Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XX. NO. 48.
United States Supreme Court
* Decides Against Rawlings.
The Supreme Court of the
United States on Monday a dinned i
the decision of Georgia’s Supreme 1
Court in the Rawlings case. Jno. 1
R. Cooper, attorney for Rawlings 1
and his sons, took the case up on I
the grounds that there was dis- \
crimination in the manner of so- 1
lecting the jury no law
yers, doctors or other professional 1
men were in the jury box from I
which the trial jury was drawn.
During the quiet hours of last
Sabbath morning, while the birds
were carrolling their Easter songs
of praise, and all of Mt. Vernon's:
fair daughters (except one) were
busy trying on- their new Easter
apparrel. and that one was busy
with other and less frivolous
thoughts, Miss Lottie Fountain
stole away to the home of a rela
tive, and accidental}' met Mr. Jas.
A. Herrington, who happened
along all the way from Sulphur
Mine, Louisiana, and they were
soon at the home of Judge Lucieii
McLemore, when they were mar
ried by him in the regulation j
Montgomery county style. The ;
young couple caught the west- j
bound train at 10:29 and sped
away toward the west.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. Wm. E. Fountain of Mt. Ver
non, apd is a handsome type of .
Montgomery’s amiable daughters.
Mr. Herrington is well and favor-:
ably know’n in this section, and I
we wish for them a long life of
unalloyed happiness.
The Ailey Pharmacy is now in
new hands. The owner, Dr. M.
L. Currie, has leased the place to
Dr. W. W. Odom of Lyons, and >
the business will be continued.
Mr. Marvin Odom, a competent
druggist, will be in charge of the
Ailey Pharmacy.
Mr. J. F. Currie, for some time
manager of the Ailey Pharmacy, I
is in Mt. Vernon preparing to
open up the new business of the
“Mt. Vernon Drug C 0.,” whose
application for incorporation may
be Been in this paper.
Dr. R. L. Fox left on Tuesday
evening to attend the meeting of
the State Medical Association at
Augusta yesterday. The matter
of establishing a state sanitarium
for handling tuberculosis cases is
under consideration, and the mat
ter will be pressed before the next
legislature. Dr. Fox will proba
bly return today.
Dr. J. \V. Palmer of Ailey' is
also attending the convention, and
read a paper before the body.
Two reports are in circulation
intended to injure me in the race
tax receiver, which I emphatically
deny. First, it is stated that I
am unable to write and cannot at
tend to the office; second, that I
am running in the interest of an
other candidate. These reports I
are false. I can do ail the work of
the office, which I am seeking for
the help it will give me.
\V. M. Outlaw.
The Montgomery Monitor.
But the higher court did not
see it that way, and .1. T. Raw-,
lings and two of lus sons will hang 5
later, and the younger son will
be returned to t lie penitentiary i
for life. It has been almost a year
since they murdered the two Car-1
ter children, assisted by the negro, j
Moore, in Lowndes county, while
trying to carry out a plot to ani-j
hilate the entire Carter family, |
instigati d by the elder Rawlings.
The Monitor is running in its.
advertising columns, the applica
tion for charter of the “Glemvood
Hardware & Furniture Co.” Mr.
A. P. Stone, Dr. M. Morrison, Mr.
A. D. McGowan and Mr. W. V.
Saville are the incorporators.
Glemvood is a fine business
place, and we wish the new com
pany abundant success.
On Friday afternoon last. Mr. j
James I. Fountain, one of Mont.-;
gomery county’s oldest citizens,
died at the residence of his oldest
! daughter, Mrs. M. J. Thompson,
I with whom lie made Ins home,
j The remains were laid to rest 111
■ the McGregor cemetery in Mt.
Vernon beside those of his wife,
who preceded nitn to the grave by
a few years. Key. J. B. Griuer
of the Met hodist church conducted
the funeral service.
Mr. Fountain came to Mont-j
jgoinery county about <3O years ago [
j from Lowndes county. He reached
J the advanced age of 87 years in j
1 January last, and was well known
to all our older cit izens.
Os his children living there
remain four daughters, Mrs. M.
J. Thompson, Mrs. Joe Palm* r,
Mrs Geo. Jenkins and Mrs. John
Hughes; and six sons, Wm. E.,
J. J., Jessie J., Mitchell Is’.,
Milton and David A. Fountain.
