Newspaper Page Text
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VOL. XXI. NO. r.
May Term Superior Court 1
Handled Much Business .
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After two weeks of strenuous J
work, the May term of Montgom
ery superior court came to a close
at a late'hour Saturday night last.
Quite a lot of both civil and crim
inal business was disposed of and
the docket left in better shape
than it has been in many long j
On the criminal docket 51) cases
were transferred to the “dead
docket,” and 120 cases were trans
ferred to the city court, thus
clearing the docket of numbers
that have to be called over at each |
term. Many were marked oil en-j
tirely and a few moj£ were trails-,
ferred to Toombs county.
The, case against Wm. Connell, j
with mayhem, putting
out the eyes of James Morns, and
the case of Joe Connell for killing
his wife the Thursday night be
fore, were the most important
cases tried. As stated last week,
Wm. Connell was found guilty of
Joe Connell, for killing his wife,
Jake or Polly Connell, sentenced
to penitentiary for life.
James Morris, assault with in
tent to murder, shooting 'at John
Tedder, sentenced to penitentiary
for 5 years.
Charley Left, larceny from the
house, robbing warehouse at Ala
mo, sentence, fine $55 to include j
costs or six months.
Dave Copeland, larceny from
the house, robbing warehouse at
Alamo, fine $75 to include all
costs' or nine months.
Lamar Sears, carrying a pistol.
Plea of guilty. Sentence, fine
SIOO to include costs, or nine
Tidy Hill, plead guilty to stab-,
foing, sentence, fine SBO to include
costs or 0 months.
Harrison Foskey, assault, with
recommendation to mercy, sen
tence, fine S7O to include costs, or.
0 months.
Charlie Fiveash, charge, unlaw-,
ful drunkenness. Plea of guilty,
sentence, $75 to include costs.
John Connell, charged with;
mayhem, found guilty of assault,
sentence, fine of $175 or 12
Wm.'Connell came up missing
when sentences were being passed
and his bond was forfeited.
Reward Notice.
We offer a reward of $85.00 for
the arrest with proof to convict of
the party who robbed our store on
Tuesday night, May Ist. 1900.
D. F. War nock & Bro.
* . Tarytown, Ga. j
Money to loan at 8 and 7 per
cent on improved farms.
A. B. Hutchksox,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
A shooting scrape between ne
groes at a church near Greenville,
Ga., Sunday resulted in the death
of one and wounding of several
Dan Merritt of Coffee county
was killed by a log train near
Osierfield on Monday night while
Navigation of the Ochmulgee
river will be tried again, and the
first boat will leave Macon for
JJrunswick about June Ist.
jfantgflmmj monitor*
: mayhem. Connell disappeared
J {
I just before a verdict was reached, j
and sentence was not pronounced
in his case.
. ll
The entire day Friday was de
voted to the trial of Joe Connell, ,
j <
I alias Joe Calhoun. He was ably
represented by Howard and Baker
|of Dublin, and Col. W. B. Kent
assisted solicitor Graham in the,
prosecution. The evidence was
entirely circumstantial, but so <
plain and closely connected as to ;
cause the jury to find, a verdict;
|of murder. They recommended'
j mercy and his sentence was reduc
,ed to life imprisonment. *
The woman Mollie Love wlioj
[figured so conspicuously in the!,
Joe Connell murder case, and
I whom Connell had married while
• divorce proceedings were pending
between him and the dead wife, 1
was allo.ved to give bond in the
bigamy case against her and Con
May Term, 1900, of Montgomery '
Superior Court.
