Newspaper Page Text
During a thunderstorm near the
seacoast on the afternoon of the
ißth iust. a meteorite weighing
several pounds fell near Eulonia,
a small town on the Darien &
Western road.
Mr. N. McQueen, president of
the Liberty Banking Co., of Lu
dowici, chanced to be at Eulonia
wheh the aerolite fell, about 1
o’clock, and boarded the north
bound train at 0 o’clock, having
in his possession a half-pound
piece of the foreign matter, which
we had opportunity of examining,
and which was intended to be sent
to Prof. Otis Ashmore of Savan
nah for analysis.
We saw the rock four hours af
ter its fall, and it was still warm,
retaining a perceptible heat more
than an hour longer. Not having
the analysis of this matter, we do
Pot attempt to classify it, more
than to say that it must belong
to the class of meteoroids known
as asiderite—that is, without iron
hud but little of metallic mdttter;
br, it may have been a meteor
which had undergone intense heat,
thereby having all alloys con
sumed during its contact with
atmosphere and its rapid descent,
ns it Was of a slightly porous state,
gray in color, and a little under
Another fact bearing out this
theory is that in falling the me
teorite struck in a puddle of wa
ter from which it could be seen to
be of a slightly soluble nature,
being scattered over the ground
for a space of several feet. This
matter was strongly impregnated
with brimstone, the odor of which
was retained for several days. On
being exposed to the atmosphese
the rock is inclined to crumble
and waste away. —H. F.
As we go to press news reaches
Us of the death of J. Calvin Nor
tnah yesterday morning at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. W.
Finley Way, in Moultrie, where
he was on a visit.
Mr. Norman had been ill for
more than a year, but had recent
ly ehown signs of improvemeiit.
He Was one of the best known and
ttloSt highly respected citizens in
the county.
He leaves a wife and three chil
dren: Hugh C. Norman of Wai
thdurville, Mrs. Finley Way of
Moultrie, and Mrs. Everett Ad
ams of Mt. Vernon.
The remains were brought to
Walthourville for interment. —
Liberty county Herald.
The petition of J. A. Lowery,
and others asking for the estab
lishment of a new road has been
filed in the office of the Board of
County Commissioners of Mont
gomery county. Said road com
mencing at Kyecroft Bridge on
Alligator creek and running in the
direction of Benton’s Still and on
to Clark’s Bluff, passing Benton’s
Still, aud places of George Daniels
and Harlow Clark, uotice is here
by given that said application will
be heard at the meeting of said
Board on the first Monday in Ju
ly, 1906. Wm. Bland.
Clerk County Corns.
This June 4th.. 1906.
Paint, Paint, at Ailey Phar
macy. Os all shades and colors.
Cheap White Lead and Oils in
quantities to suit you.
The Montgomery Monitor.
i Mt. Vernon has added another
j matrimonial star to her crown,
: which, during the few weeks past,
has been remodeled by Hymen.
Mr. Lucie:. L. Avret and Miss
Myrtle MeLemdre are the latest;
j additions, having been married j
Sunday afternoon, 8 o’clock, at
! the home of the bride in East.
Mt. Vferuou, with many friends
present to witness the happy event.]
The impressive ceremony was !
. rendered by Rev. J. B. Griner of,
the Methodist church. The bridal \
couple was preceded to the parlor
by Miss Ada Avret and Mr. Robt.
Parker, both of Claxton, the for
mer being eldest sister of the
groom, and was very pretty in
white silk mull.
The bride was gowned m white
Jap silk with lacy trimmings, and
was a picture of loveliness. The
groom aud best man were becom
ingly attired in conventional black
sack suits.
Mrs . Ayret is a daughter of Mr.
L. B. McLemOte, and is held in
admiration by many friends. Mr.
| Avret is a native of Burke county,
! whose home lias for many years
i been at Claxton. At present he
is with J. If. McKenzie’s Sons,
; stationed at Mcßae. He is known
and admired by friends through
out tins section. The Monitor
offers congratulations and host;
wishes. May life to them be an
ever-beaming sunbeam.
“The darkness will come only
(too sure aud soon, and man must
have shade as well as sunshine,
but light and brightness are man’s
most urgent needs. The rays of
light that cheer and brighten the
day as well as fructify the soil are
blessings indeed, but of so much
greater is the seiritual light of
truth, peace, joy and brotherhood.
