Newspaper Page Text
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•WSWS *S*#T*ji •** «»t «#*♦# t »#« •?**/•••*<
Sheriff A. J. Bu?<’h went over
<> Mcßae this week and return
ed with Hugh Peterson, charged
witli the killing ol -J. T. Full ford
at Aih-y during the holidays. Mr.
Peterson waived preliminary trial
and will remain in jail here until
superior court in the spring.
Full ford was acting marshal at
Alley and Mr. Peterson being of
0110 ot the most prominent fam
ilies in the county, the case will
attract considerable attention.
Hiram, Ga.. Jan. 7 —Third sec
tion of Train No. 6. Southern
railroad, en mine Irani Chatta
no ,ga to At ania. loaded with
1(>1 I I'. St S t I'Olll I 0:1 ~ I 111 lit ll
«m- no i h - r - 'h ir
w \ In r 1 i. . -a recked
a -uI one m .si I his place
lie- a f ter in nh i
No ilVes Were lost. bill mi Di
li. r of tic passengers are reported
injured. The wo-ek occurred on
a trestle, eight feet high. What
caused tile train to leave the track
i* not known, hut when the wheels
si nick the ties, ihe trestle gave
way and the train went down with
an awful crash, mid the cries of
the injured.
shat no lives were lost, is con
sidered marvelous, as the train
was running at a high rate of
For Discharge.
(iEOJIUI Montgomery County:
I he pet ii ion of (J. 11. Woolen, ad
uiiuisrra.tor of Ihe estate of Parks
Mcßae, laie of said county, deeoas
c,l, <lui.v filed and entered on record,
represents to the court iluii ho has
fully administered said estate and
prays to Do discharged from said ad
ministration and receive letters of
di-mi-sion, Said application will tie
heard ar iho regular twin of the
Court of Ordinary to be hold in and
for said county, on the first Monday
in February, next. This, Jan. Clh.
1903. Alex MoAkthuk, Old.
After suffering for several days.
Mr. ,1. 0. McAllister was this
week taken to Atlanta, where he
underwent'it: operation for ap
p i iritis, winch was successfully
pe untied Tuesday. Advices from
At nta state that he is doing
i > . He is being attended by r
In- .Dr J. M. C McAllister.
\! .V C '1 • Vllister i s > uccaiu
i n n i At hint a. Win le
M MeA i isi "i* lias stnii d tile op
h * fain
dt a > i iiumner of
c. i\~. . n i many warm friends in
M. ; tgniii* rv will look furward to
his c ill I•I et e rest "fat ion, while
Tic- Monitor w ill be a regular vis
itor to his bedside.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— 'liiiitcerm-r.v C’"Uiit.v:
w til be m>ia liefure llii-cnirt hoam- Unor in
Hit. Vei'iion.l mi ilit timi Tnesita.v in File,
ISOS. litunxui lliu
I, .die-! hiihk r I a i-asli. certain propei-t nt
wbcli lin- following i- a ,-<unplete yJt.-scnpti"U:
All that certain tractor parcel of
'and. si'iiid--. lying and being in the
!.v- ; h district li M. of -aid comity
and -ia l e, containing 200 acres, more
m l. --. Bounded on the nort li by lands
of Klmore Wing.on the east by lauds
of Marion I’liillip- on the south by
lauds of John Giliisnnd Ben Huthe
son and on the west by lands of .J.J.
( ummiugs cfe (’o. Levied on a- the
proper ly of Jerry Phillips, to satisfy
a superior rmri fi f;i in favor of K.T.
M-'Biide y- Co. vs Jerry Phillip*.
Pr-ipeny pointed otu by plaintiff and
wri 'en nance given defendant, a
reouiied by law. This, Jan. 7, 1908.
A. J BCRCH, Sheriff M. < .
\V 1.. VYiNoii, Atr; . for PUT.
Sheriff Sale.
i . . _>li.iiimi,ui-i v i'minty:
W ill -,.iU MiTi.rr- ill- court boll-'- floor ill
M . Vt-i'-i-iu on liiv first I’m-silav in Fnimuty,
1 b«-t«ii ih . leg ii houre of sale, to the
hi,•««•*• :.siiler f-.r ca»li, cer'H.iii property, of
w :rti tie f..]i»wiiig is * complete Uefcription:
On- Efi lior.-e power boiler, of tbe
( 1- make, and one 25 lior»e power
engine of rhe Watertown make.. Said
] i . .pc r\ let ied on a- the property of
ft 1.. settr-. to -afisfj an execution
i .r<t t oin thei-i’y eoid rof Mt.Vei
rii, -i. in t a voi oi vll g. Si-inn id t W to.
