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VOL. xxr. NO. 7.
Jumped From Seaboard
Train and Broke Neck.
The Sunday excursions to Sav
annah and its summer resorts are
very frequently the occasion of
tragedies, and last Sunday was
110 exception to previous trips.
There is always a rowdy element,
full of cheap Sunday whiskey on
the return trips on every train.
Full of the infuriating liquid,
coming out on the Seaboard Air
Line train Sunday evening, was
W. Preston O’Quin of Glennville.
He became boistrous and began
firing his pistol from the rear of 1
The citizens of Mt. Vernon
have several opportunities for
helping the town just at this time.
One of our most pressing needs is
41 good hotel. No single citizen
may have idle money to invest in
such enterprises, but the building
of a respectable hotel would lie
dead easy if a stock company
were formed and all put in small
Naturally, we have a beautiful
location for a town, but are sadly
lacking in accomodation for the
traveling public. We are adver
tised —in the wrong direction —by
every traveling man who calls
here; because we have inadequate
arrangements for caring for those
who come and go.
Summer boarders from large
towns like Savannah could easily
be induced to spend the heated
term he/e on the Oconee. If any
one cared to furnish accommoda
tions. No town w r as ever made
without people and no people ever
made a town without effort.
“the harvard BRAND.”
The “Harvard Brand” clothing
advertised in this paper by Mein
hard, Schaul & Co. has proven a
winner by all who have worn or
handled the line. This popular
firm would not spend money to
advertise a poor article. Our mer
chants should investigate this
The teachers of Montgomery
who had not previously been ex
amined for license -to teach
in our public schools, here
on Friday and Saturday of last
week and stood the examination.
The following were present and
took part: J. It. An Id, W. O.
Allen, Chas . Priest, M. L. Purcell,
Hardy J. Clark, 11. F. Clark, Miss
Ruby Wells, Miss Charlotte Sharp,
Miss Bessie Palmer, J. R. Carr,
Miss Mabel Powell.
J. E. Ladson, a young man of
this county, who, for the past
eighteen months has been Stenog
rapher for the Sibley Lumber Co,
of Sibley, Ga, lias tendered his
resignation to accept a position
with the American Car & Foundry
Co, of St. Louis, as Steuo-book
Mr. Ladson, has developed
marked talent as an office-man,
and the offer lie has received and
accepted, shows with what favor
he is being received abroad. His
many Montgomery friends are
justly proud of his record, and
_heartily rejoice with him in the
deserved success he is winning.
We think he,deserves the encour
agement of all Montgomery
county in his efforts to make a
success in the world.
Many of the good citizens of the
county were in attendance at the
County Commissioners meeting
and court of Ordinary last Mon
ilimtgom£rg ifurntto*
the train. After having his pis
tol and whiskey taken from him
by the conductor and, he quited
down for awhile; but when near
Pembroke jumped from the train
and broke bis neck.
This was his last, but not his
! first escapade on the Seaboord,
having been fined recently by
Judge Gann SSOO for shooting on
the" train between Savaunali and
Meldrim. He was taken to Glenn
ville for burial, where he leaves a
1 young wife.
Messrs. Everet & Meadow’s mill
has been shut down on account of
repairs on the boiler.
Everybody is getting ready for
the Fourth.
Representative Sears has gone
■ to Atlanta and has taken up his
work in the legislature.
Mr. Carl Sears got badly kicked
in the face by a mule last week.
The wounds is healing.
Miss Phenie Green has been
quite si«k for some time, but we
hope for her early recovery.
While plowing cotton and his
children hoeing last Friday, Mr.
M. A. Yearly had his attention
called by the bayingof his famous
pointer dog, and found a huge
rattier with eleven rattles, and
soon dispatched his snakeship
with a gun.
Crops are growing finely now r so
is the grass, but the boys are get
ting it under control. Yours for
good luck,
Good Hoi*e.
| At Ailey Sd Sunday in July,
At Caroline’s Chapel 4th Sun
-1 day in July.
I At Longpond 011 Ist Sunday in
. August.
At Glenwood on 4th Sunday in
1 , August.
These meetings are to continue
1 indefinitely.
J. B. Griner, P. C.
There will be a picnic at Nail’s
Ferry Saturday, July the 21 st.
Every body is invited to go and
carry well-filled baskets.
The firm of Beacham Bros, has
this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. R. H. beacham with
drawing and L. T. Beacham as
-1 suming all liabilities and will col
lect all debts due said firm.
Beacham Bros.
It. 11. Beacham.
L. T. Beacham.
April 21, 1906.
Oxen For Sale.
I have for sale 18 fine oxen ap
ply to.
ij « Floyd Calhoun,
Tarry town, Ga.
, j . „
Messrs. Thosj Thompson, O. V.
Sharpe, J. 11. Odom, .J. M. Tay
. lor, R. L. Sharpe, C. W. Sparks
and others of the good citizens of
Toombs were here on Monday
, Choice Line of Glassware and
. table furnishings offered attemp
ting prices now by.
W. J. & T. A. Peterson,
Ailey, Ga.
