Newspaper Page Text
Montgornery I*\or\itor.
■ !
l.iitoi thv in Ml. ViniOn <-a. fc SefcnmM la-- MhII M«M*r.j^
H B FOLSOM, i Jimr sod Prop $* a Year, in Advance
r I o
»« « 1, n ;i«fim*nl« imiKl tilt . I I•• 1 .11 111 II ml* mire, »l I lie l*V«l lute, »n*l »• (lift l»»
iliifol-; ail.l ni'Kl !•«• in !•»> <1 i ■■( lat' i Ilian lVi iliu ».'»> nii.rnliiK "f On til"' w»*-W I ioaplliui, |
Mt. Vernon, Georgia, Thursday Morning, Jan. 16, 1908. | f
■ ■■ ‘
< . V
Lyons h'Muri'wA mini c«n
hardly In* blamed for-losing iitf«-r
--est 111 Ilf*' after he loses principal
111 II hllMl I'll lljt II k
A morion* Times "Kooordcr: —
Divorce paper-ought to go
every marriage sett lenient l>»*-
tween nil American Iniri-s mid a
titled foreigner. The one 1* 11*
n .(•asAury 11 t lie <d her.
Constitution: —The wild tnr
]»eys of Virginia fought shy ui lie
Teddy-beiir hunter, and even tie
Pine Knot 'l’oHStiin evjiiced no <|e
h re to sacrifice liims>df to a mug
n/.ine art ide I>v 11 president ial pen
Atlanta ♦ ieorgia'n : -"'I lie
chuckling noise you hear comes
from the <ieorgia druggists. re-'
marks the Milwaukee Sentinel,
which shown how well misiiiloi’ni
<ll Tim Sentinel is almut the pro
hibit ion law .
East man limes .lounml: —Wo
haven't any Konev Khiin/ey nor
mission furn it tire in our house, hut
we are aide to gel a lot ot com
fort out id the tael that we emi -it
iii any chair we want to-*-if the
baby hasn’t pre-empt ictl .1.
Wnycross IK raid : —\ New 'inrk
slate man who lias just buried Ins
thirteenth wile says that he hopes
to meet them all in heaven. In
that eose there is liable to he spine
confusion il the matter is viewed
from an earthly standpoint.
Wnycross Herald: —An Irish
saloon keeper in Atlanta poured
out his whiskey and beer and de
clared that henceforth lie would
he a prohibitionist and a temper
enuii man. The making of a pro
hibitions) out <d an Irishman w ill
be looked upon by some as a mir
Tom \\ a I son savs Uoosevolt is
the mustard and thinks we might
a> well force a third term on hint.
Second the motion. Il we’ve g"i
to have a northern man for presi
dent, we prefer |{oos"velt to any
other man, lie he li'MUoorul, Ke
pnhliean, Populist or mugw.—
N;ish\ ill*' Banner.
Fitzgerald Kntf>rprise :—T h e
day of the grafter and the cheap
peanut..politician is passing, and
t ieorgia cities will soon see to it
that instance* of t-lie kind referred
to will puss into history—he re
membered only as rTunehmceuees
of the sad times when rascals out
numbered honest men.
Vuldcstn Times: —As long as
Tom Watson remained m his li
brary and “wrote and wrote and
wrote.” everything was all right
wit It the country. When Boose,
velt and lloke Smith began to
fuse with him. the needle in the
‘industrial compass began top nut
to the diugnation how-wows.
» ■ A %
There seems to he three mooted
questions for the |mi per* of tin
state to discuss, t hie is. will
there lx* an extra session of th *
legislature? Another, wifi Gov
eruor Smith run for the senat' '’
And the other, will there hi a llut
rate of two and a half cents put
on soon in tieorgia? Wo conies
that we cannot answer cither qiu »•
t ion.—Dublin (.'hi riot-Dispatch-
Haw kitisville New * Dispatch :
J. \V. Knowles, a Delaware man.
is being held under a ♦ l.t'lM bond
because lie spaukcd h.s wit♦» tor
quarreling with her neighbors. In
the magistrate’s court. Mr*.
