The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, January 16, 1908, Image 1
« BEST URVDfc'S OF \ COMMERCIAL ] stationery. •I you. xxii. THE MASONIC INSTALLATION. Saturday, lAt-h. is to In- a 4aln (lav among Masonic circles. 011 : * o j this date, the regular communica- 1 tion ol Aural Lodge No. 2559 will be lu*l<l in Mt. Vernon, and at nijfhr the officers for the now year will ho publicly installed. After the installation service,to/ which the public is cordially in vited, an oyster supper will lie en gaged, and a royal good time is in ll store for all who are present. Ma sonic brethren and sister lodges I are invited to attend this event. LEAVES MT. VERNON; LOCATES IN BRUNSWICK. ft will he a source of deep l'C- 1 grot to the people of Mt. Vernon and vicinity to b arn that Dr. It. j L. Fox lias decid' d t" leave this place and locate in Brunsvv iel; . Dr. Fox has been in Mt. Ver non for many years and has won the hearts of this people, lie is recognized as one of the ablest ' physicians m the state and is a gent leman of attainment and ctil* j, tore, and with bis good lady will’ Is- great Iv missed by our people. I On the soacoast l)r. Fox will be in ' Ins native element a ini still among ' warm friends and admirers, and we can bespeak for him only tliei success wll'ich comes to an ablet; physician and pleasant gent leman. Glen wood, No. 1. Sim OoiTcHpoijdcnco. **"l Mr. Dosia 11. Browning has re turned from Trenton F. L. A., where he has been spending the. holidays. The randy pulling at the home of J. I). Browning was a most de lightful alTairand all who attend ed had a nice t mie. A. C. Browning left this year 1 for Mel; |C. Miss Bul b Clark is visiting near Glen wood this Week. Mr. Lewis Turner has gone to Atlanta and other points. j, Howell Parker of Baxley is vis iting Mr. J. M. Browning thi wcek. The pound supper at the home I ot Mr. and Mrs. . C. Browning I Friday night was well attended by all. i \V. H. Clark is visiting in this section fora few days. Miss Cal lie Newton is a visitor in tins community. Mr. Tnlmage Clark is visiting! in Telfair. Miss Olivia Kinclair is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Clark. ) Mrs. Viola Clark left this morn-1 ing for Dublin and other points. \V. C. Brow ning visited in the neighbiu'hood -Sunday. Pre-ton Turner will leave soon j for Broxtoii. HOW PENSIONS WILL BE PAID. In view of th'vvhei ihat the new! act regulating the payment of pen sions to veterans of the Civil War and their widow-, goes into eilWi with the New Year Commissioner, of Pensions W. Lindsey has, mailed instructions to tie- Ordin ary Court judges, together with a • copy of the act. Hereafter pensioner- will get their money in four quarterly in-; st aliments, March i . June j, S.-pt. 1. and Dec. I<>. except in ('IIS' s ! where the pension paid is h --| than -foO, in which instance the whole sum is paid at the firsr quarter. j ffflnttignmgrg monitor IN BEHALF OF TEMPERANCE. i Mt. Vernon. Ailey and the I n-, ion Baptist Inst itute are sum to ho treated to an entertaining and instructive lecture on the great an all important subject of tent-:, pornnee. Miss Christine 1. Tinling, Na tional Organizer and Lecturer of the Woman's Christian Tempcr iiuce I'nion, will given series of lectures, beginning .lan. 2B<i and including the 21th. It is net yet decided where she will appear first, whether here, at the 1 . B. I. or Ailey, Imi it is Imped that large, audiences will greet her at each place during her stay in this sec i ion. Miss Tinling is an able and elo quent lady, and will present a cause in which all should be in- , terested, from tin* least tq the , greatest. Wit h a wave of prohi bition sweeping the country, it is very important