Wanted —A good agent in each
county to appoint sub agents for
and represent the best Live Stock
, Insurance Co. in Georgia. Gapi
r tal stock SIO,OOO. Address P. L.
Watson, Sec’y and Treas., Swains
j boro, Ga.
The Monitor office turned out
this week the program for the
fourth annual session of the Sea
board Air Line Surgeons, to con
vene in Savannah July Ib-llth.
About thirty papers are to he
read, and the occasion promises
1 to bq 0110 of unusual interest.
Virginia, Florida and the Car
olinas are well represented by dis
tinguished specialists, and our
own section is honored with one)
. of the most important offices, Dr. j
J. W. Palmer being secretary and'
• The following are the officers:
President, Surgeon G. A. Neuffer,
Abbeville, S. G., Vice President:
First Surgeon W. A. Monroe,
Sanford N. C; Second Surgeon G.
G. Holladay, Portsmouth, Va;!
Third Surgeon J. B. 11. Ilolmes ;
Atlanta, Ga. Secretary and treas-1
urer, Surgeon J. W. Palmer of J
Ailey, Ga. '
By request of Mr. Reuben Cor
ner and others, on accoufc of the
protracted meeting at Smyrna |
Methodist Church, the appoint
ment for a protracted meeting at
Fairview school house, near J. J.
Moses, by Rev. I). E. Green, is
postponed from Friday, before fid
Sunday in July to Friday at 5 p.
111. before the 4th Sunday in July.
All Christians and everybody in
vited to attend.
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Mr. Tom McCullough of Thom
asville visited his old home and
friends here last .Sunday.
Rev. 1). E. Green of the Bruce
section was transacting business
here on Monday.
Mr. I). W. Burch of Alamo was
over on Monday, returning on the
10:29 train.
Glass Fly Traps and Syrup
Pitchers are going at right prices.
See \VT.J. <fe T. A. Peterson, Ailey.
Mr. A. C. Raby, engineer on the
Southern road, spent part of last
week here with relatives and
friends, returning to his post of
duty last Monday.
After spending several days
here pleasantly with friends Miss
Mabel Powell returned to her
home at Springhill on Monday,
jaccompanied by her cousin, Miss
Sadie McQueen, who will spend
two weeks.
Mrs. J. D. McLeod of Lumber
City who came over last week to
attend the family reunion at her
fathers borne, Mr Mathew Sharp,
| has retuned to her home.
Dr. Jos. P. Williams of Jasper,
Fla., with Mrs. Williams and
children, are visiting his sister,
Mrs. Sumner Morris here.
Mrs. A. C. Raby is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc-
Bargains in 4-piece (ilass Sets
and genunine thin blown and en
graved Tumblers at.
W. J. T. A, Peterson, Ailey.
Go-Fly keeps flies oIF Horses
|and Cattle. Sold l\y S. I. Bul-
I lard, Alamo; Rivers Drug Co.,
Gienwood ; and J. A. Peterson, Jr,
Ailey: W, H. McQueen, Mt. Ver
non, Ga.
It is said that Dr. Bob Mobley
will act us a special committee of
one to see that all visiting young
ladies will be furnished with lem
onade and river water ut the pic
nic at Nail’s Ferry on the 21st.
The natal day of American In
dependence was vgry quietly spent
in Mt. Vernon yesterday. Some
of our people are already away on
their summer outing, and the
stay-at-homes did not make any
demonstrat ion/
A seining party, bent on raking
out the fin 11 ies that have so far
escaped the hook, left early to
engage in the sport.
Charles Abfc, tho satamc ink
I man of The Monitor office, tired
I the national salute with his shot 5
!gun, recently purchased with a
pocketful of tobacco tags, and
thus closed the great day.
Hon. llarvio Jordan is very en-i
thusiastic about the organization
i of the Cotton States Product Co.,
recently organized in New York
[with a capital of $15,000,000.
The company is to utilize cotton ,
stalks in manufacturing paper,]
• alcohol, fertilizers, smokless pow- ,
"der, gun cotton and other pro-!
• It is claimed that the use of cot-,
I ton stalks will add $100,000,000,
to the value of the cotton crop.
Plants will be established at sev
eral places in the south, but the
main office will be 111 New York. ,
Mr. J.J. Burkhaltor of Spring
hill was over to see us on Monday
and was in a good humor, as usu
, ,y-V . , Iy —. y-v , , • ■-W V —» ■ ,- ' I
Mr. ()sear Collins of Harnosvii!<■ |
is visiting liis sister, Mrs. W. C. j
Hardee, in Mt. Vornon.
Mr. Isaiah Casey, who has lioen I
leaching at Alamo, came over.
Saturday and stopped over Sun- j
day with friends here.
Tlie CountyjCommissioners held
their regular monthly meeting
Monday. The mem tiers of the
hoard who were present and went
through the routine work, W. '.V.
Pope, Win. If land and J. C.
Miss Bessie I’aimer, a talented
young musician was over last week
taking the examination for teach
ers, and will probably engage in
Mrs. W. A. Peterson and child
ren are visiting relatives and
friends at Cairo, <ia.