Knowles declared that he “spank
ed her hard —so hard.that she was
unable to sit down for some l imc.
Il he had -hipped her jaws it seeugy
to u> that he would have eonio
nearer striking the **al of the
“Insti ll In your wife,’’ says the °
governor ui North Karolina. Ev
idently. this m intended for the;,
. k
man who coolly turns over mid I
goes to sleep before tile lecture i*
half over. i rt
Make it a rule this year to pn-
t ionize (ieorgia mst it ut ions of ev
erv description. Millions of dol-
bars go out of the state every year I
to enrich people a wav t rnm home I
aml a great big slice * f this moie
i.y could be just us easily kept at J
home. Tins i- a mutter that the
people —lnaild give serious Thought j
to. This money should be spent i
at lioine whenever it is possible.
i i
Arthur < Hover,deter! ivc, ot Au- j ’■
gii»la, twice convicted of murder- j
ing Maude Dean also of t lint place • *
in a cotton mill, and refused a 1
new tninl by the supreme court, | I
has been re--?nleiieed to hang .lan.
21-t. Il is iiiider-tood iliac the ot- 1
toriii'V* will continue the tight tor'*'
his life. T
Turner Koimtv Banner:—-The
pi' speriiy ol a town is not gouged;*
by tic wealth of its inhabitants, '■
but bv the uniformity with which f
'tlu v pull together when any iin-i,
portant niidert’ilviiig is to be nc*
' j eoiiiplislied. A man with a thuu*-!
and dollars at his command and a
, j love n>i Ills tow n in his heart, can I
do more for t lie upbuilding of it r
than the millionaire who locks up •
his capital and snaps his linger ul >
home progress or buys up all I
available land and thou refuses to |
i sell. • J
| r
Post inaster (ieneral Meyer has >
issued an order whi<-h has a direct H
j bearing upon the prohibition
uiovemetit. The order Is as fill- .
Hows: j |
“It is hereby ordered that il 1
shall la* a eoud't ion ot any con- i.
tract hi'i'ca I ter entered into for ,
carrying the mails upon star,
sci'i • n wagon, mail messenger or ( .
special service route, i lint the con-
tractor or carrier shall not trails- t
poll intoxicating liquor from one c
point to another upon such route j
while in the pm foriinuice id mail (1
I service.” ,
The bid- for star route service t(
in what is known as the second
sect nm, eomprising North Karo
lina. South Karolina, Florida,
(ieorgia, klahnmu, Mississippi, |
Ten iiss, ea nil Kent ueky, will be ,
opened on Wednesday, January U*> [
and as a consequence In ginning on (l
July I. next, every coot motor in:,,
the states mentioned will be pro- H d from currying inloxn at-' i
mg ! iquors on his route.
Tin order will become cll'ective c
,it once, however,in many sections i
• t the country w here it h neees-;]
sai\ to install le w and supple-;,
n-ntnn service. Il is believe,! N
t hat I his order will have a far- j
reaching elfeet and will meet t!ic’ v
approval of a large number of pco-j'i
pie, judging by the enormous t
number of coupl lints tlint have
been sent to the department.
I ii
Two year* ago a Brookfield,
Mass., wifi se-mi-ial a tlivurce on
tlie ground that her husband wore
shirt- just as he did porous plus- \
lei's. iI would doll u new one. \
and k< ep it on until i* had to be ; \
peel'll oil. T. Court thought >
the complaint suilieient ground 1
for diveiee. Siliee th»'ll the litis- \
Kami has signed iui agreem«'iit to -
eh,"lligt shirts at least twice a week, l
and in the interim to take an oc- \
dtisnual bath. In view of this ■,
pHe w if. has agiv, d t.> take hitu i
• back t<> her heart and home, and .
tile dove ot pi UCC may OH***' Ulol'e I
Ipcicli above the mantel.