\- if. 1.. Sear-. Written not ice given
c|efi-ndnni. a- required by law . l id-.
7t h da. of Jammy. IS*!*.
A- J. I*t'BCH. sheriff C. < . Mt. V.
J ones A sparks, Attys. for Pilla.
®1 }? Mmtyatimy Mmxtnx .
CAMP NO. -'in, W. 0. W.
j At the last regular nietiting of
Ailey Gamp, the following officers
' were elected and will In* installed
Git their For*si K. of P. hall on
1 next Tuesday evening, January
0. T. Alcorn —P. 0. C.
W. li. Kent— 0. G.
A. G. Snffold —Adv. Lieut.
.1 Sellers —Banker.
C. B. Crowder —Escort,
i J. l\ Alcorn —Clerk.
I M. I). Burch—Watchman.
0. C. Alcorn —Sentry,
i J. F. llall, M. D.—Physician,
j In addition to the installation
| ceremony of the above officers,
j there will he several addresses de
ilivered by members of the Order
land others. Everybody cordially
; invited to attend.
GEORGIA —Moiiigntnc ,\ rouniy:
Underand by vir ueol a power of
-ale contained in a morgage made
and executed b.v M O. Benson othe
Mount Vernon Bank, dated ihe I6GI
day of January, 1907 and recorded in
lhe office of the i leikol ilie Superi
or Court of Montgomery county in
Book “Y,” folio 170. the undersigned
will sell at put)lie outcry, at (he
court house door in -aid county, dur
mg rhe legal hours of -ale. to ilie
highest bidder for cash, on In* lies
Tuesday in February. 1903, ihe fol
lowing property, to wit: "One iin
proved lot sitmred i , the village f
Lothair, Georgia, and ill the 1221-t
ilistrict, G. M.,said state and comity,
and bounded as follows: On the nort h
,by public street and -cliool hou e
j lot' on the east by public street and
improved lot of G. M. Barwick and
Joseph Miller* on ihe south by im
proved lot of FN 1,. Montgomery and
lands of Laura F. Miller, and on ihe
west by lands of Brantley A. Mose
ley, said tract containing five and a
quarter (okD acres, more or les*t,”for
tlie purpose of pay ing two promisso
ry notes for the sum of Forty-Seven
Dollars (.S47.US) and Eight. Cents,
and Forty-Seven Dollars ($17.07)
and Seven Cents respectively,
executed and delivered by the
: said M. O. Benson to the Mt. Vernon
' Bank.on the 16th day of January.
1907, and each falling due on the Ist
day of November, 19U7, and each
simulating for interest from maturi
ty at tbe rate of eight, per cent per
i annum and ten per cent attorney's
| fees, the total amount due on said
; i wo notes being Ninety-Four Dollars
l ($94.17) and Fifteen Cents principal,
S One Dollar and Eighty-Eight Gents
<s|.BS) interest. Nine Dollars and
i Sixty Cents ($9.60) attorney’s fees,
j together with the cost of this pro-
I ceediug, as provided in said mort
’ gage. A deed ro the purchaser will
i be made to the undersigned.
This, the Hilt day of January 1908.
M. B. Calhoun. Attorney.
For Discharge.
Grorgia—Montgomery County,
j Whereas, J. B. Geiger and J. L.
Wilkes, executors of tlie estate of
Solomon Wilkes, represent to the
court in their petition duly filed and
entered on record, that they have
i fuily discharged the duties of said
executorship and pray to be dis
charged from said service o.i the first
Monday in February next. This 6th
day of January. 1908.
Alex McArthur. Old.
There you are! $78,873.23
more money in tlie banks than we
had a year ago!—More unsold cot
ton in the country than a year
ago—more actual money in the
pockets of the farmers than ever
before—every acre of land and ev
ery house and lot in the towns
worth more than a year ago!
Away with this talk about pan
ics and hard times. Times are bet
ter than ever before und they are
i going to lx* still better this year.
