Newspaper Page Text
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Part of our Dgal ndn. Intended
for thin issue will go over to next
Mr. and Mrs. .1.0, McAllister
spent .Sunday in larngpond.
Mr. .1. Wade .lohimoii runic over
from Mcßue Sunday.
Mr. W. Murder |m» been very
sick for several days tit his home
on Washington st rret.
The earthquakes may cause to
crumble, the (ires may devastate,
and tin* winds ninv tear in pieces
the cities and cause big insurance
companies to go out of liusimss.
Hut there will never be such a
disaster as to cause The Farmers
Mutual to go under. It takes
mostly country risk, few in towns
where the risk is siniular to the
country risk.
Lost —On Sunday afternoon a
crescent-shaped gold brooch, set
with pearls. Finder will please
return to Mrs. A. 15. Hutcheson.
Mr. Homer Rogers is now out
again after a severe illness.
The savings department of the
Mt. Vernon Hank is proving a
desirable feature to it« many pat
rons. Have you joined this bund
of saving people? Call at the
bank and they will tell you how
it is done.
See the annual report of the
Farmers Mutual Kira Insurance
Company of Georgia in another
column it is worthy of notice to
those desiring sound stable pro
tect ion.
Mrs. A. C. Rnby of Macon is
visiting the family of her further,
Mr. J. D. McGregor, Her little i
•on,who was ill when she camel
down, is now improving.
Mr. H. R. Ronton of Rruco was
a visitor to Ml. Vernon Monday.
Os interest to Mt. Vernon
friends will bo the marriage of
Miss 101 oise Cochran Jones of
Cochran, Ga., to Mr, Robert
Toombs Jackson, the wielding to
occur on the Ist h inst.
Mr. 11. .I. Giblm spent Sunday
in Savannah.
IMW , Mnwm WKm tnul x Xtl x lMt itWMtttVWWMV<WM > lv «^^»»^v>>»^ M^MM ,
m y October 10 and II CpSp)
1 \) Id announcing my millinery opening Imu sure 1 of u crow (loci house of buyeis. loi tin y ji
®y*7 / season I have received a line of Millinery, Dry Goods, Dress Goods and Furnishings < —, W*
r that will convince the people of this section that my place is to be depended upon to v,
supply their wants in the line of Millinery and Dress Goods. See the new display.
( A $20,000 Stock. * n t * ie ew tore * !
This stock embrees every new style, from the walk- The new store is now THE PLACE for paiticular
inghat to the more elaborate dress creations. -School buyers and well diessed people. And w hilt we pay ,j
Ij hats for the children, ready to put on, in all the new (M $W J great attention to the needs of the ladies, our men si;
!i shapes and full styles. Complete lineof wool hats. ®M 4 «by no means short Ihe best dressers
ii 1 * 1 ) will always be found among my patrons.
It will boos interest to know that this handsome i >T \ .in r an ei o. no TUv ..m <>
.. .... . i) J Men s fall suits from So.OO to bIS.OO. lliey aie real
new line ol new millinery was selected with great I » I !!t j , , t w
i it 4 i , *• . i) ... in i> / 1 V-/ beauties, and in every manner up to the times.
i! care bv Miss Hertha .lamsich ol Baltimore. Allot | 1 y uiiiuuw, (ilium uuj i .
| this Inigo i.ssortinoiit eonsists of high-griHle gootb, to h\\ 111 Trimmed Hots run from 51.30 to 512.00. |
igo i.c In im 1 ( 01110 o tbe opening visitin'.. null look over the new style hots shoot.
I -d ; Sppertan.Ga.
Don’t forget to open a savings
account in the Mt. Vernon Hank
October Ist. Interest 4 per cent,
compounded quarterly.
Mrs. June Onfield of Route No.
•1 sends in a fine stalk of sugar
cane. Os course it was brought by
Floyd Ruck ley, the obliging car
rier ot that route As these re
j tire, let others come forward.
i 1 The Farmers Mutual has $75000.-
, 00 insurance in Montgomery coun-
I ty and should have .f300.()00,00.
■ Write Mr. Manning for particu
, lars, _
Work on the court house lias
progiv-se I very nicely, but. on ac
count of the recent showers the
work is being delayed. The new
building bids fair to be a credit
t o the ent ire section.
Interest, at I per cent, com
, pounded quarterly) in the savings
department of the Mt. Vernon
It is remarkable to see how
1 many of our best farmers deal
with T. S. Heyward ifc Co., the
cotton factors of Savannah. This
house has a fixed reputation, and
our people appreciate it. They
make a spe< ialty of quick returns,
with best prices for all cotton
shipped to them. They are going
to have the cotton, so count your
self fortunate m dealing with
t hem.
Where GO FLY goes (lies will
led, go. Use it. on your Horses
and Cattle. Guaranteed by
W. H. McQueen.
This is to forewarn all parties
against harboring, hiring or in
any manner transacting business
with my son, Calvin l’. Weaver, a
minor, 1(5 years of age, who has
left my home without parental
permission ; and anyone so doing
will bo prosecuted ns the law pro*
\ ides. This first day of October,
IVKHJ. Y. J. Weaver,
Alley, Ga.
The following is a list of cases
disposed ot in the September term •
of the City Court of Mt. Vernon.
The Hank of Vidalia vs M. L.
Phillips. Judgment for Plff.
. The Citizens Bank vs K. 11. Sears,
If. L. Sears and G. li. Page
J udgment for Plff.
Henry Solomons vs D. S. Bnrn
' j hill. Sett led.
J. A. Walker vs L. T. Beacham
and R. H. Beacham. Settled.
