Newspaper Page Text
% (to** Our Shoe Department is Complete. Something far every member ot JsjmW 'B
% * *iT) We ore now showing the Swellest the family, but for Men, Youths’ j£Kjjj&L B
4 line we have ever had in and Boys. A Beautiful line now M
% V w M ION’S, LAI)I ES\ and Msm on dispiv, the Best in Material and |||jr »
% ( 111 LOREN S OXFORDS Latest in Fashion. Fine Line of WM B
* for Spring and Summer Wear. Washable Goods. See them now.
* On,, show cases art* oversowing with the best 101 tlie ladies ean be 1111(1 ’ iere * on £ study V
% and latest products of the season. The neck- \f \ fTH in the Dry'Goods and Millinery Lines makes my ; B
% wear must he stylish or the full dress is not UJ Jl B selections very completed as many lady customers 9
* complete. I suit Men, Women and Children. §? agree. See this season’s tine at once. 9
■ ■■ - ■—
% I have not the space to advertise every article. You will know and appre- M
* jf W <*iate the goods when you see them. My store has for years been the stop- 9
% /jV&JI ping place of particular buyers, Ladies in particular, and my purpose is to 9
II K ml continue pleasing them with the latest and best goods. My store house is I "fr’l '^T \ - 9
* nmv uglow with now things—bettor goods at lower prices. Good enough. fl
% fj
i***********************************************#*##±***#*#ll'?'****** *********?***
Om Uir) ■ «.f I'uuilnß lit ■ I»r
--vision on u Very \ Ifni i|umfion.
She was standing on a Westport cor
ner waiting for a ear when lie stopped
Jo rlmt with her. .The subject of en
gagements came up. "A girl frloml of
mine once hail an awful experience,”
Mild she. "Kate hail been receiving the
attention* of n young man. whom I'll
call Tom, for several years. Two or
three times he lunl asUc 1 her to marry
him, hut she hail wlthhchl her answer.
One (lay lie was appointed to a position
In an eastern city. That night lie called
on Kate and ashed her again to marry
•• T need a little time to think It
over,’ she said.
M, l leave tomorrow,* said Torn
“ ‘Well, tomorrow night I’ll mall you
« letter giving yau my answer,’ said
Kate. Tom went uway and the next
day left the eit.v. Kate thought the
matter over until late In the night.
Then •he decided upou a plan. She
would write two letters to Tom. seal
them, address and stamp them. They
would look exactly alike. Oue would
accept hla proposal, and the other ,
would rvjwct It. She would place them
!u the poeket of her coat, gi> to a tratu.
amt Just as It started she would throw
one letter aboard the 'mull ear without
try lug to siv which one It was
"Kate carried out her plan, she
wreut to the I'nlou depot and Just n~
nu castbouud train started threw one
letter aboard Then slie rushed back
into tbe depot and opened the other
letter to see liow fate bad decided It
for her With a scream she dropj>ed
luto n and utmost falnti'd.’’
At this point the car stopped and the
girl stepped aboard. "Did she accept
him?" ask is 1 the man on the earner as
tbe car startist.
Tbe girl replied, but her words were
drowned I>\ the rumble of the ear.—
Kansas t’tfy Times.
Motlnn ( oßntjr,
"Yea. we are going to move to es
Cape house cleaning.”
"And so are we. If 1 must confess it
myself. 1 think It will take the now
teuauts two weeks to get rid of all the
ruhhish we are leaving behind.”
"Tbe same here. Our house w ill need
a mo; and soap from cellar to roof.
By the way. where are you going?"
' To !U5 L street."
"What? Why, Uiat is where we or*
lea\ Ing ”
“\\ ell I declare! Wln re are you go
to* r”
"V. 711 H street."
“Why. that’s where we are leaving."
‘ Oio .it Scott!”
r ice Chicago »w?
George Ade Is well on his way to
ward the upper Nile regions in Egypt.