to keep up tin work. (Jo out and hoar this lady, and you will be abundantly re paid in rich thought and inspira- i (ion for the light for sobriety and prosperity. No admission fee wi ! lie (din rged (so we underst a ml) and and everyone is cordially invited 1 to go out and attend all meetings. GLENNVILLE INVESTMENT CO. As w ill be seen form a page ad. in Tin* Monitor, t in- (J lennvilll- Investment Co. will put their pro perty up for d ivision J-’ebruary *><l.. when all share holders, those who have bought lots from the com- ' puny, wdJ get tln-ir property. Many hits have been sdd t Mont - gomcry county people, mid doubt less others will take advantage, nl the opportunity to secure vniliable property before the division. Tin* i plan of division will la-conducted • by the share holders, and will be fa i r aml just to all pa rs ies concern ed, each get t ing a perfect title to the property assigned to him by t be plan eliosi-n. Their proposition is a most re- ■ markable one, and lias many ad vantages for the purchaser. He cun lose nothing, as all of tin pro pert v in t hoi r plots is valuable, including a large number of im proved lots containing dwelling* nnd brick and stone bouses, all of which will go in at the uniform price of SIOO u lot. Tin- men com posing this company are among the best e.i* izens of Tat t nail coun ty, and the plan of selling the (ilent’ville property held by them is guaranteed to be perfect and fair to all. They want to build up the town, and in this they will succeed; for the place has already reaclu-d the i-state of a thriving and prosperous place, with a free public school system, two rail roads, variety works and is sur rounded by a very line farming sod ion. WiLhin fi\ ■ years (llenn ville will doubtless have a popiihi- I ion of six or eight I Inm-and. With only a few more day- re maining in which to take up this proposition, we advise those who ; contemplate buying to d . so at "lice. Full description of the plan and property can be had at this ollire. Money cannot be put in a bettor thing. The terms of tlns sale are most liberal, .lu-l think, ,(<2."> will entitle you to a part in the disision, and you can pay the rein a inder at sin a moiit It umill the .$ I (JO l- paid. End- r t his plan your pro-jh-d > an- bright for some of the most valuable property in South Georgia. Call ,ir thisotlice at once and get on t" tlie idea, t’ale (>f lots close., 1- -b --ruarv 1“ , and t li<j division com* off February Brd. Wanted —2b one and t wo- iorv farms listed with us for sale. I Peter.—»li *fc McAllister, r- al (*-, MT. YERNONVGEORGIA. Till RJSPAY, JAN. 16, iqoS. RETURNS TO TENNESSEE. l*rof. W.M Mel.aurine and fittu* ily have removed from their home in Alley l" his former home in l.ynnvilh-, Ti-niT. For several years Mr. MeLattrine has been a citizen of Aih-v and I>\ hi- gentlemanly manners'lias ingratiated himself wit b mir people. Before tbe est abl ishmeiitVof the Cnion Baptist Institute lie taught tile Ailey sehobl' a ml’’ during tin past term condnet,ed the depart ment of mat hemal ies in tin* I n- Cnion Baptist Instil tile and was beloved by the student hodv, lie has many friends I 'bii''tbis section and t lu i r ilepa nil iV *is regretted by all. Suct*i<*s and lies! wishes for t belli. WOODMEN’S RALLY, Tin Woodmen of Vi ley (‘a nip No. 21b will install their ollicors eleet ibis evening (Thursday) and a royal good time is in store lor thi —e w lei at I end . It will be a public allair, and ev-rvhndy is in vited to attend the- eeivillnliy. Addresses w 111 be delivered by a number of Ihe members. This is a growing and popular order. MARRIED ANOTHER COUPLE, Just ice* B. F. Hamilton of the Kihboe section was in Mt. Vermin Tuesday and tells us id' another marriage ceremony performed by hi lit. Mr. I’.nil D. Scott and Mi*s |)cs sie .smith drove up to. bis gate Sunday morn i ng last just before the hour of going to. preaching, and j ll - 1 alter th • ■ .1 inlge had don ned Ins biled shirt, and .requested the performance of a marriage ceremony. Ife proceeded In j.