• Kay Grocery Co vs .I. J Fountain.
Verdict for Plff.
. Km pine Mutal Life Insurance Co.
vs Elisha Meeks. Verdict for :
j Plaintiff.
‘ Wilcox, Ives & Co. vs W. K. Cur
rie. Settled.
■ W. P. Calhoun vs W. I). Petersoir
and T. P. Mcßride. Judgement I
for Plaintiff.
John'Bright and J. W. Clements,
administrators, vs W. J. Guess.
Verdiet for Plaintiffs.
A. L. Thigpen vs Henry Lee. I
Judgment for Plaintiffs.
Chas. F. Brown vs D. S. Me-[
I Arthur. Judgment for Plff.
! W. T. Dickens vs W. W. McGahee,
J. W. Jackson, garnishee. Judg
ment for Plaintiffs.
I. N and (J, W. Dickens vs W.
\V. McGahee. Verdict for Plff.
W. T. Dickons vs VV. W. McGahee.
. | Verdiet for Plaintiff,
jl. N. Dickens and G. W. Dickens,
vs W. VV. McGahee, J. W. Jack
si son, garnishee, Verdict for Plff.
The State vs J. VV. Price. Not
The State vs Noah and Dock Wil
liamson - Dock Williamson
The Stale vs Micajali Cox. Con
sent verdict, not guilty.
The State vs J. VV. Moseley. Not
The State vs J. M. Cl ixton. Set
j tied.
I The State vs English McLendon.
The State vs Will Smith. Settled. |
The State vs George Clark. Guilty, j
The State vs Will O’Neal. Not
guilty. i
The State v Harris White. Guilty. ;j
soo, or six months.
The State vs Jessie Cannon. Not
guilty. !
The State vs Will Brown. Guilty |
of assault.
The State vs Virgil Slay. Nut j
The State vs Lott Tobler. Not |
; guilty.
The State vs Quill Smith. Demur-jl
rer sustained.
Office of the Board of Commis
sioners of Roads and Revenues of
; Montgomery county.
The petition of B. L. Davis and
others, praying for the establish
ment of a public road commenc
ing at a point on the road leading
from Zaidee to the place of Arch
j Gillis and running in the direc
tion of A. B. Conner’s tram read
to a point near Tiger Creek, and
the reviewers appointed having
j made their let urn, the game will
jbe passed upon at the regular
: meeting of this body on the first
. Monday in November next. This
i first day of October, 1900. -
Win. Bdaxd, Clerk.
T. S. Heyward & Co., the cotton
j men of Savannah, pay the same
strict attention to one or two bales
! of cotton shipped to them as they
do larger lots. Under their plan
of doing business, you get the
j best prices, and get your money at
■■ ii ■ i ■
▼r yyyy r yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy•
►No One Knows J
l the Value of a 5
► <
1 Checking Account t
► ° <
* except those who have tried <
► them. A person trying to 3
► do all}' kind of business
► without one is at a great dis- ◄
£ advantage. Those who are in 3
£ no special line of business
► will find it a great conven- ◄
» lence to have a hank account. *
£ It encourages the disposition
► to save and make a small ae- ◄
► count a large one.
► If you are not now connect-
► ed with any hank, come to M
£ us and let us explain the 3
► workings of a checking ac-
► count. It will cost you noth- ◄
£ ing, as we furnish all the 4
► stationery, and requires only
► a small amount of money ◄
w to start with. This may mean
r the fouudation of your for-
► tune. ◄
l BANK 3
£ nt. Vernon, Ga. *
Annual Report Helena Association
Home office Fort Gaines, Ga. Jordan \V. West, - Pres., Fort Gaines.
Tom Whatley, Pres. Helena Association, Helena, Ga.
’ Insurance written during year ending Aug. 30, 1000, $589,000.00
Insurance cancelled during year $ 22,500.00
Dismissed from Co. on account of bad risk 13.300.00
Delinquents 2*5.200
Insurance in force Aug. 30, 1900, stand 527,000.00
r ■ • ‘ r■ M -
I Dues collected during year edning Aug. 30 SSOO 00
Dues unpaid, on notes and delinquents 89.00
Collected for losses 855.00
; Collected expenses cn losses 36.00
I Losses not yet due to be paid 570.00
Expenses on losses not due 25.00
i • Paid losses $855.00
Paid on losses not due 65.00
Paid general agent 20 per cent of dues collected 100.00
i Pirfd general expenses of Association for year 366.00
. Losses unpaid 530.00
Cash, notes and dues from back claims 159.00
«! Average insurance for year SSOO,O(X}. Average cost per $1,000.00
insurance, $4.15, including all claims against the Association.
Personally before me came Eli B. Manning, who deposes and
say's that he is the secretary and treasurer of the Helena Association,
’ and that the above statement is true and correct.
Eli B. Manning, Secy, and Trees.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of Sept., 1906.
W. H. Dean, N. P- T. C. Ga.
This Association is composed of 500 members carrying over half
II million dollars insurance and the members are carefully selected from
11 among the best people of ten counties. We challenge the state or
i j world to produce a company t.hat is as low ratr of premiums and that
j has a good collateral a9 The Farmers Mutual, its collateral is real
estate worth more than $7000000.00 when your policy expires write
me or call in one of my trusty agents and take insurance with home
folks. You will receive better treatment and have better protec*
tion as well as lower rates than any r other company gives if you are
insued with us.
Eli B. Manning, Gen. Agt., and Secretary.
- - - _ .
Fnj'G Linseed Oil |
Buy them separately—mix together, and you
| | have Paint Perfection, ready to apply.
| | For sale by Rivers Drug Co., Glenwood. iji