Those who hate a dull time will
i have no cause to complain of the
events we have on tlie string for
a few weeks to come. The primary
for nominating a congressman arid
county officers and an election for j
bonds are both scheduled for next)
Thursday, 20tli.
In a few days more, the 7th of j
May, the spring term of Mont
gomery superior court will open
up for a two weeks run; with the
city court, ordinary’s court, coun
ty commissioners’court and other
things to numerous to mention to
i while away the time.
Candidates for county offices
will soon be taking a much needed
j rest, but the gubernatorial contest
will help to keep us awake.
Sam Wilkes, a white man living
near Iliggston, was arrested last;
j week on a warrant charging him
! an attempt to criminally assault
a young white girl 17 years old
named McDougal- A preliminary
and highly sensational hearing of
the case was had before Justice
) Stanford here Tuesday, and the
defendant was put under a small
j bond to appear at superior court
At the regular convention of
| Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 157 K. of
P., on tomorrow evening (Friday)
;the rank work will be a prominent
feature. Members requested to
attend, and visiting brethren cor
dially invited to attend.
Executrix .Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery C ounty.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the court of ordinary of
said county will be sold before the
.courthouse door in Mt. Vernon on
the first Tuesday in May, 1906. during
i ttie legal hours of sale to the highest
j and best bidder for cash 180 acres of
i lot of land No. 19 in the 11th land
I distiiet of said county, said land sold
as part of the estate of Thos. Bowyer,
deceased. This April 2d, 1906
Mrs. Sophie E. Bowyer,
Executrix of Thos. Bowyer. i
The Monitor is authorized to
state that Col J. H. Estill, the
j Sout h Georgia Candidate for gov
ernor, will meet the citizens of
Montgomery county at Mt. Ver
non during the coming superior
l A date will probably be made j
j Inter on which he will address us.!
Don’t fail to hear the one uspi
' rant for t he governorship who can
| state Ins position on public mat
ters without resort to vitupera
i . 1
j Lion, and without lowering the I
I standard heretofore set for the
true Southern gentleman.
Montgomery county will have]
two elections at one time noxtj
Thursday, the 20th. The prima
ry for nominating a congressman,
representative in the legislature
and county officers, will bo hold
at that time. The county com
missioners have called an election
also, on the question of issuing
bonds, for the same date. The
j latter being a regular legal elec
tion, it will be necessary to bold)
it separately. It is to bo hoped
that everything will he done de
cently and in good order.
1 am agent for the Vulcanite!
; Roofing and have same in stock.
Saves you money. Cheaper than
shingles and wears longer. J. 11.
Hudson, Ailey, (in.
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Mr. Sam Adams, who for some
time has been in NVaycross is,
spending the week with relatives
in and around Mt Vernon.
Mr. Arthur Moses was a visitor
here yesterday.
Ladies’ embroidery and silk
hats at J. 11. Hudson’s, Alley.
Mr. L. It. Adams of Higgs ton
graduated in the Mercer School of
Pharmacy at Macon Friday night.
If you want stylish goods at the
rigid prices, Mrs. Fox of Mt. Ver
non will give them to you.
Rev. Charles Montgomery re
turned Monday evening from the
meeting of the Presbytery at
Blackshear. He reports an enjoy
able time and a profitable meet
i ing there.
Ladies’ shirt waist suits from
$1.75 to $4.00 at J. 11. Hudson’s.
Friends in Mt. Vernon have
been informed of the death ol
Mrs. F. L. Siuu, who visited Mrs.
J. L. Adams in 1901 as Miss Ethel
Architect Alexander Blair was
down from Macon Monday after-,
noon, and saw the preliminary
work being done on Montgomery’s
new court house.
Hon. \V. A. Wooten came over
from Mcßae for a few hours Mon
day. Welcome, “Billie.”
- Rev. L. B. Davie will preach at
' the Presbyterian church Sunday,
morning and evening. He is an
able and devout man ard will be
heard by a large congregation.
This is a busy time now at the
“Bon Ton” Millinery Store. Mrs.
Fox, Miss Morrison and Miss
Browning are all kept quite busy
, with old and new customers.
Igreene-gaynor case
' reaching a close.