Di*l you inherit vour [mlitical
Any.vuv, the self.made man hao
inly himself to fihiine.
On tho level, isn’t a henpecked
nun a funny-looking sooatar?
If mi acrobat isn't light ou his
eet he is npf to light on his hand.
A man should try to do his best
July when lm is doing the right
One nf Hie things that nn tuan
knoweth is what u woman will (io
It takes n lot of practice to en
nblo u muii to Income a sciontiCe
k nocker.
A woman is furious with delight
when the right man steals a kiss
from her.
Don’t attempt to make your
murk in the world by making u
mark of your neighbor.
Why is it that the average mau
would rather lose than see some
other fellow win?
A iniui with a new automobile
is about as proud as a girl with
her tirot engagement ring.
Many u man has discovered
that the ladder of fame is very
much on the order of u greased
The small boy may love bis
neighbor tneti buttot thuu he loves
himself—if she gives him ft geu
i rous hunk of pie.
if a woman docs’t want, to be
popular with the other women in
her neighborhood, all she hu* to
do is to wear better clothes than
they can afford.—Chicago News.
Omaha, Nebraska, Jan. 13 —
That the separation of Kuth Bry
an Keiivitt from her husband is
Huai, is indicated in a letter
which she wrote to Miss Edith
Kncke, society reporter on a local
paper am! u former classmate of
Mrs. Leavitt. Since going to Eu
rope with her mother Mrs. Leavitt
has written to Miss Locke saving
she will not visit Mr. Leavitt,who
at present is in Paris, although
Mis. Hryaii and her daughter will
spend several day* in that city.
“I consider tie- separation be
tween my husband and mveiolt per
manent ,” she writes.
Behind all this is a story of su
premo effort put forth by the pa
rents to prevent the wedding of
their daughter to the young wid
ower of New York. When asked
today regarding a statement at
tributed to her t hut she hud re
ceived a letter from Mrs. Ruth
Brian, Mis* Edith Loe.ko, society
editor of an Omaha newspaper de
nied absolutely having received
any such letter from Mrs. Leavitt.
1.755.612 Bale* Behind IMA 7 crop.
The census bureau lias issued n in show ing the total amount
of cotton of 1007 growth in the
l nited States ginned up to Janu
ary Ist last was 9.05b.427 bales,a*
compared with 11.741,039 bales tor
the same period last year and
9.27b,420 bales two years ago.
In this bulletin round bales are
counted a- half bales. The uuiu
ber of round bales included is
179,391 for this year. 255,556 for
one year ago and 268,581 for two
years ago. iv u Island included
73,tJ2S for this year, 54,275 for one
year ago and 98,912 two years ago.
The total number of active gin
neries this v**ar was 27,276.
Dari, n Gazette: —Great crop* of
all kinds should and will ht* made
this year, and all agree that labor
will be plentiful.
Win n tired out, go home. When
you want cotisoiatiou, go homo.
When you w nit fun. go home.
When you want to show other*
you have reformed, go home and
let your family g"i acquainted
with the fact. When you want to
-how yourself at your best, go
hoiuc and do the act there. \\ heu
ion feel like being extra liberal,
go home and practice on your wife
and children tirst. When you
want to shine with extra brilli
ancy, go home aud light up the
whole household . —Ex.
Until January first, 190 b, vv
i will give Free with every order
! for Photographs Two Extra Pic*
. ture*. We also make Picture
, Frames to order,
Levebett’s Studio,
Vidaliu, Gu.
i Georgia—Montgomery County,
i Thu is to notify the pulilic that
11 am not in any way responsible
I for the payment of a note given
jby W, M. Trull to The Mount
j Vernon Bank for One Hundred
land Fifty Dollars, dated Nov. I-t.
~ lltuti, and unote payable Nov Ist,:
1907, and indorsed by A. B. Hut
chesou and B. E. Higgs, as said
, note is held by fraud and is now
, in the |Kis«ession of Hugh Mom
sou. This Dec. 17. 1907.