Tho Farmers’ Union is educating
the farmers to stay out of debt tlie
omning year just as much as pos
sible so t hat they may be the bet
ter aide next fall to fix the price of
, tln-ir products and get it. Thous
ands of dollar- were wasted on
win-key iti Jfkfftlial will ho saved
in BUev The merchants are going
to have the best business year of
their lives and so are the banks,
the farmers an', *.'very body else,
Gwinnett has more money, and
“Money makes the mare go.” rfo
]*ff ev-i’A man, wotntrn and child
in the country work to make KtflS
l*< : t.*r t ban If*i7.—Gw iuie-tl Jour
Buy a Gleiiuville Lot right now.
At the la*t regular eommunica
i tion of Aural Lodge No. 23U F. A
A. M.. held in Ml. Vernon, uffi
leers were elected for the vear. us
; lollows:
J. C. McAllister, W. M.
D. M. Currie, S. \Y.
Lew is Sumner. J . 'V.
Jonathan Sellars, Tie,-is.
Win. Bland, See.
W. J. Blnckston, Tyler,
i At the next communication, to
!bo held on the lSi 1 1 , the officers
!elect will he installed and in tin
evening an oyster supper w ill lie
|served. We are not. informed as
to the full pr 'grain, but will refer
to it next week. It- is to he hoped
that new life will be infused into
the Lodge during the year.
All patrons of the Public School
Department are expected, and j
must, pay their matriculation fee. j
I which is $2.50, for the spring
term. This payment w ill be evi- j
deuced by our admittance card,
which will he found at tho Mt.
Vernon Bank, Mt. Vernon, or J
A. Riddle’s store, Ailey. All
students not having an admit-!
tauce card, will not be entitled to
the Public School Department.
Fee. and Treas. Board of Trustees
U. B. I.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County:
Will bo Hold before tlie court bouse ilo >r in
Ml- Vernon on t'ro Hod Tuesday in lei ~
1908, between the legal liotira of Hide, to the
highest bidder for easti, certain |iioperty, ol
which the following iH a complete dexrrhitinn: J
One Mallary saw mill, cumpleo-.
Said machinery being levied on a
itl.e property of H. L. Sears, io -nil-- i
l'y an execution issued from the city I
court of Mt. Vernon against the said |
H. L. Sears, in favor Mnllury Broth- j
ers Machinery (Jo. Written notice <>t
levy given defendant, as required by
law. This, January 7ih, 1908.
A. J. Burch. Sheriff Mi. V.
E. i’. Mallarv. /
;M. B. Calhoun, j Attys. for Plill.
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Mrs. Ike Wohh of Abbveviilej
1 spent the past, week with the fam
; ii\ of her uncle. Mr. Tom Adams,
south of Mt. Vernon. She is now
visiting relatives in Vidalia.
Many tax pavers took advan
tage of the opportunity of meet-;
ing Tax Collector Wood here the
first.of the week. See hi-, notice j
for next appointment hero.
If you buy property in Glenn
ville, you are sure to get your
money buck. Such opportunity j
neuer offered before. Get the par- :
ticulars at The Monitor office at
J. B. O’Conner, Vidalia R F.
I)., is agent for Armour’s High- (
iGrade Fertilizers, und it will pay |
the farmers to sec him before they
place orders.
G«t ready for planting by pur
chiisiug your supply of fertilizer
from K. T. Mcßride & Co., Ailey.
They are selling Armour’s High-
Grade Fertilizers to the farmer- of
t his sect i ni.
Tax Receiver Outlaw of S ,p-r
--i ton wus in Mt. Vernon with
| friends Tuesday. Mr. Outlaw is
still in the race for re-election.
Many new subscribers are being
added to our lists. If von want
to stiiv on the honor roll, pay a
; little cash right now.
Little Jimmie McCullough con
j timies quite ill, having been con
fined for some time.
> i
j l!ov. G.A. Ihi vis of the Alt :i
--i matin charge will preach at the
Methodist i-huivh t It-s eveiling. IL
'came over from Meß.ie this al'L-r
--; noun, having attended the mis
jsmeary conference and district
steward.-' meet ing in thut citvthis
week, from Monday until vester
da v.