Maude Adams has passed the one
hundred and sixty diftli performance of
“Pot**r Can” at tbe Empire theater,
New York.
After a most successful tour Edna
May sails tor London at tbe end of
March to begin the season at the
Vaudeville theater.
Lawrence li'Orsny lias begun his
New York engagement at Italy's thea
ter. appearing in Augustus Thomas’
comedy, "'ihe Embassy Ball."
Since last fall William 11. Crane has
played across the continent un.l back.
Mr. Crane Is appearing tills year in a
piny by ‘Charles T. Dnzey anil George
11. Urondburst called "The American
Ethel Barrymore sails for Loudou lu
May. She will ai l car outside of Now
York tills season only In I’h'ludclphlA,
Boston and Chicago, presenting the
double bill by Barrie in ’’Pantaloon"
and "Allce-Sit-Uy-the-Fire."
Mamie Altar s' tour for this season
has I men nl>: mioueil. Hie will remain
with "I‘eter Can” at the Empire thea
ter. New York, until it is time for her
to close for the summer vacation, 'ihe
Empire theater will open next {Septem
ber with John Prow.
Likely to Is* a smash In the far cast
unless China is handled with great
care. New York Mall.
It is mid that the little Castellano
children sbig "EvcylKHly Works but
Father” bcnutltuHy In French.—Atlan
ta Constitution.
Between the patriots who "view with
alarm" and the patriots w lie "point
with pride” the plain citizen is dis
posed to take to (lie w outla.—Chicago
In order to be allowed to appear in.
the \\ aldorf-Aste. a hotel. In New
York, it seems that a man must dis
guise hluiseif us a waiter. He must
wear a full dress suit. -Los Angeles
Tlie lop of the Singer budding tu
New York city Is toN."' f*PS feet high.
Natlouul pride should move congress to
add about fifty feet to ibe height of
the Washington monument. Chicago
1 rlhune.
Baris has an artist who decorates
“art" stockings, nnd his charges are
from $!-'0 a pair to almost any amount,
a.-cording to design.
lu tbe French city of Beauvais a
small vehicle built wltli two wheels
and drawn by a mail or l*»y Is in com
mon use. It Is called a vinaigrette.
One of the familiar and picturesque
sg'.is of l’v-i« ,s do* poM::*e stamr
title M< IS IG< >MKtrV MOMTok— lin. KSDAV, Al’K. 12. UX-O.
j marker, wnuii meets note m summer
and winter under tlie trees of the
! Champs Elysees. Here stamp collect
| ors meet, l>uy uml sell and discuss
1 prices.
About twenty-four miles below the
city of Bordeaux a bed of rock that Is
still a menace to navigation is being
I blasted out and will be entirely re
moved during the present year. For
these channel Improvements #(>,000,000
was appropriated by tlie French gov
-1 eminent.
Give It n Wide Berth.
"Yes." said the lady In the wayside
cottage. "1 used to be annoyed by
tramps n great deal, but now I have a
dog that scares them away.”
"A dog?” laughed her neighbor.
“Why, we have a horse that seares
them away."
"A horse? Gracious! Are tramps
afraid of a horse?"
"Yes; a saw horse."—Detroit Trib
Latest Fad. a
Gritty George Lady, would yer
miml wrltln’ off a list of all *!e things
lu ills cold meal on a slip of paper?
The Lady (lu surprise)—What for,
my poor man?
Gritty George—Well, yer see. lutim,
1 am collectin’ menus along me trav
els. iui’ every one helps. Chicago
Uarly Traint;>R.
First Male Teacher—That newly ap
pointed school commissioner says h»
thinks every school should have a wo
man principal.
j Second Male Teacher- I huow it. lie j
says he was brought up to vote for
“principles, not men." I.lppiueott’s
; Magazine.
Nothing; I** Them.
j "Does your wife ever go through
your pockets?”
"No. She wouldn’t dare."
| “Wouldn’t dare?"
"Wouldn’t dare to do anything that
savored so much of idiotic hopeless i
ness.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A la Patti.