The noted trial of Greene and
Gaynor for defrauding the IT. 8.
government, which has lasted
through many weeks, reached its
close last Thursday.
The jury was in service 88 days, j
and the record covered fXXK) type-)
j written pages. The verdict was j
1 guilty on all the counts, and Judge j
j Speer sentenced t hem t o four years !
imprisonment and each to pay a
fine of $575,749.90.
By order of Judge Speer, tho
priioners have been moved to Mn-j
con and will remain there pending
a motion fora further hearing by
a higher court.
A telegram received here yestor
! day morning announced the sail)
death of Mrs. C. 11. W ooten near
Scotland, which occurred Tuesday !
night. She was the wife of lion.
C. 11. Woolen of Montgomery s j
board of county commissioners, j
an estimable woman, and the j
mother of four bright children, j
She was the daugliler of Rev. H.
jO. Fentress of tlu> South Georgia j
5 Conference. The burial took place i
at Scotland yesterday (Wudnes-j
day) evening. j
Col. 13. R. Calhoun was called
j to Tarrytown, Montgomery coun
j fey, Monday on account of the se
sious illness of his father, who is
about 80 years of age. —Eastman
' i
Dr. .1. M. (3. Me All istor <»f Ko
ohelle luih been over two or three
<bi3’H attending his little brother,
Jim A., who is quite sick.
Ladies’ shirt waists from 50 ets.
to $2.50. Hudson, Ailey.
Misses Bossio Golden and May
Belle Morrison spent Saturday
and Sunday in Vidalia.
Beautiful and Stylish Dress
Goods. See Mrs. Fox, ML Vernon, j
John Smith was out at church
Sunday and smiled as sweetly as
an angel, notwithstanding the
fact t hat he had on those same old
80 cents pants. Mrs. Smith’s «1-
dollar hat was just lovely.
Mrs. L). A. Mcltae went, to Scot
land yesterday in response to the i
telegram announcing the death of;
her brother’s wife, Mrs. C. 11.
Mrs. Outlaw and little daughter j
of Ailey attended services in Mt.
Vernon Sunday.
Mrs. J. B. (Jririer entertained
her Sunday school class with an
1 Easter egg hunt Monday after
Call at J. 11. Hudson’s at
Ailey and see the latest stjles in
ladies’ and children's hats at
lowest prices.
Mr. J. Oscar Willis is here for
a few days delivering portraits for
; the Empire Portrait Co. of Allan-j
!tu. Tins house does splendid
work and we cheerfully commend I
it to the people of this section.
Mr. and Mrs. James McGhee of j
Haleyondale, Gu., are\on a visit
to their daughter, Mrs. G. J.
Thompson, near here. Mrs. Me-;
Ghee is now dangerously ill with j
! pneumonia.
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events.
The Stillmore Air Line has been i
sold to the Central for SSO,(XX).
Thomnsville had a fire on Thins- 1
j day night last, destroying SIOO,-:
000 worth of property, in .vhieli!
j was included the famous I’ineyj
l Woods Hotel.
By an explosion of powder, du
ring a practice drill on the battle
ship Ivearsngo on Friday, six men
lost their lives.
The owners of the Ducktown
'copper miiios m Tennessee talk of
building a furnace chimney 5350
feet high to avoid the damage
done by the fumes, and which lias
caused much complaint by farm
ers in Fannin county, Ibis state.
While shoot ing through a door
into a room in which u man named
Davis was with his wife, CL E.
Lloyd killed his little son, near
Morven, Gu., Saturday night. Ho
shot. at. Davis afterward, but he
. escaped.
| Mt. Vesuvius has calmed do\(u,
and tbe work of rescuing the bod
i ics of the diKid from tlio lava and
I debris continues.
Macon is moving in the matter
|of building a big tourist hotel to
cost about $1300,000.
A bloody duel took place in
Glasscock county Monday m
which T. S. Hull' killed John
Shelton and seriously wounded.
Bill Shelton, brothers. Huff was
badly cut with a knife by tin ni.
Nearly 25,(XX) immigrants ar
rived in New York by European
steamers in two days (his week.