• c fortii the rite, and life yoiiiVg coii i pie proceeded on In preaching at Mt. i’isgali, arriving there in due t 1 1 im- to at lend as m i n and wife. Sj)( i <‘i;i! Tii.x Notice. This is to notify tax payers that I w ill be in Mt. Vernon January lift’ll to Billi, and also on January 201 It, which will be.the final close of tax honks for t lie year lOt >7. Jan u.ary 17th and 1S *ll I will beat home. L‘ . Nkwt'on Woo|>, Ta x < lolled of. ©©e:©©©© ©©© © © © e &.© ©©©®©©' ©© © © © © | LOCAL - PERSONAL % © : © ©©©©o©o ©©©©' © © ©©.o©©.©o© 0. Go© .0 Mr-. 15. M l , 'ii'S«; Inis r<*lnrued to her 1 1 <>■ 11< * iii Sasoiinali alter u v isll 1 1 1 1 1 < r | i,irentl)r. a iill M iv. ’ M . .Morrison. Mr. T K. I!<l*'*-r- i- now canvas sing I hi-, seel 101 l in I In- illterc.-t nl the 11 111 n• - Fort iI iz-■!' si ll <l Clicnii c.,i! of I>;i 11 i iiior* - . 11 1 - is i lii• company lie Ini* for s- v<*rn 1 < ;irs ri'i »r*• m • *l l l<‘<l, rind tor which i 111- Ims SnUl I 111 1 11 s; 1 1 1 <i S 111 tOJIM 'll 11 1 ull i-l?r;i < 1 1 * i*- ri iii J6** rs. See liim in-fore i>i:i<■ i ll orib'.r- lor fertil izers. / .Mir- T//lin« lyMure, •_ > :;d aiid iMili, Ailcj. Mr Vernon ninl iln I'. ]{. I. 11 111 l‘*i*t' 'I la lv ind Will yoll. Jf 1 1 you I• uv pi'i>|><-ri v iii <»!*• rlll - you ni'e -lire to •'H your j luoiK-v hack. Sueli oji|iorlunitv IIHVI'I' Illt'i'l'i'll Ill'll,re. (il l (111- pal'-. t it* ll at riu* M uiitor olliee at iiiii'i'. Mr. .1. \V. (‘a 11 Uiii n o| Louji- |>011o 1 1 i- m;tkIII'JT a -|| '• ia 1 sale of 11 |'e --ei 1 111 MlleT. See li i til lnT prim on 11 -»• 1 1* ill j' and *•**! 111 it|. Mr-. J 1, Adam- and Mia. I. K. Koe< iv have piircha-ed 1 lie j milliners linsiue-s of Mr*. .1. \\ . Morrison and will continue it at lin -ante place. ' AN EDUCATIONAL ADDRESS TO PUPILS. (In last Wednesday, Sib inst, i • . (’o|. L ('. I O<I'TWO, id ot Mt. \ ef i ! non addressed the pupils ~ |' Prid'. Hilton'.- school in the Morris set tlement. Mis theme was odttca ; ;ion. and Ins tflirt v -minutes talk 1 1 , was excellent from start to finish, ..and was appreciated by all who •I beard him. Mis good Indy was ■ with him, and her visit' was also ' appreciated by tin ir many friends * : ■ . ■ , tn t lus sect mn. i Mr. I mlcl'WOod IS a clever gr*n -1 • tbiinan and a lawyer o| recognized lability, and in Inis candidacy for | t lie solicilofsbip emit nines t<> win .j friends and stipp ndm-s. He is ' always a welcome visitor to our sect ton. 11, W. . j lx ild me. (i.l, . STORM DOES DAMAGE. i I luring a severe rain and w iud i | storm about live or six miles north ol (ilenwood hist Satiirduv morn j ing. Bethel ('liiirch was blown from its pillars and if the house had not been securely built it would very likelv have been blown t* to pieces, Tim new two-room Cross Bonds I sell.-ol building was also blown ■ down. Tins building was in pro cess of const ro<*t ion and (‘(nisider alde damage we- done to it. The framing and other material was considerably damaged. Nr other damage of anv consequence is re port ed, CONGREFATI9NAL MEETING. j The members of the Pres by | lerian cliiireli at this place having under advisement tie- calling of a pastor, a meet ing ol tin- member * 1 ship is (-ailed for next Sabbath morning immediately alter Sun day School. Dis urged I hat. t his ■ congregational meet ing have a full • attendance l-dr sonic mouths .jI he church has