The good man passes along the
highway and instinctively every
one exclaims: ‘What a kind
| face!’ Because there eminates
| from his face a light that glistens
and gladdens. Look for the gleam
aud you shall find it.
“The traveler nearing homo on
a wintry night looks with eager
expectancy for the light in the
window that has sweet and special
message for him, and for him
alone. It tolls of wife and babe,
or of father, mother, brothers and
sisters, he may not for long years,
months or weeks have seen. It
speaks of delights departed and
still greater delights to come.
“Look sor the gleam at each
day’s end when you examine the
day’s work and doings. Shine .
out conspiciously will it to every,
doer as the day merges into night.
It will beckon him on starWafd;'
to peace and rest, that he may the j
next day see many more brilliant;
effulgences and enjoy many more
i approbations of conscience.” —
Our esteemed friend, Judge E. j
A. Holmes of the Zaidee District, 1
asks us for information about
registration for the state primary.
It is quite probable that nearly
all who were otherwise qualified
to vote registered before the coun
ty primary. Those who did not,
and those who have become of
voting age since, will find the
books at the court house, where
they can register at arry time up
to Aug. 12th, ten days before the
primary. Any or all of the mag
istrates in the county may have
the books returned to their dis
tricts to accommodate voters who
| have not registered.
Larry Dwyer and Chas. Collin*, j
oh the police force of Savannah,
lost their jobs this week in a pe
culiar way. They turned loose
; from the barracks a prisoner who
! personated another prisoner and ,
| gave him $149 in cash, a SSO check,
a railroad ticket and other valua
| Dies belonging to the man whoso
. name he had assumed. For ttink
: ing the mistake they were dis
missed from the servico on MOll
- dav last.
Mr. John R. Connor of the
Longpond section is the first on
deck with cotton bolls of the pres
lent. crop. Mr. Conner sent 11s by
Capt. Hughes Monday a number
of well developed bolls, being over,
half grown. We hope his crop]
will be a good one aud the price ]
still better.
We regret to learn that our
; neighbors in Ailey have several
cases of sickness. Mrs. W. M.
McLnurine and Mrs. Hiram Jolm-j
son have been very ill for several
days with typhoid fever, and
Alex Peterson, young son of Mrs.
John A. Peterson, is quite sick
also with fever. Many friends
hope for the early recovery of all
the sick ones.
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Prof. P. N. Brown of the Towns j
section was over on Tuesday last, !
and made this office a pleasant
McKenzie’s Sons are putting
in place the stone base trimmings
on the court house walls, and the I
outside work will soon be showing
up nicely.
Miss Annie Burch left. Saturday
lust for Southwest Georgia, where
she will teach, going oyer the]
Seaboard via Cordele.
School Books may be had at j
the Mt. Vernon Drug Co.’s new
store, and always at right prices.
Dr. J. M. C. McAllister wac here
Friday and Saturday on account
of the illness and death of little!
Johnnie Mcßae, his nephew. He
returned to his practice at Rochelle j
Saturday morning.
Prof. C. 11. Jones of Lothair
came down Saturday to meet his ]
father, Mr. M. C. Jones of Lib- 1
erty county, who is making his j
first visit to Montgomery county.
Wanted —A good agent in each
j county who will put his time to a
Fire Insurance Company. Insu
ring only in the country, and one
that will insure Steam Gins and
Mills. Address V. O. Box 87,
I ’ j
Sv/ainsboro, Ga.
Icecream at our place off Fri-1
days and Saturdays, finest in
flavor and make-tip. Try it.
Mt. Vernon Drag Co.
Mrs. Duncan J. Mcßae returned
to her home in Mcßae on Tuesday
morning, having remained Over
here since the Peterson-Folsom
wedding with relatives.
Messrs. Robert Purker, Robert
Yarborough and Edmund Collins
of Claxton, and Mr. Frank Darby
of Lumbei City were iff attend
ance on the McLemore-Avret wed-,
ding here last Sabbath.
Col. Geo. Bright, a prominent!
attorney of Helena, was looking
after legal matters here Monday.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. R. F. Mcßae sympathize
deeply with them in the death of
their infant son, httlo Johnmo
Me.’ After a short but severe
, illness, the spirit of the little one
! returned to its maker Thursday
night last.
