representative:
To tbo Voters of Montgomery County:
Unsolicited by my fi tends, or tho friends of
any on else, I h< nby announce my candidacy
for the Democratic nomination tor tl e Legis
lature from Montgomery county. February
] 27, 1906. Jn.i. T. Diiioht.
For Surveyor
At the solicitation of many friends through
out ii'outgoiiu-i y county. 1 hereby nuuouucn
j inyst If a cannidato for tlie office of SutiVEroU
;of Montgomery county, and sol.cit tin- support
jof all. This niiiiottm-cmciil is made subioct to
the primary oidered to ho held l>y the XJi-mo
| era tic patty on the 26tb of A]>> il.
J. O. A. MuAi.luh.
For Surveyor
To the Voters of Montgomery County:
Xlnri b aououiicu myself a candidate tot
n-t lection to lio i-tlico of County Surveyor f
saiil ecu tv, subject to the Democratic pi iinsry
tq Ik- lii-ld on the 26tli day nf April, 1906, and
s-ilieit your support at tho polls. If elicted >
shall fullill tin rcquiit-moutH nf tho offico to
| the !"-st of my ability. I have considerable
] experience as Htirveyor, and that isjcisiwhai
: is necessary tor a man tn tic aide to iiieiiMii e
and deal nut jilHtice to tho people, (iontle
i men, I will he unable to canvass tho county
- and bore tin- people before the primaly, us 1
am engaged in the|requll’omc-ntH of tlm office
as survey r; there lore, [ will ask you all to
outicldcr mv name before casting your votes.
1 banking you all in advance, I am
Sine rely yours,
H, 11. Morris.
For Coroner:
I respectfully ask the citizons-of Montgomery
j county to nominate me for tho office of Coroner
I of this county at tlie primary to bo held on
| April 26 h, next. I ant
You. s to serve,
a W. Harrell
I Salkhmbn Wanted. Three
salesmen wanted for our new
Railroad, County and State Sur
vey of Georgia. Just ott the press
and absolutely new. Prepared to
meet the enormous demand for a
j map showing the new counties re-
Icently established. A splendid
! opportunity for energetic men.
Rand, McNally & Co.,
Chicago, 111.
Administrator’s Sale.
j Georgia Montgomery County.
I Bv virtue of an onlerof t lie court of ordinary
I of naif! C'.utiM , v ill be hoM at public outcry on
I tlie tirat TiK HtJay in 'lay, 1906. at tlie eour*
i boiiHt in Haiti county between tlie uatal bourH
| of Kale, ti e following fbacribefl real entate nt
] aat <1 in the county of .Montgomery to wit:
I All that ml nr parcel of land known and din
! tiiiL'iiiribed in tbe plat ol tbe town of Mi;<f'*ton
jio* boi No. 27, in Block No. 9, on tbe iior'b
' Hide ol tin H. A Jj. Itv.. wild t# uiided nortti b\
an alley, euKf by tbe Zaidee ami
j public n>&d Houtli t»y a »trect ami went b\ ;
land)* <*f C. s. H'irnilton, said !<*t te
; by 150 b et. Tei uiH canli. Tluh tin 2 1 day of
April, 1906. P. A. M<*Quc n,
Admr, of Geo. C. ft'( Queen.
• -"■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■’ —— *
Petition for Incorporation.
1 Georgia—Montgomery Cuunty.
'ln tlie Mipcrinr Court "f S»i<l County.
Tin- pctiiio.i of A. I*. Stone, M. j/mrisou,
A- It. McGowan ana \V. V .Sn iilc, all of said
I state ami county, respect ully show*
l*t. I list tin yib sii c, lor themselves, their
succesiuii's and assigns, to become Incorporated
under tlm hame and style of Glen Nona Hard
war/ and Furniture Company.”
2d '1 he term for which petitioners ask to be •
incorporated is twenty years, witli the privi
lege of renewal at the end of that time.
| 3d The capital stock of the corporation is
to he two thousand d .liars, divided into siiat i s
five hundred dollars each. Petitioners how
ever, ask tin- privilege of increasing said cap
' ital stock from linn to lime not i Receding in
< the aggregate five thousand dollars.
4th. The whole of said capital of two thous
i and dollars has already been aetttaliy paid tn
-sth. The object of tin proposed coi potation
1 is pecuniary profit and gain to the stockhold
ers. I’ctitioners propose to carry on a retail
hardware ai d furniture business and to dial
in liaidwnre. furniture, vetubles of a'l kinds,
/ farming itriplL-tnens aud nndertokeis' tuiiplies
at retail; buying and selling for cash or mi
I credit, all such ai tides and tilings as ms) be j
| prntt’ablv handled and sold in connection witli
! said business; acting as general or special
; agent a for other persons or eotlipanh s in sell
ing or handling any arlicli s or clnsHof srticl s
i appronriate to the hardware nod luinluue
I btisi ess, or usually or conveniently contieete 1
tlierewitii, aud to inkas: contracts to act as
stieli agent, and to exercise tlie usual powers
and to do all usual, necessarv and proper acts
which pertain to or may lie connected Kith the
! biisjjn sa of reta-1 dialers in the named,
including tlie undertakers* bnsiuess.
6t|,. The principal office and place of b s>
1 m ss of the prop s> d corpoi stion will lie in the
; town ol i de-li wool I, said state and county.
H li-reforc, pctititioueis pray to be made a
i body corporate under tlie tiano- at/d style
aforesaid, entitled to the rights, | rivileges and
: immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed
j by law.
This March 26th, 1906.
M. 13. Calhoun,
Petitioners’ Attorney.
I Georgia—Motitgom' ry County.
I, J. G Calhoun, clerk of the sunerior court
lof said comity, do hereby ci tify that the
! above and foregoing is a tine and correct copy !
! of the petition for charter Under the name and I
;st Ie of “Ulenwood Hardware A Furniture !
Company” now of file in my offh-e. Witness
! my band aud seal of said court, Ibis the 20th !
I nay of Afateh. 1906. J. C. Calhoun,
: M. If. Calhoun, Clerk.
Petitioners’ Attorney
m i
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Get a Oibson Picture §
With the Sunday Edition of
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