It was reported yesterday at'
noon that a tribe of Indians were
encamped at the branch near the
foot of Washington street, but it
proved to be a bevy of little girls!
celebrating under a wigwam rnadej
of crocus sacks, with pie and j
green plum accompaniments.
Attend the union services at the j
Methodist church, preaching at 1|
and 8 p. m., each day.
The R. F. D. men had a much
needed day of rest on account "ft f j
the Fourth yesterday.
Ball Mason Fruit Jars, half-gal-,
lons and pints, with metal cups, !
and genunint* Atlas Mason Jars '
with all glass tops, in quarts and
half-gallons, at W. J. <k T, A. j
Peterson’s bargain store, Ailey.
The union meeting commenced
at the Presbyterian church last i
Sunday and is being continued at
the Methodist church here.
Mr. Russell Folsom of Reids
ville came up lust Saturday, and
is on The Monitor force.
Mr. John W. Morrison Sr., was
over from the Glenmvood section
News Paragraphs From
| The Week of Events.
The house of J. C. McFoy at
i Wnycross was struck by light
ning on Friday night and badly
damaged, but no one was killed.
For making a false affidavit,
Geo. P. Capiton was fined SBOO at j
Macon Monday, and being unable
to pay, was jailed.
The killing of Stanford White
on tho Madison Square roof gar
den in New York on Monday |
I night of last week ny Harry K.
I Thaw has caused a great sensa
tion and a noted trial will follow.
Tho wool growers of Tift county
met and sold this season clip last
week, about 16,807 lbs, at auction
for 28A cents.
I .
Carrying a lot of American pas
sengers just arrived from New,
[ York a fust train was wrecked
j near Salisbury, Eng., on Sunday!
j morning, killing 2fi Americans
| and I of the trainmen.
1 A negro was hanged nml then j
burned at Womack, I. T., on,
'Saturday night, for criminal as
sault, on a 10-year-old white girl.
Both fiouscs of Congress ad
journed at 10 o’clock on Saturday
night lact.
While hunting pigeons with a
negro boy, Janies Barnes, a white
boy of Ifi years, was killed at
Thompson, .(iu., 011 Friday even
ing by a scramble oyer the gun
they carried.
A train known as the Colonial
Express was dashing toward Phil
indelphia on Saturday at tho rate
jof 60 miles an hour, when the
l fireman discovered that the engi
j neer was dead and his hand stiff
upon the throttie.
Black root is reported as ruin
ing many fields of cotton around
Walden, Ga.
A 2-year-old hoy fell headlong
' into a 12-inch well being bored at
Abbeville, La., a distance of 18
feet and was suffocated.
The bill of Joe Hill Hall to
create a board to assess the state
taxes an corporations passed the'
house Monday by a vote of 122 toj
8. i
* *
* *
* *
* £
* £
At our establishment special care is T
taken with each prescription (and we ?
fill many of them.) Stock being new, all £-
jji our drugs and chemicals arc absolutely jjfc
pure. We take no chances as to purity w
and correctness; and likewise you take no
risk when you have your prescriptions i
filled at the new drug store.
* I
i P. S. —Have you visited the new soda jfc
■3J 1 fountain? If not, a hint to ihe wise is y
| sufficient, these hot days.
% t
* 9 ifi
* - %
*- - f
* £
* %
PAGES i TO io.
Commissioner Hudson says the
condition of the cotton crop in
Georgia is worse than he lias ever
Col. P. W. Mold rim of Sav
lannah has boon appointed brevet
brigadier general by Gov. Terrell,
to succeed Col. E. 1). Hugueuin,
A severe thunder storm at Fitz
gerald on Saturday last did much
damage, several buildings being
struck by lightning.
At Martin Ela., on Tuesday,
lightning struck a tree, killing
Thomas Ward and seriously injur
ing two other men.
W. T. Rycroft, a prominent mill
man at Pitts, Ga., was shot and
killed Monday afternoon by W,
' F. Findlay.
Cholera lias broken out m
, Manila, and one American soldier
, bus died already with the dread
The Populists of Georgia were
] called by chairman Holloway to
meet in Atlanta yesterday to nom
inate a full state ticket.
Dimvard Lane, a 14-yoar-old
boy at Franklin, Ga., was drown
ed while bathing in 1 bo Chattahoo
chee river on Saturday afternoon
The Georgia senate adjourned
for the Fourth, but .Joe Hill Halt
hold down the house and prevenet
od that body from having a holi
Ike Kaiford, a Columbus negro,
wrote an insulting note to the
daughter of a prominent wiiite
citizen, and got liis hide filled
full of shot by the girl’s father,
who got out of a sick bed to do
the job.
A big Kstill club was formed at
Codartown last Monday, many
prumicnt citizens becoming mem
I liaye the Questions and An
swers of the Public School Exam
inations of 190 bin print. Will
, send t hem on receipt of 25 cents,
or for the last, four years for 60c.
B. S. Holden, Pub.
Ellijay, Qa.
.. , -iMiia
ej t, :
5 OF i