For twenty months only the lit
tle form dwelt 111 the home made
glad by its presence, and was
| transformed into an angel and
! fitted for more congenial heights.
I . ,
The little body was laid to rest in
the Mcßae family cemetery Fri
day afternoon, Rev. J. B. Grlnffr
In a difficulty at Oehwalkoo on
I Saturday'night last, Stone, the
night, watchman, was severely cut
] by J. F. Lancaster, t lie saw keep
er. We are not informed a?, to the
cause of the difficulty’, bill learn
that Stone is doing well and will
soon have a comfortable covering
of skin. The hoys say that Mr.
1 Lancaster not only knows all
about keeping circular saws in
cutting order, but can do some
expert carving with a jack-knife,
and can trim a fellow all away
but bis toe-nails and hair and not
hurt him much.
Mr. iiinl Mrs. John Woolen of
! Aniericus, wit 2) their two children,
visited lien; three (lays last week,
guests of Mrs. It. A. Mcßuo, sister
of Mr. Wooten. They returned on
the Seaboard Saturday morning.
| Miss Zenobia I'eterson of Edna
l was a charming visitor here last
Sunday, and attended the McLe
more-Avret wedding.
Judge J. If. Montgomery of
Lothair, one of our most highly
j esteemed citizens, was a visitor
| here on Tuesday.
Judge J. T. Langford and
daughter, Miss Ruth, of McGreg
or were hero Sunday to witness
the marriage of Miss MoLemore
and Mr. Lueien Avrel.
j Mrs. Earle and daughter, Miss
| Emma, who have been visiting
iMrs. D. A. Mcßae in Mt. Vernon,
| are spending a few days with Miss
Atlia JEcks near here.
Delicious lee Cream served on
i Fridays and Saturdays by the
; Mt. Vernon Drug Co. Call on us
j for soda water from the finest
fount in this country.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rack ley
have been visiting relatives here
this week. They have moved
from Cordele t<> Helena, where
Mr. Rack ley has a responsible
| position with the Western llmon
I Telegraph Co.
We learn that the quarterly
meeting at Glenwood on Saturday .
and Sunday was well attended,!
land good reports were made by j
tke churches iri the charge.
Miss Annie Laurie Hughes, af
ter a stay of ten days with rela
tives here, returned to her homo
in Cordele Saturday morning.
Get ready for School. You can
ffnd a full supply of Books and
Stationery at our new store.
Mt. Vernon Drug Co. j
Go-Fly keeps flies off Horses
and Catt.e. Sold by S. 1. Bul
i lard, Alamo; Rivers Drug Co.,
Glenwood ; and J. A. Peterson, Jr,
Ailey; W, H. McQueen, Mt. Ver
non, Gu.
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events *
For public buildings in Georgia
the house committee has reported
favorably on following amounts
for buildings in the state : Gaines
ville, S4S,(XX); Valdosta, $25,000;
Albany, $125,000: Americas, $50,-
000; Atlanta, $200,000.
The steamer Rover, belonging
to Col. Stubbs of Dublin, struck
a snag Sat urday, and after sink
ing, was turned bottom up by the
Three negroes, Sam Mitchell,
Dan Willbnrn and Dock Wright,
were killed at Strawberry Church
in Laurens county in a row on
Sunday afternoon.
A Cuban sailor, sick with yel
low fever, is detained at the Mis
sissippi river quarantine station,
97 miles below New Orleans.
llmi. W. S. West of Valdosta j
lias sold his milling interests in
Florida, the amount received be
ing about SBOO,OOO.
A petition in involuntary bank
ruptcy lias been filed against A.
Wolpert of Claxton, Ga.
While pranking with a pistol
on Saturday morning in the Wes
tern and Atlantic railroad yard,
Atlanta, W. J. Brown killed his
friend, W. H. Plunkot.
The Georgia Weekly Press As
socinlion meets in Hartwell, Ga.,
on July, and will take
a trip through North Carolina
and Tennessee.
It. has been practically settled
that. Ihe Panama Canal will bo
built on the lock canal type in
stead of Ihe sea-level plan.
Comptroller General Wright
estimates that the increase in 1.1.e
tax Values of Georgia for this
year will be $‘10,000,000.
