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T?\e / v lontgorr\ery r^or\itor.
Entered at Ihe Postoflhu ii. Mr. Vernon, On. a* Hccond-GlaK* Mall Matter.
D. W. FOLSOM & SON, Ed*, and Prop*. $! oo Per Year.
wL«K»I silvi rl)«eiiirit« niiilit invaiiubly lit- puiil im advsnee, at tlie I*’K"l rate, aixi an the law
directr; and mnal l>< In liaml not later tliati W« ilm mla;. morning of tin- tiist *ci k ol inaertlon
Mt. \ r ernon, Georgia, Thursday Morning, May 24, 1906.
In handling Hok<* Smith with
gloves otT for nonur of his ground
less charges of corruption again*!
distinguished Georgian*, Hon. W.
S. West, president of tin; senate, 1
size* him up a* follows: “He it
a great colossus, striding over the
state of (ieorgiu. snarling and
snapping at all who aie not sup
porting him, and expecting them,
when they hear his ponderous
t read, to “hide out.
With two weeks more <>f such
work a* Judge Martin and tin
jurors of Montgomery county have 1
just finished, somebody will hiik
picion that they really mean to
break up some of the lawlessness
that has bteii like a Idot upon tin
fair name of old Montgomery.
Montgomery county is making
progress m the right direction.
The work <>f the superior court
just held shows if unmistakably.
Many things that have disgraced
our fair name us a county are be
ing brought to a focus. Let the
good work go on.
When one of the little papers
that has pulled its democracy on
wrong side out gets to buzzing
around the heels of the standard i
old Macon Telegraph, it reminds
us of the little green cow (lies wo I
have seen trying to tickle the
heels of a three-year-old mule.
Wo realize the need of more la
bor in the south, but we need a
class of immigrants that know
more about shoving the plow and
wielding the hoe than they do
about throwing bombs and lifting
things with dynamite.
The generosity of the Grand
Lodge Knights of Pythias, in ses
sion at Augusta last week, was
shown by voting 500 dollars to the (
Georgia Industrial Home, founded
at Macon by Uev. \V. K. Mtunford
The presentments of the grand
jury of Montgomery county, pub
lished in this paper, show that the
honorable hotly had something
like tax equalization on the mind.
The South Georgia candidate
tor governor meets with a cordial j
reception at every place he meets
the people. No one so far has at- •
tempted to assail his record.
l>r. Nunnaly got into the heat
of the race, but had sense enough
to get out before the weather got
too hot.
w 0 saw a farmer, no a man who
claims to be a farmer (but lie
a'n't) hauling grass out of town 5
to feed his mules on, to make 10c
cotton. I/Ot’s figure a little: an
acre of land will make from 51 tos
tuns of hay. Hay is worth any
where from $lB to S2O per ion. i
At $2(5 an acre of land will make
dead enry SIOO worth of good hav.
Can you make that much bv
planting it in cotton. No you
cannot and you know it. Let
every farmer in Crenshaw plant
one acre in velvet beans, or take
peas, Millet and corn mix it to
gether aud sow <>n one acre. Sub
soil vour laud well, fertilize and
harrow it until it is smootlie and
well pulverized. It will prove a
mortgage lifter and will aid ma
terially in raising the price of cot
ton. Let me l>< g you to try it
once.—Laverne Journal,
There is much complaint in the!
- fekouth from time to time of the
unreliability of negro labor. '
There is good ground for the com
plaint, but it is sometimes wiser
to bear the evils we have than to
fly to others with which wo are!
unacquainted. The efforts to nt- j
t rucl foreign immigration to the!
South should be restrained by ;
'caution and guided by good judg
ment.. We w ant to open no new
Pandora’s box in the South. So
| far it has escaped the evils which
| foreign immigration has brought
to other sections of this country.
The South boasts of its pure I
American blood and its American
ism. It should have 110 desire to j
make vain a boast that is now j
; A large population is nil well
enough, but a crowded population
is not desirable. Wo shall surely
come to European Conditions in
this respect soon enough. Indus
trious and reliable laborers are to
be desired, but they are not the
only desideratum in the sociul, po
litical and industrial economy of |
a community. When it comes to
securing them through foreign im
migration they should be selected 1
with care and caution.
The most desirable immigrants
- I
are German, Scotch, Irish and En
glish. Swedes are usually indus
trious, frugal and tractable. Ital-j
ians are industrious and thrifty, |
as a rule, but they are quick to |
strike, to raise disturbances, top
lmrbor the feud spirit. We want
no Mafia or “Mack Hand” socie
ties in the South. As a rule the
most desirable Italians do not
come to this country.
The great bulk of the so called!