been without a pastor, and it is midersto >d that steps will at once be taken to se cure a minister lor this work. <«■ *t ready for planting !»v jmr clia-ing your supply of fertilizer ITnm F. T. M--Hride A- Cm.. Alley. They are -* lling Armour's Jligh (iradi I'• rl i 1 1/ -r- lo t lie la <d I 1: is Meet 1011. Only three week* in which t<» purchase •DIDO d|<* 11 lenii vi 110 pl DpcrlV. I let purl bulbil's 111 I lie Mdiiildl' ntliei;. |l is a Male in vest inent . .Mr, J. 1 4. M'liife and family of Alley have moved lo Mi. Vernon a.nd are oecupving the l'nwell place. For Sab—Huggy ami harness. Huggy used Imt lit t 10, and in good repair. II taken at onee. goes for one-third price,. Apply at M"ni- I ol' otliee. Miss Stella Morris returned this morning from a visit, with her grand-parent's, Judge and Mrs. T. .1. Will la ms. oi vil |e. Mr, Ja* MetJnlloneh is visiting relative- in Ml. Vernon, t nele .1 immer lias just red timed troin a \i-ii to relatives in WaycrosM and other points in Month (ieorgin. FOR SALE. One Jer--v Hull, o years old, and well -town, from registered stocjf. Apply to J . 11. JoNKS. I ‘.l It Alley, I la. News Paragraphs The Altit*t*r I •usd (Jailer Harrooia. While workmen were engaged t in tearing up i he Mooring in Smul ! I van's old sa loon in Atlanta next' to the police station, they discov ered a big alligator reposing on - the ground between two of the j * beams. The police station was quickly notified anil Call Ofl'cere I lent ley and Coker hurried to t lie | old saloon to capture the gator, j They made a loop in one end of a rope and lassoed him. lie was t a ken to the police station, then sent to C,rant’s Bark. 'l'D** alli gator is about four feet long and ' appears to Imve been under the sa loon many years. t I'rotiibiiiou l ikely for Mississippi. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. II Hurry Meyer*, a prominent Mi*© sissippi attorney, who bus been in , Birmingham, said:* '•There is no doubt'but Hint, the present legis- . 1a l urc of the si ai o of Mississippi! will pass tlm statutory prohibi tion law . I have fell the pulse ofj a majority ot tln-metnhers of hot b branches of t he body and feel con-! lidenl that n maiorilv in each fa vors stai utory prohibition. There 1 are very few count ies in the Hate ,of Mi.ssinKippi iii which liquor citn be dispensed ; tlie number will not i*xceed halt a d<iy.en. ’ Midvillc Hotel burus. i Midville, Jan. I**- —The* Sande ; fold hotel was burned today be tween lo ami 12 o’clock. The fire -aught from a defeel iv e chimney. Loss, $ I ."ithi, witih two-third* in surance. I TO LOCATE IN MT. VERNON. i i l»r. .1. 11 ilt on I )ees of l.nngpnnd has arranged to locate in Mt. \ er non pcrinaneut Iv and in a few 1 davm w ill he fixed in the office* forinerlv occupied by hi - . Pox, ill •jt he roar of the Mt. Vernon t'o.’s. place, opposite the court Jiniise, j hr. hoes is a young physician id' considerable ability, having had) j several years practice, and while lie has had it nice practice a I l.nngpnnd, his coining lo Mt. Ver non will enlarge his he ld ol work. lie is a clever young gentleman; and will lie welcomed to Mi. Ver non hy many friends, lie will j move n|> I his w eolt. DRINKING "WOOSTER" SAUCE. l J rohihii ion has no terrors tol lin' average. Statesboro dope. The taking away of the campaign jug has only nerved to cause them to, make other arrangements lo"tnnl. up.” For awhile the popular lajv-i i erago in Statesboro among Iho red ; nosed clement was easence of lent-, l on. The supply of this hemg ex h 111 sor t, the ever resourceful dope comes forward with “Wooster suttee as a dope —one that will make a uian feel rich and lemem-; he.r his poverty no more. The sale 'of ‘•Wooster’’ saiiee is becoming a urmiiiglv heavy in ••own and tin- 1 the supply like that of e»scnee 1 of lemon becomes exhausted soon, il look- like the unthorit is.s willj' have to lie called upon to regulate its sale. —Siateaboro News. For ( o. ( omiiiissioncr The undersigned is respectfully 1 announced as a candidate tor meinliers|il[> Oil the Hrjard ol ('olll missioners of Hoads and Hevenue of Montgomery County, subject lob the primary election to be hold on ; Fob. 2(Hh. : M. .1. IVtIsKK. i * Seed (hits. I now have on hand u supply ol tin- famou- .Hurler Seed Oat -for spring planting. See meat once. |>. S. Witt t A. vt sox j H F 0 4. Mt. Vernon, ha From Week of Events . I Seirues Charged With Murder. Two negroes are on trial in Car rollton. charged with the murder of Jet lit'o .lour 4 *, one r»f t)if» lend ing andsueconsful pinof Car roll county. Tin* killing occurred ahotit a month :u!", The detect ive* ehiitii they have suMieiont ev idence ro coin i< *i four other ne groes iin|>Lk*;it r-*(| in t hi: crime. Shat by Art Ideal. Savannah, .lan. 11 —(Jeneral Freight Agent W. K. <►!' the C. of tin. railway was primp* fa tally allot in Ihe head ley In* wife. The shoot ing wa* accidental. In taking a pistol which lit# wife handed him, the weapon di* • elmrged. Mr. K*ic* is in a criti cal condition. Author of “Marylaad, My Marvlaud" in Criliiall) 111. Augusta, < la.. .lan. In —Colonel .lames 11. Itandall, author of l.lie famous song, “Maryland, My .Mainland.'' is de*peralely ill al hi* home in this city. There is prohahlv no Southern writer hel ler known than Colonel Itandall and the new* of Ins illness will lie | received with genuine regret over the entire south. Later —Mr. Itandall I is paused aw a y Proiniueat Ijruryi. Min llyia( in Wi»hiu{liu. \\ ashing! on. I>. 1. ...1nn. I<> !.Stricken with paralysis in Ins room Col. Km met Womack was found unconscious, lie is from Coving ton and is one of the best known tJeorgiaiim in Washington. He ho ds the position ot pension ap t pea Is judge. MANY WOMEN AND CHILDREN KILLED. I’overtown, I’a., .lull. U! —J>s- tvoeii oil and »<• persons vv r re burned to death tonight in a tire which completely destroyed IShoiides < )pera House in tli s place. 'l’lie opera h mse was crowd ed with members o| St. Johns Im i lie ran S uiida y school who were at - tending a benefit given for that church. While the -how a- in progress a a tank exploded, causing a stam pede and there was a wild rush of the 7<h) person* to escape front tlm burning building. To add t.n :he terrible disaster the lire appara tus been me disabled and would not work and the structure was let I, to the mercy of the flame*. It is al most certain not a vestige ol the unfortunates who wore overcome by smoke and perished will ever lie found. I lad t lie w omen and thildren heeded lie - warning ol cooler heads in tin- audience the horrible In-* of life might have been avoided. THE FIRST CANOITATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Mr. il. .1. Purser of tlu* west side of the county is tlm tis-t and onlv eandidate to publicly an nounce fora place on lie* Hoard of <lotri HUM'- inner* of Hoads and l.eveimcs ol Montgomery comity, as will be seen from hi- regular eard in lhi* issue nt The Monitor. Mr I'urser oll'er- himself a- a bin -eel inn ol the count v, which i- consistent and lair, lie t- recognized a* a good and conservative man, and will doubtless receive a telling support. While this otliee pays bm lit t ie, it is one of the most important a-.a place ol trust and should In-til lied by none hut con servative and progressive men. Alien I the Masonic installation ud »ttp|*er at the hull Saturday night, OFFICIAL ORtiAN OF MONItIOMF.KV county. SI N PFR YEAR NO. 35