It is ordered by the Court that
the following cases and indict
ments pending in said superior
court be and they are hereby
transferred to the City Court of
Montgomery County for trial, to
Indictment in Case of State vs—
Jasper N. Price, Carlos Price
! Dan Buis ltalpli Morris
| Lovely Carrol, Victoria Holes, el. al
I B G Sanford B L Langmead
i Neil Burton Andy Jones
| John Cook Green Buford
I Geo A Tyson Wm Cooper
Geo O’Conner W J Williams [2 cs ]
( has Beasley and Fair Davis
IW E Thigpen M A Corbett [3 cases]
Wiil Faircloth George Tyson
Gabriel Mcßae J W Moseley
Jesse Darden Frank Gilhs
Bender Outlaw Sam O'Neil
Will O’Neil Will .Smith
Henry McLemore T E Williams
Harris White and Jess Camion
Joe Calhoun
Will Brown Willie Wise
| Virgil Sleigh Hamp Williams
! Chas Blackston Dan Morrison
| Belle wright, David Sanders
J O w Moore and Charley walker
i Tom Bawls Hockey Braddock i,
j Belle Graham O B Greenaway
' Bud Brooks Jim Morris
Hughey Harralson Dennis Young
1 C C Carter Jim King Quill Smith i
! Aaron Nail [2 cases] Jim Saunders
j Will Scott Neger Troup
Jim McGee [2 cases] E T waiters
J J Earl ami wB watkins
i Josh Collins Charley Munroe
j Walter watson T F Farmer
j Jas N Price Mamie Kirkland
Ja; w Price Bill Austin
• J w Moseley Ceo Tyson
1 Micajah Cox Gus Fountain
Malcolm Adams & Clarence Adams
Mrs Lott Elkins Geo williams!
Charley Lloyd Alex Jones j
| Chas williams Lige Gillis
Jerry Glisson [2 c] Lott Tobler j
Cameron Paterson Mary O’Neal etl
Charley Langston Harris white
• Ford Smith [2 c] John Purdee
jM J Gillis Ira Miller Jim Gillis [2c] j
Tom Peterson et al, riot
j Frank Miller will Johnson
I Tom Cofield Josh Adams
Chattie Gray and Suits Pope
Addie Bridges Tom Williams
J H Mercer and Thos Connell
Ira Miller Punk Phillips ;
Lucien Morris Ed McMillan i
Edgar Symons __ Bry Ruth :
W J wiliiams Nelson Shine
Joe Graham (firing of woods]
Joe Graham (unlawful drunkenness) j
, Bud Ebberhart Levi Carter:
Will wise and Sam Morris^.— \
I George Miller, Andrew Miller and l
Charley Graham
Granted May 10, 10*10,
J. H. Martix,
Judge Sup. Ct. O. C.
All parties concerned are hereby
I notified that the above stated cases'
will be in order for trial at the June i
term of the City Court of Montgom
ery County, to be held during the
week commencing June 4th, 19»*i.
This May 22. 1906.
J . B. Geiger.
Judge C. C. M. C.
The potato vine business has j
superceded the work of superior
court, and the showers will make
thousands of the roots for “tater
diggin time.”
Mr. A. J. Hilton proposes to
take the prize of 0 months sub
scription to The Monitor by send
i ing in the first ripe watermelon.
The friends of HOll. 1). C. Mc-
Lennan, of Mcßae, all over t his
county will be surprised and pain
ed to hear of his death. It seems
that Mr. Mclennan had recently
been in declining health which
! developed into “galloping con
sumption,” and he passed away
jon Tuesday morning last, at his
1 home in Mcßae.
He was the representative of
Telfair county 111 the legislature,
and a nephew of Hon. A. C. Mc-
Lennan of Alamo. His wife and
one little daughter survive him.
An election to fill the vacancy
will probably be held.
We regre to learn through Dr.
Currie, who reached home from
Jasper, Tex., Saturday, that Mr.
John Klzio Odom is dangerously
ill with remittent or Texas fever.
Mr. Odom has in this county many
friends \\,ho will regrdtr to hear of
his illness. Dr. Odom, his broth
er, has gone to Texas, and is at
his bedside.
Landsburg, May 28t from 9 to 12.
Glenwood, “ 28th, 1 pin to Op 111
Stuckey, “ 281 li, night
Alamo, May 29th, 9 a 111 to 12 111
Erick, “ 29th. lpm to spm
C. H. Wooten’s, May 29th, night
Spring Hill, 30tli, 9 a mto 12 m
(at club house.)