“Italians” who come over here to
cut throats, throw dynamite, and
conduct labor riots and assassina- 1
tion fraternities are nothing more
than the degenerate progeny of !
the Asiatic hordes which, long 1
centuries ago, overran tho shores
of the Mediterranean and were the
pirates, the spoliators, and tho ,
mercenaries of those bloody ages.
—Americas Times-Recorder.
* V
Atlanta Journal That Colora
do man proved, after all, that the
list- of miens would prevent bald
ness. He ate onions regularly,
and liis wife stopped pulling out
his hair and left him.
Savannah News: —The Russian
revolutionists slill continue to
! punctuate their demands upon
' the throne wit h the explosion of!
bombs under the feet of govern
ment officials.
Atlanta Constitution:—T h o
New York Herald says that if Col.
William Jennings Rrvan doesn't
1 hurry homo there will not be a
plank, of his platform left outside
of the white house. Col. Bryan
needn’t worry. The Roosevelt
platforms are built out of straw.
Statesboro News:—The local
candidates have all been swamped
by the interest in the guberna
torial race. Most of them have
decided to go home ami lay by
their crops and then feel of the
; public pulse agaiu.
Savannah Press:—lt will soon 1
be time for Rob Taylor to lay
down the fiddle and the bow and
take up the shovel and flat hoe in
the senate.
Bryan Enterprise:—Well, may!
be our undertaking business will;
begin to pick up now; although,
no deaths or eickne: :s are reported, ;
our physician Is claiming we are, |
as lie terms it “distressingly
healthy.” We sold one coffin lust!
week, but the demand for it was;
brought about by the shooting at,
the negro festival as reported in
our last issue.
Amcrieus Times-Recorder: —An
; Ohio preacher warns his congre
gation that the end of the world
jis near at hand, but a Chicogo |
j I
I I ’Diversity professor makes tlie
! consoling statement that the earth
will remain habitable for a hun
dred million years longer. The
Americas bail team ought to win
a game by that time.
Atlanta Georgian^ —F rank
Dnmrosch says that what this j
country needs is more cradle songs, j
We might attempt to be witty by
asking if we didn’t need the wheat j
Holds to go with them, hut prefer ;
to be simple and sincere and say
lie is dead right.
Dublin Courier-Dispatch :—The j
{political nondescript, the Atlanta
Journal, published recently on its
front page an article from the pen j
of Wm. Randolph Hearst. Two!
years ago it was so blinded by
prejudice it would not admit that j
j Hearst could write an article of)
!any kind.
Darien Gazette:—The North
{Georgia candidates are lighting
among themselves while the South
Georgia candidate goes marching
on towards the gubernatorial
chair in Atlanta.
1 have the Questions and All
- swore of the Public School Exam
: illations of 1905 in print. Will
send them on receipt of 25 cents,
or for the last, four years for 50c.
B. S. Holden, Pub.
Ellijay, Gn.
Georgia—Montgomery (louiity.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons concerned, that Arthur Davis,
late us said county, departed Otis life
intestate, no person has applied for
administration on the estate of said
Arthur Davis in said stale: that ad
ministration will be vested in the j
clerk of the superior court or some
other fit and proper person, after the
publican of this citation, unless valid
objection is made to this appoint
ment. Given under my hand and
official signature this 7th day of May
1 <HM>. At. \ McArthur, Ordinary.
Guardian’s .Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery <'ounty.
.Ity virtue of an order granted by
the ordinary court of said county will
be sold on the first. Tuesday in June,
I9oti, during legal sale hours, before
the court bouse door in Mt. Vernon,
to the highest bidder for cash,ten
acres of land lying in UDlkl District
j (J. M. of stud county, bounded north
I by .1. A Kent, east by A. B. Hutch
ison and Mainland Gallic it. Burton
south by A. 15. Hutchison. Solti its
1 the property of Gbristonher G. Bur
j ton, minor. ’ A. N. Burton, Guar
| ilian.
Year’s Support.
\\ hureas. Mrs. Maggie Abt lia-ap
-1 plied to me for a year’s support for
ti year's support for herself ami minor I
children out of the estate of T. B.
Abt. late of said county deceased,
and appraisers appointed havingfiled 1
their return, this is to cite all parties j
cone '.tiled that said application will j
be heard on the first Monday in June
tDOtt. This May 7. UM>.
Alex McArthur, Ordinary.
Georgia—. Montgomery Gounty.
To whom it may concern: G. Time.
Davis having made applications me
!in due form to be appointed pertna-i
j nenl administrator upon the estate;
of Thus. Dari-. Sr., late of saidcoutt
! ty. notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the reg
ular term of the court of ordinary, to j
lie held in and sot said county on the
lirst Monday in June. 11*85. Witness
toy band and official signature this
7tii day id May, 19015.