Mrs. Davis accompanied him,
| having come upas far as Ml. Y,t
--' nun lust Sniibatfl. Mi. Davis i-;i
I consecrated and a!»le young mill
J ister, a 1 rii-nd id our school days
'and wo are glad in greet him in
Mt. Verimn. Go out and hear him
Sheriff's Sale.
i Georgia -Muiitgiiim-iy Ceiiutv:
Will l.i S'-hi heftuv 111,cun t hetiH,- duur in
i Alt Vf-rneii on the lii> l u*- lay iu ! ’> t*.
1 ItOH, hciwccn llie I, gui liutii j. *>t’ Hull-, u, lln
liighcsi hilt,ld- |„i- ,-MHii. ca liiiu pi ,p,-t-ly , ~f
wliii-,1 the tiilhiniug in a , emiili-n, d, Hi-i i;di"in
All that or pan-el of Inn,l lying,
situate and being in the 16SGih Dls
trier <•. M. of said coimiy and hou in I
ed as follows: On (In- north by laud -
or Youngblood, east by hinds of \\ it
J dm- Phillips, sooth by lands of
| Phillips and Thompson, ei.ntuining
I one hundred and I'm i y-ihiei- and 9-
! 10t) acres more or le-s. and known a*
j a pari of I he Joe Phillips homestead
! Levied on as the properly ol \\ ildei
Phillips to satisfy a II fa issued from
the supoi lor eonrt of ■ aid Co. in favor
of Tlie Hank of N'idalia and again t
ihe -ai i Wilder Phillips and inkers.
Properly pointed out by plaimiii in
fi fa and w rilieu noilee of levy given
defi'iidani. This Ihe7ih da \ of Jan.,
19i)8. A. .1. Bail'll.
V\. L. Wilson, Sheriff M. C.
Att.orne,, for I'lainlill.
The children of the late Mr.
and Mrs. George Sears, deceased,
| lies r-* to return thunks to every
! friend, neighbor and kinsman who
so kindly came to our assistance
I during recent t rials, their many
j kind acts, expressions ol syinpa
! thy anil the mingling of tln-i ■ ;ears
; and prayers with ours, in the |e-
Iceiif sad death ol our dear father
| and mot her. M'e will 'M r renieni
het* you all. tioil bless, protect
and ro wa rd you all i n he,a yen.
Lumher Gil y. Jin. I!H' s .
j St rviccs wen- <-o:idtu-l»-< lon lasi
| Sunday at tiie Rr shvteria u eh u I'ch
hy Rev. 11. E. Stanley, who de*
1 1 v< re< 1 very able -rm ns. Ac n
i gregnt lonal m -'-ling is called lor
1 next Sunday tnonnng, and a lull
I attendance is r, (|ue.s|ed.
Do not pid off the piindui'so of
| fertilizers 100 bite, til) a lid see L.
IT. Mcßrioe A (!■>., Aii'-v, til one.
j They will make yon tlie le st prte< ->
! on high-class fertilizers.
I "
Mr. and Mrs. Md)" ,ald of L I
i arty county are new residents ol
Mt. Vernon. Mr. McDonald is ut
t ending t lie 1 . B. f.
Mrs. M. lb Calhoun has return-
Jed front a holiday visit to At It ns.
Mrs. James Daniel lelt I'iie-duy
.for a visit to Belleville, litter
I spending two weeks with her pu
i rents, Mr. atid Mrs. I>. W . F"l*
j so 111.
Many attended sale day her*-
Tuesday. lake your eoituly pa
per and k*;ep up with the public
sale of property.
Only three week- in whi'di lo
; purchase -ome ol Ihe Giennvili"
proper! v. Get part ieu iar- at 1
Monitor off] -i;. L is a safe in
vest men I.
Rev. W. C. Glenn attended tie
| missionary conference in Mcßae
t Itis week.
Mr. Chorion If. Smith of Mc-
Rae, |ep|. - Mtineth' \ t motif fer
tilize!'-, wa- a pl< Vi-.’or t .
Ml. \ crnoii J u -day.
Timid li-e-le-ioi -ate .put! tig in
tli'-ir hoofs —not l<i*<-;ittse ol uti
( Oertilill hltSllje-- prospect s,hut de
, cause of the perils of the leap year.
News Paragraphs From
The Week of Events . Years anil $570,000 Fine
for Greene and liaynor.
Macon, Jan. 7—Judge Speer "I
the Federal court this morning
amended the sentence of Greene
and Guvnor of the superior eonrt
of Georgia, to serve four yeti rs in
t he Federal prison in \t Lint a and
niso pay a fine of .*f)7(MKMi each.