Spring Hill 80th, 1 p m to 8 p m
(at Camp ground)
McArthur, 81st, 9 a into lpm
Bruce, 81st, 2 pm to 8:80 pj
Higgston, June st, 8 ;t m to 12 m
Stanley, sth 8p m to sptn ,
Tarry town, Bth, H a 111, to 12 m ;
Soperton* Bth, 1:80 pm to 5:80
Lotliair, 7th, 9am to 3 p m
L. Sharpe Tsth, 10 11 tn to 12 m,
R. K. Mosley Bth, 8 p 111 to 5 p
Ijongpond, 9th, 10ainto3pmj
Normantown 12th 9a 111 to 12 nil
Ochwalkee I.6th, 11 amto 2 p
Mt. Vernon, 18th, 191 It, 20th
book closes.
E. M. Kackley, 'l'. K. ,
mmmm w -mmm m
§ %
!a.®e© : :©;©-©' o,
Dr. M. L. Currie came homej
from Texas last Saturday, called
here by the illness of one of his,
children. The little one is ex
tremely illjjiut we hope will soon
be convalescent.
Children’s hats and caps arriv
ing every week. Prices to suit;
your purse. J. 11, Hudson, Ailey. j
Miss Birdie Mcßae came over
from Mcßae Saturday, spending
Sunday with relatives here.
Mr. Robert Griner of Savannah
spent part of the week with his
parents here.
We regret to learn that Mr.
Everett T. Mcßride of Ailey is
quite sick with typhoid fever.
Busy times at the Union Bap
tist Institute, getting ready for
i commencement, which begins on
Friday, .June Ist, and continues
through Monday,
I keep a fulll line of ladies’
skirts, wrappers and shirt waists.
J. 11. Hudson, Ailey.
Mr. James A. Kiddle is now 10-,
cated at Shell man, Ga., where he
is with the H. L. Dozier pharma
cy. He is an able young phar
macist, and many friends in this
section wish him stTccefcs.
Mr. John Manning of Soperton
was a visitor to Mt. Vernon last.
week. He is sixty-two years old,
and has sixteen children, all oft
whom are living. He is one of
our best farmers.
Mt. Vernon needs a number of
residences which could be rented j
to good families at once.
"The commencement exercises of
the Presbvterial Institute at
Blackslieur will take place on Fri- .
day, 25tli, and continue through
Tuesday of next. week. We ac
knowledge the receipt of an invi
tation to he present. This is one
of the nourishing schools of South
Georgia, and has students from .
many points. j
St uckov.
Special UoiTCHpoiuUmoo.
Mr. W. A. Stuckey from Macon
vw-ited relatives here last week.
Mrs. J. T. Heard has returned
to her home in Vulalia after spend-
ing a while with her parents here, j
Miss Rowena Browning from |
Mt. Vernon was the charming;
guest of Miss Bessie Stuckey lust;
Sunday. j
Miss Esther Hogan spent Inst]
week very pleasantly hero with
Mr. Wyley Stuckey from Dex
ter was here 011 business one day j
last. week.
Mrs. Martin has returned to;
her home m Wrightsville after;
spending a while wit h her duugli- j
ter, Mrs. M, Jenkins.
Miss Beulah Sterling and Mr. j
j Allen Meeks were very lumpily!
married last Tuesday''evening at
j the home ot Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Hattaway, Wo wish for this
j young couple a long and happy |
There will bo preaching here
next Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. B.
Griner will preach. Everybody j
come out.
i We learn Unit Hugh I’raddy,
1 young son of Mr. M. A. Braddy, I
, who was accidently shot several!
j weeks ago, died this week at the I
j home near Kibboo.
j Work on the new court house
foundation continues, though in
terfered with somewhat bv the
! rain. The concrete foundation
will soon lie complete, and brick
laying will begin in a few days.
Mrs. P. B. Jtyuls and babe of
Ailey arc reported sick, but we
j hope soon to hear of their recov
Currie is at home and lias
charge of the Ailey Pharmacy, and
can wait on all his friends who
call for pure drugs.