Alex McArthur. Oidinary.
Georgia—Montgomery Gounty.
'I ti*- saw mill business heretofore
opt rated under the firm name of Me- ;
Gall re A. Riggers tail <>n the John I
Connell place has ibis day deeu dis- ;
solved by mutual consent, the e.itire
interest having been sold to S.
McGah<*e and F. T. MeGahee who j
will collect all debts and pay all.
claims. This May 11,1906.
S. L. MeGahee. j
F. T. MeGahee.
‘ II . \V. Diggers,afT. ‘
Estray Notice.
Taken up by me 1 medium size
black horse mule about 15 hands
high, about 15 years old. Took
tip at my lot about April 271 h
1900. Owner can get the mule
!by paying expenses and cost of
I this notice, or same will be dis
-1 posed of as law directs.
M. S. Conner.
i May 7th, 1906.
'■ZRr •: • l V- *v* Rh **. zy. $ |
! V 1
j £ Practitioner in all Courts, State G ;
’,l and Federal.
j .t. Real Estate Agent, Farm «sjf
Lands it Specialty. . . .
I *i rfi -J/ sit.'.if s4z_s®z iF vCz «
| DR. M. 1). COWART,
Dental Surgeon,
Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Latest Improved Methods.
Pr. Ct. INTEREST jj,
( On Im pro not Forms in .Moiit/jorn
, ci v r nil adjoining counties in amounts C i
of 1 1000 ami over, and at 8 per cent, on jr
j j loans ot less than $1001). . . ' jjt I
No Commission j
a or brokerage charged. Expenses a ;
t, of boi rower tor abstract and draw- S?
J ing papers arc small. . . . j
A No Pnr.AV. k |
j j Loans promptly secured. . .kj
j Write me, or sec niv inspect,n, Mr. .1 no. c j
N li. S vain, at Koidsvillc, about business fr
east of the Oconee river. jjl [
<1 GEO. H. HARRIS, >
> t| Attorney, Bt
i Mcßae, Ga. ti*
fvwvvwv V vvv^
All kinds Repair Work, Iron
and Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
Material on hand. High-Grade
Repair Work on Bicycles, Sewing
Machines, Guns, Revolvers and
Clocks. See me before placing
your work;. I will save you money.
Work promptly and neatly done.
Aii.ey, Ga.
A Now and Complete!
Map of Georgia
Showing all of the New Counties'
With a Full Year’s Subscripton to
The Savannah Weekly
NeWS and
The Montgomery
All for $/.75
A tty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia.
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FREE, ••DwKajVrniJK." lamptfev.
« G. <S C. MERRIAM CO.. •
Publishers. Springfield. Mass.
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I Any |
I Thing f
1 You |
| Want 1
1 n . I
i © i
: i i
; fj; You can find almost §j
anything you may need on §§
0 * t ° J * 0)
! © your farm at Mcßae & ©
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Vernon. This is a strong, jg
© srdc and reliable firm to M
{j> place your business with.
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B John 11. Hunter. Wm. K. Pearce, Frank Q. Dattoy. W
1 Cotton Factors, Naval Stores Factors.
i? Experienced F p land Cotton,
8 1 1 ' Over thirty
Ex u rt. Sea Island Cotton, Years in
Handlers of Naval StOl'CS. business.
I j
One of the Largest Factorage Concerns in the South.
Each Commodity handled in a Separate Department.
Strictest attention to each. We sell : : :
I Upland and Sea Island Bagging, Ties and Twine.
Liberal Advances made on Consignments. Money Loaned
to Cotton and Naval Stores Shippers on Approved Security.
126 Bay Street, East. SAVANNAH, CA. I
f A Painless Cure of Curable Pain 1
Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women’s 9
9 pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous S
■ conditions of the female organs, which should be B
9 promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. |
nil whenever she suffers from ar.y of woman’s biting ar.d weakening pains, si
SB the cause of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. K
It makes you well. Try it. B
j Sold everywhere in $ i .00 bottles. B
B freely apd frankly, in strictest confid- writes .Mary Shelton, of Poplar 111
B ence, telling us all your symptoms and Bluff, Mo., “1 undo my housework, B
jPg troubles. We will send free adv,;e although, before taking CARDUI, two B
(in plain sealed envelope ’, how to doctors had done me no good. I can Wm
B cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory truthfully say I was cured by Cardui 9|
M Dept.. Th. Chattanooga Medicine Co., I want every suffering lady to know of
.BK Chattanooga, Tenn. this wonderful medicine.” Si