Masons w ill lay the cornerstone
of the new $25,000 high school
building in Albany on July 2d.
Tl-ye /AoUtqt Verryon Baryl<i
At I tie close of bust ness, June 18, liXHJ.
Loans and discounts, $81,597 07
Demand loans, . . . 8,44.> no
Overdrafts, • • ■ 87
Hanking house, • • 1 > 100 <)0
b'u rn II lire and fixtures, . 1,428 00.
Due from banks aud bank
ers in the state, . . 14,001) 7!)
Due from banks and bank
ers In other states . . (1,502 4!) ■
Currency, . . . 8.202 on
Gold. ..... 220 00
Silver nickels and pennies 1.220 90
Cheeks and cash items 4 01 ;
Interest paid, . . . 271 25
Total, . . $110,013 04
STATU OF' GEORGIA -County of Montgomery.
Before me came W. A. Peterson, cashier of The Mr. Vernon Bank,
who being duly swore, says that the above and foregoing statement is a
true condition of said Bank, us shown by the books of file in said Bank.
W. A.Pktkkson,
Sworn to and subscribed before me ttiis26fli day of June, I9QO.
\V. F. McAllister, Com. N. I*. M. C. Ga
Statement of the Condition of
Th\e People’s 3ar)k,
Located at
At the close of business June 18. 1906*
Loans and discounts S2O 539 57
Overdrafts 898 42
Hanking house 1,932 30 .
Furniture aud fixtures 1,210 04
Due from banks and bankers
in the state 1,902 04
Due from banks and bankers
In Other states 7,145 99
Currency 1,387 00
Gold 125 IK)
Silver, nickels and pennies 80 21
Checks 141 30 j
Total $40,922 47
State of (ieorgia. County of Montgomery.
Before me came O. Freeman. Jr., cashier of The People s Bank of
Sonertoii. Ga., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing?
statement is a t rue condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in
said Bank. ~ O- °- Preeman, J r.,
Sworn to and subscribed before me tins 28d day of June, lot to.
K -\. Outlaw. N. P. M. C Oa.
PAGES i TO io.
There will ho five new members;
caused by death ami resignation,
in tho present hduS'a of represen
ts iych in the state legislature.
The steamer Nan Elizabeth, oii
a trial trip from Brunswick to
Macon, was stopped two days or
more by the rusty drawbridge
across the river at ITawkinsville.
Tho general assembly of Geor
gia convened yesterday in Atlanta
at K1 o’clock for the regular ses
A switch engine of the Atlantic
Coast Line backed into an open
dratvbridge at Tampa on Monday
and went to tho bottom of Hills
boro river, harrying under it a
negro fireman who failed to jump
bfV with the engineer.
In ii raili storm at Alton, 111.,
j ori Monday, thousands of greet!
frogs were rained down. They
were so plentiful that great num
bers wore crushed under foot and
by VbhiolafL
Three candidates have already
announced so far to fill out Hie
unexpired term of Congressman
Lester,-in the First District, —
< Jordon Suns v of ('hat ham, Judge
.). \V. Overstreet of Screven and
Col. Wm. Clifton of Mclntosh.
Hail fell to the depth of four
teen inches in Oconee and Clark
counties on Thursday afternoon
last, and destroyed completely
the corn ahd cotton crops in itd
While trying to remove valua
bles from the home of her son,
which was burning at Sharon, < la.,
Saturday evening, Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Kooii was cremated in the house.
J. M. Stewart, section foreman
on Ihe Seaboard Air Line at Bla
den, was shot and killed by Oscar
Knight, an apprentice under him,
who was jealous id his wife and
I I A Ilf f.ITI k.h :
Capital stock pain in, . $15,000 00
Surplus f .nd, - . 10,000 00
Undivided profits, less cur.
expenses and taxes paid 4,016 Ho
, Individual deposits subject
td check, . . . 48,917 81
rime certificates, . . 81,981 oiJ
Cashier’s checks, . 697
Total, . . . $110,813 t>4
Capital stock paid in $15,000 00
i Undivided profits less cur
rent ex. and taxes paid 572 5)0
Individual deposits subject
to check 19,849 48
Bills payable, incPt? time
certificates representing
borrowed money 5,500 00
Total $40,922 47
re S . sft
it ft
OF «
county. §
Cp ,8