“Why did you persist lu calling your
visit to this country last season a fare
well tour?" asked her manager cold- ,
1y? "It was In uo sense a farewell.**
“Yes, it was.” replied the famous
prima donua. "I fared very well.**—
A CutM.
Bragg—About a month agiy I fell
into a nice job as assistant manager,
and tbe manager told me If 1 made
sood he'd raise my salary—
Shrude—Yes? What are you dolug
now? -Philadelphia Press
Money to loan at 0 and 7 per
cent on improved forms.
A. 15. liVTCHKSON'.
Mt Vernon. Ga.
men capable of eaknixo
SI,(MM) TO S'),o<M) A
Traveling Salesman, Clerk,
A complete reovg .niziitiou of Die nr<-«luc-i: IST
j department of tht- flic* Uu'nal LiF InsU'iv ee
| Company of New York pi thin miction
; a fm-a fen good men; riglil vacn. i a
i oil * lie agency Inrce rniiai upon for ino. nt
diameter and ability; von ran find out !n
writing whether il «'iil lie worth while for yo i
to make a .ibaugt; no previous ixpeii. nee is
| ...
A course of professional instruc
tion given free.
The Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany of New York
700 Million Dollars.
Addnas OEOR IE T. DKXIEIt, Superin
tendent of Domestic Agencies, Si Nassau st..
New York. N. Y
Savannah, Ga.
A jfi*. ifit t3t x£*. jSt.
FT. Ct. I tTEREi T gj
idj On Improved Farms in Montu.oo- {it j
2 iry nd adjoining counties in amounts a j
| J loans (it Uss than floOO. . .& j
J No Commission g,
os binkerage charged. I.xp»nses a ;
; fl nf borrower lor abstract and draft- r
j J in" papers are small. • . I
| J No IHxav. Pi j
| « Loans promptly secured. . * I
a Wi itc nu 1 , or sue my iimpertoi, Mr. Jno. a
; It. S'vain, at Ktiilsville. about business W 1 1
j J east us the Oconee river. j I
4 GEO. H. HARRIS fjj
| a Attorney, j j
lj >
All kinds Repair Work. Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
Material on hand. High-Gnrde
Repair Work on Bicycles, Sewing
Machines, Guns. Revolvers and
Clocks. Se? me before placing
your work; I will save you money.
, Work promptly arid neatly done.
- An ty. Ga. •
• .
. ; - . ' i-'**£ ' V-- .
IA Happy Homeß
To have a happy home you must have children, gfl
a as thev are great happy-home makers. If a weak HI
| woman, you can be made strong enough to bear |l
g healthy children, with little pain or discovert to j
i yourself, by taking 1
j WINE Pj| IPIfJ *1
y Woman’s Relief jj
ease away all your pain, reduce inflam- W
e leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovar- gg
disordered menses, backache, headache, M
ake childbirth natural and easy. Try it. B
■y drug store in #I.OO bottles. B
;y, telling us all yotif" and nothing else, is my baby girl, now |M
il sendfreeadvice (in two weeks old,'’ writes Mrs. J. P. K»
ope). Address; La- West, of Webster City, lowa. “She gl
pt.,Th3 Chattanooga is a fine, healthy babe and we are mm
lattanooga, Tenn. both doing nicely.” JH:
, •v- 3X. .jgII:.SSSIk 1 1 -
-v; -.-v _- _ xm,.^
I II. lluntvr. Win. i\, L ace, Frank C. Battey. B^
Cotton Factors, Naval Stores Factors. 9
Experienced Upland CottOll, <j VPr Thirty M
v a,ul Sea Island Cotton, Years in I
Ex^rt _ . 0 Business. 1
Handlers of Is aval Stores. 1
One of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South.
Each Commodity handled in a Separate Department.
Strictest attention to each. We sell : : :
Upland and Sea Island Bagging, Ties and Twine.
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned D
to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security. m'
120 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH ,^GA. ijj
. 11 if 11