After spending several months
in Mt. Vernon, Dr. Chas. Hicks |
lias returned to Dublin, being:
greatly improved m health. His
many friends throughout this sec-j
tion hope for his complete reeoY- j
Mrs. W. C. Hardy left for Pike j
county on Sunday to visit relu-j
; Times arc lively out at the Oeo
| nee Brick Yard and the works
; will be taxed to their utmost)
capacity to keep tip with the de- j
maud for brick.
J. H. Hudson has just received
a fine line of ladies’ ready to wear
underclothing. All prices.
J. YVade Johnson and Torn Ma
son were visitors to Dublin last:
Judge Litt Sharpe was a visitor
to Mt. Vernon Monday.
Ladies will find at J. U. Hud
son’s a lot of new hats, up-to-date [
| in stvle and price. I
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events .
The cotton compress of the Cejfc- 1
; tral railroad at Macon was burned
on Thursday morning with a loss
of about 5,000 bales of cotton.
Revs. John J. Tigcrt, Jas At
kins and Seth Ward were elected
j bishops last week by the Metliod
■ ist General Conference in session
; at Birmingham, Ala.
Newton .1, Warren, foreman of
t he boiler rooms of Schofield’s 1 ron
Works at Macon, was killed Fri-|
1 day by a fall from a crane in (lie
shops of that concern.
Vice President Fairbanks at-
I tended the Methodist General j
j Conference at Birmingham last,
j week, stopping over in Atlanta.
Over 2,600 carloads of st raw
berries linyo been shipped from the j
Wilmington section of North Car
olina already this season, besides
1 thousands of crates by express.
South Carolina, like Georgia, 1
; lias live aspirants tor governor.
I , I
The Democrats 01-Xoomlts comi
ty will hold their primary Juno 15.
W.W. Cook, cashier of the First
National Bank of Wrightsville,
j died on Saturday last.
Four men were killed and sev
— I
ernl badly wounded by the ex
plosion of a boiler in a glucose
I factory at Shndysido, N. J., on
Miss Olivo Sheppard of Opeli
, ka, Ala., stood before her mirror
j and tired a pistol ball through her
brain, on account of despondency,
_ 1
! **************************
* £
* f
f f
i *•
Strict purity in Drills is most essential. Your
life depends sometimes on tli*; best medicines. ; j£-
-ajr TJio Mfc. Vernon l) rug Co. has opened a ajfr
that this nection may he supplied with the very best.
A long-felt want haw been supplied by the new drug store
in Mt. Vernon. A visit will surprise you.
A Licensed Pharmacist with a magnificent now jJJt
stock will he glad to welcome you.
* *
* £
*' 7 t
* f
* i
in Common makes
Season Opens
Pull Power Mounted on Wheels
'•3 i ’
r : 1
•h For Prices and Terms see D. S. WILLIAMSON |
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
PAGES i TO io.
' At Franklin, Nebraska, on
Monday hailstones as large as
baseballs fell, crashing through
! roofs and killing stock.
The supreme lodge of the
Knights ol Pythias reports a total
memliership of 050,288, Georgia
leading in the number of new
lodges, with 28.
While baking a cake for her
wedding, Rosa Wisnichtof Wheel*
ing, \V, was shot by her brother
on Sunday, the day liefore her
bridal day.
Cotton and warehouses worth
$250,000 were burned at Staten
Island, N. V., on Monday night.
Four more bodies found in the
ruins at San Francisco on Moil
' day make the total of lives lost in
■ the earthquake and fire 895.
An elaborate program has been*
prepared for the Teachers’ Insti
tute of Montgomery County, to
be hold at the Union Baptist In-
istituto Juno lltli to 16. This
occasion promises to Is; of much
interest and belief/tf, and will be
largely attended. The program
will lie published in full in next
week’s Monitor.
Itcv. .1. W. Simmons entertained
his friends at a Hix o’clock dinner
Friday, it. boinghis 7<)th birthday'.
|)r. .1. W. Simmons, Jr. and wife
of Belfast are the guests of their
parents hero.—Cochran Courier.
Col. J. M. Stubbs of Dublin
was quite sick after attending
superior court boro, but is now