It is expeeted that they will he
earned to t lie prison to begin their
sent elire 1 011 Igllt.
Itundrkk Allas I’opc Captured.
I rwinville, Jan. —John Bmi
drick. Ihe parly who sohl sixteen!
bales of cotton to Z. I*. l’owell it
Sons "1 Mystic "ti Dee. 1 I and
passing on t hat day as th S. Rope,
was captured on Jan. 2 hy Sheriff
Mclnnis of Irwin comity, with
$ |tV> of t he money paid him in set
tlement of above* named cotton,
and a Iso tii" cashier'd check given
him by the Bank of Invauvillu mi
Dee. 1 Ith for $201.07.
Importance of the Mineral Compound
to the H mon Body.
“Stilt n.-Miiitcs fin* most promi
nent plate in the list of our food
aete orie-,” writes Dr. Andrew
Wil.-on. “From the most iincioni
limes man Inis valued sail as ap
parent Iv a needful item in hi- die
let ir sllhr li'lli-es, till.l eycll lower all
duals exhibit an instim-t for tall
sinlt a represents tin inborn crav
ing ari-ing from a dietnte <>f nature
her elf. The hi ton <d all in rela
tion lo tin* body is itself interesting.
It seems I" lie a mineral compound
imivei ally distributed throughout
.hii- ti -lie-. If occurs universally in
! i,i I . 'ig utile-- -all lie pr -inlly
supplied. Kvon Ilie f re,-lies lof our
meal- eoutains salt as pari and
parcel of it- composition Ivptallv
iMibihh- is the fact I lull salt, is found
in the excretions of the body. It is
given <•(!' in very appreciable ipianli
tv in the 'per |riralion and in other
forms of waste resulting from our
bodily wear and lear. So iinporlsinl
a con-1 itill'llt of the blood is salt
that in cases of 10-- of blood the
ail" con injects into the circulation
a solution of salt and water and
I bn- contrives lo replenish in a cer
tain fa -hiotl I lie depleted supply.
“In oine yvay or ot her, a* yet im
perfectly understood, still appears
to he necessary for maintaining
w hat yve may call the chemical crpii
lln iitiit of I lie blood. 11 i- al-o iinl
el clear to ii- why salt should be
o freely excreted, fail oven flic
I cars contain it, and ‘the salt, salt
tear-’ i a phra-e for once at least
sht-wiiig harmony betwixt scion' c
and pe, v. Leaving the reason wliv
u-ido, it is clear that wo demand
al! not only for Ihe maintenance of
tic hodv's nmi,ml con-1 it uent s. but
likov/i-e for lie- perfect discharge
of lea 11 . of the fund ions.
“1 belie, e om- of the punishments
inflicted under the old law's of Hol
land and one regarded a- in severity
next l" that of death wa* the keep
mg of a pri oner for a certain length
of time on a diet from which all
a!; was excluded. The result was
( uii'-iation and death if the depri
vation was long per dsted in—a
barbarous punishment truly, hut
one yiieli reflected credit, in a
e|jse, on the physiological knowl
edge- of the framers of the Dutch
penal code.”—Gliieago Ncvvd.
Hope For Reftc*.
Unde Lr.i.-tu- had been polishing'
Jits to be| for half an hour. At
le -! In- ga*. <■ It a lifutl love pat and
turned to hi- grandson, ‘‘(,‘liil'*.”
he mid, “doe.-, you see dat bottle
about thirty yards over dere?”
“Shore I does," Rufus agreed.
The old man threw up the mus
ket and halum-ed it rather shakily.
“Whang!” it bellowed. “Now does
yn i .->■■ dat bottle?” the old man de
“Yi-r, I does, granddad.”
“1 powerful glad to hear dat,
Rufc,” the old man said calmly.
“F- been afeurd from de way you
sorted taler* lately dat your eve
sight wa- failing', hut hit ain't.
You'* gO"d so" -cveral yea lis vil,
R ife." 1 out!i * ( cmpanion.
Wanted —go idie and tyvo-liorse
farms list' d wit 1 1 us for sale.
Peterson & .McAllister, real eatttto,
| OF
It «
•j From sources very dose to Gov.