All the linemen of the Southern
i Ikll Telephone and Telegraph Co.
in Virginia, North Carolina, Geor
gia and Alabama are out on a
strike. t
W. F. Sims, J. 11. Munroo and
jW. H. Dyer, who were recently
j engaged in a street, figlit in Sa
vannah, were eachj fined $250
for carrying pistols, by Judge
Cann in the superior court there
this week.
{ As a result of the Coal strike, a
riot, occin red near Johnstown, Pa.,
among the miners on Monday
night, and four were killed, all
foreigners. Troops are in charge.
Race riots between negroes and
whites are imminent at Spring
field, Mo., where three negroes
were lynched and burned last
week, and at Mt. Airy, N. C.,
where a mob of negroes oyerpbw
ered several officers.
S l A rihMILNT’ <>!<'
TPye TA oUiyt Vernon Bar\k,
At. the close of business, Apr. 6 1906
Loans amt discounts, $76,920 47
Demand loans, . . . 1,699 6°»
Overdrafts, . . • 447 03
j Banking house, . • 1,100 00 j
i Furniture and fixtures, . 1,428 00 j
Due from banks and bank
er!* in theskkte, . . 4.7,211 60 j
Due from banks and bank
ers in other states. . . 2,159 01
i Currency, . . • 1,983 00 j
! Gold 430 00
Silver nickels and pennies 1.108 49 j
i Interest paid, . • • 107 81
Total, . . $182,670 46
STATE OF oEoßolA—County of MonlKomcry.
Before me came W. A. Pelerson. cashier of The Mr. Vernon Bank,
! who boinjrdiily sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a
i true condition of said Hank, as shown by the books of tile m said Hank.
Sworn to und subscribed before me Ibis 17tli day of Apr.. 1906.
\v. F. McAllister, Coni. N. P. M. C. Ga
• V'jsy 'zgS
*rU. y* , "js-; V*
h OF
ti . . . 8:
- ■' ■ ■- ■ ■■■
j W. A. Adkins, a white farmer
I (>0 years old, was found operating
a still on Ins farm in Crisp county
1 last week, and was bound over to
j court.
On Thursday morning last about
11 o’clock the burn on the prem
ises of Mr. James McNutt at Ailey
was discovered to be on fire. The
building was entirely consumed,
and the loss will approximate
if 1000. The horses had boon
turned out to graze, and a buggy
was pulled from under the burn
ing building, fortunately lessen
ing the damage.
The biggest mess of grinding
and mixing ever seen in Ml. Ver
non is now attracting sight-seers
on the public square. The crush
ing of fibO wagon loads of brick
bats, and the mixing of the same
wit h sand and ce. amt for the con
crete foundations of the new court
house keeps two engines and two
machines, as well as several hands,
quite busy.
Glen wood.
Hpcciul OoiTL*Hpoii<lt>ne<»
.Mr. Ed Rogers was here one day
last week.
. Rev. Chastain visited Atlanta
last, week on business.
Miss Koweua Browning of Mt.
Vernon spent Sunday with friends
Mr. A. A. Galbraith went down
to Savannah one day last week.
Mi-.Mii itrady and Calhoun of
Turrytown spoilt Saturday and
Sunday in our town.
Mrs. Moore of Atlanta has been
spending several days the past
week will her parents, Itev, and
Mrs. Cha tain.
Mr. Ezra Browning went up to
i Soperton on business Friday
Mr. Bird of Gobi down spent
! Sunday with friends here
1 Rev. Screws is contemplating
I the organization of a Primitive
Baptist church here, and has been
1 negotiating for land upon which
, to build
Our town is expecting a build
ing boom in the near future.
Several brick stores are to be put
!up this summer, and the K. of
1 lb’s are to build a nice, commo
dious castle ball, as their numbers
have increased so much that their
present hall is too small to ac
commodate them.
Rev. Huff of At lanta spent sev
eral days last week with Dr. Riv
ers, and preached an interesting
sermon on Thursday night. We
were glad to have Inin with us,
and hope ho will visit our town
again. —S.
Capital stock paid in, . $15,000 00
Surplus f lid, - . 10,000 00
Undivided profits, less cur.
expenses and taxes paid 3,234 25
I udividual deposits subject
to chuck, . • . 75,117 04
j Time certificates, . . 28,387 26
Cashier’s checks, , ■) . 911 91
- -i
Total, . • • $132,050 46