A. B. Hutcheson.
■ I hereby announce myself a
1 j candidate for the oflice of Sheriff
; | Montgomery County, subject to
the Democratic primary to )>.-
held in February, 1908. lam an
’ old citizen of the county, hnv< ;
1 had considerable experience in I h
duties of the oflice, and have never
[ 1 before asked fo r election at tli
bands of the people of the county
' If elect* d, I promise a faithfui
anil efficient discharge of tie
duties of the office. The support
i of the public generally is solicited
, j Nov. 19th, 1907.
J. J. Fountain,
4 GKOhGIA —Montgomery Conor s':
, Under and hy virtue ot a power of
sale contained in n mortgage main
J and executed b\ M. O.Beiuon to the
j Mount Vernon Bank, dated tin- Win:
day ot January, 1907. and recorded in
* the office ot the Clerk of the Stipe
or Court of Montgomery counts i
Kook ••Y," folio 170, the undersign--
will sell ai public outcry, at tin
i. court bouse tloor in said county, dur
ing the legal hours of sal*-, to ile
- highest bidder for cash, *>ii the fi
Tuesday In February, tons, the t< »l
* lowing property, to-wit : "One im
s urovi-d lot siuia'.ed ill the village of
Lotbair, (Georgia, and in rim 12215 t
r district, G. M.,said state and county,
i nud bounded as follows: On the north
. by public street and school Imuse
* lot* on the east by public street and
f improved lot of G. M. Harwich and
Joseph Miller - on iln-south by im
* proved lot of K. 1.. Montgomery ami
t lands of Lama F. Mill* r, and <>n the
west by lands of Brantley A. Vosc
’ ley, said tract containing live and a
i quarter acres, more or less."for
the purpose of paying two promisso
* ry notes fur rhe sum of Forty-Seve.i
1 Dollars ($47.0h) and Eight <Vnts.
ami Forty-Seven Dollar- ($17.07)
aud Seven Cents respectively.
- executed and delivered l>> tin
said M. O. Henson to the M t. Vernon
* Hank, on tin-16th day of January.
1007, ami each falling dm-on the 1-t
day of November, Il)u7, and *•<«c-1 1
* stipulating for interest from matin i
- ryot the rate of eight per cent pm
annum unit ten per cent attorney’s
1 fees, ftio total amount due on said
. two notes being Ninety-Four Dollar
, ($04.10) utid Fifteen Cents principal.
1 One Dollar and Eighty-Eight Cents
. (fl.bS) interest. Nine Dollars and
Sixty Cents ($0.60) attorney's few-.
* together with the cost of this pro
i reeding, as provided in said mm ;
gage. A deed to the purchaser will
•’ be made to tne undersigned.
. This, tiiehthdav of January liHis.
1 M. H Calhoun. Attorney.
This to notify all parties having
1 -demands against the estate of
1 j Willie Gillie, deceased, to present
' them, properly piadeout, to the
uuderaigued, or to D. D. Gill is at
1 Snportoo, Ga. This Jan. 1. 1908.
f Aila L. G ill is,
1 Only heir at law.
:; All kinds Repair Work. Iron
* J «ud Wood. Fine line of Bicycle
I Material on hand. High-Grad**
, Repair Work on Bicycles, Sew in ,
: Machines, Guns, Revulv rs ami
’ i Clocks. See me before pluciim
your work; I will save you money.
I Work promptly and neatly done
* Aii.ey, Ga.
! Hamilton Burcii,
J Attorney and Coun
.l selor at Law,
.j rtcRAE, GA
* l ('limiaal Law »r,J Cutko'Hili*, lr,-tn l : iig It.,
j nsu) Tort C*»*«s*. a Sp, cisltv.
!• V- V, * *- * *
' • Fiactitiotier in all Coui t-. State •
' •and Federal. j.
4 . Heal Estate Agenr, Farm
Laud* a Specialty. . . .
i •>
I W- ,rFr_sil.