J Smith eotno statement.* tlint the
j governor has Hilly made up hi*
! mind In run tor the I'niU‘d States
' senate, mid .in official an
no 111 tec n ten t ot' tlmt t'.U't will In*
fort homing \\ ithin u very short
t i mo.
Tlii- Hud tlmt .Senator (’ln v has
1 never officially announced his own
. enndidnoy t« something tlmt has
|on list'll general comment unions
politicians over the state. By
ninny it is believed 'lint .Senator
Clay is simply awaiting n fornuil
(leu In rut ion ot' Gov. Smith’s in*
ti'iitions. I’olitieitins have con
, tended that Gov. Smith's closest
i friends ntxl adherents Imvo insist
lod ilntl lu* remain in tho govorn
'otsliip until reforms utnlor which
liu was elected bn accomplished.
Iladtlturst .Mau Embarrassol.
1 Ilnzlohurst, Jan 6 —Tint tuo'cmi*
tile business of W. R. Lord was
closed by creditors and a receiver
naked tor; liabilities uGout t|<r»,ooo;
assets a bunt .til,o< *t).
< h night— Mont ginnery County.
Notice Is hereby Riven to all crodl
fOl'H of the estate of (!. Coffin Into
of snlit county deceit cd foieadet In
jan account of their demand* »<> us
I within the time prescribed by law.
propeily niado out; and all persons
indebted to said deceased are re*
! ipiosicd iii make immediate payment
to the undersigned. This the tliti
lda\ of Jannary, 1008.
1 L. It. Mcl.eniore and \V. It. Slia'pe,
Exrs. of Will of C. (< ollln.
One Jersey Hull, 5 years n|d,
j and well grown, Trout register'd
stock. Apply to J. 15. Junks,
1 i) it Alley, tin.
Special Tax Notice.
This is to notify tux payers tlmt.
I will be in Ml. Vernon January
lSitli to Iffth, and also on January
•jOtli, which will be the tinal close
of tax books for the year 190 1.
Jminnry 17th and 18Mi 1 will bout
home. It. Nkwton Wood,
Tax Collector.
< hiatudi.
(ieoißia Montgomery <.‘oinity.
i Wlirren- . 1,. It McLemore and \V.
11. Sl hi i pe, «*.\ec a lot's of the last will
and testament oft < Coffin, repre
sent Oi t his court la their pie It lon du
ll tiled and entered on record, timt
t i1.,1' till ve fully discharged I lie flu l Ins
incumbent upon them O iring-nich
executorship, t Ills is t hetefore to ciie
all pariies concerned to show cause
within the time allowed by law why
sa id appiii at ion should not tie grant
ed on the lii-t Monday in February
'next. This January tjtli, lists.
A lex Me A l l bur, Old.
Sheriff Sale.
i rteorgia- Miinttcnii'ry (tniiuty:
Will Im’ ..lit In fen. I In. i-iMirl tee no loor in
1 lit, VITHUII ell lie* lll'Hl I’ll ■* In tit t ’(‘h ,
Iftw, l„ twuuli till- 1.-;;*l lean* "f »«l«, to Oil:
flip*, nt M(Vl«.*i fei cmt..m pi i.pi rtv, i.f
niilcli die” in it cuiiipl' O' wiiptioi,;
All ot Lot of Land No. .'lift situate,
I\inß and being in the llth land itH
t’riet of -aid county and state. Levied
on a* the property of II L. 'lay. t.o
*uti-fy it superior court ti fa in fa wo
ol the Farmers' Lank id fi lea wood
v- li. L. Hay. It. A. I'ence and N K.
Hatlow. Said properly being now in
the j »»s si—s mi of Joe ft rah ai n. \V i il
i ten notice of levy given defendant.ns
requircml by law. This, 7th day of
January, lWfcf. A. J . t.t'KC'ff,
Sh tiff M. C.
We desire to thank all thoM
who ho kindly assisted in the last
illness aud burial of Mr. A. J.
Pnulnot. late of Cnmrleii county,
and will t-ver feel gruteful to them
for their kindness and sympathy.
Mas. A. J. Poct.NoT it Family.
Aiiev, On.. Jan. ff, 190*.
Seed Oats.
1 tow have on hand a supply of
the fatuous Buffer Seed Oats for
-prinjr plant ill". See meat mice,
U. S. Williamson,
U.F.Ib 1. Mt. Vernon, Cm.
NO. 34