[[[JPPEWPreSAaeSaB— —————— ——— 7.
Capital and Surplus 827,500.00. j]
«Wo receive money on deposit, subject to chock. You
■ •iin'f do much business without aid of this department.
• r \Y- j>n v interest at 4 per cent, on certificates of Depos
its £»>r from three to twelve months.
* Wo pav interest at ;"> per cent, on certificates of Deposits
for twelve months or longer. ||
\V<> pay interest at 4 per cent. ij
Compounded quarterly in our 4
Saving Department.
«Wi lend money on approved security. Your banking
business of whatever nature is solicited. Call or write us. W
j. II McABTH Fit. Pres. W. A. PETERSON, Cashier,
a local*—*, r i in it, w. f. .Mcai.listeu, h
ViuK-PitKsicEXT. Assistant Cashier.
St^3tt^«S*A*R'*^*S*?*<S*3t®t^iS;7«r.*3ts^«St;?t3K3i*iSSt ! RJtßt®tSßWt*;7'tS*^js*3Jyß;V<3t*y,f.4stii®*S6K;.*. , Sr. .
y? * . ||
is At Seven Per Cent Interest
*•4 GJ
On Improved Farms in Montgomery and adjoining ;.j
■;.* counties in amounts of SI,OOO and over, and at 8 per
cent, on loans of loss than SI,OOO. NO COMMJSSLOX
?.j or brokerage charged. Expenses of borrower tor ab
?! st.ract and drawn,g papers arc small. NO DELAY.
:•! Loans prompt ly secured.
f" Geo. !L Harris, Attorney, Mcßae, Ga. |
Vi f 3
£ Mt. Vernon, Ga.
> . \
* We oiler for Immediate Sale and Deliv- 4
. r ,
erv the Following Real Estate: i
i ... 4
? Two Dwellings and Six Lots in Ailt-y, Ga. Come see this and
S 1 muKe us a bid on it 4
Farm. 229 acre- in tract, H to 4 miles of Mt. Vernon.
Farm. 90 to 100 acres in t ract, 1 mile of Soperton.
Farm, (592 acre- in tract, 6 miles of Mt. Vernon. ijj
Farm, 200 acr- s in tract, 12 miles of Mt. Vernon.
F Farm, StH> acres in tract, near Cedar Crossing. <|
, f One lot of land near Erick, Ga. 4
1 f Farm, whole lot, near Alamo, Ga.
77) to lot) acres of land 2 1-2 miles of Mt. Vernon.
l oil acres of laud, some improvements, 2 miles of boiigpond. ijj
Farm, 122 acres in tract, ?> to l miles of Mt. Vernon.
F Farm, 029.7 acr - in tract, in the Fork, near Lumber City, c
Farm. ihT acres in tract, 2] miles of Mt. Vernon. a
Farm, 10l acres in tract, 7 miles of Vidalia.
. Farm, ISO acres in tract, 2 miles of Mt. Vernon. ijj
l 4
L • ffi
l some real sacrifices. See us at Mt. 4
> Vernon Bank for prices and terms.
* F jj
\ peterson & McAllister. <
f ll»-.\WX\VV>V -. VVS* •.\V. i Vtl imviwwnS
Jj joint H. Huuto. Will. I\. Poare*-, Frank C. Battuy. S
i| Cotton Factors Naval Stores \
. EXPt.RIEXCEI) p s , fa ” l
I Upland Cotton, Florodora
Allen Filk Other Extra Staples \
Sea Island Cotton & Xaval Stores t
i; Oncv..- I. !■-<-; F;u-p.rage Concerns in the 8. nth. Each {
;I Commodify handled in a Separate Department
!| StricL -t Attention to Each.
ij Sell Upland and Sea-Island Bagging ;
ii lies and Twine
■ $
■ 1 •• lejon Oonaignments. Money Donned |
. L -■ L if -Nasal St*»ies Snipper- on Approved .'Secuiitv.
|| 12*i P> y Strict, East. SAVANNAH, GA. s